
  • Values, Boundaries and Difficult People with Dr Rebecca Ray
    May 9 2024

    Dr Rebecca Ray joins us to discuss how we can navigate the stresses, experiences, and decisions we encounter to help us better live in line with our values and boundaries. We also dive into the sphere of control and connection and relationships with difficult people.

    Dr Rebecca Ray is a clinical psychologist, bestselling author and speaker who helps big-picture-thinking people reframe their experience to reach their potential. Over the course of two decades of consultations, speaking events, books, and audio, she has encouraged thousands of humans making an impact on the world to live a life that’s fulfilling, unapologetic, and free.

    Beck’s expertise as a professional zig-zagger sets her apart as one of Australia’s most in-demand and authoritative voices in the personal development space. Her science-backed, hard and heart truth approach is uniquely informed by her pivots from pilot to psychologist, from dating men to marrying a woman, and from being burnt out to bestselling author.

    Beck is regularly featured across Channel 9, ABC, and News Corp. She is the author of six books including Be Happy, The Art of Self-Kindness, The Universe Listens to Brave, Setting Boundaries, Small Habits for a Big Life, and Difficult People.

    She lives in the soul-fed hills of the Sunshine Coast in Queensland with the great loves of her life: her wife Nyssa, son Bennett, and Jetfire, her rescue Irish Setter.

    Find out everything about Dr Rebecca Ray here: https://rebeccaray.com.au/

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    52 mins
  • Sleep - My Top Tips and Tricks
    Apr 24 2024

    Welcome to this latest podcast episode, where we dive deep into the science and strategies for a healthier, happier life. In this episode, we're tackling a fundamental pillar of wellbeing: sleep. Join us as we explore top sleep tips and hacks that can revolutionize your nightly routine and transform your days.

    Drawing from the insights of leading sleep experts like Dr. Andrew Huberman (Huberman Lab) and Matthew Walker, author of 'Why We Sleep', we'll uncover the secrets to achieving quality sleep and maximizing its benefits. From optimizing your sleep environment to mastering relaxation techniques, each tip is backed by science and designed to enhance your sleep quality.

    Whether you struggle with insomnia, want to improve your sleep hygiene, or simply aim to unlock the full potential of your rest, this episode is your ultimate guide. Get ready to reclaim your nights and awaken to a brighter, more energized tomorrow.

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    30 mins
  • Making Your Workday Active With Lizzie Williamson
    Apr 10 2024

    In this episode, we are joined by the phenomenal Lizzie Williamson. Dubbed by the US media as ‘the excuse-buster from Down-Under’, Lizzie Williamson is the founder and author of Two Minute Moves and The Active Workday Advantage, TEDx speaker, keynote speaker, fitness presenter and certified personal trainer. She is a regular on morning television and in global news publications with her work featured on Good Morning America, Studio 10, the Today Show, Women’s Health and Prevention Magazine. Through her fun, interactive keynotes, workshops and videos, Lizzie motivates workforces around the world to achieve a more energised, engaged and happy workday by making it easy (and fun) to be more active. She has got hundreds-of-thousand attendees around the world stretching, moving and dancing at conferences featuring President Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Arianna Huffington and the Dalia Lama. Though nothing beats dancing round the kitchen to Taylor Swift with her two teenage girls. WE HAVE A COMPETITION FOR YOU!!! The first 3 people to share this podcast will receive a free copy of The Active Workday Advantage book. Be sure to tag @energizewithlizzie and @_thewellnessstrategy

    Check out this wonderful Today Show clip featuring Lizzie from Two Minute Moves.

    Grab Lizzie's book here.

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    51 mins
  • Leading Staff Wellbeing - 2024 PD Series Roadshow Details
    Mar 26 2024


    Leading Staff Wellbeing Guided Inquiry is a hybrid professional learning opportunity that builds the capacity of wellbeing leaders, takes them through the key steps to undertake a guided inquiry into what staff wellbeing looks like in their setting, and empowers them to work alongside their colleagues to positively impact staff wellbeing and culture.


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    20 mins
  • Let's talk about...Energy
    Mar 14 2024

    Let's talk about...Energy

    Are you feeling like coffee is the only way to get through the day, when you long to feel ready for the day, healthy, and like the energiser bunny?


    Energy is what allows us to feel and function well. It is the difference between being present and being on auto-pilot. Energy however is not exclusive to our physical health, but directly impacts our mental and emotional health as well. Energy supports our cognitive function, which means it influences our ability to do all sorts of things... make decisions, regulate emotions, think clearly, be resilient, collaborate, concentrate on work tasks, and work productively.

    When we only connect energy to our physical body, we fall into the trap of thinking it is all about diet and exercise, yet this is not true. Yes, it may be a part of physical health and building energy, but what is more important is knowing what charges and depletes your energy. With this, you also need to know when you need a full battery, compared to when you can function half full. This is different from person to person. We all need different things to help us feel energised and recharge our energy.

    Whilst we often focus on building energy we too need to know what depletes our energy. We are built and designed differently, what one person finds draining or challenging, someone else may not. You may love creating resources, but your colleague may not. Your colleague may love spreadsheets, and you might prefer to watch paint dry. Either way, these things give us or deplete energy.

    Along with working to your strengths, there are 5 main things that contribute to energy and how you function which are different from person to person:

    1. Nutrition - this is not a diet, this is eating for energy.

    2. Water - you need more than you think.

    3. Movement - is not the same as exercise, but can include exercise.

    4. Rest - doing nothing is not the only way to rest, there are many more and we need all of them.

    5. Sleep - perhaps the most underestimated thing we can do for our overall health and wellbeing.

    These may sound simple, but if that were the case we would all be doing them, and we aren't. We need to take personal responsibility to build our personal resources and skills in these 5 areas.

    Looking for a safe, supportive space to learn about these things in a way that is contextualised to teaching (because let's be honest, it is a job like no other), then join us in 2024 for the TEACHER WELLBEING MEMBERSHIP where we will help you achieve this and much more.

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    27 mins
  • Let's talk about time
    Feb 29 2024

    This time of year can feel a little bit daunting. We have so much to do, exciting things ahead of us, and new ventures to begin. One thing that often escapes us now we are back in the swing of work is time. So, to kick the year off...

    Let's talk about time

    It can be common to feel like there is always something to do and never enough time. As the year begins, this can happen much faster than we like. We long to feel calm, organised, and prepared, but somehow these feelings can escape us and by February we feel like we haven't had a break at all.

    This year, I want you to start the year thinking a little differently about time.

    Some of what I say here may be hard to hear, but hang in there, you need to know this...

    As educators, we have a considerable amount of time where we have a lot of choice over how we spend it. Noncontact time, time before and after school, and term breaks (AKA school holidays).

    These moments often exist for us to work on whatever we need, but come with very little structure or guidance.

    We also have a lot of flexibility and opportunities to spend time as needed. This actually gives us a significant amount of autonomy in how we design our day.

    When we don't have meetings, many of us can leave when we choose, allowing us to work off-site or do something else like exercise and then work in the evening or early the next day. We often have non-contact time to work on things we decide to be most important. We can use term breaks to work from home, meet with our team when and where we choose, or work from a holiday destination. We can also use term breaks as a rest period if we do all that's needed for the next term before these breaks begin.

    With so much unstructured, unguided time, we need to get really good at mastering how we spend the time we have.

    This requires 3 things:

    1. Knowing where your time to work exists (you can do this through a time audit).

    2. Learning when you work best e.g. mornings, after school hours, in the evenings.

    3. Time blocking - building your own schedule and structure rather than getting to these moments of time and wondering what to do (this is often when time is wasted).

    These are not things that just happen, they take planning, require intentional decision-making and action, and commitment.

    Want to know more about how to do this well?


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    19 mins
  • It's time to let go of work/life balance
    Feb 14 2024

    TITLE: Let's talk about...Balance

    Are you feeling like you have to choose between work or home when you long to feel present and energised in both spaces?

    The balance between work and home is often a battle we face as educators. Knowing how to switch off, when to switch back on, and letting go of feeling guilty for not working are all common thoughts and feelings when we struggle with balance.

    What is often confused with the conversation around work/life balance is thinking that we have to choose between one or the other or that it is about 50/50. This isn't accurate. It is about having time and energy to do what you value and being present in each of these moments.

    What balance is from person to person and from day to day will be different. Instead of aiming for balance, or expecting things to be balanced, we need to shift our thinking to focus on these 5 things:

    1. Do I have the energy I require for work and home?

    2. Am I taking action in line with my values?

    3. Do I have non-negotiables in my day that match my values?

    4. Am I aware of my boundaries, where I need boundaries, and where I need to have some flexibility?

    5. Do I continually reflect and revise my approach to balance each week/month?

    If this speaks to you, I have no doubt you are ready to make some changes to how you work and live.

    As we start the year it is a great time to reflect on these questions, to review how you felt at different times these past months and to set some new intentions for the year ahead.

    Visit Our Website

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    16 mins
  • Everyday Wellbeing: Small Steps, Big Impact
    Feb 2 2024

    In our fast-paced lives, prioritising wellbeing can sometimes feel like an overwhelming task. However, the truth is that simple, everyday practices can make a significant difference in how we feel and function.

    Let's explore some basic yet effective ways to enhance your overall health, focusing on nutrition, hydration, movement, vitamins, energy, nervous system care, and body maintenance.

    Nutrition: Fuel Your Body Right

    1. Balanced Meals: Ensure that your daily meals consist of a balanced mix of proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Incorporate a variety of fruits and vegetables for essential vitamins and minerals.

    Teacher Tip... it's so easy to skip lunch but we know that impacts us later in the day. It's better to eat smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day to maintain steady energy levels.

    Hydration: Drink Up

    1. Water Intake: Stay hydrated by drinking at least eight glasses (around 2 litres) of water per day. Proper hydration supports digestion, brain function, and overall wellbeing.

    Teacher Tip... Consider herbal teas like chamomile or peppermint for added hydration and relaxation. They're a great alternative to sugary drinks and coffee.

    Movement: Keep Your Body Active

    1. Regular Walks: Incorporate short walks into your daily routine. A 30-minute walk can boost mood, improve cardiovascular health, and reduce stress.

    Teacher Tip... Take brief stretch breaks throughout the day, especially if you have been sitting in a meeting or at your desk. Use your lunch break or in between classes to go for a quick walk.

    Vitamins: Essential Nutrients

    1. Sunlight Exposure: Spend some time outdoors to soak up natural sunlight, which provides vitamin D. This vitamin is crucial for bone health and immune function.

    Teacher Tip...: When you walk across the playground or of to your car at the end of the day, take a moment to pause and notice the sun.

    Energy: Maintain Vitality

    1. Quality Sleep: Prioritise a good night's sleep. Aim for 7-9 hours of restorative sleep to recharge your energy levels and support cognitive function.

    Teacher Tip... the day can be busy! Practice deep, mindful breathing exercises throughout the day to reduce stress and increase mental clarity - 3 minutes is all it takes.

    Nervous System: Reduce Stress

    1. Meditation: Incorporate mindfulness meditation into your daily routine to calm the nervous system and reduce anxiety.

    Teacher Tip.. we can be on screens all day: Take short breaks from screens throughout the day and in the evening, especially before bedtime, to limit exposure to blue light, which can disrupt sleep patterns.d`

    Remember that wellbeing is a journey, and it's perfectly fine to start with small steps. Gradually integrating these practices into your daily life can lead to improved energy levels, reduced stress, and better overall health.

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    17 mins