• Ep. 32: Introduction to Relating to Others: Relationship Accounts
    Jun 3 2024

    After spending some time looking at ourselves and our values, priorities, wants, and needs, Leah is shifting the focus to relating to others, relationships, and how all those things we’ve been looking at in ourselves translate and play out within our relationships.

    We are wired for relationships, and there are a few key components to building and maintaining those relationships. Leah discusses the importance of curiosity, believing the best, and gratitude within relationships.

    She also explains a frame of looking at our relationships like accounts, not that they’re transactional, but so we’re mindful of what we put in and receive. She expands on “deposits” and “withdrawals” and what that looks like within our relationships.

    Over the next few episodes, we will continue to discuss relating to others and how the information from the last several episodes translates into our relationships.

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    7 mins
  • Ep. 31: Framework Building: Creating and Maintaining Boundaries
    May 28 2024

    In this episode, Leah moves on to discuss one of the influential aspects of frameworks, which is boundaries. She explains more in detail about what they are, why they’re important, and how to create and maintain them.

    Boundaries are the limits that keep you and your relationships safe. In life, we have boundaries all around us in different physical forms like fences and walls and even the lines on roads. These examples all keep us safe and show us limits.

    Interpersonally, boundaries provide safety for us and our relationships. They protect our time, space, and energy and are about us, not the other person. Some may see boundaries as constricting, but they’re really a safety mechanism and a basic function. When used correctly, they’re not to control others or manipulate them, but to provide safety within our relationships. They also help us know what our responsibilities are and for others to know what theirs are. They are helpful and crucial for healthy relationships.

    In practice, boundaries may look like not eating certain things because they don’t make you feel good, or not drinking alcohol or rules around what you let others borrow of yours.

    When creating boundaries, ask yourself what the things are that help to fulfill your wants and needs and that maintain your personal space, time, values, and needs.

    Having boundaries helps our frameworks and knowing them ahead of time allows us to have those frameworks before we’re presented with a question or opportunity. They’re also important for being able to fit in those things that are important to us and the things we need to get done.

    When enforcing boundaries, it’s important to use stand-up words like “I won’t” so that you can give strong, empowered answers instead of a partial yes or no. It’s kind to give a clear answer and to have those boundaries since it helps give the other person clarity on where you stand and what to expect from you.

    Music credits: Holizna - Poor, but Happy

    Edited and produced by Beruna Studios - berunastudios.com

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    18 mins
  • Unshakeable Unbreakables: Building Frameworks for Empowered No's and Resounding Yes's Ep. 30
    May 23 2024

    In this episode, Leah discusses decision making, decision fatigue, and frameworks to lessen the toll of decisions.

    In life, there are many opportunities and decisions that arise, and it can help to have “unshakeable unbreakables” or frameworks based on personal rules, values, and priorities. These frameworks can help protect you from decision fatigue, over giving and depleting your energy, and keep you oriented towards the things you want in life.

    With some decisions, having personal rules makes the decision for you before you face a question, which can help take the pressure off in the moment. Taking your priorities and values to make a framework can look like personal rules, time blocking, and personal purpose statements. Time blocking helps to balance life and work, allowing for focus on specific commitments in their dedicated time block.

    With personal purpose statements or personal constitutions, you can compare opportunities to what your purpose is and see how it aligns with your values and priorities and how they fit into what you want in your life. In Leah’s Burnout Buster Blueprint, she works with others to create their personal constitutions. Having your own personal purpose statement or constitution helps take the pressure off when opportunities and decisions arise, protecting you from decision fatigue and pressured yeses. You can compare opportunities to this framework and ask questions like “will this help with what I want in life or will it pull me away from where I want to go” or “does this align with my priorities?”

    Having these frameworks already set in place can reduce pressure and decision fatigue while bringing relief, peace, and confidence, allowing for empowered nos and resounding yeses.

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    12 mins
  • Empowering You To Say "No" Ep. 29
    May 14 2024

    Do you have trouble saying "no"? Do you worry about letting others down or missing out on an opportunity because you say "no"? In this episode, Leah discusses saying "no", why it’s important, and how to practice this in your life. When we say yes, we are also saying "no" to other things.

    Sometimes situations come into our lives that are simple yeses or easy nos, but other times we may struggle with saying "no". Saying "no" is an important muscle that we need to exercise, not only for our own protection, but for others.

    Expressing a direct "no" helps us to feel empowered, and it protects our time and energy while also being kind to the other person. We can use stand-up words like “I won’t” or “I don’t” when we say "no", and we can express our appreciation for the consideration.

    Sometimes saying "no" can be difficult if our brains aren’t used to it, so practicing with ourselves or friends can help rewire our pathways and make saying "no" easier when the time comes.

    Learning how to say "no" and exercising this muscle is important since it protects and empowers us while showing kindness to those on the other end.

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    12 mins
  • Getting Real Traction: A Review in Setting Priorities and Putting First Things First
    May 7 2024

    In this episode, Leah reviews some of the things we've learned about finding and setting our priorities. When we don't know what we should be aiming at, life can often feel like a game of Chutes and Ladders. You work so hard only to find yourself sliding back to where you were ten moves ago. That's why it's important that when we set our priorities, we are setting them with a clear understanding of our values and our roles.

    It's also important that we are intentional about how we set our priorities and spend our time. If we don't establish priorities (and boundaries) we will often find that we are ruled by the demands of the day, and not the other way around. We can also find ourselves acting upon other people's priorities to the neglect of our own.

    Now is a good time to figure out what your priorities are. Set aside a little time with a pencil and paper, follow with Leah as she guides you through the process, and refer back to other episodes as needed.

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    11 mins
  • How to Stop Wasting Time: Time Audits and Big Rocks
    May 1 2024

    Life is chaotic. You've got a million things all demanding your attention and you feel like the things you really want or need to get done just never get done. You thought you would have time for them later, but that time has mysteriously disappeared. Where did it go? It may be time for you to do a time audit.

    In this episode Leah walks us through the process of time auditing: tracking your time so you can find out how you are actually spending it. She discusses some of the reasons you may want or need to do one yourself. As it turns out, we tend to give ourselves more time for things that don't matter than we should, or more time for things that do matter than we really need.

    One of the side benefits of time auditing is that it can reveal other things that affect our effectiveness, like our energy. When am I most energetic at my best? When am I feeling drained? When is the best time for me to do mental work?

    Leah suggests that once we've tracked our time we can begin working to budget for the really important things, and let everything else squeeze in where they can.

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    13 mins
  • Hitting the Bullseye: How to Choose Priorities When You Have Different Roles
    Apr 17 2024

    Contact Leah at leahlittlebrown.com for a special offer on your DISC Assessment results!

    Edited and produced by Beruna Studios - berunastudios.com

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    14 mins
  • What is the most important thing to do? Understanding priorities. Ep. 25
    Apr 9 2024

    Have you ever felt stuck, not because you couldn't move, but because you didn't feel you could stop long enough to take a breath? Have you ever wondered how some people seem to know exactly where they need to direct their attention.

    Priorities are tied to our values and our situations. Our values can inform us on which decisions will help us succeed, when all else is equal. But sometimes we encounter unexpected cicumstances that can create a complete shift in priorities overnight (for example, an serious injury or a promotion). Having a system for dealing with incoming tasks and changes in circumstance can help us keep thriving, and prevent things from getting out of control.

    In this episode, Leah gives an overview of the four quadrants in First Things First, by Stephen Covey and Roger and Rebecca Merrill. She explains how we can begin to prioritize our work, and why we absolutely must. For those of us who feel like slaves to the urgent, knowing what is important, what is not, and giving attention to the tasks that will bear the most fruit in the long haul is key to not only reducing our overall stress, but helping us gain traction in our lives by helping us work on what really matters.

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    12 mins