• On The Dance of Life: Devika Chandnani | Performing Artist and Educator
    Mar 18 2024

    “Dancing just created a space for me where I could do what I want and feel what.”

    Our conversation with Devika explores the profound influence dance has had in her life.

    From dancing to connect to herself, to dancing to lead others and create intimate spaces of trust. From dancing to shape and express parts of her identity to dancing to heal and fulfil––she takes us through the entire experience.

    The episode begins by delving deeper into the start of her journey with dance. She shares with us what initially drew her to the Horton technique and outlines her journey to now becoming a certified Horton instructor and teaching classes at The Ailey School, The Ailey Extension and at the Dance Theater of Harlem and WRArts.

    She then describes the feeling of connection, openness and accomplishment she's experienced throughout her life because of dance. A teacher who taught her what it means to lead. An NGO that taught her how to create intimate spaces of trust and moments of partnership. Her double major in data science which was easier to get through because of the rigorous focus she’s had to put on her mind and body.

    She then very courageously shares the idea of freedom and release through dance and its impact on identity and expression of love. She shares her coming out to her family and sheds a light on how that journey has been.

    We end by touching upon the work she does in dance therapy and immersive theater and how she hopes to do more of both. And we part with the thought that just like you can’t choreograph every movement in dance, you can’t choreograph every moment in life and at times the beauty in both life and dance is about the unfold.

    Reading Notes and References:

    • Horton Technique: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11-SMRY2ON0
    • True Love Forever, Third Rail Project: https://www.trueloveforever.show/

    Devikas’ background:

    • She is a certified Horton instructor and has taught classes at The Ailey School, The Ailey Extension, Dance Theater of Harlem and WRArts.
    • Master of Science in Data Science at Fordham University.
    • Worked with choreographers such as Francesca Harper, Adam Barruch, Andrea Miller and more.
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    24 mins
  • Shifting Gears with India's Fastest Woman: Renuka Kirpalani | Consulting Editor, Autocar India
    Mar 5 2024

    In this episode, we delve into the remarkable journey of Ms. Renuka Kirpalani, a trailblazer in the automotive industry. She’s currently the Consulting Editor for AutoCar India.

    We begin the conversation by discussing her passion for automobiles––which stems from her upbringing where her father introduced her to the world of car building, racing, and restoration.

    She shares with us the pivotal story of entering her first race; a nerve-wracking experience that ultimately propelled her into the competitive realm of motorsports.

    Through her experiences, she’s become a symbol of empowerment for women in a traditionally male-dominated field. She advocates for inclusivity and recognition of women's contributions, highlighting initiatives like the Women's World Car of the Year. She actively challenges stereotypes and emphasizes the importance of diverse voices in both advertising and product design.

    She sheds light on the historical bias that exists in the crash test dummy design and discusses efforts to address gender disparities in car safety evaluation. She reveals insights from a Korean company's behind-the-scenes approach, which involved testing car accessibility for individuals wearing saris, reflecting a more inclusive design perspective.

    The episode also takes an interesting turn where we get her point of view on the infrastructure development in India and electric vehicles (EVs), as well as the evolving landscape of technology in the automotive industry.

    On India's infrastructure development:

    She applauds initiatives spearheaded by Mr. Gadkari, acknowledging significant improvements in road quality and maintenance, particularly on highways. However, she laments the inconsistent standards observed in urban areas like Mumbai, underscoring the need for sustained investment and maintenance for long-term benefits.

    On EVS:

    She acknowledges the transformative potential of EVs in shaping the future of automotive technology, emphasizing the need for enthusiasts and consumers alike to adapt to the changing automotive landscape.

    On F1:

    We also talk about the recent surge in interest in Formula 1 racing, attributed partly to the captivating documentary series "Drive to Survive" and American influence on the sport's marketing.

    In essence, she demonstrated to us what it really means to be driven, to just follow your dreams and be confident in what you do.

    More resources:

    • https://youtu.be/sOw1ZvfB6dk
    • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5G2z10BISU
    • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wm5KZJF4rX0
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    59 mins
  • More Social, Less Media: Toya Singh | News Anchor, CNN18
    Feb 26 2024

    Nearly two decades ago, Facebook exploded on college campuses as a site for students to stay in touch. Then came Twitter, where people posted about what they had for breakfast, and Instagram, where friends shared photos to keep up with one another.

    Today, Instagram and Facebook feeds are full of ads and sponsored posts. They are stuffed with videos from influencers promoting dish soaps and dating apps. And soon, Twitter posts that gain the most visibility will come mostly from subscribers who pay for the exposure and other perks.

    Once upon a time, people joined social media networks so they could connect with one another. That has now been superseded by content from strangers.

    Social media is, in many ways, becoming less social.

    In this episode with Toya Singh, part two of our discussion with the CNN18 News Anchor, we move from the confines of newsrooms to the glare of social media platforms.

    In the chaos of clicks and swipes, she talks to us about the delicate balance between authenticity and digital performance.

    She speaks about her experience as a female anchor and the layers of scrutiny involved: from physical perceptions to vocal assertiveness.

    She further delves deep into the intersectionality of identity, privilege, and societal norms and the role of social media as a tool for self-expression.

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    33 mins
  • All The News That's Fit To Sell: Toya Singh | News Anchor, CNN18
    Feb 19 2024

    Trust in the news media has been declining steadily ever since the 1970s.

    The market forces that drive the news is not news. The industry has changed since the internet and social media have matured and become integral to modern life.

    Whether a story appears in print, on television, or on the Internet depends on who is interested, its value to advertisers, the costs of assembling the details, and competitors' products.

    In this episode with Toya Singh, we learn and discuss the intricacies of a news room; how it works, how its run and what it means to be a female anchor on Indian television. She sheds light on her personal journey and what has made her a constant work in progress.

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    50 mins
  • Beyond Buzzwords and Bullshit: Pratap Raju | Founding Partner, Climate Collective Network
    Feb 8 2024

    “The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

    In our first episode we delve into the remarkable journey of Pratap Raju, an entrepreneur who’s been a pioneer in the climate and clean tech space since 2019. 

    From Wall Street to the streets of Bombay, his story is marked by pivotal moments of exploration and adaptation fueled by an undying passion to build a better world. 

    What we discuss:

    • 00:00 Intro
    • 03.52 On His Journey From Wall Street to Bombay 
    • 08:50 On His Switch To Solar As A Business Opportunity 
    • 11:00 On Starting The Climate Collective Network 
    • 12.28 On What Climate Tech Really Is 
    • 15:08 On EVs, Consumer Dissonance and The Landscape of Climate Tech in India
    • 20.42 On Climate Networks’ Mission with Women Entrepreneurs 
    • 23.48 On Defining A Circular Economy 
    • 27.15 On Greenwashing, GreenTech and Net Zero 
    • 35.00 On Politics, Paris Agreements and Other Tactics 
    • 38.30 On India Becoming The Manufacturing Floor Of The World
    • 41.20 On Decarbonisation, Deforestation and Development
    • 52.00 On The Power of Collective and Individual Action Reinforcement
    • 55.45 Examples of Innovative Climate Collective Accelerator Companies 
    • 60.02 On Being A Constant Work in Progress 

    About Pratap Raju:

    A graduate from Harvard and then Oxford University, Pratap Raju has been an entrepreneur for the past 20 years across IT, media, renewable energy, and now climate technology.

    He is the co-founder of the Climate Collective, and Country Director, India of New Energy Nexus. He also leads other programs like the Climate Launchpad program across South Asia as well as Uzbekistan and Israel.

    About The Climate Collective Network:

    Climate Collective is the largest private climate tech startup support organization in South Asia focused on empowering startups by leveraging the resources, partnerships, knowledge and opportunities available within the ecosystem.

    They have expanded their work to include funding, education, policy research and community activities.

    Climate Collective’s mandate is also noteworthy in that one of its specific aims is to support women entrepreneurs in the area of climate change.

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    1 hr and 6 mins
  • Introducing: Work in Progress
    Jan 23 2024

    3..2..1, here we go!

    What started as an urge of sense-making given the chaos around us, eventually turned into conversations with (mostly) strangers that have had real impact.

    This adventure has been a string of little moments with big impact.

    Here's a little teaser of what you can expect and discover the journey of being a work in progress.

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    1 min