• Health Coaching Strategies: The Key to Maximize Your Clients' Results
    Mar 8 2024

    Ever caught yourself in the loop of wanting to build your coaching business but hesitating to get clients? The fear of not being able to help them lurks in the background, creating an exhausting cycle.

    It's a subtle dance between consciously desiring clients and subconsciously fearing the challenges that may arise. The result? Stagnation—spinning your wheels but going nowhere fast.

    You yearn for clients, yet there's a hidden hope you don't get them to avoid sounding inexperienced or risking client dissatisfaction.

    This pattern often leads to a form of stealthy hiding. You convince yourself you're taking action, yet it doesn't propel you forward in building your community.

    You might find yourself stuck in perpetual website redesigns, endless niche reconsiderations, continuous courses, and extensive content creation—all under the guise of progress.

    Starting out in coaching can feel like navigating uncharted territory, leading to self-doubt.

    However, the key lies in truly wanting clients because you believe in your ability to help them.

    In this week's video, I unveil the top 5 keys to becoming a confident and impactful coach, breaking free from the fear that holds you back.

    Let's dive in and transform your coaching journey!

    Watch my free training that shows you the 6 steps to attract consistent clients in your coaching business (in a way that feels authentic and aligned): https://kristinhartjes.com/consistentclients

    Come connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kristinhartjes/

    If you're interested in working together, you can set up a call to speak with me here: https://kristinhartjes.com/apply

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    13 mins
  • Launching Your Health Coaching Business - Deciding the Right Time to Quit Your Job
    Mar 1 2024

    Months ago I made a video sharing the health ramifications of working a job that was slowly draining the life out of me.

    Many of you resonated, wondering: when's the perfect time to say goodbye to your job when diving into a health coaching business?

    People often find themselves in two camps:
    Eager to quit ASAP, thrilled by the prospect.
    Terrified of quitting, paralyzed by fear.

    For those in between, it's a delicate dance.

    This topic triggers many because we must dive into conversations about money and current financial situations. Everyone’s favorite, right? ;)

    But ignoring these aspects makes it impossible to make a wise decision.

    This week, I unravel the complexities and dive into the nitty-gritty details you must grasp to determine YOUR perfect timing.

    I explain on the details in this week's video.

    Watch my free training that shows you the 6 steps to attract consistent clients in your coaching business (in a way that feels authentic and aligned): https://kristinhartjes.com/consistentclients

    Come connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kristinhartjes/

    If you're interested in working together, you can find more details and sign up for a consultation with me here: https://kristinhartjes.com/apply

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    15 mins
  • Social Media for Health Coaches: Is It Your Best Growth Tool?
    Feb 9 2024

    Do you wish that social media would disappear from the face of the earth and you’d never have to think about it again?

    Okay okay, I’m being dramatic…but I’m also being truthful.

    This past year, I felt totally burnt out from playing the social media game. And truly, this is coming from someone who only used social media for her health coaching business, and didn’t use it that much.

    But the impact it was having on my quality of life felt significant. As someone who’s an introvert and an HSP, I find that spending time on social media (both as a creator and consumer) is very draining and overwhelming for me energetically.

    And yet, I felt incredibly torn because so many of my amazing clients found me through social media. I cherish these connections from around that globe that would not have been possible without these applications.

    Thus, the conundrum.

    To use social media, or not, that is the question.

    I significantly decreased my use of social media this past year…only posting on Instagram 7 times. I still created over 20 YouTube videos (although YouTube feels much different for me than FB and IG) and started dabbling with creating a podcast. I pretty much stopped using Facebook, including my Facebook group. If you are in my group or waiting to join, please come and join me on IG, YouTube or here in my newsletter instead. I made much more of an effort to connect with people ‘in real life’, yes, in person!

    My coaching business continued to grow, but at a slower pace. I had to step back and reconnect with my mission, my story, my passion and my way of showing up and sharing with the world.

    ​​Instead of blindly following the crowd or replicating what I’ve been taught from others, I wanted to find what felt aligned for me when it comes to marketing.

    So where do I go from here? I’m re-finding my way. Rediscovering how I can use social media (because it is an amazing tool), but use it super intentionally in a way that feels good.

    And that is exactly what I’m talking about in today’s video.

    I’m going to walk you through the 6 things you must think about when it comes to determining IF and HOW you will use social media to market your coaching business.

    And yes, it is 100% possible to grow a business without using social media if that is the path you choose.

    Watch my free training that shows you the 6 steps to attract consistent clients in your coaching business (in a way that feels authentic and aligned): https://kristinhartjes.com/consistentclients

    If you're interested in working together to build your coaching business, you can apply to work with me here: https://kristinhartjes.com/apply

    Come connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kristinhartjes/

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    23 mins
  • The Truth About Making Money as a Health Coach
    Jan 30 2024

    How quickly can you make money as a health coach?

    How much money can you make?

    I’m guessing these are questions that are rolling around in your head.

    One of the things I’m most frustrated with in the health coaching industry is the disservice it does to new coaches around money expectations.

    I’ve been a coach for a decade and have helped hundreds of health coaches build their own businesses so I know from experience what is true and what is a bunch of b.s.

    That is why I’m peeling back the veil and sharing the truth about making money as a health coach in this week’s podcast.

    If you're interested in working together to build your business, you can find out more and apply here: https://kristinhartjes.com/apply

    Watch my free training that shows you the 6 steps to attract consistent clients in your coaching business (in a way that feels authentic and aligned): https://kristinhartjes.com/consistentclients

    Come connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kristinhartjes/

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    18 mins
  • Choosing a Health Coach vs. a Functional Medicine Practitioner - Which is the right fit?
    Jan 23 2024

    If someone has the option to work with a health coach and a functional medicine practitioner, why would someone choose a health coach?

    I had a client ask me this the other day, so I’m guessing it’s something you may be questioning, as well.

    If you don’t know my personal background, I practiced as a chiropractor and functional medicine practitioner before I decided to make the switch to health coaching.

    And yes, now I’m a business mentor to other health coaches, but that is a story for another day ;)

    That being said, I have personal experience working as both a functional medicine practitioner and a health coach.

    And that experience has shown me the differences and the advances and disadvantages to both.

    I know one of the biggest obstacles most new health coaches face is the question of, ‘why would anyone ever choose to work with lil ‘ol me?’

    And I’m going to share why in today’s episode.

    If you're interested in working together to build your business, you can find out more and apply here: kristinhartjes.com/apply

    Watch my free training that shows you the 6 steps to attract consistent clients in your coaching business (in a way that feels authentic and aligned): https://kristinhartjes.com/consistentclients

    Come connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kristinhartjes/

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    11 mins
  • Why Your Story Matters In Coaching
    Jan 16 2024

    When it comes to getting coaching clients, what sets you apart? What's the game-changer that turns a potential client from merely curious to genuinely intrigued about working with you? And, more importantly, how do you keep them from scrolling right past to find someone else who feels like the perfect match?

    Your story.

    What do I mean by your story?

    I mean how you got to where you are now in relation to the specific service you offer through your coaching business.

    Note: this is different from your life story ;)

    Stories are memorable.

    They build connection.

    And understanding.

    And this is all true for YOUR story as it relates to your health coaching business.

    In this week’s video, I share the top 3 ways you can weave your story into your business. Trust me, your ideal client will be saying, 'YES! You're the one I've been looking for!'"

    If you want personalized support with building your coaching business and boosting your skills and confidence as a coach, you can find the details about how we can work together and book a call to speak with me HERE.

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    12 mins
  • Navigating Stagnation: Insights from My Journey Through a Stuck 2023
    Jan 8 2024

    Hey there, and happy new year!

    If you're like me, those grand New Year's resolutions can feel a bit overwhelming, right?

    The pressure, the urgency... not my style.

    I prefer setting intentions—no pressure, no deadlines.

    So, I've been reflecting on the past year, exploring what worked well and what I'd like to tweak moving forward.

    I've crafted a podcast sharing my personal journey through 2023—a year that felt like hitting a brick wall of stagnation and uncertainty.

    It was a year of deep contemplation and exploration. I can finally say I've shaken off that feeling of being stuck, though it took a good chunk of the year.

    As someone who values productivity and achieving goals (because this is what we’ve been told makes us valuable and successful, right?!), feeling stuck was quite the challenge, let me tell you.

    2023 marked my 40th birthday and a decade in the coaching industry. These milestones urged me to pause, reflect, and get very intentional about the direction I wanted to steer my life and business as I embark on the 2nd half(ish) of my life.

    In the podcast, I touch on various topics:

    • Navigating as a highly sensitive introvert in business and life
    • Getting engaged and growing through relationships
    • The essential lessons missing from many coaching courses
    • Exploring the realm of psychedelics
    • My frustrations within the coaching industry
    • A rethink on social media
    • Tackling the issue of isolation for many coaches

    Afterward, I'd love to hear if any of my experiences resonate with you. What topics pique your interest? Your input helps me support you better. Feel free to reply to an email from me or send me a DM on IG and let me know :)

    Interested in getting support with building your business? Apply HERE to work with me.

    The Proust Questionaire. This is the writing exercise that Jason and I did together on New Year's day. It is an excellent list of questions to ponder solo or with your partner...make sure you share your answers...such a good way to grow together. Find it HERE.

    Interested in learning more about psychedelics? Here's a few good places to start.
    How to Change Your Mind by Michael Pollan. Find it HERE.

    Or watch the documentary HERE. Personally I prefer the book.

    Or check out the MAPS (Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies) website HERE.

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    34 mins
  • The #1 Secret to Designing a Stellar Health Coaching Program
    Nov 16 2023

    How do you create a truly amazing coaching program from your clients?

    I’m guessing this is top on your list of concerns when it comes to building your business because you want your clients to get the very best results.

    And you definitely want to look like you have your shit together and know what you’re doing, right?

    Creating a program can feel totally overwhelming…
    What do you include?
    How long should it be?
    How do you make sure you have something to talk about each session?
    How much should you charge?
    How do you make sure your clients get results…and don’t end up disappointed or gulp, angry?

    You’re in luck because I made a video that answers ALL of these questions and reveals my #1 secret for creating the most amazing and transformational coaching program.

    Watch my free training that shows you the 6 steps to attract consistent clients in your coaching business (in a way that feels authentic and aligned): https://kristinhartjes.com/consistentclients

    Come connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kristinhartjes/

    If you're interested in working together, you can apply to do so here: https://kristinhartjes.com/apply

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    13 mins