
  • Validation Islam pt. 1 validating Process theology, panentheism, process reality
    Dec 1 2023

    Islam pt 1, Q 1 - 3 Justice will not be denied.
    The message may not emerge in our personal physical journey as we traverse this universe but it will emerge in the realm of eternity and there will be no avoiding the repercussions of your responsibilities the actions of free will placed upon you.

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    28 mins
  • Validation Christianity pt. 1validating process theology
    Nov 24 2023

    Christianity - Love one another.
    What better message for a soul to take back into The Caausative Force than ' I have done my best to follow this message and encourage others to do likewise.'

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    18 mins
  • Validation Buddhism pt. 1 validating Process Theology, Panentheism, Process Reality
    Nov 17 2023

    Buddhism, one should address the issue of suffering, not just one's own personal suffering but the suffering of others as well.

    Process Theology, panentheism, clearly demonstrates how it is all experiencing is eventually carried back into the Causative Force which created the physical universe.

    As such, we build the very environment into which we eventually return and the suffering we leave in place as we exist the universe eventually returns to the omnipresence of the Absolute Knowing, the persence of the higher summation of consciousness, where it is on display for all to see.

    There is no hiding in the after life.

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    19 mins
  • Validation Judaism pt. 1 validating process theology, process reality, panentheism, symbiotic panentheism
    Nov 10 2023

    Religion is humanity's oldest tool used to establish what we as humans perceive reality to be.

    This podcast and the previous podcast are not advocating we, you and I should 'convert to Judaism nor convert to Hinduism. Rather these previous two podcasts as well as many of the podcast to come are meant to clearly demonstrate that the wisdom of the ancients/religion, rational dialects/philosophy and our observations/science validate our process of expanding what we perceive the 'size' of reality to be.

    They all validate our new perception that reality is not limited to our physical universe but rather that the reality we call the physical universe is but one cosmos which is located within a second cosmos, a 'larger' cosmos.

    We, our true essence, is composed of the same substance, essence, as the 'substance' which composes this second essence, cosmos.

    It is this second essence, cosmos, reality which is permanent for time does not exist there. Time only exists in our physical cosmos, universe.  It is this second essence from which our physical cosmos emerged. It is this second essence which 'created' our perceived reality and is thus, by definition called: God, Brahma, Yahweh.

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    33 mins
  • Validation Hinduism pt. 1 validating Process Theology, Process Reality, panentheism
    Nov 3 2023

    The Dictionary of Philosophy and Religion, a neutral source, by Reese introduces the fundamental concepts of Hinduism stating:
    Hinduism's 3 basic tenets are:

    1. Monotheism
    2. Identicality of the soul, Atman and The Creator of the universe, Brahman
    3. Eternal existence of Brahman and Atman

    The basics of Hinduism are an iteration of Process Theology, Process Reality, panentheism and symbiotic panentheism.

    One could just as correctly say: The basics  of Process Theology, Process Reality, panentheism and symbiotic panentheism are an iteration of Hinduism.

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    23 mins
  • Validation Introduction to the process of validating process theology
    Oct 27 2023

    I do not expect anyone listening to these podcasts to simply accept or embrace the information presented within these podcasts.

    What has been discussed in these podcasts addressing process theology, process reality, panentheism and symbiotic panentheism does not stand in isolation on its own.

    The validity of process theology and what is being addressed within these podcasts is seen all around us.

    it is the evidence science, philosophy and religion has in their vast libraries of knowledge which we will examine in detail in order to validate what is being said in these podcasts.


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    28 mins
  • Clarification of Process Theology and violence
    Oct 20 2023

    Violence - not a thing to be initiated but an action to be embraced as a last resort to protect the journey of others.

    We must stand tall, stand strong against those who wish to subjugate us and dominate us. As sparks of God we have the right to voice our opinions, protect our families, friends and society. 

    Violence as a last resort, yes, but violence nevertheless.

    This may sound ludicrous to some of you, but should we ever be visited by some form of ET's who want to subjugate us as individuals or as a species we must be will to resist such visitors in order to protect our independence as individuals and as a species.

    You are a spark of God and should demand to treated accordingly.

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    28 mins
  • Process Theology and pacifism
    Oct 13 2023

    Process theology is not pacifistic in nature.

    'Stand tall and stand strong' in fact means to use violence as the ultimate act to protect the rights of sparks of God to complete their mission for traveling the physical universe.

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    23 mins