• Impostor Syndrome - How to deal with feelings of inadequacy
    Sep 28 2021
    Many new runners and people who are just getting started on their fitness journey often struggle with feelings of inadequacy and thoughts of "I dont belong here". Too many people fall victim to false beliefs about what a runner "should" look like. They are filled with feelings of fear, shame and inadequacy because they dont "look" like a runner or they lack experience. It is this fear that paralyzes people into inaction. These feelings of fear, anxiety, and comparison can keep you trapped on the hamster wheel of staying inactive and sedentary. The truth is many people "look the part", but they're actually feel the same way you do. They're scared, fearful and feel like they dont belong. Today, Scott and I discuss how to re-direct those thoughts and fears, and why you should never judge a book by it's cover. If you suffer from feelings of inadequacy or feeling like you dont belong. This is an episode for you.
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    58 mins
  • It's Never Too Late...
    Sep 14 2021
    So many people want to start running and start taking control of their health & fitness, but they never do because they think that they are too old, too overweight, too out of shape, too this, too that, etc..... The truth is, its never too late to invest in your health & fitness. Most of the time, people say that it's "too late", but it's really just a front to hide behind the real reason for not starting. Today Scott and I discuss how you can get started today, no matter your age, weight, or current level of fitness. If you're struggling to start, thinking it's too late, then this episode is for you. Let's do this!!
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    52 mins
  • Dealing with Shame, Guilt & Frustration
    Sep 1 2021
    So many people struggle with the weight of guilt, shame and frustration as they try to navigate the waters of making real change to their health & fitness. Loss of self confidence and self esteem can crush dreams of achieving real change. For many, it feels like one step forward and 10 steps back, and the life you want seems that much further away. The good news is, you're not alone, and you dont have to do this alone. The better news is, YOU get to write the story. YOU get to effect the change and YOU get to control your destiny. Today, Scott and I discuss how to work through the shame & guilt, and how to find hope in the midst of frustration.
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    54 mins
  • No pain. No gain. Wait. What???
    Aug 9 2021
    So many people, runners and coaches alike, have bought into the idea of "no pain, no gain". But is that really true? People often take this mantra a little too seriously and often take it to extremes that are not only detrimental to training, but can be down right dangerous. Today Scott and I discuss the truth surrounding the whole concept of no pain, no gain, the impact that it often has on new runners and it's rightful place in training. If the idea of pain, extreme discomfort, etc have prevented you from running or getting into shape, this epsiode is for you. Hopefully, by shedding some light on the subject and giving you some truth about no pain/no gain, you'll gain a fresh perspective and know that running does not have to be painful. Check it out!!!
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    59 mins
  • Dealing with adversity, setbacks and disappointment
    Jul 27 2021
    WE'RE BACK!! After an extended break, Scott and I are back and ready to go! In our first episode back, we talk about our break and what forced us to put things aside for a bit. My good friend and co-host, Scott, was involved in a bike crash and suffered some pretty significant injuries, which completely de-railed his training and race schedule. In today's episode, we have a candid discussion about Scott's accident and how he has been dealing with it not only physically, but mentally and emotionally. We talk about the range of emotions that we go through when life throws us a curve ball and things dont exactly go according to plan. Laughter, tears, anger, fear, frustration, etc have all been a part of Scott's journey, and he talks openly and honestly about it. It's important for athletes of all levels to know how to handle adversity when it comes our way, and to look for the positives and the silver lining when negative things happen. Check it out! This is a great episode.
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    1 hr and 1 min
  • How To Know You're Actually Making Progress
    Mar 28 2021
    There are many ways to guage success. As a new runner, you want to know that you are improving. You want to know that you are getting better as a runner and that you are getting stronger and fitter. With each passing week, we all want to know that we are one step closer to our goal. But what does progress actually look like? How do we know that we're improving and making progress? For 99% of new runners, they look at one of two things - time and distance. For new runners, success means I'm running farther than last week, OR Im running faster than last week. Are those things indicators that we're getting fitter? You bet. But what if we're not seeing improvements in either of those areas? Well, all is not lost. What most new runners dont realize is that there are numerous ways to guage success and progress other than running longer or faster. Today, Scott and I discuss different things you can look for to know that you're actually getting better as a runner. So, if you're frustrated because you're not seeing the results you think you should be seeing, then this episode is for you. Hopefully you will find some encouragement and motivation in this episode, and perhaps it will give you a new perspective on progress. Let's do this.......
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    58 mins
  • Managing Your Expectations as a New Runner
    Mar 25 2021
    In the instant gratification society that we live in, we expect results, and we expect them NOW. In a world here instant results are right at our fingertips, we have lost sight of what it means to be patient. Order something on Amazon and it's delivered that afternoon. Order up Uber Eats, and food is delivered in less than an hour. Start your running journey today and be running 3 miles by the weekend?? Ummmmm......no. Running and fitness do not work that way. Building fitness takes time and it takes patience. Building fitness and becoming a better runner is a process, and you have to trust it. Its about starting short, starting slow and building from there. So the question becomes, are you looking for a quick fix or real change? If real change is what you're after, then listen to this episode. Today, Scott and I discuss how to manage your expectations as you get started on your running journey. Learning to manage your expectations minimizes frustration, makes the journey more enjoyable and the payoff sweeter. If you're just getting started as a runner, today's episode is for you. Let's do this......
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    59 mins
  • How to get started with running.
    Mar 8 2021
    A lot of people who want to start running are often very hesitant or dont ever start at all. Why is getting started with running so hard? For one, people often believe all kinds of things about running that simply arent true. There are all kinds of common misconceptions and false beliefs that people have when it comes to running. A lot of people also dont have a firm grasp on WHY they want to start running in the first place. They think in broad, general terms such as "I want to lose weight", or "I'd like to run a 5k". But what they dont think about is what brought them to this place to begin with. There are many reasons why people never start running, or are afraid to start. The key? JUST START. Everyone has to start somewhere, and it all starts with that first step. Today, Scott and I talk about why people dont start and what you can to set your fear aside and start running today. The only thing you'll regret, is not starting sooner.
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    1 hr and 1 min