• Anxiety and Stress Relief With the Butterfly Hug Technique
    Apr 30 2024
    In this episode you discover an easy to apply stress relief method called the Butterfly Hug. Experience a sense of calm and relaxation within one minute or less applying this easy to learn and use technique.

    How to Get the Written 2-Page Instruction Guide:

    To receive the 2-page written guide, create an email with the subject line reading "Butterfly Hug Technique" and send the email to CarterMethod@gmail.com. I'll send you the guide by return email.


    Stephen Carter - Website: https://StressReliefRadio.com - Email: CarterMethod@gmail.com

    Technical information:

    Introduction recorded with Hindenburg Pro. Edits with Audacity (normalization, noise reduction, EQ), Twisted Wave, Hush, and Levelator. Microphone: Neat King Bee.

    Main segment recorded and edits (noise reduction, normalization, De-click, De-essing, EQ, compression 3:1). Other editing with Levelator, Hush, and final edits and rendering with Hindenburg Pro. Michrophone: ProAr C414.

    Key words:

    stress, stress_relief, calm, relax, relaxation,
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    6 mins
  • Pet Communication and Healing With Reiki Master Meribeth Decker
    Mar 24 2024
    Reiki Master, animal communicator, psychic, and best selling author Maribeth Decker shares what exactly animal / pet communication is, how it works, and how you can learn to tune into your pet's rich inner world.

    Maribeth is an expert in animal communication, medical intuition, and energy healing. She leads pets - and their guardians - to a place of emotional, behavioral and physical healing and wellbeing.

    She is also the author of the Amazon bestseller, "Peace in Passing: Comfort for Loving Humans During Animal Transitions". Her book provides a roadmap to help guardians navigate this difficult leg of their animal’s life.

    Find more about Maribeth and her work at https://www.SacredGrove.com

    Note: This interview is available as a full video on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eud1MrBBEwY


    Your host for this special conversation with Maribeth is Stephen Carter, founder of Stress Relief Radio. Find more about his work and podcasts at https://StressReliefRadio.com - Email: CarterMethod@gmail.com

    Technical information:

    Originally recorded as a YouTube video interview. This audio version was processed Twisted Wave, Levelator, Hush, with final edits and rendering done using Hindenburg Pro. Microphone: SE Dynacaster DCM8.

    Key words:

    Reiki, psychic, animal communicator, animal communication, animal healing,
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    25 mins
  • EFT Energy Healing and Meditation - Better Together
    Jan 25 2024
    In this episode you discover step by step how to do the Relaxation Response Mantra Meditation Method and then how to combine this method with EFT, short for Emotional Freedom Techniques.



    The two books mentioned in this episode (Note: Both books are available in paperback and Kindle / digital versions):

    Herbert Benson, M.D. and Mirarm K. Kipper. "The Relaxation Response". U.S. Amazon link


    Herbert Benson, M.D. "Beyond the Relaxation Response". U.S. Amazon link:


    Emotional Freedom Techniques for Vision Impairment Investigator/s: Peta Stapleton (Chief Investigator) School of Psychology, Bond University Australia:

    Link: https://bond.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_dhUPmOs2MiT2XCm?fbclid=IwAR1eX2pr3AYOKeGD5wXea3IhZcFqdpkSSzhZmMtpoFfWKGVICNALoQ6KT1E

    The eight Relaxation Response Meditation steps:

    Step One: Pick a brief phrase or word that reflects your basic belief system.

    Step Two: Choose a comfortable position.

    Step Three: Close your eyes. Gently close your eyes and relax the area around your eyes.

    Step Four: Relax your muscles using progressive muscle relaxation.

    Step Five: Become aware of your breathing, and start using your faith-rooted focus word.

    Step Six: Maintain a passive attitude. Be an observer to whatever emerges in awareness without judgement.

    Step Seven: Continue for a set period of time. Any amount of time can be beneficial, but if possible choose to meditate for at least 10 to a maximum of 20 minutes.

    Step Eight: Practice the technique twice daily.

    3 Ways to Combine EFT with Relaxation Response Meditation:
    1. Tap a round of EFT for letting go of stress / tension prior to your meditation session.
    2. address your subconscious mind prior to the meditation session and voice an invitation such as: “As I meditate I invite my subconscious mind to bring into awareness any belief, memory, or desire that can benefit from one or more sessions of EFT.”
    3. Tap in a Positive Energy Form after your meditation session.

    Here are the two "EFT Tapping Junction" episodes that guide you through how to tap in Positive Energy Forms using Positive EFT:

    “Positive EFT for Sky High Confidence”: Link: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/positive-eft-tapping-for-sky-high-confidence--40078027

    “Positive EFT for Sunshine Energy”: Link: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/positive-eft-tapping-for-sunshine-energy--25858324


    Stephen Carter - Website: https://StressReliefRadio.com - Email: CarterMethod@gmail.com
    Listen to previous episodes of "EFT Tapping Junction" on the website: https://StressReliefRadio.com or https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/eft-tapping-junction--4154174

    Technical information:

    Recorded with WavePad. Edits with Twisted Wave, Audacity, Levelator, and Hush. Final edits and rendering with Hindenburg Pro. Microphone: Audio-Technica ATR2100X.

    Key words:

    mantra, meditation, mantra meditation, Thought Field Therapy, TFT, Emotional Freedom Techniques, EFT, tapping, stress relief, Relaxation Response,
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    31 mins
  • Forest Therapy for Inner Peace With Cheree Ingram
    Nov 8 2023
    As someone who knows self-care is vital for emotional and physical wellbeing you may have heard about Forest Bathing, a practice from Japan that helps calm stress and return your mind and body to emotional and physical balance. A Zen monk has created an even more powerful method called Forest Therapy.

    Join me for my conversation with Certified Forst Therapy guide Cheree Ingram to learn what Forest Therapy is, how it's practiced, and emotional, physical, and spiritual benefits available to anyone who chooses to experience this powerful practice.

    In addition to being a certified Forest Therapy guide, Cheree holds a Masters degree in Positive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania, trainer certifications in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, Yoga, and other holistic methods. You'll find her full bio below.

    To learn more about Cheree and her work, visit her website at https://ChereeIngram.com - You can be in touch with Cheree through her contact email address, contact@chereeingram.com


    Stephen Carter. Website: https://StressReliefRadio.com - Email: CarterMethod@gmail.com

    Technical information:

    Recorded with Clean Feed. Edits with Audacity, Twisted Wave, Levelator, Hush, with final rendering done in Hindenburg Pro. Microphone for host: SE DynaCaster DCM8.

    Cheree's full bio:

    Cheree is currently a healthcare executive, managing executive and diversity, equity and inclusion programs. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Paralegal Studies from University College at University of Maryland, an MBA from Loyola University and a Master’s in Applied Positive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania.

    She received training in the UPENN Resiliency program which is taught to every U.S. Army soldier due to its impact in lowering the incidence of PTSD, fostering longevity, strengthening relationships, bolstering the immune system and improving overall well-being. She has a master coach certification from the World Coaching Institute, a MBSR mindfulness teaching qualification from the UMass Oasis Institute and a certification in Social Emotional Intelligence.

    Cheree is also an EFT Tapping practitioner, a laughter yoga leader, a Max Strom Breathing facilitator, a RYT-200 yoga teacher and a certified Forest Therapy guide.

    Key words:

    Forest Bathing, meditation, mindfulness, emotional_wellbeing, calm, relaxed, happiness, MBSR,
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    28 mins
  • Discover How EFT, Ho’oponopono and Shine Tapping Helped Breast Cancer Survivor Carol Wiggins Heal
    Oct 10 2023
    Join our conversation as Carol Wiggins shares how EFT, Ho’oponopono, and Shine Tapping can be used to navigate through the physical pain and emotional storms of breast cancer treatment.
    You’ll discover how these powerful holistic tools can be applied to any serious medical challenge to enhance self-care and help facilitate physical healing.

    You’ll also learn how to apply a simple, effective technique called Shine Tapping to enhance self-worth, self-compassion, and emotional balance.

    Watch the Video Version of This Podcast Episode: Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4MnwXX_Mf8

    Contact Info:

    Carol Wiggins - https://www.CarolWiggins.com.
    Host, Steve Carter - https://StressReliefRadio.com. Email: CarterMethod@gmail.com.

    Other interviews with Carol Wiggins:

    Live interview: "How to Combine Hoʻoponopono With EFT to Help Abuse Survivors and Other Clients" - Link: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/43321097

    "EFT for Domestic Abuse Survivors With Carol Wiggins and Kimberly Shears" - Link: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/41964855


    Steve Carter, founder of Stress Relief Radio, website: https://StressReliefRadio.com. Email: CarterMethod@gmail.com.

    Technical information:

    Recorded with Zoom. Processed with Twisted Wave, Hush, and Auphonic. Final edits and rendering with Hindenburg Pro. Host's microphone: SE DynaCaster, DCM8.

    Key words:

    Emotional Freedom Techniques, fear, anxiety, tapping TFT, self-care, Thought Field Therapy, cancer, breast cancer, complimentary healing,
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    21 mins
  • Discover Your Circle of Mindful Awareness to Relieve Pain and Emotional Reactions
    Sep 20 2023
    Discover U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs non-surgical, non-medication back pain relief method recommendation using mindful awareness.

    Resources shared include:

    - "Mindfulness Meditation for Chronic Low Back Pain"; U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Link: https://www.va.gov/WHOLEHEALTHLIBRARY/tools/mindfulness-meditation-for-chronic-low-back-pain.asp

    - "Passport to Whole Health"; Veterans Health Administration, Link: https://www.va.gov/WHOLEHEALTHLIBRARY/docs/Passport_to_WholeHealth_FY2020_508.pdf

    - "Mindful Breathing Benefits Mind and Body: Learn How to Get Started"; "Nice News, July 10, 2023. Link: https://nicenews.com/health-and-wellness/mindful-breathing-benefits-body-mind/

    - Episode of "Healthy and Happy Senior Living" mentioned in this episode is available at https://www.spreaker.com/episode/56127939

    - Listen to previous episodes of "Energy Healing for Wellbeing" at https://www.spreaker.com/show/energy-healers-podcast and at https://StressReliefRadio.com


    Stephen Carter. Website: https://StressReliefRadio.com.
    Website for this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/show/safe-living-today
    Email host: CarterMethod@gmail.com.

    Technical information:

    Intro recorded with WavePad. Other recording done Ocenaudio. See "Happy and Healthy Senior Living" show published July 17, 2023. Edits with Twisted Wave. Noise and reverb reduction with Hush. Final edits and rendering with Hindenburg Pro. Microphone: SE DynaCaster DCM8.

    Key words:

    back pain, brain health, mindful breathing, meditation, mindful awarenss,
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    17 mins
  • Distant Healing for Wildfire Devastation in Hawaii
    Aug 14 2023
    In this episode you and I explore how to send distant healing to help the people, pets, animals, all life forms, and the land affected by the devasting wildfires in Maui, Hiwaii. You'll will discover a simple, powerful, easily done method using EFT or any tapping method in addition to whatever other energy methods you are comfortable using.

    Resources for Distant Healing:

    Two webinar videos guiding you through distance healing, one for a natural disaster and a second for any distant healing situation. Additional bonus video for using dowsing and other surrogate based methods.

    "Distant Healing for Weather Disasters".
    Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DboSRsPEhzo

    "How to Do Heart to Heart Distance Healing". Note: Fast forward to the 16 minute point in the video to begin learning Heart to Heart Distance Healing.
    Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ET6LHvp1NI

    Bonus: "Dowsing and Distant Energy Healing". Note: In addition to using dowsing for distant healing, this video demonstrates other methods to include hands on healing with a surrogate.
    Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHJzpeveTK0

    How to Recive Your Free EFT Distant Healing for Hawaii Guide

    Create a blank email with the subject line reading, "“Distant Healing for Hawaii”. Address the email to CarterMethod@gmail.com and send it off. You'll receive the free guide by return email.


    Stephen Carter. Websitee: https://StressReliefRadio.com. Email: CarterMethod@gmail.com.

    Technical information:

    Recorded with Hindenburg Pro. Edits with Twisted Wave, Audacity, Hush, and Levelator. Findal edits and rendering with Hindenburg Pro. Microphone: SE DynaCaster DCM8. Intro recorded with Audacity with same processing as original recording.

    Key words:

    Maui, Maui fire, Maui Wildfire, Hawaii, distant healing, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Thought Field Therapy, TFT, tapping energy psychology, meridian tapping,
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    24 mins
  • Learn at No Cost From World-Class Energy Healing Experts and Discover the Trauma Tapping Technique
    Jul 4 2023
    In this episode you discover how to join the 24-Hours of Tapping event where you'll learn tips, tools, techniques, and knowledge from more than 30 world-class Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology / EFT Practitioners.

    You'll also discover you can combine tapping with methods such as Reiki, Quantum-Touch, and other Energy Medicine / Energy Healing for faster, deeper results.

    The 24-Hours of Tapping event is free to register and attend. When you register, you'll receive replays and bonus tapping resources. It's free to register.

    You'll also learn how to apply a simplified, easy to apply, and effective tapping method called the Trauma Tapping Technique (TTT) created by the Peaceful Heart Network.

    Resources shared in the episode:

    Information and registration website for the 24-Hours of Tapping Event: https://24hoursoftapping.com

    Gene Monterastelli's website with links to more than 500 episodes of his "Tapping Q and A" podcast: https://tappingqanda.com.

    Note: Check menus at top of the Tapping Q and A website homepage.

    The Peaceful Hearts Network website: https://peacefulheart.se.

    How to Tap - EFT: The Basic Recipe by Founder Gary Craig; YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9V4SWbrWTz8&t=1s

    Link for video showing how to tap finger points: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZMwdAE7_LQ

    Website for host Stephen Carter to include "EFT Tapping Junction" and other podcast episodes: https://StressReliefRadio.com

    Email to contact host Stephen Carter: CarterMethod@gmail.com.

    Technical information:

    Recorded with Twisted Wave. Editing with Twisted Wave, Audacity, Hush (reverb and noise reduction), and Levelator. Final edits and rendering with Hindenburg Pro. Microphone: SE DynaCaster DCM8.

    Key words:

    EFT, Emotional Freedom Techniques, tapping, Thought Field Therapy, TTT, energy psychology, 24 hour tappathon, Trauma Tapping Technique, TTT, Peaceful Heart Network, energy medicine,
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    22 mins