• 12. Using AI for Diagnosing in Mental Health: Friend or Foe?
    May 29 2024

    In this episode of "Run Your Private Practice with AI," I explore the transformative role of artificial intelligence in diagnosing mental health issues. While AI's integration into diagnostics is a topic of debate, I delve into how it can complement traditional methods and enhance our clinical judgment. Join me as I discuss the potential benefits, ethical considerations, and practical applications of AI to diagnose our clients in the mental health field.

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    Join our Clinical AI Club at http://www.clinicalaiclub.com to explore these topics in greater depth and discuss practical ways to integrate AI into your daily practice.

    Key Points:

    1. **AI as a Supplementary Tool:** AI is not meant to replace the DSM or clinical judgment but to provide additional data points that enrich our diagnostic processes.

    2. **Confidentiality and Compliance:** Emphasizing the importance of maintaining client privacy and adhering to HIPAA regulations when using AI tools in mental health diagnostics.

    3. **Efficiency and Precision:** AI can analyze vast amounts of data quickly, identifying potential health risks and comorbid conditions, and providing insights that might escape even the most trained clinical eyes.


    If you're interested in being a guest on the podcast to discuss your experiences with AI in your practice, please reach out. We'd love to hear from you!

    Social Media Post:

    🌟 New Episode Alert! 🌟 Can we use AI to diagnose our clients? This is a hot topic of debate for sure. Dive into the fascinating world of AI in mental health diagnostics with the latest episode of "Run Your Private Practice with AI." Discover how AI can enhance our clinical judgment, improve diagnostic precision, and provide personalized treatment plans. 🎧

    🔗 Listen now and join the conversation: [Podcast Link]

    🔗 Join the Clinical AI Club: [www.clinicalaiclub.com](http://www.clinicalaiclub.com)

    #MentalHealth #AI #Therapy #ClinicalAI #Diagnostics #Podcast #Therapists #PrivatePractice

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    23 mins
  • 11. Enhance Your Online Visibility: Practical AI SEO Strategies for Therapists
    May 1 2024

    In this episode, Kym discusses how artificial intelligence can enhance SEO for therapy practices. She offers practical, AI-driven strategies to improve online visibility affordably. Kym emphasizes the use of AI for smart keyword integration, content optimization tailored to client needs, and ongoing SEO adjustments to keep your practice visible to potential clients.

    Key Points:
    • Smart Keyword Integration with AI: Utilize AI tools for effective keyword integration in your website content.

    • Content Optimization for Client Engagement: Use AI to develop content that addresses real client concerns, enhancing engagement.

    • Ongoing SEO Adjustments with AI: Employ AI tools to continuously update and optimize your SEO strategy.

    Specific Links and References for Show Notes:
    • Join the Clinical AI Club - Dive deeper into AI tools and strategies to enhance your practice's online presence.

    Prompt mentioned in the episode, “I need your help to structure a comprehensive and engaging blog post about managing anxiety. The target audience is individuals seeking practical advice and therapists looking for resources to recommend to clients. The blog post should incorporate the following keywords naturally: 'anxiety relief', 'coping with anxiety', 'CBT for anxiety', and 'mindfulness techniques'. Please suggest a clear outline for the post, including potential titles for sections, subtopics that address various aspects of anxiety management, and questions commonly asked by those dealing with anxiety. Also, include suggestions for call-to-action elements that could engage readers to interact more with the site, such as subscribing to a newsletter or sharing their own experiences in the comments."

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    11 mins
  • 10. Writing with AI in Your Private Practice: Keep Your Copy Genuine and Engaging
    Apr 17 2024

    In this episode of Run Your Private Practice with AI, Kym Tolson shares practical tips for integrating AI into your copywriting to make sure it sounds authentic rather than diluting it and leaving it sounding like a robot wrote it. She emphasizes avoiding common AI clichés like "unlock your potential" and "transform your life," which can signal AI involvement in content creation. Kym suggests being precise with prompts to reflect your unique voice, whether it's humorous, serious, or inspirational. By using detailed and creative language in prompts, you can make AI-generated content sound less robotic and more personalized.

    Kym also discusses the importance of using AI with a critical eye, particularly in avoiding the overuse of emojis and generic greetings that can undermine professional credibility. She advises on how to direct AI to produce succinct, relevant content that truly resonates with your audience. The episode concludes with a reminder about the SEO implications of AI-generated content and encourages listeners to join the Clinical AI Club for further learning and support.

    Key Points:

    • Avoid clichés and common phrases that signal AI usage.

    • Tailor AI prompts to ensure content reflects your unique voice.

    • Use AI responsibly to maintain professionalism and enhance engagement.


    • Join the Clinical AI Club: www.clinicalAIClub.com

    • Visit the Facebook group: Run Your Private Practice with AI

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    18 mins
  • 09. Skyrocket Your Therapy Practice's Growth with AI: Effortless Marketing Tips Every Therapist Needs
    Mar 20 2024

    In this episode of "Run Your Private Practice with AI," Kym Tolson delves into the realm of AI-assisted marketing, offering therapists straightforward, actionable tools to amplify their private practice's online presence. Highlighting user-friendly AI platforms like ChatGPT, Kym explores how chatbots can serve as an ever-present virtual assistant on your website, engaging potential clients and guiding them through services and scheduling. She emphasizes the power of AI in transforming content creation, making social media updates, blog posts, and newsletters more efficient and aligned with your brand voice. Kym also touches on leveraging AI for insights into market trends and keywords through tools like Crayon and MarketMuse, enabling therapists to tailor their marketing strategies more effectively. Email marketing optimization and SEO enhancement with AI tools like Mailchimp's subject line generator and ClearScope are also discussed, presenting a comprehensive guide for therapists looking to navigate digital marketing effortlessly.

    Key points:

    • Setting up chatbots is an easy way to engage website visitors around the clock.

    • AI can elevate content creation, allowing for tailored marketing that addresses specific client pain points.

    • Incorporating AI insights is crucial for informing marketing strategies and enhancing SEO efforts.

    • Starting small with AI tools is recommended to find what best suits your practice without feeling overwhelmed.

    Links mentioned:

    - www.clinicalaiclub.com: Join the Clinical AI Club. Created for therapists interested in leveraging AI.

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    14 mins
  • 08. My Progress Note Workflow Using AI: Navigating AI and Ethics when your writing Progress Notes
    Mar 6 2024

    In this episode of "Run Your Private Practice with AI," Kym dives into the intricacies of crafting progress notes with the assistance of AI, offering a blend of personal insight and practical advice. Kym emphasizes the importance of maintaining HIPAA compliance, especially when integrating AI tools like ChatGPT into the note-taking process. She outlines a meticulous workflow that balances the efficiency of AI with the necessity for personal oversight, ensuring that progress notes remain comprehensive, compliant, and reflective of each therapy session's unique content.



    Key points from the episode include:

    • HIPAA Compliance and PHI Awareness: Kym stresses the significance of understanding what constitutes Personal Health Information (PHI) and the critical need to ensure that any AI tool used for note-taking is HIPAA compliant.

    • Efficient Workflow with AI: She shares her own workflow that incorporates concurrent note-taking during telehealth sessions and the subsequent use of AI to refine and finalize progress notes, highlighting tools like Mentalyc and SessionAid for their HIPAA-compliant solutions.

    • Ethical and Accurate Documentation: The episode also touches on the importance of reviewing AI-generated notes to ensure accuracy and avoid the inclusion of irrelevant or fabricated details, underscoring the therapist's responsibility in the final documentation.

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    13 mins
  • 07. Advancing Mental Health Care: Practical AI Applications for Therapists!
    Feb 28 2024

    In this episode, Kym dives into the evolving intersection of artificial intelligence and therapy, sparked by an enlightening discussion with Maria, CEO of Mentalyc, a HIPAA-compliant AI-powered progress note writing company (use code KYM10 for 10% off at https://bit.ly/3OQp4Jd).

    Kym shares insights from a webinar she's slated to guest on, hosted by the LCC in North Carolina, focusing on the ethical use of AI in counseling. The episode explores recommendations for integrating AI responsibly in practice, underscoring the importance of staying informed, critically evaluating AI technologies, and maintaining the human essence of therapy amidst technological advancements.

    Key Points:

    • Importance of HIPAA compliance and ethical considerations in using AI for progress notes.

    • The potential of AI to enhance therapy practices while requiring cautious, informed application.



    Give Mentalyc a try - (use code KYM10 for 10% off at https://bit.ly/3OQp4Jd)

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    16 mins
  • 06. Ditch the Paperwork Panic: How AI Makes Clinical Forms a Breeze
    Feb 7 2024

    In the latest episode of "Run Your Private Practice with AI," Kym dives deep into leveraging AI for streamlining clinical paperwork in private practices. This episode shares invaluable insights on utilizing AI to create comprehensive and legally sound clinical forms, including assessments, intake forms, and consent agreements. Through a blend of personal experience and expert knowledge, she explains how AI tools like ChatGPT can act as a virtual healthcare attorney, crafting documents that cater to the specific needs of a private practice. The episode is packed with actionable advice on customizing clinical paperwork, ensuring legal compliance, and enhancing practice management through AI integration.


    Key points 

    • AI-Powered Clinical Paperwork: Kym demonstrates how AI can simplify the creation of essential clinical documents, making it easier for new and seasoned clinicians to meet legal and professional standards.

    • Customization and Compliance: Insights into customizing clinical forms to reflect the unique aspects of one's practice while adhering to state and licensure requirements.

    • Practical AI Applications: Real-world applications of AI in private practice, from generating paperwork to offering a template creator exclusively for Clinical AI Club members.

    Join The Clinical AI Club at www.clinicalaiclub.com

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    14 mins
  • 05. GPT Store Released: Passive Income Generator for Side Hustles!
    Jan 31 2024

    In this episode of "Run Your Private Practice with AI," I dive into advanced applications of AI for therapists exploring side hustles and diversifying income streams. As a therapist and digital nomad managing multiple income streams, I share insights on the transformative potential of ChatGPT and its latest feature, the ChatGPT store. This innovative platform, resembling popular app stores, allows the creation of unique ChatGPT applications, offering endless possibilities for personalized AI tools.


    I discuss my experience in developing specific ChatGPT applications, including one tailored to insurance billing for my Bill Like a Boss community and the publicly available Progress Notes AI tool. These tools demonstrate the capability of AI to streamline complex tasks like note auditing and treatment plan generation while respecting PHI guidelines. The episode emphasizes the opportunity for therapists to create specialized AI tools as effective lead magnets and marketing aids for their private practices or side hustles.


    Key Points:

    • Exploring Advanced AI Applications: Utilizing ChatGPT for creating personalized AI tools, enhancing private practice efficiency, and supporting side hustles.

    • Innovative AI Store:  Introduction of the ChatGPT store, enabling the creation and sharing of unique AI applications, mirroring the functionality of app stores.

    • Practical AI Implementations: Real-world examples of AI applications in therapy, focusing on insurance billing and progress notes, and their potential as marketing tools.

    External Resources Mentioned:

    Progress Notes AI Tool: A free tool available for ChatGPT-4 users, designed to aid in note-taking and treatment planning:



    Clinical AI Club: A community for therapists to explore and implement AI in their practices. Website: www.clinicalaiclub.com

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    18 mins