• The Story of Soy
    May 16 2024

    Soy is an incredibly versatile ingredient with a lot of devoted fans and numerous health benefits. However, it's important to be informed. The soy industry is massive—it's the second largest crop after corn and generates three times the revenue of the NFL. With such big money, not all the information about soy can be trusted.

    • That soy you are eating is not from the US.

    • Why the soy fed to our livestock is making them sick

    • Why is GMO soil so much more reactionary?

    • Soy an menopause miracle or a long term endocrine disruptor

    If you like this podcast, you will love the program that it is part of

    TIGHT28 starts on May 25 - June 22 2024

    If you missed the live coaching program be sure to email me so that I can let you know when it comes around again


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    13 mins
  • The Dairy Dilema
    May 15 2024

    My TIGHT28 Program is about to start May 25 - June 22 2024

    The meal plans are all gluten, soy, sugar, and dairy-free - but why no dairy? is it really as bad as some people make it out to be?

    For the purpose of the TIGHT28 program I have removed dairy from the meals plans because of its close association to gluten

    50% of those with a gluten intolerance also have an issue with dairy!

    When your body is reacting to a food, it is not reacting to a single protein, but to an amino acids sequence/pattern

    and the amino acids pattern of gluten also looks similar to that of dairy, thyroid, brain tissue and even eggs!

    TIGHT 28 is indeed a weight loss program, but the results go far beyond the scale.

    • Weight loss but at a faster rate than usual due to eliminating the irritants that keep bloat and water weight hanging on
    • Reduced pain! Joint pain, aches and pain, all reduced with this program
    • No more heartburn, indigestion, bathroom issues
    • Clearer skin
    • Better mood and clarity

    Why I built this program.

    I am constantly seeing people’s weight loss stall because of foods they were sensitive to

    I am constantly seeing people sabotage their weight loss because of their relationship with certain foods

    I am constantly seeing people’s weight loss progress trashed because of weekend weight gain, which is so pronounced that it negates all the progress of their week

    I am constantly seeing people living with bloating, low energy, joint pain, and depressed moods because of their food.

    • 9 live zoom coaching calls (all recorded)
    • Lots of pre recorded content on all topics
    • Workout
    • Meal plans (no gluten, dairy, soy nor added sugar) designed for weight loss
    • Full access to me for the entire length of the program
    • My app is free for you forever x

    Zoom topics.

    • How food sensitivities show up
    • What is a mitochondria anyway?
    • Sugar - added sugar, sugar alcohols, artificial sweeteners
    • How to test for food intolerance or allergy (spoiler - not those home tests!)
    • Appetite regulators - how to control
    • Building mini habits for success
    • VO2 max, HIIT, anaerobic threshold and much more explained
    • Cardio or weights for fat loss?
    • Stubborn fat that seems diet resistant
    • Gluten & dairy - their connection
    • GMO and soy - how our foods have changed
    • Weight Plateaus and rebounds
    • and I am sure a lot more as I tend to get carried away :)

    WWW.TIGHT28.COM starts really soon (May 25 2024) Never miss knowing about a program - simply email me your email address and I will contact you when program dates are set. Jo@theshrinkshop.com

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    13 mins
  • Volume Enhances Muscle Building
    May 13 2024

    Training to build muscle allow us a lot of variety with regards to reps, weights, sets and rest.

    You can use just about any combination you want as long as it hits enough "volume"

    Volume, in the context of muscle building, refers to the total amount of work performed in a workout, typically measured by the number of sets, reps, and weight lifted. It's a key factor in muscle hypertrophy, the process by which muscle fibers increase in size.

    Here's why volume is important for building muscle:

    1. Muscle Damage: When you lift weights, you cause micro-tears in your muscle fibers. These tears, when repaired, result in muscle growth. Higher volume workouts create more of these micro-tears, stimulating greater muscle growth.

    2. Metabolic Stress: High volume workouts create metabolic stress, which is associated with the buildup of metabolites such as lactate and hydrogen ions in the muscles. This metabolic stress signals the body to adapt by increasing muscle size and strength.

    3. Mechanical Tension: Volume allows for sustained mechanical tension on the muscle fibers during a workout. This tension is a primary driver of muscle growth. By performing more sets and reps, you provide more opportunities for the muscle fibers to be under tension, stimulating growth.

    4. Progressive Overload: Building muscle requires progressively overloading the muscles over time. This means gradually increasing the stress placed on the muscles by increasing volume, intensity, or both. Without sufficient volume, it's challenging to progressively overload the muscles and stimulate further growth.

    Volume and Intensity were topics of my Muscle Month Program

    Up next is TIGHT28 may 25 - June 22 2024

    Never miss a program! email me at jo@theshrinkshop.com and I will add you to my email list (promise no spam!)

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    25 mins
  • Young Muscle & Video Games
    Mar 26 2024

    Although this podcast is for "midlife" and beyond, I feel compelled to discuss young adults, their desire to build muscle and their desire to play video games!

    It makes me very happy to see so many teenagers and young adults interested in lifting weights to gain muscle and get stronger.

    Social media and its influencers are partly driving this (which I also think is awesome)

    But on the other side of the coin is the passion for video games.

    I dont have a dog in this fight because I dont have kids, so let me just shoot from the hip and tell it the way it is.


    Insulin, growth hormone, IGF1, testosterone, protien and optimal training are the growth factors we need to optimize is we want to build muscle at any age.

    Lack of sleeep

    • Decreases testosterone
    • Decreases GH
    • Distrupts Insulin and IGF
    • Increases cortisol
    • Disrupts Ghrelin (an appetite regulator)
    • Moves us towards insulin resistance and anabolic resistance

    Which can/will cause

    • Less muscle protein synthesis
    • Impair our ability to move amino acids in the muscle
    • Impair glucose tolerance
    • Reduce the hormonal growth factos needed to hypertrophy
    • Increase appetitie
    • Increase cravings and sweet cravings
    • Increase muscle breakdown (esp the extremities)
    • Increase fat storage generally, but esp in the midsection

    It seems we are in an era where we expect to do whateve we want but also get the results we want.

    It will not work, not even close.

    I cant even sugar coat this. We must sleep to build muscle and preserve tissue health

    The yound adults are creating an enviroment I would expect to see in a person my own age where the hormones arent working as well.

    If you are going to train hard in the gym, why not optimize all the tools that youth has to offer you?

    It is not about doing "what you can" it is about doing "what is necessary"

    Feel free to forward this to any teenager or young adult that needs to hear this

    MUSCLE MONTH starts this Sunday (march 31) www.musclemonth.com

    Send me your email address to be put on contact list so that you will one of the first to know when my programs are available.


    If you ever want to bring my coaching to your small business please use the email above

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    16 mins
  • Commodities vs Processed Food, an untold tale
    Mar 19 2024

    Commodities are foods found in their natural raw state

    Processed food or CPG (consumer packaged goods) are far from natural or raw.

    Commodities fall under the jurisdiction of the USDA. CPG rather are governed by the FTC (federal trade commission)

    Here lies a problem - a huge problem!

    The USDA does not allow commodidies to compare themselves or make claims. An egg cannot say it is better than a keto bomb.

    The FTC DOES allow comparison and it also allow some degree of claims. A processed food cant say it cures cancer but it can say "meat is bad" and our Impossible burger is heart healthy

    Its a problem

    Commodities cannot counter claim or offer evidence or their superiority, nor do they have the money to fund tha studies that the processed foods companies run.

    This allows for false claims, inaccurate comparisons - meanwhile the commodities slighted cant do a thing about it - there is no recourse

    Muscle Month starts on March 31 and in that program I will be discussing in depth protein and its essential role in muscle building.

    Eggs, fish, poultry and meat are such commodities that have no voice.

    It is no wonder that so many people have been swayed away from animal protein and towards "plant based" (which is usually PROCESSED FOOD)

    In this episode of Midlife Mayhem I talk about the unfairness or it all, coupled with food preferences and the never ending cycle of food bias.

    I hope you enjoy

    To find out more about Muscle Month please go to www.musclemonth.com

    To find out more about me and my coaching www.theshrinkshop.com

    To contact me directly jo@theshrinkshop.com

    To find me on social media please look for @theshrinkshop

    or Joanne Lee Cornish on Youtube

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    16 mins
    Mar 14 2024

    Do you have a goal for your training?

    Many people feel frustrated (and bored) with their training efforts because they didnt set an actual "desired outcome"

    The example I use a lot is the lady who wants to be "toned" and walks through the weight room in a gym to get to the cardio room?! In so doing, walking past the very equipment that would move her towards her goal.

    The thought is that if we lose enough fat there is a 6 pack a cute butt and some cute delts under there - there isnt

    Now the opposite is true.

    If you want to be fast but never run - that is also a tad futile :)

    In this episode I expalin examples of how I train certain body types with certain visual goals

    I describe what I would look for in a bikini competitor and how I would train that lady

    I also explain how I would train a young professional guy that wants to get buff but also wears a collared shirt all day.

    Matching what you want with your body type and with your workouts is a skill - a good trainer should be able to assess this in mere minutes of talking to you and looking at you.

    In my upcoming MUSCLE MONTH program (we start in 2 weeks March 31!) I will be doing this with a few program members.

    Looking at their body, listening to their goal and giving realistic feedback and a spercific plan for their training.

    MUSCLE MONTH www.musclemonth.com starts very soon March 31

    To coach this program I need to be at home for a whole month (because I need the gym) for this reason I doubt I will be able to repeat this program this year.

    Dont walk, RUN to muscle month :)

    If you have questions please email me at jo@theshrinkshop.com

    To find out more about programs and coaching please visit www.theshrinkshop.com

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    26 mins
  • How to Build Muscle and Lose Fat - at the same time!
    Mar 12 2024

    You’ve probably heard someone argue that achieving muscle growth and fat loss in the same day is physically impossible because of thermodynamics. The argument goes as follows.

    1. To build muscle, you must store energy. To lose fat, you must burn energy.
    2. When you are in energy surplus, your body stores energy. When you are in a deficit, your body loses energy.
    3. Therefore, you must be in energy surplus to gain muscle and in a deficit to lose fat.

    The first two points, the premises, are true. They refer to the first law of thermodynamics (‘movement of energy’), also called the law of the conversion of energy. This law means energy cannot just disappear. It has to go somewhere. Building new fat or muscle cells requires energy and breaking them down releases energy. However, point three, the conclusion, is false.

    Why? Because muscle and fat tissue are different functional compartments in the body. As a result, your body directs calories towards muscle and fat mass independently. Researchers call this calorie partitioning and the resulting change in fat and muscle mass are expressed as a P-ratio.

    The body does need other substrates to build muscle mass of course. You need building blocks to build a house. Let’s look at what exactly the body needs.

    So what do we need to build muscle mass?

    1. Lots of water (H2O). You can drink plenty of that during a cut, so no problems there.
    2. Several kinds of protein. Again you can eat a lot of protein on a fat loss diet, so no problems here either. For the DNA and RNA we also need nitrogen and phosphate, but those can be derived from dietary protein.
    3. Glycogen (carbs) and triglycerides (fat). This basically just comes down to energy, because glucose and fat are non-essential nutrients that can be created by the body itself. We need a lot more energy too, because the protein synthesis for the muscle building process is an energy costly process itself.

    In short, we need protein, water, and energy.

    Where do we get the energy?

    Easy. Your body has plenty of that – its that body fat you are trying to lose. They say an average woman has 2 months of fuel on her body in the form of stored body fat – so that is plenty of fuel!

    Thus, as long as your body has sufficient stimulus to build muscle mass, which it has if your training program is optimized, it has both the means and the will to build muscle mass while simultaneously losing fat.

    Similarly, your body is capable of storing fat while burning muscle. The conservation of energy law only means that you must gain energy in an energy surplus and lose energy in a deficit. It says nothing about how these calories are partitioned or about how your body composition changes.

    There is an awesome study that used overweight police officers, they were put on a low calorie diet but with surplus protein and they did resistance training for 12 weeks, On average they lost 9.3 lb of fat and gained 8.8 lb of muscle

    This is what we call “recomp” (recomposition) when a bodyweight can stay pretty much unchanged but the composition changes. In this case the police officers weight did not change very much but they had tremendous fat loss and muscle gains at the same time.

    Newbies often experience “recomp” but so too can experienced lifters.

    Indeed more muscle can be built in a greater energy surplus and indeed gaining muscle in a deficit is harder for an experienced trainer, but with sufficient stimuli and enough protein you should expect to build muscle on a fat loss diet.

    After all we know that the body can gain fat and lose muscle at the same time when in a surplus

    Why not then for the body to lose fat and gain muscle in a deficit? The macros, training, rest and recovery just need to be inline and it will happen.

    This is what MUSCLE MONTH is all about - building muscle and staying lean, or getting leaner.

    I would never do a bulking program, so I would never ask that of my clients

    But Muscle Month starts really soon March 31 - April 27

    If you missed it, please send me your contact info and I will put you on my mailing list




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    20 mins
  • Muscle Loss with Age
    Mar 2 2024
    I thought it could never happen to me. A former pro bodybuilder, Ive been training and eating for hypertrophy (muscle gain) since I was 14! In this podcast, I share my personal story and why muscle loss WILL happen to all of us! If you enjoy this podcast you will really enjoy my MUSCLE MONTH program that starts very soon March 31. Read on and I will expand on muscle loss with age, but first, here is who MUSCLE MONTH is ideal forWe know we need to build and maintain muscle with ageWe may be hesitant because we are still trying to lose fatWe may be reluctant because we dont want to "get too big"We resist because dont you have to "bulk" to gain muscleWe may feel that we're already training our muscles (but we havent changed, so what up with that)We know it is important, but we're not really sure whyWe know we need to build, maintain, protect our muscle but we have no idea where to startWe have been training for decades, but maybe Joanne knows something that we dont :) MUSCLE MONTH has you all covered!What to expectA choice of 6 training programs, from beginner to home, to my workouts (an everything inbetween)Custom meals for your goal type - you can still lose fat and build muscle (dont be told otherwise)Coaching on all topics to do with hypertrophy (its fascinating)You will understand how to build muscle, what results to expectYou will understand how to eat for hypertrophy without getting fatYou will (sadly) understand why most people are NOT building muscle in the gym MUSCLE MONTH www.musclemonth.com March 31 - April 27 Please dont hesitate thinking you might catch this program next time around, because that will be in 2025! OK, plug over. Here is one reason why people lose muscle with age, whether they exercise or not! There are two types of muscle fiber WHITE (fast twitch) muscle fibers. These are our explosive muscle fibers, they create a lot of force but they tire within seconds (think heavy lifting) RED (slow twitch) muscle fibers. These are our endurance muscle fibers, they create low level of energy but they are resistant to fatigue (think long distance running, hiking etc) All muscles have both types of fibers and this explains partially why some people gain muscle easily and others are hard gainers. You see WHITE/FAST TWITCH muscle fibers can get denser and bigger (hypertrophy) whilst the RED/SLOW TWITCH fibers do not really grow. If you have more slow twitch fibers you wont gain "mass' than others (this is why most ladies need never fear getting "too" big) Here is the kicker With age we lose the WHITE/FAST TWITCH muscle fibers, not the RED/SLOW TWITCH fibers! Let that sink in .... I love running, I love yoga, hiking is such fun and you may feel that you are very active and that muscle loss wont happen - IT WILL, because you are not overloading the white/fast fibers to force them to adapt. Even the gym rats fall prey to this because you still have to OVERLOAD the fibers. There are many ways to overload a muscle, but most people are NOT DOING IT. MUSCLE MONTH is ideal for the very beginner to the most advanced. It is SO perfect for a newbie because we can create a fabulous plan from day one (and save you decades of time) It is IDEAL for the more advanced because you already love lifting, lets sharpen the tools and make all the effort effective and efficient. This is a big program for me to coach as I coach from my office, the teach the theory and nutrition and I coach from my gym to teach the practical. I serisouly cannot see how I have time to run this program again this year (I have 5 other programs) 12 zooms (all recorded)Custom meal plans and instruction on how to build out your own nutrition6 workout programs to chose from (or fine tune your own)Full access to meTopics ranging from male/female training, muscle contraction, adaptation, anabolic resistance, protein and leucine, protein timing, do we need carbs, if so when, how many reps, how much rest, what about recovery, what can your blood work show you, how do I design workouts depending on body types and goal types, how do you design a workout, how to sequence exercises, how do you go to failure beyond using more weight, should kids train, can you gain muscle later in life - AND SO MUCH MORE OK, if that doesn't convince you :) Before you walk throught the gym to get to the cardio, please listen to this podcast. www.musclemonth.com We start REALLY SOON MARCH 31 - APRIL 27
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    19 mins