• Navigating Balanced Parenting with ADHD Kids: Overcoming Enmeshed Patterns
    Jun 17 2024

    My guest is Krissy Pozatek, MSW, a seasoned parent coach and author of the landmark book The Parallel Process. Krissy will discuss the concept of balanced parenting and share her expertise on how parents can grow alongside their struggling adolescents or young adults, particularly those with ADHD.

    We delve into the pitfalls of enmeshed parenting, where parents often take over their children's responsibilities, leading to codependency and apathy. Chrissy explains how balanced parenting, with healthy emotional boundaries, can help children develop essential life skills and self-regulation.

    Chrissy also introduces four key principles for effective parenting: maintaining parental authority, emotional attunement, holding behavioral boundaries, and valuing struggle. These principles can transform the home environment, promoting a child's independence and self-esteem.

    Additionally, Chrissy shares her experiences from wilderness therapy programs and offers guidance on when such interventions might be necessary. She emphasizes the importance of integrating these changes back into the home for lasting impact.

    Tune in for a conversation filled with practical advice and hope for parents navigating the challenges of raising struggling adolescents and young adults.

    Learn more Krissy Pozetek, MSW: https://www.parallel-process.com/

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    36 mins
  • Unlocking ADHD Success: How CBT Can Help Teens and Young Adults
    Jun 10 2024

    My guest is Dr. Russell Ramsey, an expert in cognitive and behavioral psychology, to discuss the benefits of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for ADHD teens and young adults. Dr. Ramsey, the author of six books on adult ADHD, delves into what CBT is and how it can be a game-changer for those with ADHD.

    In this episode, Kate and Dr. Ramsey explore CBT's ins and outs, its effectiveness compared to other therapies, and how it can help individuals with ADHD manage their symptoms better. Dr. Ramsey explains the importance of structured plans, realistic expectations, and the role of cognitive strategies in improving executive functioning.

    They also discuss the differences between CBT therapy and ADHD coaching, the potential for addressing comorbidities like anxiety and depression, and the importance of readiness for change. Practical advice is given to parents on how to advocate for their children and what to look for in a qualified therapist.

    Don't miss this insightful conversation that provides valuable information and resources for anyone looking to support an ADHD teen or young adult. Learn how CBT can help build better habits, improve academic performance, and foster a more positive outlook on life.

    Learn more about Dr. Ramsey: https://www.cbt4adhd.com/

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    40 mins
  • Supporting ADHD Children: Insights on Bonding, Executive Functioning, and Screen Time Management
    Jun 3 2024

    My guest is Dr. Laura Honos-Webb, a clinical psychologist and author specializing in ADD and ADHD. She shares her expertise on the innovative Bonding Health app, designed to improve ADHD parent-child relationships through research-based exercises.

    In this episode, learn about the interconnectedness of ADHD, executive functioning, and emotional dysregulation. Discover practical strategies for parents to help their ADHD children build essential executive functioning skills. Dr. Honos-Webb also discusses the challenges of managing screen time for ADHD kids and provides valuable tips for creating a balanced and healthy digital environment.

    Gain actionable advice on fostering positive communication, setting goals, and developing self-talk skills to empower children with ADHD. This episode is a must-listen for parents seeking effective ways to support their neurodiverse children.

    Learn more: Bonding Health


    Stay connected to Kate at ADHDKidsCanThrive.com: ADHD Kids Can Thrive Sign Up


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    31 mins
  • An Education in ADHD Medication
    May 27 2024

    My guest is Dr. William (Bill) Dodson, M.D., LF-APA, a board-certified adult psychiatrist who has spent his career helping patients achieve the best possible outcomes from ADHD treatment, which earned him international acclaim. Dr. Dodson has been instrumental in advancing the field’s understanding of ADHD medication optimization, ADHD-related sleep disorders, and the emotional component of ADHD, most notably through his recognition of Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (“RSD”) as a core feature. His work with patients with highly complex psychiatric needs has earned him international acclaim.

    Dive into the intriguing and often misunderstood world of ADHD in this enlightening podcast episode featuring Dr. Bill Dodson. As a board-certified adult psychiatrist and a pioneer in adult ADHD treatment, Dr. Dodson brings an array of knowledge and expertise to this comprehensive discussion with Kate from ADHDKidsCanThrive.com.

    This episode explores the often-held fears and anxieties parents have when selecting a medication regimen for their ADHD-affected children. Dr. Dodson demystifies ADHD treatments and underlines the vital role medications play in managing ADHD. He also sheds light on ADHD's distressing aspects, such as impulsivity, internal hyperarousal, emotional dysregulation, insomnia, and rejection sensitivity. Listeners will learn about the different classes of ADHD medications and how they can alleviate these challenges.

    Topics like the impact of ADHD symptoms on a child's personal relationships and school performance, the disorder's gender-specific effects, the crucial role of correct medication, and the importance of aerobic exercise as an alternative treatment are also addressed. The episode concludes with guidance on determining accurate dosage control, medication continuity, and developing empathy and understanding towards those diagnosed with ADHD.

    Laden, with Dr. Dodson's professional wisdom, this conversation serves as an invaluable resource for parents grappling with the decision to medicate their ADHD children. Tune in today to gain a deeper understanding of ADHD and its management.

    Learn more: https://www.dodsonadhdtreatment.com/


    Topics Covered in this Episode:

    -Why is medication a standard protocol of intervention when diagnosed with ADHD?

    - Why do some people with ADHD need medication and others do not?

    - What symptoms does stimulant medication treat when ADHD is involved?

    - What symptoms does non-stimulant medication treat when ADHD is involved?

    - How does a parent or person determine if an ADHD medication is helping or not?

    - What role does aerobic exercise play when a person has ADHD?

    - What are the best types of professionals who can treat ADHD?

    - Dr. Dodson’s words of wisdom when it comes to ADHD medication.


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    40 mins
  • Tools to Build Time Management Skills
    May 20 2024

    My guest is Mindy Hudon, a speech-language pathologist, author, and creator of innovative educational tools. She has dedicated herself to empowering children and adults alike to overcome communication challenges and develop essential life skills, such as executive function skills.

    Mindy has created a series of innovative and engaging educational tools. This episode digs into her creation, the "Be a Timekeeper Clock", aimed at helping young children to grasp the concept of time enjoyable. Moreover, we discuss her award-winning graphic novel, "Cody's Adventures, How I Learned to Defeat the Time Snatchers," crafted to appeal to teens while serving essential executive function strategies. Engage with Mindy as she takes us through her personal and professional experiences, yielding valuable insights. She lays bare her experiences as a speech-language pathologist, working with patients suffering from traumatic brain injuries or strokes, her transition into the school systems, and her endeavors to help her own child overcome executive function challenges.

    Book on Amazon: Link to Buy Mindy's Book

    Learn More:https://www.mindyhudon.com/


    Topics covered in this episode:

    • Mindy’s personal and professional journey working with kids who struggle with time management.
    • Why time management is hard for kids with ADHD?
    • Strategies to put in place to help support time management
    • How can her children’s book teach young teens about time management?
    • Mindy’s words of wisdom.


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    15 mins
  • An Integrative Pediatrician’s Guide to Whole Child Resilience
    May 13 2024

    My guest is Dr. Elisa Song, a Stanford-, NYU-, UCSF-trained integrative pediatrician - and she is on a mission to revolutionize the future of children’s health! In 2005, the New England Journal of Medicine predicted that for the first time in history, our children are expected to have a shorter lifespan than us, their parents. Fast forward almost 20 years, and things aren’t much better. She does just that with her groundbreaking new book, Healthy Kids, Happy Kids: An Integrative Pediatrician’s Guide to Whole Child Resilience. Creating a resilient, thriving microbiome is the key to raising resilient, thriving kids from the inside out. In Healthy Kids, Happy Kids, Dr. Song shares her proven and practical plan for creating Microbiome Magic every day—for your whole family!

    Learn about the significance of gut health in children and understand its profound impact on overall wellness, particularly for neurodivergent children. Dr. Song educates on the role of food, diet, and lifestyle in maintaining children's health. It sheds light on the gut-brain connection and how nurturing this dynamic can regulate children's moods, mental health, attention, and focus. Listen in to unravel how gut microbiome issues can cause allergies, asthma, and behavioral problems, and understand the power of 'psychobiotics' in regulating neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine.

    This episode is a perfect blend of critical insights into achieving better health for children through conscious nutrition and lifestyle choices, building stronger gut health, and understanding the role of the gut in overall physical and mental health. Dr. Song helps parents chart a course for healthier environments and shares guidance on tackling common childhood ailments naturally.

    Learn More:https://www.healthykidshappykids.com/book/


    Topics covered in this episode:

    • How are our brain and our gut connected?
    • What does our skin indicate about our health?
    • What does our poop indicate about our health?
    • How can a child buy into their own health?
    • How are ultra-processed foods hurting an individual?
    • What role can antibiotics play in disrupting our gut health?
    • How do we use natural remedies to support our health?
    • A suggested protocol of supplements if ADHD is involved?
    • Dr. Song’s words of wisdom for parents raising neurodivergent kids?


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    47 mins
  • Growing Up Highly Sensitive
    May 6 2024

    My guest is Jim Rajan, an international seer. He started his professional life working in film and TV and then moved to study world healing methods, including shamanism, reiki, Traditional Chinese medicine, and Daoist training. Jim grew up struggling with attention and learning. He was highly sensitive and a feeler of rejection. As a child, they thought he was autistic. He failed to thrive as a baby, and they put it down to transmitted anxiety. Receiving anxiety from others was painful and confusing for Jim. Now, he does deep healing work for others.

    Listeners are given an intimate peek into Jim's journey of self-discovery through his own struggles. The conversation illuminates the art of raising highly sensitive children while navigating the accompanying fears.

    This episode engages in educational critiques, calling attention to the educational system's failure to appropriately address the needs of children with emotional fluxes. Despite the pitfalls of parenting, Jim emphasizes the unique 'mission' it offers. He draws upon Buddhist beliefs and personal motivation, discussing the role of suffering in instilling growth and resilience.

    Learn More on Jim Rajan: https://jimrajan.com/


    Topics covered in this episode:

    • What is a Seer?
    • Jim shares his own journey growing up and struggles with going to school.
    • Jim shares his definition of a highly sensitive person.
    • How does Jim’s family support him?
    • How did Jim build resilience in his life?
    • His words of wisdom for parents.


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    30 mins
  • Clarifying the ambiguity around ADHD in Kids
    Apr 29 2024

    My guest is Dr. Katja Fredriksen, a reputed pediatric neuropsychologist and the co-author of the informative new book Different Thinkers: ADHD. Her book aims to clarify the ambiguity around ADHD for both children and adults, offering practical coping strategies while celebrating their potential.

    In this illuminating conversation, we dissect the intricacies of ADHD—an often-observed neurodevelopmental condition in children. Dr. Fredriksson guides us through various challenges: recognizing symptoms, difficulties in diagnosing ADHD, especially in girls, and the influence of digital screens on ADHD. She further highlights the importance of understanding the exclusive developmental traits of children with ADHD and how early identification can foster a healthy mindset and address self-deprecating beliefs.

    We then explore the inspiration behind 'Different Thinkers: ADHD.' The book hopes to embolden children with ADHD, equipping them with knowledge about their unique cognition and honoring their distinct ways of thinking. Don't miss out on this insightful episode loaded with valuable insights for your ADHD journey.

    This episode further illuminates the experiences of children with ADHD and underscores the need to empathize with their unique worldviews. It suggests coping mechanisms, emphasizes recognizing their strengths, and discusses the transformative power of child-friendly resources to encourage discussions about neurodiversity.

    It underscores children's need for self-advocacy, teaching them to stand up for themselves, fostering self-esteem, and enabling them to navigate social and academic landscapes successfully. This episode celebrates the positive traits of ADHD, including augmented creativity and innovation.

    Parents and caregivers are advised to acknowledge their child's developmental stage and abilities. This encourages compassion and patience. Moreover, the episode extols the critical role of self-care for parents and caregivers—indispensable to their wellness and critical for their ability to care for and nurture their children effectively.

    More on Different Thinkers: ADHD by Dr. Fredriksen and Dr. Rothman: https://www.boystownpress.org/different-thinkers-adhd-softcover/


    Topics covered in this episode:

    • What is ADHD, and how is it diagnosed?
    • What to do when suspicious of ADHD but school isn’t on board yet?
    • Is ADHD being overdiagnosed?
    • Why are girls so tricky to diagnose?
    • How can a child be a part of the process of diagnosis?
    • Why write a children’s book?
    • What are the strengths of ADHD?
    • Dr. Katja Fredriksen's words of wisdom for parents.


    Stay connected to Kate at ADHD Kids Can Thrive: ADHD Kids Can Thrive Sign Up


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    25 mins