How to listen in the app

For an optimal experience, listen in the Audible app with a compatible
iOS or Android mobile device and headphones. View compatible devices.

Connect your headphones

Check to see which
headphones work best.

Pick a Dolby Atmos title

Look for the badge or
explore special collections.

Hit play and enjoy the ride

Stream or download
titles to listen offline.

We’re happy to help

Visit our Help Centre for more
information on how to get set up.


Dolby Atmos is an immersive spatial audio experience that delivers unparalleled space, clarity, and depth to stories and soundscapes like never before. Unlike traditional stereo where sound is panned left to right, Dolby Atmos provides a true spatial sound experience as the creator intended-where sounds are individually placed and moved in three-dimensional space, giving you the feeling of sound from all around you, even above and behind you.
Spatial audio with Dolby Atmos is automatically turned on in the Audible app for iPhone (iPhone 7 or later with iOS version 15.1 or later) and Android devices that support Dolby Atmos. To fully experience titles in Dolby Atmos, you’ll need to use a compatible mobile device and headphones when listening.

For a full list of compatible devices (including headphones), please visit our support page.
Spatial audio with Dolby Atmos is automatically turned on in the Audible app for devices that support Dolby Atmos playback. To check if spatial audio is turned on in your Audible app Settings:

• Update the Audible app to the latest version
• From the home screen, tap Profile in the bottom right corner
• Tap the gear icon in the top right corner and go to Data & storage
Spatial audio should be turned on
Audible titles are marked with a Dolby Atmos badge throughout the Audible app experience when available in the format. Additionally, look for the "Listen in Dolby Atmos" carousels and Dolby Atmos collections to find a title and start listening. You’ll see a Dolby Atmos badge in the app player when you’re playing a Dolby Atmos title.
You can simply press play to stream the Dolby Atmos title from the app. If you’d like to download, you’ll need to remove the old version from your device and re-download it to experience the Dolby Atmos version. You won’t lose your listening position when you do this.