• Rewriting the Dress Code: A Conversation with Kathleen Bostick
    Jun 4 2024

    Kathleen Bostick went from being the most senior woman in the Railroad Industry to being a complete beginner in Localization. Why? Because she doesn’t like being bored.

    Being a beginner and learning new things always beats a fancy title for Kathleen, but it didn’t take her too long to climb the ranks in a new industry as well. Now, she is one of the most influential names in Localization.

    Join Kathleen as she chats with our Merging Minds host Javi Diaz and talks about her life, career, and her love for localization.

    They discuss:

    • Modernizing old fashioned industries (and writing the dress code for women to wear pants!)
    • Getting bored and becoming a beginner again
    • Learning to cold call
    • Building relationships
    • Surprise Million-dollar deals
    • Overcoming the fear of rejection
    • Learning lessons through failure
    • The human touch in sales and first impressions
    • The introduction of Translation Memory
    • Two-Way Mentoring
    • Leaving two different companies and then coming back
    • Learning Leadership by Example
    • The difference between managing men and women
    • Being inclusive as a leader
    • Imposter Syndrome
    • Female Powerhouses in Loc
    • Having a fun career

    And much more!

    Click play to join our Merging Minds host Javi Diaz and his guest, Pascale Tremblay, for a conversation about language, leadership, and looking ahead to the future.

    You can learn more about Kathleen Bostick here.

    P.S. Don't forget to leave a review and subscribe to Merging Minds Podcast powered by Bureau Works for more thought-provoking podcast episodes.

    Listen here on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube and wherever else podcasts are found!

    Podcast powered by Bureau Works, a cloud localization platform that makes complex translation tasks simple and predictable.


    Follow us on YouTube and X @bureau_works for more and don't miss the latest live sessions and offers on LinkedIn:


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    44 mins
  • How AI is Disrupting the Translation Industry
    May 28 2024

    How is AI transforming the translation industry?

    Do these tools impact our income?

    Are they a threat or an opportunity?

    These are the questions that Bureau Works' CEO Gabriel Fairman discusses in his quick solo episode of Merging Minds, where he focuses on some of the economic changes that the AI revolution will bring to the translation space.

    Join Gabriel for a discussion about AI, tech revolutions, and the craft of translation in our age.

    How has technology affected your day-to-day as a translator?

    Let us know below.

    And let's keep the conversation going!

    -Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gabrielfairman/

    -Substack: https://substack.com/@mergingminds

    P.S. Don't forget to leave a review and subscribe to Merging Minds Podcast powered by Bureau Works for more thought-provoking podcast episodes.

    Listen here on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and wherever else podcasts are found!


    Podcast powered by Bureau Works, a cloud localization platform that makes complex translation tasks simple and predictable.


    Follow us on YouTube and X @bureau_works for more and don't miss the latest live sessions and offers on LinkedIn:


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    9 mins
  • Connection is the Future: A Conversation with Loc Legend Pascale Tremblay
    May 21 2024

    Pascale Tremblay has always been curious, open-minded, and ready to make connections with other people. This is exactly the attitude that got her started in localization as a young woman, and the attitude that has helped succeed as a loc leader for the last 20 years!

    Now, this attitude is what is helping her lead teams through rapid changes in the localization industry. She leads with care, creativity, and a constant curiosity.

    Listen to Pascale chat with our Merging Minds host Javi Diaz as they talk about Pascale’s leadership journey and her outlook on the future of loc!

    They discuss:

    • Growing up in a town where no one spoke English, then hitting the big city
    • The “post-localization” era
    • The importance of travel in building connections
    • The fundamental skills of a leader
    • How language is not linear
    • Multilingual, multimodal content creation
    • How to develop a curious and creative mindset around AI
    • The different operational structures that will be needed in the future of loc
    • Thinking of AI as a “transformation of your work”
    • Incremental change working towards a larger vision
    • Understanding the business context of change
    • Going all in on a new tool
    • The future being based on connection

    And more!

    Click play to join our Merging Minds host Javi Diaz and his guest, Pascale Tremblay, for a conversation about language, leadership, and looking ahead to the future.

    You can learn more about Pascale Tremblay here.

    P.S. Don't forget to leave a review and subscribe to Merging Minds Podcast powered by Bureau Works for more thought-provoking podcast episodes.

    Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube and wherever else podcasts are found!

    Podcast powered by Bureau Works, a cloud localization platform that makes complex translation tasks simple and predictable.


    Follow us on YouTube and X @bureau_works for more and don't miss the latest live sessions and offers on LinkedIn:


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    34 mins
  • AI Amplifies Impact: A Conversation with Logan Nye M.D.
    May 14 2024

    Tools can be used for good or for evil, and AI is newest, most powerful tool around. This means that when we use it for good, our impact is amplified. This is exactly what Logan Nye, MD has been doing.

    Dr. Nye is a physician and coder who is developing artificial intelligence tools for healthcare from a first principles perspective. His goal is to use the predictive capabilities of LLMs to help us identify risk factors for disease as early as possible.

    Logan is the Founder of Galen Health, is an MD, and is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Computer Science.

    Listen to Merging Minds Host Gabriel Fairman talk with Logan about how AI can be used to amplify your positive impact, being mission driven, and much more.

    They discuss:

    • How humans relate to one another and how it can be distorted by algorithmic matchmaking
    • If tech needs to “catch up” to humans or if there is a fundamental difference between humans and machines
    • First principles for medicine
    • AI uncovering predictive patterns for pancreatic cancer
    • How tools can be used for good and evil
    • Being Mission Driven vs. Practice Driven or Dogma Driven
    • AI augmenting humans, not replacing them
    • Being flexible in the details, but steadfast in your mission
    • Digital twins
    • The energy and cost limitations on data processing with AI
    • The benefit of not knowing the future
    • How much knowledge impacts our actions
    • Specific truths vs. broad truths
    • Cultural adoption lags behind tech capabilities
    • At what point is better decision making a bad thing

    And more!

    Click play to join our Merging Minds host Gabriel Fairman and his guest, Logan Nye, for a great conversation about AI!

    You can learn more about Logan Nye here.

    P.S. Don't forget to leave a review and subscribe to Merging Minds Podcast powered by Bureau Works for more thought-provoking podcast episodes.

    Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube and wherever else podcasts are found!

    Podcast powered by Bureau Works, a cloud localization platform that makes complex translation tasks simple and predictable.


    Follow us on YouTube and X @bureau_works for more and don't miss the latest live sessions and offers on LinkedIn:


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    49 mins
  • Polyglot for the People! Being Human in Language and Leadership (Sean Hopwood)
    May 9 2024

    Have you ever met someone more interested in going to the laundromat than the museum? Now’s your chance! Sean Hopwood is so intent on authentically connecting with people that he goes to the laundromat and gives directions for fun.

    But, as a polyglot of 7 languages and the owner of his own translation company it is clear that Sean doesn’t just make small talk. He keeps his love for human interaction at the center of his leadership, and you can see it in how he talks about his professional journey.

    Join our Merging Minds Host Javi Diaz for an incredible conversation with Sean Hopwood as they discuss:

    • Sean’s started as an interpreter and his early jobs
    • Founding a translation company with Microsoft Word
    • The evolution of LSPs
    • The power of belief in self for entrepreneurship (and life)
    • Tricking your mind
    • The joy of interacting with people when travelling
    • How “love languages” can work for professional life
    • The power of recognizing someone’s humanity
    • AI as something that helps translators, not replaces them
    • The business value of translation
    • Tips for leaders and entrepreneurs

    And more!

    Click play to join Javi and Sean for a great conversation about languages and leadership.

    You can learn more about Sean Hopwood here.

    P.S. Don't forget to leave a review and subscribe to Merging Minds Podcast powered by Bureau Works for more thought-provoking podcast episodes.

    Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube and wherever else podcasts are found!

    Podcast powered by Bureau Works, a cloud localization platform that makes complex translation tasks simple and predictable.


    Follow us on YouTube and X @bureau_works for more and don't miss the latest live sessions and offers on LinkedIn:


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    35 mins
  • AI Asks An Epic Question, but Nobody Cares (with Stephen Marche)
    May 7 2024

    If anyone understands the intersection of writing and AI, it is Stephen Marche. Stephen first started experimenting with “algorithmic writing” back in 2017 when he built his own writing model.

    Since then Stephen has written an “infinite story” with AI and he created the first ever book written with AI to be reviewed by the New York Times, “Death of An Author”.

    Outside of the AI world, Stephen is also an accomplished writer. He is a novelist, essayist, and columnist whose writing has been published in The New York Times, The New Yorker, The Atlantic, Esquire, and many others.

    Merging Minds Host Gabriel Fairman sits down with Stephen to talk about artificial intelligence, authorship, and all of the complications that go with it. They get philosophical, they get political, and they get to the bottom of some of the biggest challenges our society is facing when it comes to our perception of AI.

    They discuss:

    Can you be an author without writing the words?

    The Moravec paradox: AI is good at hard things and bad at “simple” things

    40-adjective GPT prompts

    Writing a novel with AI

    The resistance to AI in Western Culture

    The fear and greed in narratives about AI

    The influence of social media on perceptions of AI

    “The Microwave of Language”

    How human supervision can maximize the technology

    The potential for AI be a force for good

    Information civil wars

    Why AI ethics institutes don’t scare AI companies

    Creative AI experiments at Disney and Warner Media

    Apocalyptic sensibilities

    Being better than the collective intelligence

    And more!

    Click play to join our Merging Minds host Gabriel Fairman and his guest, Stephen Marche, for a conversation about AI, authorship, and humanity!

    You can learn more about Stephen Marche here.

    P.S. Don't forget to leave a review and subscribe to Merging Minds Podcast powered by Bureau Works for more thought-provoking podcast episodes.

    Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube and wherever else podcasts are found!

    Podcast powered by Bureau Works, a cloud localization platform that makes complex translation tasks simple and predictable.


    Follow us on YouTube and X @bureau_works for more and don't miss the latest live sessions and offers on LinkedIn:


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    58 mins
  • It Starts From the Top - Promoting Mental Wellness at Work with Laura DeCook
    May 2 2024

    The localization industry is high tech, fast-paced, and ever-changing. That is one of the many reasons we love it. But there can be a dark side to that sort of non-stop culture:


    Laura DeCook is a specialist in burnout and mental health that works with organizations of all sizes to bring advocacy and education about mental wellbeing to the workplace. Her work is informed by her own mental health journey and her professional experience of establishing a mental wellbeing program for Expedia Group. She has worked in the film industry and in tech, two intense industries with high rates of burnout and stress.

    Listen to Laura and Javi discuss mental wellness at work, as well as:

    The silver lining of pandemic

    Supporting employees as whole people

    Higher level execs needing to lead by example

    The pros and cons of technology for mental health.

    Laura’s experience at Google and Expedia

    Laura’s time in the film industry and working on Star Wars

    The mental health epidemic in US

    The value of being a nonjudgmental listener

    The scary and exciting future ahead

    And more!

    Click play to join our Merging Minds host Javi Diaz and his guest, Laura DeCook, for a conversation about mental wellness in the workplace!

    You can learn more about Laura DeCook and LDC Wellbeing here: https://www.ldcwellbeing.com/

    P.S. Don't forget to leave a review and subscribe to Merging Minds Podcast powered by Bureau Works for more thought-provoking podcast episodes.

    Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube and wherever else podcasts are found!

    Podcast powered by Bureau Works, a cloud localization platform that makes complex translation tasks simple and predictable.


    Follow us on YouTube and X @bureau_works for more and don't miss the latest live sessions and offers on LinkedIn:


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    38 mins
  • Can Google Be My Co-Author? A Conversation about Original Ideas with Sibelan Forrester
    Apr 30 2024

    Sibelan Forrester isn’t threatened by AI, she is curious about it. As a professor of Russian Literature at Swarthmore College and a literary translator, she has seen how technology has made its way into creative work. But instead of shying away from tech, she gave her students a strange assignment: "Tell ChatGPT to write a paper about something you really care about. Then, see if you are happy with the output."

    Professor Forrester wants her students to keep an open mind to the suggestions that new tools can provide because she sees them as helpful thought partners. And, she is skeptical that our writing and speech were ever really our own to begin with.

    Come listen as Professor Forrester speaks with Merging Minds Host Gabriel Fairman about translation, authorship, and the originality of ideas in this latest episode.

    They also discuss:

    • Permeable Discourse
    • Does synthetic discourse interfere with natural discourse?
    • The influence of suggestions on the creative thought process
    • The power of loneliness in writing
    • How Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy had help with their masterpieces
    • How discourse has no true point of origin
    • How to judge intellectual quality, not just work quantity
    • How Facebook isn’t too bad a translating Russian poetry
    • How to incentivize agency, not laziness
    • The dangers of human editors
    • The importance of cultural and literary analysis in business translations
    • The issue with the current economic model in translation

    And more!

    Click play to join our Merging Minds host Gabriel Fairman and his guest, Sibelan Forrester, for a conversation about language, creativity, and technology!

    You can learn more about Sibelan Forrester here.

    P.S. Don't forget to leave a review and subscribe to Merging Minds Podcast powered by Bureau Works for more thought-provoking podcast episodes.

    Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube and wherever else podcasts are found!

    Podcast powered by Bureau Works, a cloud localization platform that makes complex translation tasks simple and predictable.


    Follow us on YouTube and X @bureau_works for more and don't miss the latest live sessions and offers on LinkedIn:


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    43 mins