• Ep 53 // Self Care and Rest Habits to Start Now to Experience More Balance
    Jun 11 2024

    Welcome to Episode 53 of our podcast! Today, we're diving into the topic of self-care through a biblical lens. We'll explore how prioritizing our well-being aligns with God's Word and why it's essential for every Christian, especially busy moms.

    Taking care of ourselves can be challenging amidst our roles as moms and caregivers. Often, we neglect our own needs while caring for others.

    Self-care, often seen as optional, is actually biblically commanded and encouraged (1 Corinthians 6:19-20, Mark 12:31).

    Join us for a casual chat as we discuss practical ways to integrate biblical self-care into our lives.

    Biblical self-care involves nurturing our physical, emotional, and spiritual selves according to biblical principles.

    It's not selfish but an act of stewardship over our bodies, which are temples of the Holy Spirit.

    Key Points on Self-Care

    • Spiritual Health: Prioritize prayer, Scripture reading, and fellowship with believers to rejuvenate your spirit (Matthew 11:28-30).
    • Physical Health: Honor God with your body through nutritious eating, regular exercise, and sufficient rest (1 Corinthians 6:20, Luke 5:16).
    • Emotional Well-being: Seek comfort and resilience through God's Word (Psalm 34:18, Philippians 4:7) and activities like worship, journaling, and gratitude.

    Aligning our lives with God's purposes leads to true fulfillment and rest.

    By practicing biblical self-care, we honor God's design and experience His peace and joy (Philippians 4:7).

    Start today with one small step towards prioritizing your well-being, and watch how God transforms your life.

    Join us as we continue exploring ways to live out our faith practically. Don't forget to subscribe and share this episode with others seeking to integrate biblical principles into their daily lives. Until next time, take care and God bless!

    Want to chat with Lindsay?

    Set up a free connection call by clicking the link.


    Connect with Lindsay: - Free FB Community: Faith Led Working Moms Community - Instagram: FaithLedWorkingMoms - LinkedIn: Lindsay Walker - Email: lindsaywalkerllc@gmail.com

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    13 mins
  • Ep 52 // Overcoming Negative Thoughts: Embracing God's Truth to Transform Your Mindset
    Jun 4 2024

    In this episode, we are talking about the power of words and thoughts, especially as Christian working moms. We explore how the Bible teaches us the importance of speaking truth and how doing so can transform our mindset and combat negative thoughts.

    Key Topics Covered:

    1. The Power of Words:

      • Understanding Proverbs 18:21: "The tongue has the power of life and death."
      • How our words shape our reality and influence our faith journey.
    2. Recognizing the Enemy's Lies:

      • Identifying moments of vulnerability where the enemy attacks.
      • The importance of distinguishing between God's truth and the enemy's lies.
    3. Biblical Truths to Remember:

      • Jeremiah 31:3 – You are loved.
      • Philippians 4:13 – You are strong.
      • 1 Peter 2:9 – You are chosen.
    4. Practical Ways to Speak God's Truth Daily:

      • Daily Biblical Affirmations: Starting your day with scriptural affirmations.
      • Scripture Memorization: Memorizing verses that speak to your heart.
      • Prayer Journals: Keeping a record of prayers and God's answers.
      • Positive Declarations: Countering negative thoughts with positive, faith-filled declarations

    Encouragement for the Week: Take action in speaking God's truth over your life and feel His presence in your daily steps. Remember, you are not alone in your journey; God is with you every step of the way.

    Stay connected and empowered as we continue to explore how embracing God’s truth can transform our lives.

    Want to chat with Lindsay?

    Set up a free connection call by clicking the link.


    Connect with Lindsay: - Free FB Community: Faith Led Working Moms Community - Instagram: FaithLedWorkingMoms - LinkedIn: Lindsay Walker - Email: lindsaywalkerllc@gmail.com

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    14 mins
  • Ep 51 // Balancing Faith, Work, and Family Effectively as Christian Working Moms
    May 29 2024
    Today we are diving into the unique journey of Christian working moms and how to navigate the challenging yet rewarding balance between faith, work, and family. We explore our God-given purpose, provide practical tips for prioritizing what truly matters, and offer encouragement to keep striving for harmony in all aspects of life. Key Points Discussed: Understanding Our Purpose: Our primary purpose is to glorify God in everything we do. Embracing our roles as witnesses of Christ’s love in our workplaces and homes. Embracing Dual Roles with Grace: Seeking God’s guidance daily through prayer and scripture. Setting realistic expectations and allowing yourself grace. Integrating faith into daily routines with your children. Effective Prioritization: Creating a family mission statement to define core values and goals. Using a planner to organize tasks and schedule dedicated time for faith and family. Practicing Sabbath rest for physical, emotional, and spiritual rejuvenation. Delegating responsibilities within the family to foster teamwork. Encouragement and Support: Surrounding yourself with a supportive community of fellow Christian moms. Trusting in God’s strength and grace to guide you through each day. Have thoughts or questions about today’s episode? Share them with us! Connect with our community or reach out to Lindsay with the links below! Remember, you are doing incredible work, and God is with you every step of the way. Stay encouraged, stay strong, and keep balancing faith, work, and family with grace.

    Set up a free connection call by clicking the link.


    Connect with Lindsay: - Free FB Community: Faith Led Working Moms Community - Instagram: FaithLedWorkingMoms - LinkedIn: Lindsay Walker - Email: lindsaywalkerllc@gmail.com

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    10 mins
  • Ep 50 // The One Thing You Can Do to Find More Peace and Mindfulness as a Christian Working Mom Through Slow Living
    May 23 2024

    In today's fast-paced world, it can be challenging to find peace and mindfulness amid the rush of daily life.

    Join us in this episode as we explore the guaranteed way to bring more tranquility, intention, and presence into our lives through the practice of slow living. Designed especially for Christian working moms, we'll discuss how to slow down, be more present with your family, and still excel in your career.

    Discover the profound benefits of embracing a slower pace, from deepening your faith and reducing stress to enhancing productivity and spending quality time with loved ones.

    Plus, learn one practical tip you can start doing today to incorporate this lifestyle into your routine. Tune in for an inspiring conversation and practical steps to start your journey towards a more balanced and fulfilling life.

    Want to chat with Lindsay?

    Set up a free connection call by clicking the link.


    Connect with Lindsay: - Free FB Community: Faith Led Working Moms Community - Instagram: FaithLedWorkingMoms - LinkedIn: Lindsay Walker - Email: lindsaywalkerllc@gmail.com

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    11 mins
  • Ep 49 // Overcoming Anxiety with Faith: Tips for Busy Moms
    May 21 2024

    God is with us in every moment, offering His peace and strength. Yet, when we face difficult times or feel out of control, it's hard to rest in the knowledge of His presence and sovereignty. Regardless of who we are or the season we're in, we all need more peace in our lives. Functioning from a place of anxiousness is draining, and it's crucial to recognize the impact of our thoughts on our reality and emotional well-being.

    In today's episode, we explore practical, faith-based strategies to calm our anxious minds. We'll discuss the importance of scripture meditation, creating a peaceful environment, and connecting with a supportive community. By intentionally redirecting our thoughts and actions, we can align our mindset with God's promises and find the peace He offers.

    Join me as we dive into these actionable tips and embrace a more serene, faith-filled life. Let's take a few moments for ourselves and discover how to bring calm to our busy, anxious minds.

    Want to chat with Lindsay?

    Set up a free connection call by clicking the link.


    Connect with Lindsay: - Free FB Community: Faith Led Working Moms Community - Instagram: FaithLedWorkingMoms - LinkedIn: Lindsay Walker - Email: lindsaywalkerllc@gmail.com

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    13 mins
  • Ep 48 // Effective Stress Relief Tips for Overwhelmed Working Moms: 8 Practical Strategies to Find Peace NOW!
    May 16 2024
    Do you ever struggle with feelings and emotions of stress? Do you find yourself overwhelmed at times, questioning how you got to this place of over-commitment and stress? In this episode, we explore the common challenges faced by Christian working moms who often find themselves balancing numerous responsibilities while striving to maintain their faith and family priorities. At times, we all experience intense seasons of stress throughout our journey on this earth. However, it's important to recognize that relief and peace are within reach, even in the midst of chaos. Join us as we discuss practical, easy ways to find relief and reclaim a sense of balance when life feels overwhelming. Implement these practical tips and strategies in your daily life where you can! Remember, relief and peace are within reach, even in the midst of stress and overwhelm. I pray you find strength in God's promises, peace in His presence, and joy in the journey ahead. If you found this episode helpful, please consider sharing it with a friend or leaving us a review. Remember, you are not alone on this journey, and God is with you every step of the way.

    Want to chat with Lindsay?

    Set up a free connection call by clicking the link.


    Connect with Lindsay: - Free FB Community: Faith Led Working Moms Community - Instagram: FaithLedWorkingMoms - LinkedIn: Lindsay Walker - Email: lindsaywalkerllc@gmail.com

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    14 mins
  • Ep 47 // Overwhelmed With Life and Longing for Simplicity? 2 Questions You Can Ask Yourself to Simplify Your World if You Are an Overwhelmed Working Mom
    May 14 2024

    As followers of Christ, we're called to live lives of intentionality and purpose, not frantic, not stressed or overwhelmed with being too busy. If you're a mom who's feeling overwhelmed by the demands of life, this episode is for you. Today, we're going to discuss two crucial questions you can ask yourself when you're feeling overwhelmed to ensure that you're staying faithful to what God wants you to do. If you're a working parent seeking balance and peace amidst the chaos, listen in!

    Join us as we navigate the complexities of modern working motherhood, finding peace and strength in our faith and intentionality. Whether you're juggling career, family, or personal pursuits, these two questions serve as guiding beacons, illuminating the path to peace and fulfillment.

    Tune in to Episode 47 and join us on a journey towards simplicity and purpose in the midst of life's whirlwind. Remember, you're not alone, and there's always a way to find balance and purpose in every season of life.

    Want to chat with Lindsay?

    Set up a free connection call by clicking the link.


    Connect with Lindsay: - Free FB Community: Faith Led Working Moms Community - Instagram: FaithLedWorkingMoms - LinkedIn: Lindsay Walker - Email: lindsaywalkerllc@gmail.com

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    10 mins
  • Ep 46 // 5 Anchored Habits For More Peace
    May 9 2024

    Welcome to episode 46 of the Faith Led Working Moms Podcast, where we explore faith, family, and finding peace in the middle of the busyness of life. Join us as we go deep into five essential habits for cultivating peace in your daily life as a Christian working mom.

    Key Points:

    1. Pray Every Day: Discover the transformative power of prayer as a means of connecting with God and finding peace amidst life's challenges. Learn practical tips for making prayer a consistent part of your daily routine.

    2. Trust in God's Provision: Explore the biblical principle of trusting in God's provision and learn how to apply it to your life through scripture reading and reflection. Discover the peace that comes from knowing God is faithful to meet your needs.

    3. Drop Perfectionism: Release the burden of perfectionism and embrace the freedom of being imperfect. Learn how to recognize and let go of unrealistic expectations, allowing yourself grace in the process.

    4. Slow Down: Embrace the art of slowing down in a fast-paced world and discover the peace that comes from creating margin in your schedule. Explore practical strategies for simplifying your life and setting boundaries to prioritize rest and reflection.

    5. Be Present with an Eternal Perspective: Cultivate the habit of being present in the moment and discover the joy of experiencing life fully. Learn how to engage your senses, limit distractions, and practice gratitude to anchor yourself in the present moment.

    As we conclude, remember that true peace comes from knowing and trusting in God. Anchor your soul in Him, finding strength, hope, and peace in His unfailing love. Join our Facebook community (link below!) for additional support and encouragement, and remember that you are not alone on this journey.

    Until next time, may the peace of God fill your hearts and homes, now and forevermore.

    Want to chat with Lindsay?

    Set up a free connection call by clicking the link.


    Connect with Lindsay: - Free FB Community: Faith Led Working Moms Community - Instagram: FaithLedWorkingMoms - LinkedIn: Lindsay Walker - Email: lindsaywalkerllc@gmail.com

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    15 mins