• Episode 2. ARE WE LIMITLESS?
    May 9 2024

    What the future holds? Are we going to be destroyed by capacities of our brains or are we going to allow ourself to discover the limitless force of our mind-body-soul connection? What waits for us when we expand our consciousness and are able to combine spirituality and science? Can we be limitless?

    Track: "Echoes of a Love Story", Call It Kismet. Music provided by https://slip.stream. Free Download / Stream: https://get.slip.stream/wJYM0o

    Audio drama on Headfone: https://www.headfone.co.in/channel/colours-of-destiny/

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    15 mins
    Mar 7 2024

    For something beautiful to happen, we have to say goodbye to the pain that consumes our lives, to relive it, face it, and then let it go. We cannot grow a beautiful plant from the bad seed. Hence, we cannot expect to feel joy and contentment, if deep down we are consumed by grief, anger, resentment, hopelessness. Even if it takes many trials to realize these things, one day, believe me, one day you will wake up and know that in order to take a deep breath, you need to let some things go. The healing starts right there and then.

    Track: "Echoes of a Love Story", Call It Kismet. Music provided by https://slip.stream. Free Download / Stream: https://get.slip.stream/wJYM0o

    Audio drama on Headfone: https://www.headfone.co.in/channel/colours-of-destiny/

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    16 mins
  • Episode 10. Self-esteem is your basic life support
    Oct 12 2023

    Self-esteem. Confidence in one's own worth or abilities; self-respect (Oxford dictionary).In other words, self-esteem gives you life vest, because you trust in yourself to flow through life on your own. You know your worth, you know that there is no need to compare yourself to anyone else. It is not who is better or worse than you. You know that we are all equal. You believe in yourself. You know how to express your needs. Confidence is part of you. And all of this, gives you a positive outlook on life itself. You are an optimist who starts each day with an affirmation: “I can do this.”

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    21 mins
  • Episode 9. Do you have boundaries?
    Sep 26 2023
    I am sure that you had a situation when you wish you could just tell the other person in the conversation to stop talking. That he or she crossed the line. That it is enough. That you are on the edge of crying or shouting or turning your back/hanging up and stopping the discussion. You would feel the chills on your skin, maybe a bit shaky as well, blood would rush into your cheeks. At least, you would feel unpleasant and kind of violated. That was a feeling that showed you how much you can take up from someone or something. Depending on your personality, upbringing and all the imprints that you are carrying from your childhood and early adolescent years, you can either try to forget that the situation ever happened and probably experience the same feelings again sometime soon, or you can clearly state to the person and/or to yourself that you will not except the behaviour or the circumstances like that ever again. And this later part is called – setting boundaries.https://aliveandawke.org https://rss.com/podcasts/aliveandawake/ https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/alive-and-awake/id1675619870 https://open.spotify.com/show/6l1PfL880pJ9o56Nu0DAFR https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/e9673cf5-3377-4575-b39b-41e144327216/alive-and-awake https://www.iheart.com/podcast/112358671/ https://deezer.com/show/5939917 YouTube/ Podcast - Alive and Awake, Selena DM TikTik https://www.tiktok.com/@dreammakerno1 Contact: selenanew@hotmail.com
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    15 mins
  • Episode 8. Hope is here to stay!
    Sep 8 2023

    There is one feeling that never leaves us. No matter how much we think we lost it. Sometimes, it is blurring our clear and painful view of reality, in which case we are trying to remove any signs of presence of it from our hearts and minds. However, the truth is, we are human beings that live and continue to fight and persist in this broken world only because that one thing. It is called – hope.

    Track: "Coffee Shop Feels"Music provided by https://slip.streamFree Download / Stream: https://get.slip.stream/AzrDun

    Track: "Swing", League of LegendsMusic provided by https://slip.streamFree Download / Stream: https://get.slip.stream/MuLslU

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    17 mins
  • Episode 7. Your Inner Child
    Aug 2 2023

    When you were a child, you were very absorbent. You could sense everything that was happening around you. Every remark from your parents or anyone whom you were looking up to, was very important to you. Especially, you were subjected to feel and store negative comments (level of negativity that you needed in order to feel it depends on your personality) and traumas, those were deeply engraved in you. Probably even to this day. Child does not express its feelings so easily, and being in the environment that is judgmental and dismissive, it will completely shut down and it won’t show which feelings are being actually bottling inside that fragile soul.

    Track: "Coffee Shop Feels"Music provided by https://slip.streamFree Download / Stream: https://get.slip.stream/AzrDunTrack: "Swing", League of LegendsMusic provided by https://slip.streamFree Download / Stream: https://get.slip.stream/MuLslUListen on Spotify: https://go-stream.link/sp-league-of-legends

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    13 mins
  • Episode 6. The Brain on Love – the highs and the lows
    May 28 2023
    Love is the most beautiful, the most fulfilling, the most precious feeling in the world. Humans would do anything for love. Although, when it is not returned, brings suffer, pain, heartbreak. It is the thing that you live for. But also, many died for love, history teaches us. It is great, until it isn’t. So, what drives us to pursue it, when we rationally know that it can be something tricky, risky, unsecure? Why do people experience love?
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    14 mins
  • Episode 5. Social anxiety or can we see each other next week?
    Apr 29 2023

    How many times you saw the message from that friend that has so many parties planned and a full month of events, and he or she is inviting you to one of them and you, A) delete the message like you never got it, B) reply after a week that you were sick, C) just immediately say – sorry I have to do some stuff that I already planned months ago? We all know that A, B and C are all lies, right? You will be on the sofa, watching Netflix and having a bit of a FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). But, FOMO, will not be stronger than your fear of seeing all the people that you would see if you would go. So, Netflix it is.

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    23 mins