• Jacobsons Relaxation
    Apr 23 2024

    Join us in this special episode as I walk you through Jacobsons Relaxation. This technique can help anyone manage stress, and alleviate discomfort, especially mothers in the delivery room.

    1:49 - Introduction & Disclaimer
    4:07 - Jacobsons Relaxation
    23:52 - Closing

    Labor & Birth Course

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    25 mins
  • Q & A - Got Questions about Pregnancy? We have answers!
    May 30 2022

    Today we are answering questions that you asked us through our social media accounts!!

    Join me today as we discuss a couple of these topics:
    Red Raspberry Leaf Tea,
    Options for flipping a breech baby,
    When to start tracking fetal Kick,
    Massage do's & donts.
    What is a mucus plug and what should I watch for?
    Two very painful symptoms in pregnancy that has to do with connective tissue and how to care for it.

    I love answering all of your questions and its nice to do them all at one time., keep them coming!

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    29 mins
  • I peed on the stick, its positive. What are the steps to take?
    May 23 2022

    I peed on the stick and Its positive, I am pregnant!

    What are my first steps to take? How does this all work?

    Do I call the OB?
    Do I call the Family Doctor?
    Do I scream it from the mountain tops?
    I am not sure I am ready for this..
    I dont know what my options are..

    There are so many feelings and emotions attached to finding out you are pregnant and just because the test is positive does not mean you have to feel positive.

    This episode covers the above topics as well as all of the information you need in the first weeks of pregnancy!

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    31 mins
  • Money, should not be your first sacrifice as a New Mother!
    May 17 2022

    Ever wonder how some women manage not to worry about finances during their maternity leave? I know how they did it.... they hired Alynn Godfroy from Godfroy financial.

    How did she enjoy her maternity leave without financial burden, the same way she is now enjoying her life, raising her baby boy Austin and making time for herself, her husband and her family life while owning her own business! She did it with smart financial strategy! I have admired Alynn's financial mindset since the day I was first introduced to her, and you will too. She is a smart, kind, loving individual & a mom of baby boy Austin and she enjoys helping others achieve their financial goals. Alynn offers classes about finances, and hosts a podcast with a sweet name "achieve fire" with Fire being the acronym for Financial independence retire early. Cool ? Yes it is!!

    Join us to hear a little about Alynns journey to getting pregnant, & a pretty simple way to figure out your budget for maternity leave! .

    Alynn Godfroy is a graduate of the University of Windsor where she
    completed her Honours Bachelor of Commerce degree. She owns
    Godfroy Financial Management Ltd., and has been a Financial Planner
    for 18 years, holding designations as a Certified Executive Advisor,
    Certified Life Underwriter, Elder Planning Counsellor and Master
    Financial Planner.
    She is happily married with a 3-year-old toddler, 4 stepchildren and the
    author of “Why You Need a Financial Advisor.”
    Alynn was a Rotarian for 11 years and served as the President of the
    Rotary Club of Belle River and is currently the Charter President of the
    area's newest club, the Rotary Club of Windsor-Walkerville. She has
    participated in volunteer missions to Venezuela where doctors and
    nurses performed cleft lip and cleft palate surgeries. Alynn has also
    been to Ghana three times helping to renovate two schools and a
    health clinic.
    Alynn just completed 7 years as a board member of Community Living
    Windsor where she was the Treasurer of their board.

    You can find out more about Alynn on her website www.godfroyfinancialgroup.com

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    37 mins
  • STOP pretending that Motherhood is Easy!
    May 9 2022

    Friends sometimes divulge things to each other what we wouldnt dare admit to anyone else!

    Jaclyn and I have been friends for alot of years, we laugh about each others faults and the stupid things that run through our minds as women, wives & especially as Mothers!

    NOTE - We are friends and this conversation is not how we feel as professionals, we have to laugh at each other with friends, in order to survive motherhood.

    Jaclyn is one of the owners of Odyssey Wellness in Tecumseh. She has an undergraduate in Psychology & a Masters in Social Work, with a certification in Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders. After having children of her own, Jaclyn developed a passion for providing support for birth parents and partners . She is a firm believer that it takes a village to raise a child, although so many of us struggle with trying to do it alone.

    Listen to us chat about how we have grown as mothers!

    You can find out more about Jaclyn @ www.odysseywellness.ca

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    57 mins
  • Dropping ALL of the balls when dealing with a concussion, mental illness & loss!
    May 3 2022

    Ever get all the balls in your life rolling smoothly, only to have them all go crashing to the ground?

    Yeah me too!

    Here's what the %#@* happened to all of the balls I was juggling last year!!

    Please join us today as I have a very vulnerable conversation with one of my closest friends about life, injury, mental illness & loss.

    While this story is about failure, at no point was I not okay with failing… in order to grow you sometimes have to fail, and fail miserably!

    Alana - is the daughter of one of my closest friends, she and her sister are like daughters to me and my love for them grows stronger every year. I love that despite a major age difference Alana and I can share struggles about life, love, health and we are just as comfortable crying together as we are laughing together.

    Alana will be joining me once in a while as a guest host!

    Thank you for listening!

    Love beams to you!!

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    49 mins
  • Pregnancy Story with Casey Pillon
    Jul 8 2021

    Ever wondered what the process is like to discharge your OBGYN? Listen to Casey tell her story of having difficulty with the rules at her OBGYN's office during the pandemic and what steps she took to get the birth she wanted. Casey is a fireball about her views on the pandemic and the guidelines involved at our local hospital during birth.. she feels like everyone should be treated as the individual humans that we are.

    Casey talks us through her struggles with fertility, a miscarrige, getting pregnant again and finding out she is capable of a VBAC. She shares the story of firing her OB, hiring a midwife and obtaining a medical mask exemption, all while we listen to her little Adeline gurgle in the background. Join us as we laugh and talk about her beautiful Journey!

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    53 mins
  • Renee Meloche - Jelly Fish Pilates
    Jun 18 2021

    Can you imagine travelling all over the world teaching and mastering your craft? Thats exactly what Renee Meloche from Jelly Fish Pilates in Tecumseh Ontario did before deciding to settle down here in Windsor, Essex County and open her own studio.

    Renee started her journey with Pilates in 1997 and has a full certification with STOTT Pilates, and has travelled all over the world teaching certifications. Renee is a business owner, the mom of three kids, an author and a brillant pilates instructor. I am very excited to talk with her today about all of those things and her special interest in pre & Post natal Pilates.

    Renee has a team of amazing Pilates Instructors on staff at her wonderful studio to help you move forward in your health or to start you on the path to health and wellbeing. You can learn more about Renee through her very own Podcast - Pilates Mom.

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    52 mins