• Ep 100: Helping Teenagers Get To A Healthy Weight with Dr. Jenny Gourgari
    May 28 2024

    Dr. Jenny Gourgari, MD, MS, PhD, is an accomplished pediatric endocrinologist with a dedicated focus on helping teenagers get to a healthy weight. She is certified by the American Board of Pediatrics in both Pediatrics and Pediatric Endocrinology, with an additional certification in Obesity Medicine. Dr. Gourgari holds a Master of Science degree from Georgetown University and a PhD from University of Athens, Greece. Her passion to address pediatric obesity lead her to become also a certified Health Coach for teens and start the “Lifestyle and Weight Loss for Teens Podcast”, hoping to educate as many families as possible with evidence-based information in topics related to healthy lifestyle and how to build healthy habits that last.

    Dr. Gourgari has been actively involved in helping children who have hormonal problems for more than 15 years. Her expertise is recognized through numerous awards and publications in academic journals. Dr. Gourgari is an engaged member of professional organizations, such as the Obesity Medicine Association and the Pediatric Endocrine Society. Her extensive experience, scholarly contributions, and commitment to advancing the field of pediatric endocrinology and obesity make her a respected figure in the field.

    Some of the topics we discussed were:

    • Dr. Gourgari’s background and what she does
    • Dr. Gourgari’s PhD in polycystic ovary syndrome
    • Strategies and techniques that can help manage weight and improve wellbeing for teenagers with or at risk for obesity
    • How schools, communities, and our society in general can help and empower teenagers struggling with obesity
    • Challenges and solutions that are unique to teenagers struggling with obesity
    • Misconceptions about obesity and what she would recommend instead
    • Advice for teenagers struggling with obesity and parents of those teenagers on how to be the most helpful and supportive of their children
    • About Dr. Gourgari’s podcast and her program for teenagers

    And more!

    Connect with Dr. Gourgari:




    30 easy and healthy meals that are high in protein to satisfy teen’s hunger in less than 30 minutes:

    Lifestyle and Weight Loss for Teens Podcast:

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    21 mins
  • Ep 99: How To Easily Find Medical Spaces To Lease Or Sublet with Dr. Sanghamitra Sadhu
    May 21 2024

    Dr. Sanghamitra Sadhu is a physician, mom, speaker, blogger, change catalyst and a vocal champion for lean practice.

    She is a nephrologist by training who has found a way to practice medicine on her own terms, staving off burnout and bringing back the joy in medicine.

    Dr. Sadhu wanted to save her best energy, not only for her patients but also her family. She accomplished this with having her own lean private practice: taking care of her patients exactly the way she dreamt of, while still leaving her time to devote to family, travel and all else that she enjoys.

    The freedoms this has allowed her has made her an ardent advocate of lean practice as a sustainable model for many physicians to practice in. She writes about her journey and the lessons learned at Lean Private Practice Solutions and has built a thriving Facebook community around it.

    She has also created an innovative solution to the problem of high cost of medical office space with an online platform that connects doctors and other healthcare professionals to available medical office space to lease or sublet at LinkMedicalSpaces.com.

    Some of the topics we discussed were:

    • Dr. Sadhu’s platform called Link Medical Spaces that links doctors looking for medical spaces with medical spaces available for rent
    • Benefits of using Link Medical Spaces for private practices
    • How Link Medical Spaces is available for use by all medical professionals
    • The mechanisms behind Link Medical Spaces and how it works
    • What fees look like for people listing spaces on the website

    And more!

    Learn more about me or schedule a FREE coaching call:

    Join the Voices of Women Physicians Facebook Group:

    Connect with Dr. Sadhu:

    Lean Private Practice Solutions Website:

    Lean Private Practice Solutions Facebook:

    Link Medical Spaces Website:

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    11 mins
  • Ep 98: How To Build A Private Practice On A Budget with Dr. Sanghamitra Sadhu
    May 17 2024

    Dr. Sanghamitra Sadhu is a physician, mom, speaker, blogger, change catalyst and a vocal champion for lean practice.

    She is a nephrologist by training who has found a way to practice medicine on her own terms, staving off burnout and bringing back the joy in medicine.

    Dr. Sadhu wanted to save her best energy, not only for her patients but also her family. She accomplished this with having her own lean private practice: taking care of her patients exactly the way she dreamt of, while still leaving her time to devote to family, travel and all else that she enjoys.

    The freedoms this has allowed her has made her an ardent advocate of lean practice as a sustainable model for many physicians to practice in. She writes about her journey and the lessons learned at Lean Private Practice Solutions and has built a thriving Facebook community around it.

    She has also created an innovative solution to the problem of high cost of medical office space with an online platform that connects doctors and other healthcare professionals to available medical office space to lease or sublet at LinkMedicalSpaces.com.

    Some of the topics we discussed were:

    • Dr. Sadhu and her journey
    • The first steps Dr. Sadhu took when she was starting her own private practice
    • If she bills insurance or does a cash based practice
    • How she organized the shared space for her practice and how it works
    • What Dr. Sadhu’s virtual assistant can do for her
    • How she dealt with the HIPAA aspect of hiring a virtual assistant
    • If someone else uses the rooms during the days she is not using them, and how she keeps her stuff separate and secure
    • The lessons Dr. Sadhu learned from the obstacles she faced
    • Tips for women physicians who would like to do something similar to her
    • How she teaches other physicians how to have a lean private practice

    And more!

    Learn more about me or schedule a FREE coaching call:

    Join the Voices of Women Physicians Facebook Group:

    Connect with Dr. Sadhu:

    Lean Private Practice Solutions Website:

    Lean Private Practice Solutions Facebook:

    Link Medical Spaces Website:

    Show More Show Less
    16 mins
  • Ep 97: How To Build Your Online Brand with Dr. Dana Corriel
    May 7 2024

    Dana Corriel, MD, is the founder/CEO of SoMeDocs (doctorsonsocialmedia.com), a healthcare innovation hub that promotes the autonomy of individuals in healthcare. Corriel serves as an advisor to many health brands and has helped shape many of today’s digital projects, especially those tackled by physicians. She has taught at conferences such as Harvard’s Writing, Publishing, & Social Media for Healthcare Professionals, Women in Medicine, Women Physician Wellness, InnovatorMD, Leverage & Growth Summit, UN Commission for the Status of Women/AMWA, and more. Dr. Corriel has earned recognitions including Top Ten Internists to Follow on Twitter by Medical Economics & Top 20 Social Media Physician Influencers by Medscape. She has appeared in major outlets such as LA Times, Gastro & Endo News, MDMagazine, The Boston Globe, Huff Post, Medscape, and EP News, and can be heard on multiple podcasts. Corriel has created various video series, including two seasons with Samuel Shem, author of The House of God, and has spearheaded a book compilation of women physician essays, published in 2023 by Kent State Press. Her “special sauce” skills include digital design, unique growth ideas, and community building strategies. She adds particular value to startups in the health & healthcare space, having practiced medicine as a board-certified internist & being an active player in the space & a pioneer in the healthcare digital revolution.

    Some of the topics we discussed:

    • Dr. Corriel’s journey
    • What exactly an online brand is and why physicians need it
    • Marketing yourself as a professional
    • Where to start if you want to market yourself
    • How to deal with negativity online and stand up for yourself
    • Understanding the concept of “haters” and coming to terms with it
    • The biggest lessons Dr. Corriel has learned throughout her journey as an entrepreneur and what she would recommend to others who want to do something similar
    • How a personal brand helps someone who is employed by an organization
    • What SoMeDocs is and how doctors and students can benefit from it
    • SoMeDocs’ virtual conferences

    And more!

    Learn more about me or schedule a FREE coaching call:

    Join the Voices of Women Physicians Facebook Group:

    Connect with Dr. Corriel:







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    22 mins
  • Ep 96: Evidence Based Holistic Treatments That Can Help With Sleep with Dr. Nishi Bhopal Part 2
    Apr 30 2024

    Nishi Bhopal, MD is board-certified in Psychiatry, Sleep Medicine, and Integrative Holistic Medicine. She is the founder and medical director of Pacific Integrative Psychiatry, an online practice in California where patients receive a whole-person approach to anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders, including nutrition, psychotherapy, and integrative and functional medicine. In addition to her private practice, Dr. Bhopal is the founder of IntraBalance, an educational platform that includes a YouTube channel and online courses for physicians and therapists where she teaches the fundamentals of clinical sleep medicine.

    Some of the topics we discussed were:

    • Safe approaches to elderly patients who have difficulty sleeping in the hospital
    • Melatonin in an inpatient setting
    • How to handle a situation where a patient insists on taking sleeping pills by using the FIFE model
    • Strategies to decrease the negative impact of sleep disturbance for healthcare professionals who work long hours, night shifts, or who constantly switch between day and night shifts
    • Melatonin for healthcare professionals doing shift work
    • Traveling tips on how to help decrease the negative impact of changing timezones and deal with travel fatigue and jet lag
    • The truth about how blue light exposure affects sleep
    • Ways to promote better sleep in your evening routine
    • How to watch a show or movie at night without disturbing your sleep
    • Dr. Bhopal’s tips and recommendations for sleeping better yourself and for helping patients sleep better
    • The interaction between food and sleep

    And more!

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    CDC free shift work resource:

    TimeShifter app:

    Study on sleep in hospitalized patients:
    Morse AM, Bender E. Sleep in Hospitalized Patients. Clocks Sleep. 2019 Feb 25;1(1):151-165. doi: 10.3390/clockssleep1010014. PMID: 33089161; PMCID: PMC7509688.

    Dr. Bhopal's sleep workshop for patients:

    Connect with Dr. Bhopal:





    Private practice website:

    Private IG:

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    23 mins
  • Ep 95: Evidence Based Holistic Treatments That Can Help With Sleep with Dr. Nishi Bhopal Part 1
    Apr 27 2024

    Nishi Bhopal, MD is board-certified in Psychiatry, Sleep Medicine, and Integrative Holistic Medicine. She is the founder and medical director of Pacific Integrative Psychiatry, an online practice in California where patients receive a whole-person approach to anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders, including nutrition, psychotherapy, and integrative and functional medicine. In addition to her private practice, Dr. Bhopal is the founder of IntraBalance, an educational platform that includes a YouTube channel and online courses for physicians and therapists where she teaches the fundamentals of clinical sleep medicine.

    Some of the topics we discussed were:

    • Holistic treatments for insomnia that are evidence-based
    • Tips about supplements that can help with insomnia
    • Which brands Dr. Bhopal personally trusts when she uses or recommends supplements for sleep
    • What dose of melatonin is better for sleep
    • How to deal with waking up in the middle of the night
    • Common issues that look like insomnia but are often misdiagnose
    • How to deal with delayed sleep phase (later circadian rhythm) and advanced sleep phase (earlier circadian rhythm)
    • About Dr. Bhopal’s program for those who want to learn more

    And more!

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    MSK about herbs:

    Connect with Dr. Bhopal:





    Private practice website:

    Private IG:

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    18 mins
  • Ep 94: Holistic Ways to Help You Sleep Better During Menopause with Dr. Valerie Cacho Part 2
    Apr 20 2024

    Valerie Cacho, MD, is an integrative sleep medicine physician and women's sleep expert. Her interests and expertise include diagnosing and treating medical sleep disorders, mind-body approaches to insomnia, self-compassion and mindfulness, clinical hypnotherapy, and promoting sleep health and whole living. She is the president and founder of Sleep Life Med, a tele-sleep practice in Hawaii and California. Additionally, Dr. Cacho is the CEO of Sleephoria, a sleep health resource for women founded on the belief that a well-rested woman has the energy, clarity, and drive to change the world.

    Some of the topics we discussed were:

    • Difficulty with waking up at night and staying asleep
    • How food can promote better sleep
    • Myths and misconceptions about sleep
    • Supplements with scientifically proven benefits for sleep
    • Tips on sleep and menopause

    And more!

    Learn more about me or schedule a FREE coaching call:

    Join the Voices of Women Physicians Facebook Group:

    Connect with Dr. Cacho:


    Free Checklist of questions to ask your doctor if you are chronically exhausted

    FREE membership


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    15 mins
  • Ep 93: Holistic Ways to Help You Sleep Better During Menopause with Dr. Valerie Cacho Part 1
    Apr 9 2024

    Valerie Cacho, MD, is an integrative sleep medicine physician and women's sleep expert. Her interests and expertise include diagnosing and treating medical sleep disorders, mind-body approaches to insomnia, self-compassion and mindfulness, clinical hypnotherapy, and promoting sleep health and whole living. She is the president and founder of Sleep Life Med, a tele-sleep practice in Hawaii and California. Additionally, Dr. Cacho is the CEO of Sleephoria, a sleep health resource for women founded on the belief that a well-rested woman has the energy, clarity, and drive to change the world.

    Some of the topics we discussed were:

    • Dr. Cacho’s recommendations to women going through menopause on how to get more good quality sleep
    • Holistic ways to help you sleep better if you suffer from insomnia during perimenopause and menopause
    • The role of various modalities such as yoga, therapeutic massage, ear acupuncture, exercise, etc., in the treatment of insomnia during menopause
    • The three most effective interventions from Dr. Cacho’s experience
    • What tips to focus on to fall asleep more easily

    And more!

    Learn more about me or schedule a FREE coaching call:

    Join the Voices of Women Physicians Facebook Group:

    Connect with Dr. Cacho:


    Free Checklist of questions to ask your doctor if you are chronically exhausted

    FREE membership


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    16 mins