• What does your success depend on?
    Jun 16 2024
    One thing I struggled with in the recent past is that most people I knew wanted to bring me to their level. And because of the human innate desire to relate and connect, my brain would pull me to meet them at their level over my own growth, and it added to the challenge of staying on my path and growth. Sometimes you have to pick between relationships and your own growth. For more visit kamknight.com
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  • What kind of people should you cut out of your life?
    Jun 15 2024
    In my experience as an author of 12 books and coaching thousands of people around the world, here are the people most difficult to help. As much as they need and want the help there’s nothing you can do to help them. And that’s people who aren’t open to short-term discomfort for long term gain. They can’t see the temporary discomfort will lead to something greater, so will avoid the discomfort at all costs. You gotta watch out for such people as they’ll create discomfort to everyone around them just to avoid their own pain. For more visit kamknight.com
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    1 min
  • Why do people make things so difficult?
    Jun 14 2024
    You know what’s crazy I realized. Most things in life aren’t hard, it’s a flurry of activity the mind creates that makes’em hard. Anytime I wanna do something, in an instant my thoughts’ll run saying you sure you wanna do this, what if it doesn’t work, it’ll take too much time, maybe we should do something else. Then all sorts of feelings will come up like anxiety, dread, sometimes overwhelm, or I’ll become too tired. Sometimes I’ll get a pull to a distraction like online shopping, Netflix, or food. I have to go through all that just to do this thing which is often very simple. I’m learning to ignore what comes up and just do the thing! For more visit kamknight.com
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    1 min
  • Can a person change suddenly?
    Jun 13 2024
    Change can take place in an instant. It’s easy to think because you’ve done things or been a certain way for years that it’ll take years to change or you need to do all these things just to start. But it can literally happen right now. You don’t have to get this outta the way, get that done, or have all these things completed first. You can start right now. Yes I know, easier said than done but know it’s possible. To learn more, visit kamknight.com
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  • How do your beliefs shape your life?
    Jun 12 2024
    You’ve heard about beliefs and how they drive many of your decisions and actions? What you may not know is your loves to reinforce its beliefs. It’s always looking at the world to see where its beliefs are true and it gets this high when it finds it, like look I knew I was right. And it’ll throw out all examples that go against it. Seeing isn’t believing, but believing is seeing. What you believe, your brain will be on a mission to prove right. Don’t get attached to your beliefs as there’s a lot being ignored. For more visit kamknight.com
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  • Do emotions cause actions?
    Jun 11 2024
    This is the disconnect you’re experiencing from all those inspiring quotes and commercials on your social media feed. Motivational quotes and commercials are about feelings, but success is about doing. It seems like those feelings will lead to doing, but they almost never do. All they do is lead to chasing more feelings, and if you’re not aware or careful, you’ll keep chasing until you have a dopamine burn out. Important to translate the feelings you receive from motivational quotes and commercials into action. For more visit kamknight.com
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  • What’s Popular Isn’t Always Best or Best For You
    Jun 9 2024

    You know one thing I’ve notice that’s getting in your way? People will follow far inferior, basic, and even common sense tips from someone in a position of authority, than a tip that’s new, mind blowing, or works from someone who’s not. I’m not saying what the authority is saying is not valid, but if it’s not working out it’s time to look else where. The most popular isn’t always the best or best for you. For more visit kamknight.com

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  • What type of goals are the most effective?
    Jun 8 2024

    One of the biggest mistakes I made is wanting to chase the top right out of the gate. I'd see someone super successful and wanted to be at that level. Not only that but I wanted to be there now or do it fast, sometimes faster than anyone else. I learned the hard way that was too much of a jump for my mind. The brain is not built to go from 0 to 60 and trying to do so created immense resistance and eventually sabotage. And then I’d do it again, and again. Now I don’t pay attention to the peak or summit anymore and just focus on the next task and I’ve found I reach a lot more peaks. Sometimes I surpass peaks without realizing it. For more visit KamKnight.com

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    1 min