
  • Trump Trial, Constitution and Christians
    Jun 7 2024

    Ordained minister, Dr. Dennis Hall, uses the recent Donald Trump trial as a springboard for a discussion about the history and purpose of the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. He points out that when the framers of the Constitution signed the document the date stated was the 17th day of September in the year of our Lord seventeen hundred and eight seven. This is not just a meaningless formality for signature, but it is clear that these men had no hesitation about recognizing the birth of Jesus Christ as the central event in human history. Dr. Hall demonstrates that the source most often cited by our founding fathers in their political writings is the Bible. He outlines how our forefathers of this nation paid for their commitment to constitutional protections with their lives and livelihoods. Dr. Hall outlines how the founding fathers believed that God had given them certain rights and expected the courts to fully protect those rights. He reviews how the Constitution provides numerous protections for the rights of accused persons. Dr. Hall then turns his attention to the recent trial of former president Donald Trump in Manhattan New York where it appears that several constitutional protections were not provided to this defendant, resulting in a widespread opinion that this verdict will be overturned. Dr. Hall makes the case that the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are divinely inspired documents that are critical to the survival of our nation. Can be heard on all podcast search engines. Can also be seen on YouTube at: https://youtu.be/QuELsRIRtt4

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    25 mins
  • Where Are All The Soldiers
    Jun 3 2024

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    Ordained minister, Dr. Dennis Hall, explains how Memorial Day came to be a national holiday. He then explores what the Bible says about serving in the military. Christian men and women who serve their country with character, dignity, and honor can rest assured that the civic duty they perform is condoned and respected by our sovereign God. He points out that the Scripture seems to be calling all of us to become Christian soldiers. The characteristics of Christian soldiers are discussed. He points out that one of the key characteristics of a Christian soldier is faithfulness, meaning remaining steadfast and loyal to God and his word no matter the circumstances. After discussing the persecution of Christians around the world, Dr. Hall points out that Christians in America are also experiencing which includes targeting and persecution when they take a stand for biblical principles. He concludes this podcast by explaining why Christian soldiers are desperately needed in America. Can also be seen on YouTube at:

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    29 mins
  • Today's Evils
    May 25 2024

    Ordained minister, Dr. Dennis Hall, talks about the implications of mainline Protestant churches embracing gay clergy and homosexual marriages. He points out that the Scout organization has also acquiesced to social pressures and now allows gay scoutmasters, gay members, and transgender members. Membership in these organizations has decreased in large numbers. Dr. Hall also discusses transgender boys competing with girls in high school and college athletic events. He then turns his attention to laws regulating abortion in America, noting the US has the most barbaric and evil abortion practices in the Western world. Dr. Hall discusses these things in the context of the presence of Satan. He explains how Satan deceives people intellectually. He concludes by pointing out that fighting against injustice, unbelief, prejudice, poverty, violence, and stupidity is never done in vain when it is done in the name of the Lord. Can also be heard on all podcast search engines. Can also be seen on YouTube at: https://youtu.be/rPGD2jnG1oQ

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    27 mins
  • Anarchy in the Streets
    May 16 2024

    Ordained minister, Dr. Dennis Hall, explores what is behind the anarchy in the protests. supporting Hamas, the terrorist group that slaughtered hundreds of men, women, and children in an October attack on Israel. He uses the protest at Washington University in Washington DC where the protesters were calling for the beheadings of school administrators and the University president as an example of anarchism. Dr. Hall defines anarchy and the movement of anarchism in America. He points out that anarchists have been increasingly involved in protests across the US. Anarchists he and believe that any government is a form of tyranny. Things that are provided by our federal, state and local governments are explored. Dr. Hall uses the apostle Paul’s writings in Romans 13 to establish what God expects concerning governing authorities. He points out that we have a responsibility to obey the authorities and the laws, even if we disagree. He urges listeners to keep our outrage aimed at the laws, regulations and policies, not the individuals that God has allowed to serve. CAn be seen on YouTube at:

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    27 mins
  • Mere Greed
    May 11 2024

    Ordained minister, Dr. Dennis Hall, explains why greed is called one of the seven deadly sins. Greed is defined as an insatiable desire for material gain, status, and power. In contemporary times this evil sin has come to be viewed as a virtue. The impact of modern economic ideas on greed and mankind is discussed. Dr. Hall reviews what behavioral science is teaching us about the innate cooperative spirit of humans. He demonstrates that studies reveal that humans are inherently good and become greedy by the reward systems of society. The disparity between the haves and have-nots is discussed along with the implications. Dr. Hall concludes by acknowledging that the world is sick, and humanity suffers from pathological insatiable greed. He acknowledges that God created us with tendencies toward loving our neighbors and avoiding greed. And urges listeners to rely on God. Can also be seen on YouTube at: https://youtu.be/81xx4LPJv4U

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    26 mins
  • Protests, Trials, an Open Border and Greed
    May 4 2024

    Ordained minister Dr. Dennis Hall, takes a look at the American landscape by first focusing on who and what is behind the campus protests supporting Hamas and the Palestinians. He then turns his attention to the prosecutions of former president Donald Trump. The motive and frivolous nature of these prosecutions is discussed. He points out that greed and power seem to be playing a major role in these legal proceedings. He then turns his attention to the policies for immigration at the southern border that have created a dangerous travesty for America and a human tragedy for those caught up in this situation. He focuses on the human trafficking that is occurring on the southern border and how it is a form of modern-day slavery. Whether intentional or not it appears the US government has become the middleman in a large-scale, multibillion-dollar, child trafficking operation run by bad actors seeking to profit off the lives of children. Dr. Hall closes the podcast by examining the impact of a nation that seems to be losing its faith in the value of heritage, and how this contributes to the inability to secure the border. Can be seen on Youtube at:


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    35 mins
  • Hating the Jews
    Apr 25 2024

    Ordained minister, Dr. Dennis Hall, addresses the anti-Israel rage that seems to be sweeping across the country. He points out that there are federal laws that could be enforced to address the protests that block roadways and shut down university campuses. Chanting, “Death to America” could be a violation of federal sedition laws. Dr. Hall also explains what the chant, “From the river to the sea, Palestinians will be free” means. There is a discussion of how Muslim children are taught to hate the Jewish people. The terms, “Little Satan” and “Big Satan “are analyzed. It is pointed out that for Christians Israel is much more than an important ally of the United States in the Middle East. The Jews are God’s chosen people, and the land of Judea (Israel) is God’s gift. Dr. Hall closes the podcast by challenging the listeners to humble themselves, seek the Lord, and pray regularly for the United States. Can also be seen on YouTube at: https://youtu.be/DDqzlxbYMf8

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    27 mins
  • Fine Tuning and Sea Turtles
    Apr 20 2024

    Ordained minister, Dr. Dennis Hall, and his guest, Casey Jones, founder of Florida Sea Turtle Watch discuss the obvious fine-tuning of the earth by discussing the design of plant seeds and the process of germination which suggests an intelligent designer. They go on to address the things on earth that have to be so perfectly aligned to permit the existence of life. The role of DNA and molecular cell structure suggests that an intelligent designer, God, is the creator of all life. The miraculous lifecycle of the sea turtle is explored which also suggests that only an intelligent designer like God could have created this remarkable creature, the sea turtle. The podcast concludes by exploring the traits of human beings that cannot be explained by any natural process or evolution. The ability of human beings to love one another separates us from all other species. This trait allows us to understand John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Can be seen on YouTube at:

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    36 mins