• ADHDifference - IDENTIFYING WITH ADHD + guest Leonie-Ruth Acland
    Jun 11 2024

    In this episode Julie Legg interviews guest Leonie-Ruth Acland (aged 68, New South Wales, Australia) who identifies with ADHD but is not formally diagnosed. They chat about how this came about, feelings of 'deficit' as a child, and the inspirational women she has met on her ADHD journey.

    Ruth shares personal stories of her time in Java and Tanzania as a young mother, her association with the UN, her strength, emotional intelligence, and helping others to flourish. Ruth talks about self-compassion, the daily routines that keeps her grounded as an older adult with ADHD, ageism, her love of nature, and the importance of one's personal growth.

    Thanks for listening. Visit ADHDifference.nz to find video links or to say hello.

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    28 mins
  • ADHDifference - POST DIAGNOSIS
    Jun 4 2024

    Julie and Jel discuss life following their adult ADHD diagnoses - taking ownership of their ADHD and how it has impacted their past, and will impact their future too.

    They candidly chat about unpacking decades of past choices made and emotions felt prior to their ADHD diagnosis, and now with a better understanding of ADHD how it may affect their future journey. They discuss soft tactics they use as a couple to keep them on track and happy, talk about friendship groups and acquaintances, careers and many other adult ADHD related topics.

    You'll hear their personal experiences with living with ADHD as adults (after being diagnosed in their fifties) as a married and unmedicated couple. It's an open and honest conversation where over-talking, interrupting and not finishing sentences are alive and well.

    Thanks for listening. Visit ADHDifference.nz to find video links or to say hello.

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    35 mins
  • ADHDifference - DIAGNOSIS
    May 28 2024

    Julie and Jel discuss the adult ADHD Diagnosis process – what lead them to seek a diagnosis in their 50s, the assessment procedure, and their personal journey.

    They chat about the reasons they chose to be assessed by a clinical psychologist rather than a psychiatrist, how one assessment can differ from the next, and what it was like to be assessed online rather than in person. They candidly chat about all things ADHD relating to their adult ADHD experience.

    You'll hear their personal experiences with living with ADHD as adults (after being diagnosed in their fifties) as a married and unmedicated couple. It's an open and honest conversation where over-talking, interrupting and not finishing sentences are alive and well.

    Thanks for listening. Visit ADHDifference.nz to find video links or to say hello.

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    31 mins
    May 18 2024

    Julie Legg and Jel Legg discuss Imposter Syndrome – what it's all about and how it can play out in the lives of those with ADHD.

    Self doubt, despite being high achievers, can have crippling effects when it comes to careers, promotions or even taking a compliment. What triggers their Imposter Syndrome and feeling like a phony? Is it self imposed, or do others play a part in triggering this doubt? They candidly chat about how doubt, inner strength and belief, and the complexities of managing Imposter Syndrome with ADHD.

    You'll hear their personal experiences with living with ADHD as adults (after being diagnosed in their fifties) as a married and unmedicated couple. It's an open and honest conversation where over-talking, interrupting and not finishing sentences are alive and well.

    Thanks for listening. Visit ADHDifference.nz to find video links or to say hello.

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    30 mins
  • ADHDifference - IMPATIENCE
    May 15 2024

    Julie Legg and Jel Legg discuss impatience – what triggers theirs, what impatience can result in, and how this ADHD trait affects them personally.

    They chat about dopamine, waiting, queues, following instructions, driving and technology. Extreme impatience has lead them to be impulsive, irrational, overly emotional, accident prone, and having an impact on their health. Impatience, along with other ADHD challenges, are often intertwined.

    You'll hear their personal experiences with living with ADHD as adults (after being diagnosed in their fifties) as a married and unmedicated couple. It's an open and honest conversation where over-talking, interrupting and not finishing sentences are alive and well.

    Thanks for listening. Visit ADHDifference.nz to find video links or to say hello.

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    25 mins
    May 11 2024

    Julie Legg and Jel Legg discuss time management – the ups, the downs, and the realities of living with this very common ADHD challenge.

    They chat about how time management, or lack of, has impacted their lives from childhood through to adulthood. They delve into how they managed their careers and parenthood, resulting in the creation of their own personal strategies to cope with their self-confessed 'rubbish' time management skills. They discuss hyperfocusing, burnout, distraction, and impatience along with other ADHD challenges that are all interrelated.

    You'll hear their personal experiences with living with ADHD as adults (after being diagnosed in their fifties) as a married and unmedicated couple. It's an open and honest conversation where over-talking, interrupting and not finishing sentences are alive and well.

    Thanks for listening. Visit ADHDifference.nz to find video links or to say hello.

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    39 mins
  • ADHDifference - DIFFERENCE
    May 11 2024

    Julie Legg and Jel Legg introduce ‘ADHDifference’. They discuss why they created this series of podcasts and why they prefer the word ‘difference’ to ‘disorder’.

    Upbeat and informal, in this episode they touch on many aspects of ADHD including the post-diagnosis journey and how, with newfound knowledge and understanding, it has helped them to reframework their relationship to many aspects of their lives.

    You'll hear their personal experiences with living with ADHD as adults (after being diagnosed in their fifties) as a married and unmedicated couple. It's an open and honest conversation where over-talking, interrupting and not finishing sentences are alive and well.

    Thanks for listening. Visit ADHDifference.nz to find video links or to say hello.

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    15 mins