• E2: Fuel Your Freedom - Jon Christian & Jeff Gum
    May 30 2024

    In this episode, Jon Christian chats with Jeff Gum about his incredible journey. Jeff shares his story of becoming a Navy SEAL, detailing the rigorous training and determination it took to achieve his goal. After his military career, Jeff transitioned into entrepreneurship and founded Sunga Life, a company known for its stylish and functional swimwear.

    The conversation then shifts to an exciting new venture: the Fuel Your Life Experience in Costa Rica. This adventure challenge is a collaboration between Zerkers and Sunga Life. It's designed to help people unleash their full potential through unique and thrilling activities in a stunning tropical setting.

    Throughout the episode, Jeff and Jon highlight the importance of pushing boundaries and embracing new challenges to grow and discover one's true capabilities. It's an inspiring episode that blends tales of bravery, business acumen, and the spirit of adventure.

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    20 mins
  • E1: Do You Love What You Do?
    Apr 24 2024

    Welcome to he "Underground Warrior" podcast. I’m your host, Jon Christian Jervert, a lifelong adventurer and a human performance coach devoted to unlocking the true potential within each of us. This podcast is born from a simple yet profound realization: across the world and in the quiet corners of daily life, there are heroes among us. These aren’t just the legends you read about; they are everyday individuals who have faced the their fear and emerged victorious. They are dreamers, seekers, wanderers, and yes, warriors—people just like you and me, but with extraordinary stories of overcoming insurmountable odds.

    My journey has taken me from surfing dangerous waves around the world’s as a life long surfer and adventure seeker to the boardrooms of Fortune 500 companies, coaching CEOs, athletes and Navy Seals. Now, I aim to bring these stories to you—stories of the "Underground Warriors" who redefine the limits of possible. Each episode will delve into the raw and transformative journeys that lead to greatness. We’ll uncover the grit and resilience it takes to conquer fear and passionately pursue a life worth living.

    Join me as we explore the limits of human potential, drawing lessons and inspiration to apply to our own lives. Whether you're seeking a spark of motivation or a complete transformation of your life's direction, this podcast is your gateway to a world less ordinary. Welcome to "Underground Warriors"—where you learn to conquer your fears, face challenges head-on, and transform your life. Let’s embark on this journey together.

    Subscribe to "The Underground Warrior Podcast" and embark on a journey where challenges are not setbacks but stepping stones to becoming the hero of your own story. Let's ignite the warrior spirit within and transform life's greatest challenges into our most profound victories.

    Life is an adventure designed to unleash our greatest potential. We must rise to the challenge, take leaps of faith into the unknown, and gain the courage to relentlessly pursue our dreams. - Jon Christian

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    13 mins