
  • 3 Powerful Benefits of Writing Your Mother Wound Story
    May 26 2024

    In this episode, Danielle, your Mother Wound Story mentor and host, explores the transformative power of writing your mother wound story. Sharing a deeply personal narrative from her teenage years, Danielle illustrates how writing enables self-regard and emotional healing. She highlights its impact on mental health, creative recovery, and reclaiming agency over one's life narrative. The episode also offers a reflective writing exercise designed to help listeners begin their journey of healing and self-discovery. Tune in to learn how writing can become a vital tool in crafting a new maternal legacy.

    0:00 Why Write Your Mother Wound Story

    01:23 A Personal Story: The Pink House on Cannon Street

    04:42 The Journey to Becoming an Author

    08:43 Three Benefits of Writing Your Mother Wound Story

    • Cathartic Release
    • Creative Recovery
    • Reclaim Agency

    11:00 Embodied Writing Exercise

    Resources Mentioned on this Episode:

    • Author Accelerator Book Coach Certification
    • Writing Can Heal Us From Trauma. Harvard Business Review (2021)
    • Write to Heal. Psychology Today (2024)

    Connect with Danielle Jernigan:

    • Website: www.motherwoundstorymentor.com
    • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danielleleejernigan
    • Email: info@daniellejerniganauthor.com

    Related episodes:

    • Episode 3: Is your mother wound valid
    • Episode 2: Beyond the Classic Narrative: Understanding the Complexities of a Mother Wound
    • Episode 1: Awakening to the deep ache of a mother wound

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    16 mins
  • Is Your Mother Wound Story Valid?
    May 12 2024

    Are you struggling with wondering if your mother wound story is even valid? Then I invite you to join me in this episode, where I unravel the truth about your right to share your mother wound story. Together we'll explore why comparing your experiences to others can silence your voice and how society's myths about maternal love might be holding you back. I'll guide you through understanding the unique impact of your mother wound and help you recognize that your story matters.

    Topics covered in this episode

    1. Who has the right to share their mother wound story?
    2. What is "comparisonitis," and how might it be silencing your truth?
    3. How can understanding the impact of your mother wound transform your life?
    4. Why does society's view of motherhood often conflict with personal reality?
    5. How might your perception of your mother wound be shaped by cultural norms?

    Connect with Danielle Jernigan:

    • Website: www.motherwoundstorymentor.com
    • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danielleleejernigan

    Related episodes:

    • Episode 2: Beyond the Classic Narrative: Understanding the Complexities of a Mother Wound
    • Episode 1: My Mother Wound Journey: A Tale of Love, Loss, & Recovery


    “Your story is your truth. Your personal experience is valid, and no one can take that away from you. “ - Danielle Jernigan

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    8 mins
  • A More Inclusive Definition of Mother Wound
    May 12 2024

    What if I told you that a mother wound could be more than just the scars left by a difficult relationship with your mom? Join me in this podcast episode where we'll dive deep into the heart of what truly shapes our female and maternal identity. I'll challenge you to think beyond the conventional definition of a mother wound and show you how birth trauma, infertility, and societal pressures contribute to the complex tapestry of mother wounds.. We'll explore how these experiences can leave an indelible mark on your life, even when you've been nurtured by a loving mother. Because in a broad sense mother wound is not just about the relationship with our moms; it includes all influences that forge our female and maternal selves. Are you ready to uncover the layers of your own story and begin a journey of healing and self-discovery? Tune in and let's unravel the nuanced narratives of the mother wound together.

    Topics covered on this episode:

    1. What is the expanded definition of a mother wound, and how does it go beyond traditional perceptions?
    2. How do societal pressures and reproductive challenges like birth trauma and infertility shape our maternal identity?
    3. In what ways can other family members or caregivers inflict mother wounds?
    4. Why it’s important to recognize the diverse origins of mother wounds for attuned healing and support

    Connect with Danielle Jernigan:

    • Website: www.daniellejerniganauthor.com
    • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danielleleejernigan

    Related episodes:

    • Episode 1: My Mother Wound Journey: A Tale of Love, Loss, & Recovery


    “You can still have a mother wound, even if you have a loving, doting, present mother." - Danielle Jernigan

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    8 mins
  • Reawakening to the Deep Ache of A Mother Wound [Ep 1]
    May 12 2024

    Have you ever felt the deep ache of a mother wound? A reminder of feeling unloved by the one person who you thought would love you unconditionally? Welcome to the very first episode of the Write Your Mother Wound Story podcast. I want to start off this podcast by taking you on a journey with me through my own mother wound healing journey. I'll share the pivotal moments that led me to confront my pain head-on.

    This episode isn't just about sharing my story; it's about igniting a conversation that many dare not start. I'll share how embracing your narrative can transform your legacy. You'll learn the importance of intentional healing and find solace in a community that understands your struggle.

    Tune in to discover how to reclaim your voice, rewrite your story, and join a movement of women empowering themselves and each other. This is more than a podcast—it's a lifeline for anyone ready to face their mother wound and emerge stronger.

    Topics broached in this episode:

    • What is a mother wound, and how might it affect your life without you realizing it?
    • How can becoming a parent force you to confront your own mother wound and start an intentional healing journey?
    • Why silence is the biggest barrier to healing from a mother wound, and how can breaking it change your life?
    • How does the legacy of a mother wound pass through generations, and what can you do to break the cycle?
    • In what ways can writing and sharing your story empower you and others on the path to recovery?
    • What unique challenges do mothers face when they fear repeating the cycle of wounding with their own daughters?

    Connect with Danielle:

    • Website: www.daniellejerniganauthor.com
    • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danielleleejernigan


    “By reclaiming your voice and sharing your story, you're not only transforming your own life but also shaping a new maternal legacy.“ - Danielle Jernigan

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    11 mins
  • Introducing the Write Your Mother Wound Story Podcast
    May 2 2024

    Are you a woman wrestling with the lingering ache of generational mother wounds, uncertain how to shield your daughter from its impact? Then you’re in the right place!

    Your host, Danielle Jernigan is on a mission to help women just like you navigate the healing journey from having a mother who couldn't provide the love they needed to finding the courage to share their story.

    Tune in to the Write Your Mother Wound Story Podcast to hear personal stories from Danielle's own journey of healing her mother wound and tips on how you can use embodied writing to transform self-hate into self-regard, silence into self-advocacy, and dissociation into presence. You'll also hear from experts in the field and published writers who took the brave step to share their mother wound stories.

    Be sure to subscribe/follow the podcast wherever you listen to podcasts so you don't miss an episode.

    Follow Danielle on Instagram at @danielleleejernigan

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    2 mins