• Lights Camera Expert: Unleash Your Expertise - April 23rd, 2018
    56 mins
  • Lights Camera Expert: Unleash Your Expertise - April 16th, 2018
    53 mins
  • Lights Camera Expert: Unleash Your Expertise - April 9th, 2018
    55 mins
  • Lights Camera Expert: Unleash Your Expertise - April 2nd, 2018
    55 mins
  • Do you need a book to get booked?
    Mar 26 2018
    With the explosion of online content and social media, what role do books play in the media landscape? Are they critical? Should you write one? The fact is, books remain one of the most powerful and respected platforms. But there are many new roads to publishing a book that don't involve sitting down, writing an entire manuscript, sending it to a publisher, and waiting. Today, Paula and Terri speak to Farnoosh Torabi, host of the uber-popular So Money podcast, and author of several books, including When She Makes More. Farnoosh, who teaches entrepreneurs the how's and why's of publishing a book, teaches you all you need to know to get started.
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    56 mins
  • Calling all speakers! How to leverage your talk for TV
    Mar 19 2018
    Have you spoken at conferences and events and want to shift your expertise from stage to screen? On today's show, Paula and Terri will show you how to look at your keynote, lecture or TEDx talk through a producer lens. Plus: An interview with go-to expert and author Chris Kilham, aka the Medicine Hunter, on how he became a media darling, racking up more media interviews in the past ten years than most people see in a lifetime.
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    53 mins
  • How to get a producer to call you back
    Mar 12 2018
    For anyone who aspires to do media, TV remains the big dream. Everyone wants to be on it! So how do you cut through the din and make a connection with a real-life producer—and get one to call you back? Kathy Gulinello, producer at The Doctor Oz Show and founder of PinkTank, has years of experience in assessing and booking guests for TV. Today, Kathy shares with Terri and Paula what turns her on, what turns her off, and how to make a big impression so that she's waiting on you, and not the other way around.
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    54 mins
  • How to look like a big deal online
    Mar 5 2018
    So you have a Facebook page. And a Twitter account. Instagram. And LinkedIn. But it's not enough just to have those accounts and post on occasion. If those platforms aren't helping you grow your business and brand, then you might want to rethink your strategy. Today, Paula and Terri talk with Cass McCrory, digital marketing strategist and founder of Capra Strategy, about how to position yourself online to make sure that your platforms are helping elevate your brand, and attract the right kinds of business and attention.
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    53 mins