• 008 How to Make Money from Affiliate Marketing Without Compromising Integrity
    Jun 10 2024

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    Is making money from recommending other peoples goods or services ethical? This is affiliate marketing—a topic often seen as a double-edged sword for healthcare professionals. Some even question whether it's legal!

    If you know me you'll know that I love alternative ways to earn money whilst helping people and so in this episode i'll show you how can you incorporate affiliate marketing into your practice without compromising your integrity?

    Key Takeaways

    1. Understanding Affiliate Marketing: Learn what affiliate marketing is and how it can be a legitimate business model for healthcare professionals.
    2. Benefits for All: Discover the mutual benefits for clients, businesses, and yourself when done correctly.
    3. Maintaining Integrity: Emphasise the importance of sincerity and integrity when recommending products to ensure you’re genuinely helping your clients.
    4. Legal Compliance: Familiarise yourself with the legalities, including the necessity of disclosure and the regulations set by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) and other relevant bodies.
    5. Starting Out: Practical steps to begin affiliate marketing, from identifying potential affiliate programmes to integrating affiliate links into your content.
    6. Ethical Considerations: How to avoid conflicts of interest and ensure your recommendations are based on sound knowledge and experience.
    7. Professional Standards: The importance of adhering to your professional body’s standards and guidelines to remain compliant and trustworthy.

    Links referred to in this episode:

    The advertising standards authority (ASA) ad codes – written by the committee of advertising practice (CAP) https://www.asa.org.uk/codes-and-rulings/advertising-codes.html

    Nutrition And Health Claims: Guidance To Compliance With Regulation (EC) 1924/2006 https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/nutrition-and-health-claims-guidance-to-compliance-with-regulation-ec-1924-2006-on-nutrition-and-health-claims-made-on-foods

    Join the Conversation

    Got questions about affiliate marketing or topics you’d like me to cover? Text the show - click the link at the top of the show notes!

    Subscribe & Share: Don’t forget to subscribe to "Beyond the Clinic" and share this episode with your colleagues and friends who might find it helpful.

    Website: https://www.sarahalmondbushell.com/
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    The Master Plan - Discover the 22 steps you need to take (in the right order) to build a successful business so you can earn enough to live the freedom lifestyle you dream of. https://www.sarahalmondbushell.com/master-plan

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    19 mins
  • 007 How to Attract More Clients
    Jun 3 2024

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    Attracting clients directly to you instead of relying on referrals from others, begins and ends with your email list.

    In this episode, I will reveal the power of your email list and why it needs be your top priority in your business. I share my personal journey from struggling with social media alone to discovering the benefits email marketing could bring. I'll share with you the common mistakes health business owners make so that you can avoid them plus, I'll give you actionable steps so you can start attracting more clients today.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. The Power of Email Marketing: Discover why an email list is more reliable than social media or SEO, offering a consistent and predictable revenue stream.
    2. Creating a Valuable Lead Magnet: Learn how to attract the right people to your list by creating a high-value freebie that solves a problem for your ideal client.
    3. Avoiding Common Mistakes: Understand the importance of aligning your lead magnet with your offer and ensuring it is genuinely valuable to avoid common pitfalls.
    4. Regular Content Creation: Find out why creating weekly content (blogs, videos, or podcasts) is essential for attracting new subscribers and nurturing your existing list.
    5. Emailing Consistently: Learn why you should email your list frequently to build relationships and increase trust, leading to higher conversion rates.

    Action Steps:

    1. Brainstorm Lead Magnet Ideas: Make a list of potential freebies that your ideal customer would find super helpful. If you already have a freebie, review it critically to ensure it is truly valuable.
    2. Commit to Weekly Content: Start creating regular, valuable content that addresses your audience's needs and integrates your lead magnet seamlessly.
    3. Increase Email Frequency: If you're only emailing your list once a month, increase this to at least once a week to build a stronger connection with your audience.

    Listen in so you start building your email list effectively now.

    Website: https://www.sarahalmondbushell.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dietitiansinbusiness/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dietitiansinbusiness
    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/beyondtheclinicbusiness
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@BeyondTheClinicPodcast

    The Master Plan - Discover the 22 steps you need to take (in the right order) to build a successful business so you can earn enough to live the freedom lifestyle you dream of. https://www.sarahalmondbushell.com/master-plan

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    21 mins
  • 006 Why You Need to Add Digital Income Streams to Your Health Business
    May 27 2024

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    Hello, everyone! I'm Sarah Almond Bushell, and I'm thrilled to welcome you to another episode of "Beyond the Clinic". Today, we're diving into a topic that's essential for the future of health businesses: the digitalisation of health services. Whether you're a dietitian like me, a medical doctor, a psychologist, a nurse, or in any health profession, this episode will provide valuable insights into why and how you should add digital income streams to your practice.

    Episode Summary:
    In this episode, I discuss the shift towards digital health services and the immense benefits they bring to both practitioners and patients. From online courses and subscription memberships to eBooks and affiliate marketing, I explore various digital income streams that can help you work smarter, not harder. I'll share my own journey of taking The Children's Nutritionist online and offer practical advice on how you can leverage these digital opportunities to create a more stable, scalable, and impactful business.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Digital Health Revolution: The pandemic accelerated a shift towards digital health services, making healthcare more accessible and inclusive.
    2. Online Courses: Packaging your expertise into online courses can help you reach a wider audience and generate income with minimal ongoing effort.
    3. Subscription Memberships: Offering exclusive content and community support through membership sites provides a steady, recurring income.
    4. EBooks and Digital Guides: These products offer an evergreen source of income and help clients achieve their goals with your expert guidance.
    5. Affiliate Marketing: Recommending trusted products and services can enhance your clients' experience while providing an additional income stream.
    6. Efficiency and Scalability: Digital income streams allow you to maximise your time and reach more people without increasing your workload.
    7. Cost-Effectiveness: Digital products have lower overhead costs compared to traditional health services, leading to higher profit margins.
    8. Diversification: Multiple income streams protect your business from fluctuations and changes in consumer behaviour.
    9. Embracing Technology: Modern tech solutions are user-friendly, making it easier than ever to incorporate digital offerings into your business.

    As we wrap up this episode, I hope you're inspired to explore the digital opportunities available to you. Remember, integrating these streams into your business isn't just about financial gain—it's about enhancing your impact and providing accessible health services to more people.

    Thank you for joining me today. Be sure to tune in next week for Episode 7, where I'll share strategies on how to attract more clients to your practice. See you then!

    Website: https://www.sarahalmondbushell.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dietitiansinbusiness/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dietitiansinbusiness
    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/beyondtheclinicbusiness
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@BeyondTheClinicPodcast

    The Master Plan - Discover the 22 steps you need to take (in the right order) to build a successful business so you can earn enough to live the freedom lifestyle you dream of. https://www.sarahalmondbushell.com/master-plan

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    20 mins
  • 005 The Customer Journey - Why You Need to Understand Sales Psychology
    May 24 2024

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    Hello and welcome! Have you ever pondered the intricate workings of a customer's mind when they decide to purchase from you—or perhaps why they don't?

    I'm Sarah Almond Bushell, your host, and in today's episode of "Beyond the Clinic," we're delving into the fascinating realm of customer psychology. Join me as we uncover the secrets that drive consumer behaviour and shape business success.

    Summary and Key Takeaways:

    In this episode, we embark on a journey through the psychological steps of the customer journey:

    1. Attract: It's all about visibility—capturing the attention of potential customers who may not even realise they have a problem yet. Strategies include delivering guest sessions, providing valuable content, and engaging with new audiences.
    2. Educate: Once awareness is sparked, it's time to educate. Share compelling content that showcases your expertise and builds credibility through storytelling, evidence, and testimonials.
    3. Engage: As trust begins to blossom, engage with your audience on a deeper level. Encourage interaction, collect contact information, and nurture relationships through personalised communication.
    4. Nurture: Cultivate trust and familiarity through consistent engagement. Provide valuable content across various platforms, fostering a strong bond with your audience as they progress along their journey.
    5. Invite: Present tailored offers and invitations, inviting potential customers to take the next step. Respect varying buying behaviours and provide incentives to encourage action.
    6. Delight: Ensure a memorable customer experience, exceeding expectations and delivering tangible results. Add value, inspire loyalty, and encourage clients to take proactive steps towards success.
    7. Expansion: Foster loyalty and encourage repeat business through cross-selling and upselling initiatives. Leverage existing relationships to drive growth and profitability.
    8. Advocacy: Transform satisfied customers into passionate advocates who promote your brand through word-of-mouth referrals. Harness the power of social proof and human psychology to amplify your reach and influence.

    Closing Remarks:

    I hope this journey through the psychology of customer engagement provides valuable insights into optimising your business strategy. Take some time to map out your customer journey, identifying areas for improvement and opportunities for growth. And remember, success awaits those who understand and leverage the psychology of engagement.

    Join me in the next episode as we explore the diverse digital income streams poised to revolutionise your healthcare business.

    Until then, seize the opportunity to download your free Master Plan to business success at

    Website: https://www.sarahalmondbushell.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dietitiansinbusiness/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dietitiansinbusiness
    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/beyondtheclinicbusiness
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@BeyondTheClinicPodcast

    The Master Plan - Discover the 22 steps you need to take (in the right order) to build a successful business so you can earn enough to live the freedom lifestyle you dream of. https://www.sarahalmondbushell.com/master-plan

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    18 mins
  • 004 How to Do Market Research Effectively So That People Buy Your Stuff
    May 22 2024

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    Hi there, it's Sarah Almond Bushell welcoming you to another episode of Beyond The Clinic. Today, we're delving into the cornerstone of selling success: effective market research. Strap in as I guide you through the process of understanding your audience's wants and needs, and why it's crucial for your business.


    In this episode, I unravel the mystery behind why so many businesses miss the mark when it comes to attracting paying clients. We'll explore how effective market research lays the foundation for tailored services and offers that resonate with your audience. Drawing from real-life examples, including Rosie's journey in the vegan nutrition space, we'll witness firsthand the transformative power of understanding your market.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Know Your Audience: Understand that what your clients need isn't always what they want. Effective market research unveils the desires driving their purchasing decisions.
    2. Craft Tailored Solutions: Rosie's story exemplifies the importance of aligning your offerings with your audience's wants. By pivoting to match her audience's desire for weight management, she achieved unprecedented success.
    3. Market Research Methods: Explore diverse avenues, from interviews and focus groups to data analytics and online surveys, to gain valuable insights into your audience's preferences and pain points.
    4. Ask the Right Questions: Craft open-ended questions that encourage honest feedback and delve into your audience's motivations, challenges, and preferred learning styles.

    Don't underestimate the power of effective market research in shaping your business's success. Armed with insights into your audience's desires, you'll be empowered to create offerings that not only meet but exceed their expectations. So, dive into your market research journey today and unlock the key to selling with precision.

    Join me in the next episode as we unravel the intricacies of buyer psychology and decode the journey from prospect to client. Until then, happy researching!

    Website: https://www.sarahalmondbushell.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dietitiansinbusiness/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dietitiansinbusiness
    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/beyondtheclinicbusiness
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@BeyondTheClinicPodcast

    The Master Plan - Discover the 22 steps you need to take (in the right order) to build a successful business so you can earn enough to live the freedom lifestyle you dream of. https://www.sarahalmondbushell.com/master-plan

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    22 mins
  • 003 How To Turn Your Professional Expertise Into An Online Course
    May 20 2024

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    Today, we're delving into one of my absolute favourite methods of extending our support Beyond the Clinic, creating and selling online courses.

    There's something magical about taking your skills, knowledge and expertise and using them in a digital way so that you can reach and help more people. And if done well, it can also massively impact your income.

    In this episode, we're exploring the intricacies of creating and launching your own online course, from identifying the right moment in your career to crafting a highly profitable curriculum.

    Summary & Key Takeaways:

    1. Perfect Timing: Wondering when to dip your toes into the online course space? If you feel like you've created a 'job for yourself' as your schedule's beyond fully booked, it's time to transition from one-on-one consultations to a scalable model. I'll tell you about my client Chloe, a child psychologist whose online course journey transformed her practice amidst a surge in demand.
    2. Profitability Blueprint: What sets a winning course apart? It's all about addressing a pressing need – a "bleeding neck" problem, as Perry Marshall eloquently puts it. Your course must promise a tangible transformation, taking your clients from problem to solution.
    3. Crafting Your Curriculum: Picture this: a wall adorned with colourful Post-it notes mapping out your course journey. Each module represents a stepping stone towards your clients' desired result. This is all about the process, refining your content, and your course outline will take shape.
    4. Market Research Mastery: I'll tell you about my 'baby nutrition course' fiasco, which was my first foray into the online courses world, so you don't fall into the same trap. Learn from my early mistakes and prioritise market research to align your offerings with what your audience truly desires. Dive into Episode Four for expert tips on effective market analysis.

    Are you ready to expand your expertise and reach more people? You absolutely can make this happen one online course at a time. Join me next time for a deep dive into those market research essentials – an indispensable tool for all health business owners.

    Website: https://www.sarahalmondbushell.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dietitiansinbusiness/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dietitiansinbusiness
    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/beyondtheclinicbusiness
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@BeyondTheClinicPodcast

    The Master Plan - Discover the 22 steps you need to take (in the right order) to build a successful business so you can earn enough to live the freedom lifestyle you dream of. https://www.sarahalmondbushell.com/master-plan

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    19 mins
  • 002 Making Money From Selling Digital Guides and E-books
    May 20 2024

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    Hi there, it's Sarah Almond Bushell welcoming you to another episode of Beyond the Clinic. Today, I'm diving into the exciting world of digital products and how they can transform your income streams. Let's jump right in!

    In this episode, I spill the beans on the power of selling digital products like eBooks and eGuides. These gems not only provide a passive income stream but also offer a low-risk entry into the world of online business. From validation of your ideas to helping your audience achieve quick wins, digital products are a game-changer for healthcare professionals looking toexpand their income streams easily.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Passive Income Potential: Learn how to create digital products once and earn from them indefinitely, supplementing your income effortlessly.
    2. Quick Wins for Your Audience: Discover how digital products offer easy solutions to your audience's problems at an affordable price point, making it a no-brainer for them to say yes.
    3. Testing Ground for Ideas: Use digital products to test the waters before committing to larger ventures like online courses or specialised services.
    4. Professional Packaging: Understand the importance of professional design to enhance the perceived value of your digital products and boost sales.
    5. Marketing Strategies: Explore various platforms and strategies for marketing your digital products effectively, ensuring maximum visibility and sales.

    Join Me Next Time:
    In the next episode, I'll be sharing my insights on another exciting topic: How to turn your professional expertise into an online course. Trust me, it's easier than you think!

    Special Offer:
    Before you go, don't miss out on my free resource, the Master Plan. It's your roadmap to business success, guiding you through every step of the journey towards building your dream business. Head over to sarahalmondbushell.com/master-plan to download your copy today.

    Website: https://www.sarahalmondbushell.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dietitiansinbusiness/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dietitiansinbusiness
    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/beyondtheclinicbusiness
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@BeyondTheClinicPodcast

    The Master Plan - Discover the 22 steps you need to take (in the right order) to build a successful business so you can earn enough to live the freedom lifestyle you dream of. https://www.sarahalmondbushell.com/master-plan

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    16 mins
  • 001 How to Run a Successful Business Without Social Media
    May 12 2024

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    Hello and welcome to Beyond the Clinic, where we delve into innovative strategies for healthcare professionals. I'm your host, Sarah Almond Bushell, and in today's episode, we're exploring alternative ways of marketing your business if you really don't enjoy social media.

    In a world dominated by digital platforms, it's easy to assume that social media is the be-all and end-all of marketing. but there are plenty of other ways and I'm here today to share with you 5 alternatives, many of which are perfect if you're an introvert like me.


    We kicked off by debunking the myth that social media is an absolute necessity for business success. While undeniably powerful, it's not the only route to reaching your audience and driving growth. I shared my top five alternative marketing strategies, each proven to elevate your business without relying on social media:

    1. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO): Harness the power of Google to boost your website's visibility and attract organic traffic.
    2. Email Marketing: Form deeper connections with your audience and have conversations that nurture the relationship you have with them via email.
    3. Collaborations: Expand your reach by partnering with like-minded professionals and sharing your expertise with new audiences.
    4. Referral Partnerships: Leverage relationships with fellow professionals to generate referrals and mutual business growth.
    5. Public Relations (PR): Tell compelling stories that capture media attention and amplify your brand's visibility.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Social media isn't the only path to success. Explore alternative strategies tailored to your business goals and preferences.
    2. Prioritise one strategy at a time and commit to mastering it before moving on to the next.
    3. Build meaningful connections with your audience through personalised communication channels like email marketing.
    4. Collaborate with industry peers to access new audiences and establish trust through association.
    5. Harness the storytelling potential of PR to secure media coverage and elevate your brand's reputation.

    Join me next time as we delve into the world of digital products and explore how you can generate income online without seeing clients.

    The Master Plan: Helping you build the business of your dreams. Get your 22 point step-by step workbook here: https://www.sarahalmondbushell.com/master-plan

    Website: https://www.sarahalmondbushell.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dietitiansinbusiness/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dietitiansinbusiness
    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/beyondtheclinicbusiness
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@BeyondTheClinicPodcast

    The Master Plan - Discover the 22 steps you need to take (in the right order) to build a successful business so you can earn enough to live the freedom lifestyle you dream of. https://www.sarahalmondbushell.com/master-plan

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    17 mins