• 12 Things I Learned When I Became a Widow: Life, Love, and laughter After Loss
    Aug 21 2023

    See the YouTube video here: https://youtu.be/HIBVxrduCyM

    **Title: 12 Things I Learned When I Became a Widow | My Journey Through Life, Love, and Grief**

    Hey there, it's Leo, and I want to welcome you to the One Happy Widow podcast. This is a space where I share my personal experiences as a widow, delving into the complexities of grief, loss, and the pursuit of happiness. Come join me as I discuss the unexpected lessons and emotions I encountered after losing my beloved spouse.

    **Episode Highlights:**

    **(00:00) My Personal Grief Journey:**
    I'm Leo, and I'm here to share my experiences as a widow with you. If you're new here, I'm glad you joined, and remember to subscribe so we can go through this journey together. On this channel, I'm opening up about my life after losing my spouse, exploring how I've been coping and finding moments of joy amidst the grief.

    **(01:14) Navigating Grief with Joy:**
    As I continue along this path of grief, I'm striving to make my life happier while still honoring my late spouse. If you're on a similar journey or curious about how to find happiness after loss, stick around for some insights.

    **(01:41) My Personal Insights: 12 Lessons I Learned:**
    Today, I want to share with you the 12 powerful lessons that I've learned since becoming a widow. These realizations have had a profound impact on my perspective, helping me understand grief and the process of healing better.

    **(02:13) Unexpected Transformations:**
    From the moment I lost my spouse, I realized that some lessons were completely unexpected, catching me by surprise. These revelations truly transformed my way of thinking and understanding my journey through grief.

    **(03:10) Lesson 1: Time is Never Enough:**
    The length of time spent with a spouse, whether short or long, leaves us always yearning for more. No matter how much time we had together, the ache of wanting just a bit more is something all widows and widowers understand.

    **(04:11) Lesson 2: The Unpredictability of Preparedness:**
    While we might think we're prepared, the reality is that no amount of planning can truly ready us for the profound impact of losing a loved one. Even the best preparations can leave us feeling unprepared.

    **(05:11) Lesson 3: Cherishing Lasting Memories:**
    My late husband's notebooks left for our children became invaluable treasures. They showed me the significance of leaving behind memories and advice that can live on, becoming a source of comfort and guidance.

    **(06:41) Lesson 4: Choosing Our Final Words:**
    The power of our last words to our loved ones is undeniable. Recognizing that those words might be our last chance to communicate something meaningful helps us choose them with care and love.

    **(07:49) Lesson 5: Blurry Memories Amidst Grief:**
    The haze of grief can cloud our memories of significant events, serving as a protective mechanism for our minds. I recall how the funeral days were a blur, a defense against the overwhelming emotions.

    **(09:22) Lesson 6: A Mix of Emotions: Relief and Guilt:**
    As my husband battled terminal illness, my emotions were a mix of relief and guilt. Understanding these conflicting feelings and realizing they're part of the process helped me cope with the complexity of widowhood.

    **(10:39) Lesson 7: The Evolving Nature of Support:**
    The presence of friends and family changes over time as the grieving process unfolds. While there's a surge of support initially, it may wane as others move forward. It's important to reach out when needed.

    **(11:48) Lesson 8: Struggling with Insensitive Remarks:**
    I encountered insensitive comments from well-meaning people, realizing that sometimes words meant to console can be hurtful. I've learned the value of empathy and genuine words of comfort.

    **(13:44) Lesson 9: A Life Divided by

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    25 mins
  • Change Yourself, Not Your Surroundings: Finding Strength to Handle Life
    Aug 13 2023

    **Podcast Show Notes: CHANGE YOURSELF, NOT YOUR SURROUNDINGS: Finding the Strength to Handle Life**

    **Episode Number:** 2

    **Podcast Title:** *One Happy Widow Podcast*

    **Host:** Leo

    **Release Date:** 8-13-23

    **Podcast Description:**
    Hey there, it's Leo from the *One Happy Widow* podcast. I've got something I've been thinking about and I wanted to share it with you all. In this episode, I'll be diving into the idea of finding the strength to navigate life's challenges. I'll be drawing from my own experiences and personal journey, discussing why it's crucial to work on ourselves rather than trying to change the world around us. Join me as we explore the power of inner strength and how it can help us handle the toughest of situations.

    **Listen to the Episode:** [YouTube Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vzE2MdJ7j8)

    **Episode Highlights:**

    - **Introduction:** Let's start with a quick introduction. I'm Leo, and I want to make it clear that what I'm sharing today is my own personal perspective, not medical advice.
    - **Supporting Mental Health:** I'll talk about my daughter's journey with mental health challenges after losing her father and how it's impacted her life.
    - **Facing Life's Tests:** We'll dive into the struggles my daughter faces in managing her responsibilities and relationships while dealing with the absence of her father.
    - **Standing By Your Loved Ones:** I'll share my thoughts on why it's important to stand by our loved ones, even when they push us away due to their own struggles.
    - **Inner Strength Over External Change:** Let's discuss the concept of focusing on our inner strength instead of hoping that the world around us will magically change.
    - **Grief's Extra Burden:** I'll touch on how grief can amplify life's challenges, especially for those of us who've experienced loss.
    - **Taking Control:** We'll explore the idea of taking control of our reactions and emotions when faced with life's difficulties.
    - **The Power of Goals:** I'll offer my perspective on setting personal goals as a means to shift our focus away from negativity and toward personal growth.
    - **Wrapping Up:** Before we close, I'll invite you to share the goals you've set and connect with others who are on a similar journey.

    **Key Takeaways:**

    1. Be there for your loved ones even when they seem distant due to their struggles.
    2. Shift your focus from external circumstances to building inner strength to overcome challenges.
    3. Grief adds an extra layer of complexity to life's hardships.
    4. You have the power to manage your reactions and emotions during difficult times.
    5. Set personal goals to redirect your energy towards growth and positivity.

    **Join the Conversation:**

    - Share your thoughts and insights about this episode in the comments below.
    - Connect with me and fellow listeners by sharing the personal goals you've chosen and your progress.

    **Stay Connected:**

    - Subscribe to the *One Happy Widow* podcast to receive new episode notifications.
    - Don't forget to press the notification bell to stay updated on all my content.

    **Disclaimer:** Remember, I'm sharing from personal experience and insight, not as a medical professional. If you're struggling with mental health issues, consider seeking advice from a medical expert.


    - National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 800-273-8255

    **Note:** This podcast episode is a recap and interpretation of the original video on YouTube. For the full experience, watch the video [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vzE2MdJ7j8).

    **[End of Show Notes]**

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    10 mins
  • Finding Happiness After My Husband Died: Moving Forward After the Loss of a Spouse
    Jul 16 2023

    Check out My YouTube Channel and join our FaceBook Group for more resources!

    Remember, you can always contact me at Leo@onehappywidow.com

    Welcome to the One Happy Widow podcast, where we explore the journey of finding happiness after the loss of a spouse. I'm your host, Laurie, also known as Leo, and I'm here to share my own experiences and insights as a grieving widow who has found happiness again.

    In this podcast, we'll discuss the challenges and emotions that come with losing a spouse. From the initial stages of grief to finding the strength to move forward, we'll cover it all. I'll share personal stories, lessons learned, and practical tips that have helped me on my own healing journey.

    But let's address the name of this podcast: One Happy Widow. You might wonder why I chose to combine the words "happy" and "widow." After all, the word widow is often associated with sadness and loss. However, I believe that happiness is attainable even after such a significant loss.

    I want to emphasize that finding happiness doesn't mean forgetting or erasing the memory of our late spouses. It means learning to live a fulfilling life while carrying their memory in our hearts. Happiness is a process, and it's unique to each individual. I'll share how I have personally navigated this journey and provide guidance to help you discover your own path to happiness.

    Throughout the podcast, I want to create a sense of community and support. Losing a spouse is a life-altering event, and connecting with others who have experienced a similar loss can be incredibly comforting. We'll delve into the power of shared experiences and the importance of finding support from those who understand.

    I must clarify that I'm not a medical professional, therapist, or grief counselor. The information I provide is based on my personal experiences and should not substitute professional advice. If you require medical or therapeutic assistance, please consult with a qualified healthcare professional.

    Each episode will tackle different aspects of the grieving process and the journey towards happiness. We'll discuss topics such as adjusting to life after loss, the challenges of raising grieving children, and rebuilding a social life. I'll also share practical strategies for self-care, dealing with triggers, and embracing new opportunities.

    Whether you're a recent widow, still deep in grief, or someone who has found happiness and wants to share their story, this podcast is for you. Together, we'll navigate the complexities of grief, find strength in each other's experiences, and ultimately embrace a new chapter filled with hope, growth, and happiness.

    Join me on this journey of self-discovery, healing, and finding happiness after the loss of a spouse. Subscribe to the One Happy Widow podcast, hit the notification bell, and get ready for engaging conversations and practical insights that will inspire you to create a fulfilling life beyond loss.

    Remember, you're not alone, and there is happiness waiting for you. Let's embark on this journey together. Stay tuned for the first episode, where we'll dive deeper into my personal story and the lessons I've learned along the way.

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    29 mins