• 91. Spiritual Connection in Entrepreneurship: Advice from Gail Nott
    Jun 5 2024


    • Cinthia Varkevisser - Co-host, Resident Mystic
    • Michelle Walters - Co-host, Mind Power Hypnosis Expert

    Episode Highlights:

    • Introduction to the Show:
    • Welcome to Mind Power Meets Mystic, where we expand minds, uplift spirits, and create a space for collaboration with the invisible.
    • Meet your hosts: Michelle Walters, the mind power hypnosis expert, and Cinthia Varkevisser, the resident mystic.
    • Guest Introduction:
    • Guest: Gail Nott, Certified Professional Diversity Coach for Solopreneurs (Soul-opreneurs).
    • Gail's expertise: Helping purpose-driven business owners grow their business without sacrificing their personal lives.
    • Gail's background: Over 20 years in marketing, sales, and personal development; previously grew a holistic wellness center to over 40 practitioners.
    • Conversation Topics:
    • Meeting Gail Nott:
    • Cinthia shares how she and Gail met nearly 20 years ago in a quasi-BNI setting.
    • Discussion on the strengths and weaknesses of structured networking groups like BNI compared to more informal groups.
    • BNI Explanation:
    • Michelle explains BNI (Business Network International) and its structured approach to networking.
    • Comparison of BNI's structured approach to more flexible networking groups.
    • Gail's Journey:
    • Transition from managing a wellness center to becoming a business coach.
    • The role of spirituality in Gail's career and business philosophy.
    • Spirituality in Business:
    • Gail's perspective on connecting with purpose and intuition in business.
    • The importance of aligning with one's soul and purpose for business success.
    • Discussing the concept of money as an energy exchange and various business models that accommodate different financial capacities.
    • Mind Power Meets Mystic Perspective:
    • Michelle and Cinthia discuss their own experiences with integrating spirituality into their professional lives.
    • The concept of being in alignment and connected to a higher purpose.
    • What's Next for Gail:
    • Gail's plans to homeschool her daughter using an unschooling approach.
    • Launching her membership program, Lift, to provide accessible business coaching.
    • Structure and benefits of the Lift program: affordable rate, training on marketing, sales, business models, and a monthly coaching call.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Spiritual Connection: Aligning with one's soul and purpose is crucial for personal and professional success.
    • Networking Groups: Structured groups like BNI offer stability but may lack flexibility; informal groups offer community but require more self-motivation.
    • Business Models: Embracing various financial models can make business coaching accessible to a wider audience.
    • Holistic Approach: Integrating spirituality and personal values into business can lead to greater fulfillment and success.


    • Thank You: Expressing gratitude to Gail Nott for sharing her insights and experiences.
    • Reminder: Listeners are encouraged to connect with their purpose and explore how spirituality can enhance their business journey.

    Join us next week on Mind Power Meets Mystic for more inspiring conversations and insights!

    For Gail Nott and LIFT: Business Coaching Membership for Soulpreneurs


    For more Mind Power Meets Mystic:


    Find Michelle Walters here:


    Find Cinthia Varkevisser here:


    Reach cinthia at cintuition@gmail.com

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    19 mins
  • 90. Finding Your Perfect Healer: Steps to Take and Tips to Follow
    May 30 2024

    Title: Finding and Vetting a Healer Right for You

    Date: May 30, 2024

    Episode Overview

    In this episode of "Mind Power Meets Mystic," hosts Michelle Walters and Cinthia Varkevisser dive into the essential topic of finding and vetting the right healer for your needs. They discuss the importance of choosing a healer that resonates with you, the steps to ensure credibility, and tips for navigating the often overwhelming world of holistic healing.

    Key Points Discussed

    • Understanding Your Needs:
    • Michelle and Cinthia emphasize the importance of self-reflection and clarity on what you seek from a healing experience.
    • They discuss different types of healers and modalities, from traditional therapists to energy healers and shamans.
    • Research and Recommendations:
    • The hosts share tips on conducting thorough research, including checking credentials, reading reviews, and asking for recommendations from trusted sources.
    • The importance of using reputable platforms and avoiding unverified practitioners is highlighted.
    • Initial Consultation:
    • Insights on what to look for during an initial consultation are provided. Michelle and Cinthia discuss red flags and positive signs to watch for in a healer.
    • They stress the importance of feeling comfortable and safe with your healer, and trusting your intuition.
    • Questions to Ask:
    • A list of key questions to ask potential healers is shared to help ensure they are the right fit for you.
    • Topics such as their approach to healing, experience, and methods are covered.
    • Personal Stories:
    • Michelle and Cinthia share their personal experiences with different healers and the lessons they’ve learned along the way.
    • They discuss the importance of continuous learning and staying open to new healing experiences.

    About the Hosts

    Michelle Walters: A renowned psychologist and life coach, Michelle combines traditional psychological practices with holistic approaches to help clients achieve mental and emotional well-being.

    Cinthia Varkevisser: Known as the "Mystic Mentor," Cinthia integrates her deep understanding of mysticism and energy work to guide individuals on their spiritual journeys.

    For more Mind Power Meets Mystic:


    Find Michelle Walters here:


    Find Cinthia Varkevisser here:


    Reach cinthia at cintuition@gmail.com

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    30 mins
  • 89. Introducing Mind Power Meets Mystic - The Project
    May 21 2024

    In this week's episode of "Mind Power Meets Mystic," co-hosts Michelle Walters and Cinthia Varkevisser unveil an exciting new offering: "Mind Power Meets Mystic, the Product." This innovative service combines Cinthia's insightful short readings with Michelle's powerful hypnotherapy sessions, designed to help clients overcome obstacles, amplify their goals, and move forward with clarity and purpose. Listeners will learn how this unique, one-on-one experience provides actionable steps and deep subconscious support, ensuring tangible results and lasting change. Tune in to hear client testimonials and discover how you can benefit from this dynamic duo's combined expertise.

    Michelle and Cinthia also share their personal journey of collaboration, highlighting how their long-standing friendship and complementary skills have shaped this new venture. With detailed insights into the process, from initial readings to personalized hypnosis tracks, they offer a glimpse into the seamless, effective approach that has already garnered rave reviews. Whether you're feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or simply curious about new ways to enhance your personal growth, this episode is packed with inspiration and practical advice. Don't miss out on the chance to elevate your mind and spirit with "Mind Power Meets Mystic, the Product."

    For more Mind Power Meets Mystic:


    Find Michelle Walters here:


    Find Cinthia Varkevisser here:


    Reach cinthia at cintuition@gmail.com

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    21 mins
  • 88. Manifesting Love and Prosperity: Insights from Inside Out Spa
    May 10 2024

    Hosts: Cinthia Varkevisser and Michelle Walters

    Guests: Angela and Marty from Inside Out Spa in Martinez, California


    • Cinthia Varkevisser and Michelle Walters, co-hosts of "Mind Power Meets Mystic," welcome Angela and Marty from Inside Out Spa.
    • Inside Out Spa, launched in 2022 as an LLC, is entering a strategic growth phase.
    • The spa's offerings include infrared saunas, Himalayan salt therapy rooms, sound bowl therapy, and more.
    • Angela and Marty, a visionary couple, share their journey from childhood sweethearts to business partners and spouses.
    • They discuss how their love story led to the creation of Inside Out Spa and their commitment to wellness.

    Key Points:

    • Angela and Marty's love story began at age 14 and culminated in marriage and a thriving business partnership.
    • Inspired by their own wellness journey, they opened Inside Out Spa to offer holistic wellness services to their community.
    • The spa's offerings expanded to include massage therapy, energy healing, ionized antioxidant water, and sound bowl therapy.
    • Angela's background in finance and operations, combined with Marty's skills in facilities management and customer service, complement each other in running the business.
    • The couple's intuitive approach to business, coupled with community feedback, drives the evolution of Inside Out Spa.
    • Angela's belief in manifestation has played a significant role in the spa's success, attracting the right people and opportunities.
    • The spa aims to create a welcoming space for the community to explore holistic wellness practices and find relaxation and healing.


    • Cinthia and Michelle express gratitude for Angela and Marty's inspiring story and the valuable insights shared.
    • They highlight the importance of love, intuition, and community in driving business success.
    • The episode concludes with a warm farewell and an invitation for listeners to explore Inside Out Spa's offerings.

    Finder Inside Out Spa here:


    For more Mind Power Meets Mystic:


    Find Michelle Walters here:


    Find Cinthia Varkevisser here:


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    25 mins
  • 87. Beyond Space and Time: Embracing 5D Consciousness in a 3D World
    Apr 27 2024

    Hi, we're Cinthia Varkevisser And Michelle Walters, co-hosts of Mind Power Meets Mystic. Our weekly show is here to expand your mind to what's possible, to uplift your spirits, to move forward with competence and joy, and to create a space for your collaboration with the invisible. Welcome to Mind Power Meets Mystic.

    Hey, hey, hey, party people. This is Cinthia Varkevisser, your mystic, and my mind power friend, Ms. Michelle Walters, is allowing me to take the platform today because I have something that I really would like to discuss. What I'd like to talk about is how to walk 5D in a 3D world. Now, this is so interesting to me because our world is changing, and it's very exciting. You'll see that people are starting to change their communication and say, "I hear you," or "What I hear you saying is," or "I feel that," or "Let me see if what you're saying is what I'm understanding." Oh, really beautiful things.

    And then you have this 5D space in which we go beyond these emotional things, and we are connected to a higher source. In this higher source, there's no concept of time, there's this greater generosity, there's this greater everything. And there's actually a loss in emotional attachment. That's not a bad thing at all. However, there are a lot of people who are saying, "Oh, lordy, lordy, I just want to be 5D." Well, in 5D, there is no eating, there is no drinking, there's no taking a shit. There's no love. There's nothing greater than love. But there's not this emotional connected love that makes us weep when we see our loved ones, when we are so sad when we, you know, it's really beautiful to be a human being.

    And so I am committed to talking about 3D, 5D. There are so many juicy things in 3D that we don't want to leave it in. I'll tell you, I had a near-death experience. And I had the opportunity to come back. And I channeled Induro from the fifth dimension. So I believe I have this really unique qualification about 3D living and 5D experience.

    Alright, let's first explain what the hell these dimensions are. There are a multitude of dimensions; my tiny little brain can only handle 12. And the way that I understand from Induro is that there are many more, but we are only exposed to as much as we can handle. And for me, that's 12. Maybe there will be more later. And we'll talk about that more later.

    Alright, so let's start with math. First dimension, think about just drawing a line. There's really nothing to it, there's no depth, there's no height, it's just a line, that is 1D. Along comes another line that decides to not bisect but to make perpendicular. And now we have two, we have length, and then we have height. So we have something to compare to and our vision. And our understanding gets to be a little bit deeper. Then we come to 3D, which is the way that we live. In 3D, it's height, length or width, and depth. And from that, we get this really beautiful thing called texture. And that's how we get to see different colors. That's how we get to have different feelings. It's how we get to have the shapes. So thank you, Mr. Mush, let's my math teacher, which is a whole different story. Who taught me about the line taught me about let me see. Let me go to my notes. Because I do have notes. Our line, our plane, and then our cube. So 1D, 2D, 3D, and this is where we live. 3D is where our emotions are. This is where our perceptions our judgment really is a perception plus an emotion. Right? So this is where all these lovely things are, this is where we get to have a body. And this body survives on sleep on eating, drinking, waste, sunlight.

    Okay, so we are delicate little creatures, because we need these five things. And we are incredibly sturdy creatures, because we've been around for a little while. So it's 4D, 4D is time. 4D is where a lot of us are still not really understanding time. And we are. It's not being moved. But we are tied to time when really, that is that's a...

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    29 mins
  • 86. Breaking Barriers: Overcoming Mental Blocks Through Board Breaking with Heather
    Apr 12 2024

    Show Title: Mind Power Meets Mystic

    Episode Title: Breaking Barriers: Overcoming Mental Blocks Through Board Breaking with Heather

    Show Notes:

    • Cinthia, Michelle, and Heather discuss Heather's experience with board breaking during a retreat.
    • Heather describes the frustration and internal struggles she faced during the board breaking exercise.
    • Cinthia highlights the mindset shift that occurred when Heather finally broke the board and the importance of being present in the moment.
    • Michelle reflects on her own experience with board breaking and the differences in approach between the retreat she attended and Heather's experience.
    • The group discusses the significance of the word chosen for the board breaking exercise and how it impacts the overall experience.
    • Cinthia emphasizes the value of sitting with discomfort and allowing space for epiphanies to occur.
    • Heather shares a personal realization she had after the board breaking exercise and its connection to her physical well-being.
    • The conversation delves into the role of energy healing and the interconnectedness of various experiences.
    • The hosts express gratitude for Heather sharing her story and the valuable lessons learned from the board breaking exercise.

    Closing Remarks:

    Cinthia, Michelle, and Heather express appreciation for the insightful discussion and the opportunity to explore the deeper meanings behind the board breaking exercise. They emphasize the importance of embracing discomfort, being present in the moment, and recognizing the interconnectedness of experiences.

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    37 mins
  • 85. Responsible Intuitive Coaching with ILCATE Founder Katya Dmitrieva
    Apr 9 2024
    • Show Title: Mind Power Meets Mystic
    • Hosts: Cinthia Varkevisser and Michelle Walters
    • Guest: Katya Dmitrieva


    • Cinthia Varkevisser and Michelle Walters, hosts of "Mind Power Meets Mystic," welcome listeners to the show.
    • They introduce their guest, Katya Dmitrieva, an intuitive life coach.

    Discussion Points:

    • Katya shares the inception of her program, Integrated Intuitive Life Coaching (ILKATE), born amidst the COVID-19 pandemic in September 2020.
    • ILKATE aims to bridge the gap for individuals with intuitive skills, providing legitimacy and accreditation to their coaching practice.
    • Katya emphasizes the importance of moving from a mindset of coaching as a mere service to holistic entrepreneurship.
    • ILKATE focuses on turning challenges into opportunities, intuition into action, and dreams into reality.

    Katya's Journey:

    • Katya shares her background, coming from St. Petersburg, Russia, and her journey to discovering and developing her intuitive gifts.
    • She discusses her pivotal moment of deciding to combine her love for helping people with her intuitive gifts, leading her to explore life coaching.

    Aha Moments in Coaching:

    • Katya discusses the concept of "aha moments" in coaching, emphasizing the power of intuitive listening and thought-provoking questions.
    • She highlights that aha moments can manifest subtly and encourages practitioners to focus on genuine connection and observation.

    Cultural Perspectives on Intuition:

    • Katya reflects on her experiences growing up in the Soviet Union, where intuitive practices were often hidden or disregarded.
    • She discusses the shift in societal attitudes towards intuition over time, from secrecy to a flood of interest, and the challenges that accompanied it.

    Integrity in Coaching:

    • The hosts and guest emphasize the importance of integrity in coaching, ensuring high standards of professionalism, ethics, and legitimacy.
    • Katya underscores the role of intuitive life coaches in guiding individuals towards happiness, fulfillment, and alignment with their purpose.

    Upcoming Events:

    • Katya shares upcoming events, including discussions on humor in coaching, intuitive development, and a free masterclass on Integrated Intuitive Life Coaching.

    Closing Remarks:

    • Cinthia and Michelle thank Katya for joining the show and encourage listeners to engage by liking, commenting, and sharing the podcast.
    • They express gratitude to the audience and look forward to future episodes.


    • Hosts: Cinthia Varkevisser and Michelle Walters
    • Guest: Katya Dmitrieva
    • Date: April 16, 2024

    For Katya Dmitrieva

    4/29 Integrated Intuitive Life Coaching Method Launch

    ILCATE Website

    Michelle Walters can be found at

    Michelle's Website

    Cinthia Varkevisser can be found at



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    24 mins
  • 84. Achieve Peace and Productivity: 10 Mind Decluttering Strategies
    Mar 28 2024


    • Cinthia Varkevisser and Michelle Walters introduce themselves as co-hosts of "Mind Power Meets Mystic," a weekly show aimed at expanding minds, uplifting spirits, and facilitating collaboration with the invisible.
    • They discuss the importance of decluttering, especially during spring, and highlight previous episodes focusing on physical and time wise decluttering.


    • Cinthia introduces the concept of decluttering emotions by finding unifying thoughts to help clients pursue their goals effectively.
    • Michelle discusses her approach of helping clients subtract emotional connections or behaviors that no longer serve them.
    • They explore different therapeutic approaches, highlighting the importance of tailoring methods to individual clients' needs.
    • Cinthia shares her three-step approach to decluttering emotions, focusing on acceptance, asking for help, and self-recognition.
    • Michelle emphasizes the connection between decluttering the mind and other forms of decluttering, such as physical space.
    • Michelle discusses her executive coaching experience and how asking the right questions helps clients prioritize and find clarity.
    • Cinthia emphasizes the importance of bridging emotions and analysis with intuition for effective decision-making.

    Upcoming Events:

    • Cinthia and Michelle both mention their participation as speakers at the Spiritual What the F*ck? Fair on April 28 in Walnut Creek, California.
    • Cinthia promotes her collaboration with Santana Deluce in the Spiritual Spa Experience, offering intuitive readings, channeled messages, and sound healing sessions.
    • Michelle announces her upcoming free Group Hypnosis session, Nourish and Flourish, as well as her class on reducing alcohol consumption through hypnosis.


    • Cinthia and Michelle thank the audience and encourage them to rate, review, and subscribe to the podcast.
    • They invite listeners to join them again for the next episode of "Mind Power Meets Mystic."


    • You've been listening to "Mind Power Meets Mystic."

    Michelle Walters can be found at

    Michelle's Website

    Cinthia Varkevisser can be found at



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    28 mins