• Follow Up and Follow Through - EP 278 - Real Facts on Real Estate
    Jun 4 2024

    When it comes to real estate it is not a new idea to follow up and follow through. That said it is one that challenges a lot of new agents. Feeling self worth and adding value are the keys to understanding why you follow up. Understanding without you people are not going to find the same success makes it easier for you to really push working with you.

    Follow up is something that all top real estate agents use to find more home buyers and home sellers. They get a lead and only accept one of two answers. Yes or no are the only two ways out of their lead follow up. Yes and they are a client and it is time to follow through. No and they set free your time to move on to the next need to follow up with.

    Follow through is just as important as the follow up. Making promises and keeping them is crucial in building the relationship. Make sure to always work to have your next call back and reason for contact. Help get info on listings, do recon on buyers, teach the market, and anything else you can do to help your clients win. Follow through is one of the biggest keys to more closings.

    Listen to this week's episode and start closing more deals right away.

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    7 mins
  • Acting Normal as a Real Estate Agent - EP 277 - Real Facts on Real Estate
    May 28 2024

    When it comes to turning clients into leads there is no single item more important than acting normal. When meeting with new people it is normal for humans to feel a bit nervous. As industry professionals this is our time to shine. We must work to make the client feel confident and comfortable working with us.

    Remember when choosing an agent people look for a professional who is a leader. Being a leader means making decisions and guiding people towards their goals. Do not spend so much time worrying about being everyone's friend. Spend more time honing your craft so your clients can see what a astute professional you really are.

    Find common ground with your clients for ways to build more trust. People love to talk about themselves so make sure to ask questions that allow your clients to do this. It will help you bond and also do your job finding them the perfect place to call home. The better we understand our clients and there needs the more we can help.

    Tune in today and close more deals right away. This proven method works both for home buyers and home sellers so keep practicing it and grow your business.

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    7 mins
  • Creative Tactics to Win a Bidding Wars - EP 276 - Real Facts on Real Estate
    May 21 2024

    As a real estate agent the difference in getting your clients the house or not in a bidding war is also the difference in being paid or not. In this episode I go over three ideas to help your clients offer get accepted. While it is easy to advise a client to offer more money and beat everyone on the purchase price, sometimes it comes down to the details.

    One idea we go over is the closing date. Oftentimes the closing date has a lot to do with a seller's ability to sell and move smoothly. While not optimal some times for the buyer this is a way to improve the offering to the seller. This may allow them to finish out a job or a school year in the home you want. Allowing things like this are a huge perk to sellers.

    Another place where we can gain an edge is a great pre approval. Better yet why not get a fully underwritten pre approval so you are almost as good as cash. Remember your pre approval will be judged so make sure it is as clean as possible. Having the lender reach out is just one more way to show it is a great offer.

    Lastly we talk about deposits. Often confused with down payments, deposits are often neglected. While a deposit may be money at risk if your buyer intends to keep their word the risk is minimal. The seller's sole remedy for the buyer walking in most cases is this deposit. Putting enough money on the line that the seller can feel confident your buyer will not walk away but if they did there is a good amount of money to cover the damages.

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    7 mins
  • What Does Your Profile Say About You? - EP 275 - Real Facts on Real Estate
    May 14 2024

    In a world where we often meet people from online profiles have become a thing that acts as a first meeting. Similar to your mom telling you to be careful what you wear going out in public I now say be careful what you write. Oftentimes these profile visits tell the buyer whether they would like to work with you or not. Now the real question is what does Google say about you?

    In this week's episode I go over the ins and outs of the to do and not to do aspects of a profile. I talk a lot about things that can help you build early relationships with clients. I spend some time going over F.R.O.G. or F.O.R.D. and its importance in choosing a topic.

    I am a firm believer in freedom of speech and freedom of expression but I do cover some issues that can arise. Remember in business it is about attracting clients and helping service them all equally. While not every client is going to be a good fit for your business you may be surprised by how many are with a great profile. Tune in today and start attracting more online attention.

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    7 mins
  • Three Ways To Add Value As A Buyer's Agent - EP 274 - Real Facts on Real Estate
    May 7 2024

    In this week's episode I spent time going over three ways you can add more value to your buyers experience. As we move into a world with required buyer agency agreements and more than likely the buyer footing the bill it is more important than ever to stand out. You want your business to stand out for all the right reasons and garner great reviews. One great review can pay itself back endlessly over time.

    One of the best ways to add value as a buyer’s agent is to be an educator. Start with properly explaining the process of buying a home and your clients will be happy. Simply put people like people who understand the process. Be your clients mentor and guide to navigate the home buying process.

    Communication is something that is hard to explain before working with a client. That said great communication leads to great reviews and raving clients which leads to more buyers learning about your services. Make sure to answer all the calls good or bad. Make yourself available when clients are that way you can immediatly stifle any concerns and answer any questions.

    Keep a pulse on the market and offer in market insights that your buyers may not have been able to obtain or understand without you. From market reports to off market listings, always pay attention to adding value with every conversation. This is something that will instill you as the go to person with your clients. By working on these three items you are sure to increase your buyer value and attract more clients. Remember in a business where we "all do the same thing" learn to stand out for doing more.

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    7 mins
  • Do Your Job - EP 273 - Real Facts on Real Estate
    Apr 30 2024

    As real estate agents it is important to understand our job. The ever changing market is going to demand and command more out of every agent in the upcoming future. As we see the NAR settlement work it's way out and online move it's way in we will continue to see a shift. The one thing that will stand true through all of it is that agents who provide value will survive.

    Doing your job does not just mean selling the house. This is a confusion some agents have. They celebrate every sale as if they conquered the world. Then in the future they wonder why the client is not a repeat client. Make sure to add value at every step of the way.

    From allowing clients to go to open houses alone to turning down showings at your listing because of your own schedule, we need to do better. Agents need to think about the type of money they are earning and respect it for what it is. Listen to this week's episode and hear all my thoughts.

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    7 mins
  • Do Online Reviews Matter? - EP 272 - Real Facts on Real Estate
    Apr 24 2024

    In the old world people moved short distances and mostly used agents their parents, family, or friends had used in the past. The new world people move at the speed of light and move far distances. In doing so they have learned to form online communities and write reviews to help guide one another. As a real estate professional it is very important to learn to leverage from this.

    A great review gives others the ability to feel confident that you know how to get the job done. In today's episode we cover how to ensure clients are giving you the reviews you desire. Keep in mind that one key to reviews is earning them. Reviews are not always easy to get until you make your clients life easy. With that ease comes the ease to them writing a review.

    Listen today and learn to build your business for this online world. While friends and family is still my favorite type of clients I never turn down anyone. Heck I would like even more business than I currently have and who wouldn't? Start putting your reviews to work for you. What do people see when they Google your name?

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    7 mins
  • Do You Need to go to College to be a Real Estate Agent in Massachusetts? - EP 271 - Real Facts on Real Estate
    Apr 16 2024

    In a world where everyone is pressuring kids into college there are still many viable jobs that do not require the burden of college. Often people ask if college is required to be a real estate agent. The short answer is no it takes a 40 hour state approved course and passing the state and national test. This can be accomplished by anyone over the agent of 18.

    When it comes to the idea would it be better to go to college first or not, that is where people may argue. College education will always help you find success in real estate. There are many degrees like finance, business, and marketing that directly correlate to the day to day workings as a real estate agent.

    Listen to today’s episode and learn my thoughts on why you should get the license right away and continue learning forever. The more you learn the more you earn in real estate. If you are an existing agent thinking of going to college or just thinking of becoming an agent and looking at college than this is the episode for you.

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    7 mins