• Episode 60: Patience During The Gestation Period
    Jun 11 2024

    Achieving success isn’t always a consistent process. There will be periods of intense growth, but there will also be times when you struggle to see progress, which could test your patience. If that’s what you’re experiencing, chances are you’re in the gestation period. Join Arash and Mykie today, as they discuss the importance of patience during the gestation period of achieving success and why it’s worth the wait. Tuning in, you’ll discover how to trust the process, consistently take action toward your goals, and cultivate the right attitude for success. Learn why true success extends far beyond wealth and how to treat your future self with kindness and respect. Stay tuned for Arash’s action step as he defines goal-oriented rituals and how to track your streaks to facilitate consistent progress. Press play now for invaluable insights on patience, success, and personal growth!

    Key Points From This Episode:

    • The definition of the gestation period and why there is an incubation period for everything.
    • How your gestation period will change depending on your goals.
    • Some of the actions that can support and speed up the gestation process.
    • How to trust in the process and align your actions with your goals.
    • What defines success and why it’s about so much more than wealth.
    • The power of treating your future self with kindness and respect.
    • Why you need to take action to see results.
    • How to distinguish between goal-achieving activities and self-improvement.
    • Having a good attitude and why it is essential to success.
    • Today’s action step: Define goal-oriented rituals and track streaks for consistent progress.

    Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Voss Coaching Co

    Voss Coaching Co on LinkedIn
    Voss Coaching Co on Instagram

    Voss Coaching Co on Facebook

    Mykie Stiller on LinkedIn

    Mykie Stiller on Instagram
    Arash Vossoughi on LinkedIn

    Arash Vossoughi on YouTube

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    16 mins
  • Episode 59: The Power of Proximity - Build Your Circle of Excellence
    Jun 4 2024

    How important is proximity to creating success or a massive breakthrough? During this episode, we unpack the different types of proximity we experience and how best to approach them with intention. Sharing his own approach to decision-making around proximity, Arash tells us why he limits those who can have close contact with him and how this decision helps him to achieve his goals. We discuss the importance of having real, honest people in your life based on the principle that iron sharpens iron and touch on how to approach any time spent with another person to offer them and yourself maximum value. Lastly, Arash gives listeners some homework, urging us to reach out to someone we admire in order to learn from their expertise. Join us today to hear all this and more!

    Key Points From This Episode:

    • Arash answers the question of how important proximity is for success.
    • Why he believes that proximity to you should be earned.
    • The story of how he and his mentor gravitated towards one another.
    • His choice to limit access to himself.
    • Four different types of proximity and how to approach them.
    • The only reason people don’t know what it is that they want.
    • What can change when you have somebody real in your life.
    • Unpacking the saying ‘iron sharpens iron’.
    • The most important thing you can do for anyone you are spending time with.
    • Today’s action step: reach out to someone you want to learn from.

    Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Voss Coaching Co

    Voss Coaching Co on LinkedIn
    Voss Coaching Co on Instagram

    Voss Coaching Co on Facebook

    Mykie Stiller on LinkedIn

    Mykie Stiller on Instagram
    Arash Vossoughi on LinkedIn

    Arash Vossoughi on YouTube

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    16 mins
  • Episode 58: A 'Yes' State of Mind
    May 28 2024

    Saying yes is more than just a quick mumble under your breath to appease the next person; it’s a commitment to being open and ready for anything and everything that may come your way. Today is all about achieving a “yes” state of mind, and we begin our conversation by explaining why this topic is vital for us to explore and for you to hear. We discuss how saying yes can improve every aspect of your life, the dangers of waiting too long for the freedom that comes with saying yes, the words that you need to remove from and add to your daily vocabulary, and how saying yes is a magical three-in-one! We encourage you to start getting comfortable with being uncomfortable and to put yourself out there by saying “yes”, even when it makes no sense.

    Key Points From This Episode:

    • Why we've chosen today's topic, and why it matters.
    • How and why life improves when one starts saying yes.
    • Replacing "but" and "no" with "and" and "yes", and getting rid of "I'll try."
    • The dangers of waiting too long to start saying yes.
    • How saying yes is all-encompassing as an attitude, philosophy, and state-of-mind.
    • Why every "yes" should be said with excitement and expectation.
    • Understanding why it pays to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
    • The payoffs of living a "yes" life.

    Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Voss Coaching Co

    Voss Coaching Co on LinkedIn
    Voss Coaching Co on Instagram

    Voss Coaching Co on Facebook

    Mykie Stiller on LinkedIn

    Mykie Stiller on Instagram
    Arash Vossoughi on LinkedIn

    Arash Vossoughi on YouTube

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    15 mins
  • Episode 57: Winner’s Blueprint: The Key Action Steps for a Quantum Leap
    May 21 2024

    What is it that makes people win instead of lose? During this episode, we dive deep into the mindset and habits that put us on the course to win. Unpacking three key considerations that help us to achieve greatness, we talk about getting into flow state, what helps us to get unstuck, and how to focus on what we truly want. With the understanding that grit is not the only attribute we need to succeed, we explore how to achieve the delicate balance between action and detachment. You’ll also hear how to cultivate a ‘why’ so strong that obstacles become irrelevant and the ‘how’ inevitably becomes clear. Arash reveals some of the questions he asks those looking to get unstuck and offers examples of goal-achieving activities to work into your day. Lastly, we discuss the distinction between your identity and your business and what to focus on if you really want to win. Thanks for listening!

    Key Points From This Episode:

    • The first factor that sets winners apart: they focus on their most important activities.
    • What happens when we start playing the infinite game.
    • Three things we need to do to achieve greatness.
    • Why everyone listening to this truly has everything they need to achieve their dream.
    • The opposite of flow state and how it keeps us stuck.
    • Breaking through stagnation to get to what it is that we truly want.
    • Understanding that grit is not the only quality necessary for greatness.
    • Applying action and detachment simultaneously.
    • How your ‘why’ drives you and why it needs to be so strong.
    • The one question Arash asks when people are not reaching their goals.
    • Goal-achieving activities recommended for those in sales.
    • Distinguishing between your business and your identity.
    • Why you should only focus on your highest income-producing activities.

    Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    The World Class Wealth Mindset
    Voss Coaching Co

    Voss Coaching Co on LinkedIn
    Voss Coaching Co on Instagram

    Voss Coaching Co on Facebook

    Mykie Stiller on LinkedIn

    Mykie Stiller on Instagram
    Arash Vossoughi on LinkedIn

    Arash Vossoughi on YouTube

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    16 mins
  • Episode 56: The Difference Between Winning and Losing
    May 14 2024

    If you want to be more effective, then you’re in the right place! During this conversation, we dive into the difference between winning and losing, and what it truly takes to build a successful life. Join us as we explore what it might look like to prioritize five great hours in a day, reframe procrastination, and create the best habits that will take you where you want to go. We discuss the power of a strong morning routine to set the tone for the rest of the day and peel back the layers of what it really means to prioritize the quality of your work over the time spent on it. You’ll also learn about the power of your training to become an outlier in the marketplace, why processes are so important, what you can do to take control of building your self-esteem, and more. Don’t miss this informative conversation!

    Key Points From This Episode:

    • Who this episode is for: those of us who want to be more effective.
    • What it truly means to have five great hours in a day.
    • The ingredients for a successful life.
    • Prioritizing quality work over spending excessive time on the work that you do.
    • How much time the average person wastes per year.
    • What happens when you begin to work on quality.
    • Trusting your training in order to make yourself an outlier in the marketplace.
    • Why processes are so important.
    • How your morning routine can build your self-esteem.
    • What to practice in the five great hours of your day.
    • A new way to think about procrastination.
    • What it takes to create the best habits and get the best results.

    Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Good to Great
    Voss Coaching Co

    Voss Coaching Co on LinkedIn
    Voss Coaching Co on Instagram

    Voss Coaching Co on Facebook

    Mykie Stiller on LinkedIn

    Mykie Stiller on Instagram
    Arash Vossoughi on LinkedIn

    Arash Vossoughi on YouTube

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    17 mins
  • Episode 55: Are You Coachable? – Knowledge vs Execution
    May 7 2024

    One of the most underrated yet vital characteristics of a successful entrepreneur is being able to learn something new. This means stripping away old philosophies and embracing fresh perspectives to form a new base of understanding from which you can grow – this is what it means to be coachable. We begin today’s episode by explaining exactly what we mean when we ask, “Are you coachable?” Then, we come to understand why many people are not as coachable as they think they are before diving into the importance of borrowing beliefs, trusting the process, controlling your emotions, managing your mindset, and the necessity of doing it all with intention. So, do you think that you are coachable?

    Key Points From This Episode:

    • What we mean when we ask, “Are you coachable?”
    • Assessing why many people are not as coachable as they may think.
    • Borrowing beliefs and trusting the process.
    • Why mindset matters, controlling your emotions, and the undeniable power of intention.
    • How to become more coachable.
    • Today’s call to action.

    Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    The Power of Intention
    Voss Coaching Co

    Voss Coaching Co on LinkedIn
    Voss Coaching Co on Instagram

    Voss Coaching Co on Facebook

    Mykie Stiller on LinkedIn

    Mykie Stiller on Instagram
    Arash Vossoughi on LinkedIn

    Arash Vossoughi on YouTube

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    16 mins
  • Episode 54: Maximize Your Impact: The Law of Compensation
    Apr 30 2024

    So many of us focus on what we can get out of interactions and relationships but the truth is, if we all focused on how we can serve people, what we can give, and the impact we can make, the results will be far more rewarding. Today on the Seven-Figure Standard Podcast, we are discussing the law of compensation, how you can maximize your impact, and how staying present will be the most valuable action step you ever implement. In this conversation, hear all about how serving people with good intent multiplies your value exponentially and why your value proposition needs to become your obsession. We even discuss what may stop you from serving at your highest level before delving into the skills you need to 10x your value. So to hear all this and so much more, tune in now!

    Key Points From This Episode:

    • What the law of compensation states.
    • Evaluating your contribution and impact.
    • What stops people from serving at their highest level.
    • The importance of intent when coming from a place of true service.
    • Why you need to make your value proposition an obsession.
    • How to 10x your value and the skills and intention required to do that.
    • Placing focus on what you can give instead of on what you can get.
    • Arash shares one of the most valuable lessons you can ever learn: being present.

    Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Voss Coaching Co

    Voss Coaching Co on LinkedIn
    Voss Coaching Co on Instagram

    Voss Coaching Co on Facebook

    Mykie Stiller on LinkedIn

    Mykie Stiller on Instagram
    Arash Vossoughi on LinkedIn

    Arash Vossoughi on YouTube

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    16 mins
  • Episode 53: Excellence is a Habit: Your Daily Practice For Greatness
    Apr 23 2024

    Why are you settling for mediocrity, when you could be building the habit of excellence? This week’s topic of conversation is very near and dear to our hearts. Something we resonate with deeply and something that is integrated into our every fiber, and that is excellence. Join the conversation as Mykie and Arash delve into what excellence is and how you can embody it fully. Get ready to emanate excellence by implementing today’s insights, philosophies, and this week’s action step! Thanks for listening in.

    Key Points From This Episode:

    • This week’s topic of conversation: excellence.
    • A question to trigger your mindset.
    • The qualities of excellence.
    • What excellence, and embodying excellence, is all about.
    • How excellence is a habit; something you practice daily.
    • Why your language is important in excellence.
    • Philosophies and standards to live a life of excellence.
    • Why excellence is about being brutally honest with ourselves.
    • The role decision, indecision, and urgency play in becoming excellent.
    • Arash’s thoughts on why people settle for mediocrity.
    • Today’s action step: forming habits and speaking excellence into existence.

    Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    The Carpenter: A Story About the Greatest Success Strategies of All

    Voss Coaching Co

    Voss Coaching Co on LinkedIn
    Voss Coaching Co on Instagram

    Voss Coaching Co on Facebook

    Mykie Stiller on LinkedIn

    Mykie Stiller on Instagram
    Arash Vossoughi on LinkedIn

    Arash Vossoughi on YouTube

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    22 mins