• Case Study: Are you doing everything and can't lose weight|254
    Jun 6 2024

    I’m so excited to dive into today’s Fit Girl Magic episode with you. I’m talking all about taking action in your diet and exercise. You’ve probably heard it before 80% of your success comes from what you eat, and only 20% from your workouts. Yep, nutrition is where it’s at!

    Strength training is my love language, not just for building strength but for making daily activities easier and boosting your metabolic flexibility. I’ll be sharing some practical tips on adjusting your diet, like tracking your protein and veggie intake, and celebrating those small yet meaningful wins.

    I'll also get real about my own fitness journey, discussing why it’s so important to give yourself grace and avoid the pitfalls of rigid dieting. You’ll hear stories from clients who’ve struggled with weight loss and how mastering the basics often leads to lasting change, rather than jumping on the latest diet trend. It’s all about focusing on your overall body composition, not just the number on the scale.

    Stick around as I introduce my three-step case study process and invite you to join my “Seven Days to Sail Through Summer” program for some extra accountability and support. If you’re ready to make real changes in your health journey, this episode is packed with actionable insights and real-life inspiration.

    Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/fitgirlmagic

    Free Resources: https://kimbarnesjefferson.lpages.co/freeresources_v1

    Website: http://www.kimbarnesjefferson.com

    7 Days to Sail Through Summer

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    23 mins
  • Stop Chasing Diets: Essential Mindset Shifts For Women Over 40|253
    May 30 2024

    Are you feeling overwhelmed by stubborn weight loss and unable to change your body composition no matter how hard you work! Maybe you find yourself; Lost in a sea of trendy diets and unrealistic expectations? You’re not alone!

    Many women over 40 feel stuck and frustrated, putting in the work but not seeing results. It can be confusing and can feel discouraging. Plus, those "healthy" foods like certain salads and protein bars might actually be holding you back. Today I’m talk all about how can you navigate this maze?

    Grab your earbuds and tune into Fit Girl Magic! 🎙️I give you no-nonsense, actionable strategies to simplify your fitness journey. Discover why 80% of your results come from diet and how to make small, manageable tweaks without ditching the foods you love. In this episode you’ll also learn the game-changing benefits of adding in strength training to enhance your metabolic flexibility and enhancing your daily life.

    Ready to step it up a notch? Email me if you want to become a live case study. https://www.kimbarnesjefferson.com/contact-me/

    Dive into the "Seven Days to Sail Through Summer" program for the support and accountability you need to make lasting lifestyle changes. https://www.fitgirlmagic.com/7-days-sail-through-summer

    Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/fitgirlmagic

    Free Resources: https://kimbarnesjefferson.lpages.co/freeresources_v1

    Website: http://www.kimbarnesjefferson.com

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    23 mins
  • How to Keep Fit During Summer: 7 Strategies That Work|252
    May 23 2024

    Hey Magic Makers, today's Fit Girl Magic podcast is all about mindset shifts inspired by Bill Bowerman, co-founder of Nike and legendary track coach. Over the last few years I’ve found myself shifting away from the old ‘get skinny quick’ mentality to wanting to live my healthiest life and that’s what I’m working on and leading my clients towards.

    This podcast focuses on three key areas: moderation, consistency, and the power of rest.
    I share personal anecdotes and client stories to show you how these shifts can impact your life positively. Plus, you’ll learn practical tips on creating non-negotiable habits and avoiding burnout. So, tune is so that you can find the balance and make fitness sustainable and enjoyable.

    How to successful deal with stress

    The secrets to practical stress management

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    27 mins
  • 5 Ways To Break Free of Quick Fix Diets| 251
    May 16 2024

    In this episode of Fit Girl Magic, I’m cutting through the BS around dieting and fitness for women over 40. Feeling stuck with your health journey? Tired of quick fixes that never last? Then this episode is for you.

    I’m sharing my own struggles and serving up real-talk advice on ditching the diet mentality, setting realistic fitness goals, and finding your unique path to lasting change. We’re debunking myths like fasted workouts and shifting focus from fat loss obsession to quality nutrition.

    Tune in to learn how to create a balanced, fun approach to health and fitness that fits your life. Stay curious, dare to try new things, and celebrate every win along the way!

    Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/fitgirlmagic

    Free Resources: https://kimbarnesjefferson.lpages.co/freeresources_v1

    Website: http://www.kimbarnesjefferson.com

    Lean After 45 Guide https://www.fitgirlmagic.com/leanafter45

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    32 mins
  • Using Red Light Therapy to Heal|250
    May 9 2024

    In today’s Fit Girl Magic episode, I interviewed Dmitri Lenoff, an innovative expert in red light therapy and wellness technology. He and I talk about how his product Taopatch is revolutionizing health and wellness.

    In this episode, you'll discover Dmitri’s journey from tech guru to wellness innovator, co-founding Taopatch, a groundbreaking nanotechnology device that utilizes light therapy to manage pain and aid physical rehabilitation. We talk about how Taopatch transforms body heat into visible light to help with back, shoulder and many more issues.

    Don’t miss out on Dmitri's exclusive discount for our listeners with the coupon code “FGM” for Taopatch products. Tune in now to uncover a new dimension of health tech that’s making waves across the globe.


    Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/fitgirlmagic

    Free Resources: https://kimbarnesjefferson.lpages.co/freeresources_v1

    Website: http://www.kimbarnesjefferson.com



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    45 mins
  • Diet Lies I’d Tell My Younger Self to Stop Believing|249
    May 2 2024

    Hey there, fit fam! Welcome to another episode of Fit Girl Magic, where I'm all about keeping it real and making healthy choices feel like second nature, even when faced with the temptation of a mouthwatering pizza menu.

    On today's episode, I'm breaking down some serious self-care vibes, reminding you that it's totally okay to find balance and show yourself some love along the way. Because guess what?

    Say goodbye to striving for perfection and hello to the "good, better, best" approach—a revolutionary mindset shift that will take your health and fitness journey to new heights!

    In this episode, I'll be your guide as we dive into the world of meal planning and scheduling those sweat sessions like they're appointments on your calendar. Plus, I'm introducing you to the game-changing "good, better, best" approach—a total mindset overhaul that'll have you kissing perfectionism goodbye and hello to progress!

    Get ready to soak up some wisdom as I share ten golden nuggets of advice I wish I could whisper in my younger self's ear, helping you navigate the ups and downs of the health and fitness world with grace and confidence.

    And here's the kicker—I've got a challenge for you! Snap a screenshot of this episode, tag me on social media, and let me know the one positive change you're committing to making in the next 30 days.

    So, remember, being 'good enough' is more than enough, and let's kickstart our journey to simplicity by focusing on just three key tasks. Ready to rock?

    Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/fitgirlmagic

    Free Resources: https://kimbarnesjefferson.lpages.co/freeresources_v1

    Website: http://www.kimbarnesjefferson.com

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    34 mins
  • Are you ready to break the cycle of burnout?| 248
    Apr 25 2024

    🎧 Welcome to today's episode of Fit Girl Magic, where we're diving deep into the hidden truths about burnout and its impact on our lives.

    Join me and my guest, Sophie James, as we uncover how people-pleasing and job insecurities can fuel the burnout fire. Sophie shares practical strategies to help you balance the chaos of life, from delegating tasks to taking time for mental reset walks.

    In this episode, we confront societal pressures and debunk the myth of overachievement. Discover how to plan with flexibility and find joy in your daily routine.

    We'll also delve into mindset mastery, including Sophie's "hell yes" rule for commitments and secrets for maintaining vibrancy while navigating life's demands.

    Explore ways to prioritize quality time with loved ones and build a life centered around self-care.

    Don't forget to follow Sophie James on Instagram (Coach Sophie James) for more empowering insights.

    So grab your headphones and join the movement as we break free from burnout and embrace a lifestyle filled with liberation and joy. It's time to redefine your limits and celebrate the moments that truly matter!

    Listen, learn, laugh, and love the journey with Fit Girl Magic – because here, it's not just a podcast, it's a movement!

    Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/fitgirlmagic

    Free Resources: https://kimbarnesjefferson.lpages.co/freeresources_v1

    Website: http://www.kimbarnesjefferson.com

    Lean Over 45 https://www.fitgirlmagic.com/leanafter45

    Calm and Balanced Program
    Instagram Coach Sophie James https://www.instagram.com/coachsophiejames?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA%3D%3D

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    58 mins
  • Mastering Metabolism: The Over-45 Woman's Path to Fat Loss| 247
    Apr 18 2024

    Today, we're diving deep into the world of fat loss for women over 45. No crash diets or insane workouts here—just a simplistic approach, that gets results.

    I’m talking about creating a personalized nutrition program that's all about YOU. Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all plans and hello to nutrition plan that fuel your body without a shit ton of rules to memorize.

    And let's not forget about the importance of strength training. It's not just about looking good; sure, that’s an amazing upside, but it's about feeling strong and confident at any age.

    I'll spill the tea on lifting heavy weights and why it's a game-changer for your metabolism. Plus, I'll dish out tips for getting in quality sleep and finally getting a handle on your stress.

    Forget waiting for Monday to roll around. Today is YOUR day to start crushing your goals. Let's set realistic targets and smash them together.

    Oh, and did I mention? I've created a special fat loss guide just for you fabulous ladies over 45. This is for you are ready to step up for your health! Grab your headphones and listen in.

    Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/fitgirlmagic

    Free Resources: https://kimbarnesjefferson.lpages.co/freeresources_v1

    Website: http://www.kimbarnesjefferson.com


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    37 mins