• 19 l Mama’s Takes: Stories From Your Two Best Mom Friends l Instagram Live
    Oct 20 2023

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    Listen in to our Instagram live where we speak about a few stories we had sent in! Ever been mistaken for the babysitter of your own child based on appearance? We've certainly been there and it sparked a powerful conversation on the unnecessary assumptions about a mother-child relationship. Join us as we share that story, challenge societal norms, and discuss why it’s unnecessary to prove someone's relationship with their child through a photo. We dig into this sensitive topic, inviting all mamas and friends to approach conversations about parenting with an open mind and a supportive attitude.

    Remember the time when we were asked if we were 'new to this parenting thing' based on how we handled our kids? Well, that inspired a whole segment in our podcast on the balancing act of opinions and boundaries in parenthood. Listen in as we dive into the unsaid rules of commenting on someone else’s parenting style - should we interject or follow a 'stop and think' process before engaging? Get ready to find empowerment in setting boundaries to secure your peace of mind.

    Finally, we share a story of a mom shamed for her choices in feeding and childcare, highlighting the constant tug of war mothers face while trying to make the best decisions for their families amidst profound external judgment. Nod along as we empathize with the exhaustion of motherhood and the importance of seeking support. We'll also discuss how to navigate unsolicited opinions and set boundaries with respect. So, tune in for a hearty chat with us as we lend a supportive hand to all the moms out there dealing with mom shaming and struggling to assert their parenting decisions.

    Thank you so much for joining us today . We’re so excited you’re taking this journey with us! They say it takes a village, welcome home mama!

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    Felicia’s Instagram: @Felicia_Sorby
    Bri’s Instagram: @Brie.Rodriquez

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    35 mins
  • 18 l Redefining and Prioritizing Self-Care in Motherhood l Simple Ways to Find Your Balance
    Oct 13 2023

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    Let's get real about self-care, moms! What if we told you that it doesn't have to be a perfectly planned day at the spa? That's right, no need for the fancy facials or expensive retreats. Instead, imagine savoring a quiet moment in the living room with your kids, soaking in their laughter, their stories, and their presence - that's self-care too! This episode redefines self-care for moms. We unpack it in ways that aren't overwhelming or burdensome, focusing on finding the modes of self-care that work for you.

    Managing the ever-changing priorities of motherhood and finding time for self-care can feel like a Herculean task. But we promise you, it doesn't have to be! This episode explores how to prioritize self-care without it feeling like another chore. We also delve into the delicate balance between caring for ourselves and being present with our children. To top it all off, we share our 30-day self-care calendar to guide you on your journey. So tune in, and let's tackle motherhood and self-care together! And don't forget to share this episode with another mama who might find it valuable.

    Our Self-care Calendar

    Thank you so much for joining us today . We’re so excited you’re taking this journey with us! They say it takes a village, welcome home mama!

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    Felicia’s Instagram: @Felicia_Sorby
    Bri’s Instagram: @Brie.Rodriquez

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    23 mins
  • 17 l Societal Expectations and the Pressure to be the Perfect Mom
    Oct 6 2023

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    Hosts (Felicia and Bri) take on the tough topic of societal expectations placed on mothers. Ever felt like you're running a losing race trying to live up to the image of the so-called 'perfect' mom? We've been there too. Using our personal experiences with a myriad of societal influences, we tackle the guilt and stress that arises from these pressures. No magic one-size-fits-all solution here; we just share our journey through the maze of information and how we're learning to do what works best for our homes, despite external pressures.

    Navigating the tricky terrain of parenting advice is no easy task. Has someone ever made you feel inadequate with their 'well-intentioned' advice? We examine the dynamics of giving and receiving parenting advice, taking into account the intentions behind the advice and the relationship between those involved. We go a step further by suggesting a novel approach - asking permission before offering advice - a simple but impactful change that can foster more open and respectful parenting discussions.

    Whether you are a new mom grappling with the overwhelming sea of responsibilities or a veteran parent seeking validation, this episode promises to be an enlightening journey. So, sit back and get ready for an honest discussion about the beautiful mess that is motherhood.

    Thank you so much for joining us today . We’re so excited you’re taking this journey with us! They say it takes a village, welcome home mama!

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    Felicia’s Instagram: @Felicia_Sorby
    Bri’s Instagram: @Brie.Rodriquez

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    37 mins
  • 16 l Mom Brain l Understanding, Embracing & Managing Motherhood’s Mental Shifts
    Sep 29 2023

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    Feeling a little foggy, forgetful, and disoriented after having a baby? Don't worry, it's not just you—it's "mom brain." Trust us, we've been there, and it's an unexpected rite of passage in the wonderful chaos of motherhood. This episode peels back the layers of this phenomenon, exploring the scientific evidence that reveals how brain structure shifts post-pregnancy, and how hormones, physical changes, and sleep deprivation can all mess with your mental gears. We'll share some of our own embarrassing "mom brain" moments, with a good dose of humor, and discuss how we've learned to embrace this new aspect of our identities.

    But it isn't all about the challenges. We'll also shine a light on the hidden strengths that emerge in the throes of parenthood - like seriously impressive multitasking abilities and heightened instincts that are fine-tuned to our children's needs. We've got some practical advice to share too, from task management strategies to self-care practices that bolster brain health. Life with kids can feel like a whirlwind but remember the whirlwind is also full of beautiful moments. Rather than striving for perfection, we hope this episode inspires you to embrace the chaos, give yourself a break, and maybe even try out new ways of coping with the wild ride of motherhood.

    Thank you so much for joining us today . We’re so excited you’re taking this journey with us! They say it takes a village, welcome home mama!

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    Felicia’s Instagram: @Felicia_Sorby
    Bri’s Instagram: @Brie.Rodriquez

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    22 mins
  • 15 l Navigating Relationships in Motherhood l Setting Boundaries and Expectations
    Sep 22 2023

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    Hey Mama, ever found yourself in a relationship quagmire after welcoming a little one into your life? You're not alone. We are right there with you, navigating the complex dynamics of relationships after becoming a mom. We shed light on the transformation that relationships undergo upon becoming parents - sometimes in ways we didn't anticipate. However, there's no room for guilt as we figure out how to steer these changes.

    We promise you'll gain invaluable insight into the art of boundary setting. Our personal stories serve as practical examples, offering you clear understanding of what this looks like. One key takeaway: maintaining peace in your home and creating a safe space for your children do not need to be second to family/friend pressure. We also discuss the tricky task of handling expectations and the possibility of being perceived as the "bad guy".

    But remember, your feelings matter. Being firm on your boundaries is vital for your family's well-being. Your relationship is one-of-a-kind, and there's no need to fear standing out. We bring to the table advice, share our struggles and triumphs, and provide strategies for a safe, respectful, and loving environment for your family. Feel free to reach out with your reflections on this episode - we're all ears. So, here's to a healthier, happier, and respectful family environment. Tune in, and let's navigate this journey together!

    Thank you so much for joining us today . We’re so excited you’re taking this journey with us! They say it takes a village, welcome home mama!

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    Felicia’s Instagram: @Felicia_Sorby
    Bri’s Instagram: @Brie.Rodriquez

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    34 mins
  • 14 l Mom Guilt l A Deep Dive into Societal Pressure Surrounding Work VS Staying at Home
    Sep 15 2023

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    We've all been there - the dreaded mom guilt. The balancing act of wanting to be there for your child's every laugh and tear while also trying to meet your professional responsibilities can be tough. In our candid conversation, we, Felicia and Bri, open up about the struggles of working remotely and the guilt associated with not being able to be fully present for our children. But it's not all gloom and doom! We also discuss the upside of having the privilege to work from home, like hearing your child's giggles from the next room or taking lunch breaks together.

    Ever felt like society often paints a picture of motherhood that leaves you feeling like there's no winning? You're not alone. In the second part of our discussion, we dive into the complexities of mom guilt, underscored by the unrealistic expectations society places on mothers. We emphasize the importance of having open conversations with your partner and navigating a parenting approach that works best for your family, not what societal norms dictate. Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all in parenting. So, whether you choose daycare, a nanny, or an au pair, it's about finding what works best for you and your family while giving yourself room to make mistakes and learn from them. Join us in this honest and empathetic exploration of mom guilt, and know that it's okay to sometimes struggle - you're not alone.

    Thank you so much for joining us today . We’re so excited you’re taking this journey with us! They say it takes a village, welcome home mama!

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    Felicia’s Instagram: @Felicia_Sorby
    Bri’s Instagram: @Brie.Rodriquez

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    19 mins
  • 13 l Bri's Birth Stories l Pregnancy, COVID, and Epidurals
    Sep 8 2023

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    Ever wondered how COVID-19 has impacted new mothers? Our host Bri, a courageous mother of two, shares her personal journey of becoming a mom in the middle of a global pandemic. From the initial shock of her first pregnancy to navigating the challenges of being a COVID-impacted mom-to-be, she lays bare the realities with a dash of humour, reminding us all that we're only human.

    Bri's tale takes an unexpected turn when her water breaks during a condo viewing, leading to her first labor encounter. She candidly talks us through each moment - from the initial embarrassment, to the waves of intense pain and the sweet relief of an epidural. Get ready to be transported into the delivery room, as Bri recounts her twelve-hour long labor in vivid detail. Her story is a testament to the highs and lows of childbirth, giving listeners an unfiltered insight into a journey that is as magical as it is challenging.

    The final phase of our conversation with Bri delves into her second pregnancy. The journey was fraught with struggles, including a gestational diabetes diagnosis and regular NSTs. Enter the delivery room once again as she narrates her labor story and the experiences she encountered during the crucial postpartum period. As we wrap up the episode, we reflect on the importance of having a solid support system during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum period. If you're seeking an honest take on motherhood and the need for communal support, Bri's journey will leave you inspired, informed and ready to tackle the challenges that lie ahead.

    Thank you so much for joining us today . We’re so excited you’re taking this journey with us! They say it takes a village, welcome home mama!

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    Felicia’s Instagram: @Felicia_Sorby
    Bri’s Instagram: @Brie.Rodriquez

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    39 mins
  • 12 l PCOS Awareness l Symptoms, Diagnosis and Support
    Sep 1 2023

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    As PCOS Awareness Month commences, we are presented with a ripe opportunity to have a heart-to-heart about Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Engage with us as we unravel the intricate tapestry of this condition, marked by an abnormal production of androgens in the ovaries. Bri talks to Felicia in this interview-style talk, where Felicia opens up about her personal battle with PCOS, shedding light on the myriad symptoms she has braved. In her candid account, Felicia paints a vivid picture of the journey from missed periods, excess body hair to severe pain during periods, all leading to her diagnosis.

    Navigating further into uncharted territory, we aim to discern the complications that can arise from housing multiple cysts in the body. Through discussions grounded in medical facts and personal experiences, we strive to offer a comprehensive understanding of PCOS, its potential impact on quality of life, and the path towards diagnosis via ultrasound. We acknowledge the emotional toll this condition can impose, especially on those yearning to start a family. Hence, we advocate for a supportive environment where we stand in solidarity with each other, fostering strength and resilience in the face of PCOS. Tune in, arm yourself with invaluable insights about PCOS, and learn how to maneuver through the challenges it may present.

    Thank you so much for joining us today . We’re so excited you’re taking this journey with us! They say it takes a village, welcome home mama!

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    Felicia’s Instagram: @Felicia_Sorby
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    25 mins