• The 5 Components of a Million Dollar Offer + Why Your Service isn't Selling
    Jun 5 2024

    The word “niche” might be tricky to pronounce, but its significance is clear! Starting broad can be challenging, while niching down can set you apart and make you an authority in your field. In today’s episode, we dive deep into the power of niching down in your business. We explore why having a unique perspective and understanding your client's specific needs can set you apart in a crowded market. From knowing your service to pinpointing your target industry and pricing it right, we cover all the essentials to create an irresistible offer.

    Tune in to hear:

    • Why niching down isn't about limiting your business; it's about standing out in a crowded market
    • How to craft an irresistible offer with your unique perspective that will encompass your client's niche, with appropriate pricing and scarcity
    • How leveraging your unique perspective makes it easier to connect with clients and cater to their specific needs effectively
    • The importance of reflecting and adjusting your prices by testing different pricing models

    DM Emily or Bri on IG to learn more about VA School:

    Emily: https://www.instagram.com/emilyvdw/

    Bri: https://www.instagram.com/brigalloway_/

    Free 4 Steps to Becoming a VA E-Book: https://letsgetsocialagency.com/4-steps-ebook-bump


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    23 mins
  • Three Online Businesses We Would Never Start in 2024
    May 29 2024

    I don't know about you, but it seems like my social media algorithm is constantly trying to get me to start a new online business. But we caution that these "make money fast" reels aren't always as good as they appear. In today's episode, we dive deep into the world of today's online entrepreneurship. From the importance of aligning your business with your values to the pitfalls of starting a drop shipping business in today's market, we cover it all. Plus, get insider tips on starting a virtual assistant business and the do's and don'ts of selling online courses.

    Today we cover:

    • The importance of considering your long-term goals when starting a business rather than focusing solely on short-term gains
    • The potential of becoming a virtual assistant to replace a traditional 9-5 income
    • Why it is crucial to have relevant experience before creating and selling online courses to maintain integrity and authenticity
    • We unveil our plans for a new podcast segment on gossip, hot topics, and buzz

    DM Emily or Bri on IG to learn more about VA School:

    Emily: https://www.instagram.com/emilyvdw/

    Bri: https://www.instagram.com/brigalloway_/

    Free 4 Steps to Becoming a VA E-Book: https://letsgetsocialagency.com/4-steps-ebook-bump


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    25 mins
  • TikTok is Suing + New Meta Monthly Subscriptions...How This Affects Your Online Business
    May 22 2024

    Relying solely on TikTok or Instagram for business? It's a risky game. In today's episode, we dive into the ever-evolving world of social media, exploring everything from the latest Meta verified subscription to the potential TikTok ban. With the social media landscape shifting so rapidly, we want to remind you to stay flexible, informed, and keep creating! We're here to navigate these changes together. Over the course of the episode, we also explore the benefits of repurposing content across platforms like Pinterest, and share a free training to help you get started. Whether you're a small business impacted by closures or navigating the uncertain future of TikTok, remember the importance of owning and controlling your business and products.

    Tune in to hear:

    • Relying solely on one platform for sales is a risky strategy and how to diversify your marketing channels
    • The power of reviewing and revamping your messaging to maintain strong customer engagement
    • The importance of leveraging technology for efficient content repurposing
    • Why you need to stay informed about platform changes and how these updates can impact your overall strategy

    DM Emily or Bri on IG to learn more about VA School:

    Emily: https://www.instagram.com/emilyvdw/

    Bri: https://www.instagram.com/brigalloway_/

    Free 4 Steps to Becoming a VA E-Book: https://letsgetsocialagency.com/4-steps-ebook-bump


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    32 mins
  • Business Gut Check + Re-evaluating Your Priorities in 2024
    May 15 2024

    Ever realized that taking breaks can be just what we need? After a brief hiatus, we have returned to the microphones with renewed energy and an important new episode! Today, we get real about reassessing our goals, the pressures of perceived success, and the joy of aligning our business with our personal peace and happiness. We explore the transition from hustling hard to savoring a life we love. If you've ever questioned "why" behind your business or work, this is the episode for you.

    Tune in to hear:

    • The importance of continuously asking "why" and embracing self-reflection
    • How flexibility and adapting your strategy can lead to greater satisfaction and effectiveness
    • Why building a business should also mean cultivating joy and passion, not just revenue and growth
    • Why we think value-rich experiences should guide your entrepreneurial journey

    DM Emily or Bri on IG to learn more about VA School:

    Emily: https://www.instagram.com/emilyvdw/

    Bri: https://www.instagram.com/brigalloway_/

    Free 4 Steps to Becoming a VA E-Book: https://letsgetsocialagency.com/4-steps-ebook-bump


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    18 mins
  • Giving You Permission to Pivot Your Business + The 3 FREE Sales Outreach Strategies You Should Try for New Client Leads
    Apr 24 2024

    In today's episode, we're unpacking some secrets to revamping your business strategies for success. We're diving deep into personalizing sales outreach and transforming our Pinterest VA school into an all-encompassing VA membership. Whether working from home or a coffee shop, learn how to align your business with your lifestyle for ultimate success. Plus, don’t miss out on our exclusive DM challenge and live sales workshops designed to skyrocket your growth.

    Tune in to hear:

    • Ways to embrace flexibility and allow your business to evolve to fit your changing lifestyle needs and desires
    • How to craft your own freedom through the location of your work
    • Ways to experiment with innovative outreach strategies
    • The importance of continuous learning

    DM Emily or Bri on IG to learn more about VA School:

    Emily: https://www.instagram.com/emilyvdw/

    Bri: https://www.instagram.com/brigalloway_/

    Free 4 Steps to Becoming a VA E-Book: https://letsgetsocialagency.com/4-steps-ebook-bump


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    24 mins
  • The New Way of Selling on Social with The Product Boss
    Apr 10 2024

    Stories over stats! What if we told you that we're all about engagement through storytelling, not just selling. In today's episode, we'll explore Jacqueline Snyder's evolution from fashion designer to business mogul, and how she's mastered the art of digital marketing in a world resistant to traditional sales techniques. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur, a VA looking to make a significant impact, or just in search of inspiration to push your business forward, Jacqueline's story is one you won't want to miss.

    Tune in to hear:

    • Tips for staying nimble with your strategy
    • The importance of embracing the non-salesy sales approach
    • Why building your community is a powerful tool for business growth
    • How to scale smarter, not harder

    Connect with Jacqueline:

    Website: https://www.theproductboss.com/

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/theproductboss

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theproductboss

    Mastermind Circle: https://theproductbossmastermind.com/updated-copy-mastermind-sales-page1669737873970

    DM Emily or Bri on IG to learn more about VA School:

    Emily: https://www.instagram.com/emilyvdw/

    Bri: https://www.instagram.com/brigalloway_/

    Free 4 Steps to Becoming a VA E-Book: https://letsgetsocialagency.com/4-steps-ebook-bump


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    36 mins
  • Why Women Should Not Have to Work a 9-6
    Apr 3 2024

    Are you tired of the traditional 9 to 6 grind? In this episode, we dive into why women aren't meant to work the normal nine-to-six and the importance of understanding our natural cycles. Learn how you can harness your energy and productivity based on the different phases of your cycle, and how becoming a virtual assistant can give you the control and flexibility you need for a fulfilling work-life balance.

    Tune in to hear:

    • Tailoring your tasks and work schedule to align with the different phases of your cycle
    • Benefits of breaking away from the 9 to 6 structure to take control of your work hours
    • How becoming a virtual assistant can empower you to manage your schedule in harmony with your energy patterns
    • The importance of putting yourself first to enhance your overall well-being

    DM Emily or Bri on IG to learn more about VA School:

    Emily: https://www.instagram.com/emilyvdw/

    Bri: https://www.instagram.com/brigalloway_/

    Free 4 Steps to Becoming a VA E-Book: https://letsgetsocialagency.com/4-steps-ebook-bump


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    18 mins
  • Breaking Down the Real Difference Between a Virtual Assistant, Freelancer and Contractor...and It May Surprise You
    Mar 27 2024

    Are you considering becoming a virtual assistant but unsure of what it really means? The term "virtual assistant" may seem broad, but in reality, it encompasses a wide range of specialized services. Whether you resonate with the term or prefer freelancer or contractor, the goal remains the same: to provide valuable services to clients and create a thriving business.

    In today’s episode, we dive into the misconceptions and realities of the virtual assistant industry. We break down what it takes to become a top-earning specialist in this field, and share real success stories of individuals making six figures as virtual assistants. Join us as we dispel the myths and provide valuable insights into this booming industry. Whether you're new to the space or looking to scale your existing virtual assistant business, this episode is a must-listen.

    Tune in to hear:

    • The importance of becoming a specialist in the industry
    • The window of opportunity for those looking to establish themselves in the VA space
    • An extensive guide on over 30 in-demand services for VAs
    • Insight into lucrative opportunities within the industry

    DM Emily or Bri on IG to learn more about VA School:

    Emily: https://www.instagram.com/emilyvdw/

    Bri: https://www.instagram.com/brigalloway_/

    Free 4 Steps to Becoming a VA E-Book: https://letsgetsocialagency.com/4-steps-ebook-bump


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    17 mins