• Ti West's X (2022)
    Sep 2 2023

    This Week Chris and Jordan go back to 1979 and cover A24 and Ti West Grindhouse inspired slasher from 2022 "X"

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    1 hr and 41 mins
  • The Faculty (1998)
    Sep 4 2023
    Today Chris and Jordan cover the 1998 Horror/Sci-Fi movie "The Faculty" Chris: Om. Chris: What's going on, everybody? This is the Grind syndicate. Jordan: I'm Chris. The Grind syndicate. Chris: No. Yeah. Messed that up. Chris: We'll start that one over. What's going on, everybody? This is the Grindhouse syndicate. And I'm Chris. This is Jordan, and today we are covering 1998 science fiction horror movie The Faculty. Jordan: Good stuff. Chris: Yeah, it's a good movie. Jordan: The Nostalgia. Chris: All right, so before we get into it, got any cool horror movie news? Any cool stuff you've been keeping up? Got I got I guess I got some. So Universal Studios announced that they're going to be doing what's their theme this year is going to be Stranger Things. Jordan: Again? Chris: Yeah, I guess it's again, wasn't last year Stranger Things? Jordan: Yeah, I believe it was. Chris: I think it was. I mean, they did that with The Walking Dead, too, though. Jordan: They were like yeah, but The Walking Dead was like horror. Chris: Yeah. Chris: Stranger things, not horror. I don't count that as horror Halloween. Jordan: Horror Nights is supposed to be scary. I personally find Stranger Things as a. Chris: Comedy with just strange things happening. Jordan: Things happening. Yeah, that's a great timepiece. But definitely more on the comedy side. Last season. I guess like the main character guy, he was a lot scarier, but I just don't find that scary. Chris: Yeah. Chris: In my opinion. I don't know this officially, but they ripped off their villain is kind of. Chris: A rip off of The Void. Chris: If you haven't seen the void, check the void. Jordan: Yeah, I actually remember you mentioning that to me. It was definitely like dead spot on. Chris: Yeah. Chris: The whole look, the voice, the kind of attitude, like everything about that is kind of a rip off of The Void. Jordan: I can't believe that's not talked about more. Chris: Well, I think Void is just not super well known. It's kind of known more of hardcore horror fans, but I guess it's not big enough. Like Stranger Things is such this colossal this colossal show that attracts more than just horror fans. And it just overshadows a movie like. Chris: The Void, I guess. Chris: Yeah. Chris: How many people's watched The Void and been like the Void ripped off of stranger Things? Jordan: Anybody who's seen The Void after Stranger Things came out last season? Not anybody. Anybody who's not in the know. Chris: Yeah. Chris: Another little bit of news is the writers and the actor strike has kind of completely I said kind of and then completely, but has completely put a stop on any of the production on Scream Seven. Doesn't break my heart. I think the screams are coming out too fast. Jordan: Yeah, and that happens when they try to rush stuff through for money and then it ends up falling apart. I will say the last one was much better. Chris: Oh, yeah. Jordan: Much better than part five. But after besides everybody living, it's going to be hard to top that. Especially pushing it out that quick. Chris: Yeah. Chris: They don't even have a script yet. Jordan: Yeah, they need to make movies around a good script, not decide to make a movie and then force a script. And I think that happens a lot with studios, and it really ***** stuff up. Chris: Yeah. Chris: And a big worry, too, is as soon as this strike is over, because they're estimating it's going to last a few months. As soon as the strike is over, they're going to pretty much rush production on Scream Seven, and we're going to end up with this very mediocre movie because it was kind of rushed through. And that's very much a possibility. Jordan: Yeah, I could definitely see that happening. Chris: But, yeah, I don't know. Kind of just a little bit of news has been going on this week. Jordan: The Exorcist. Chris: Oh, yeah, the exorcist. Jordan: Just good. Chris: Yeah, they just dropped what was epic promotional posters. Jordan: Yeah, the posters. The posters look really good. Chris: Yeah. Chris: Even though the screening did not do well. Jordan: Yeah, well, they nailed those posters. Chris: Nailed the post screening of the posters. Fantastic. But, yeah, that's kind of some of the big news that's happening this week. We got an age 24 movie coming out here soon. What is another movie that just came out? An Insidious just came out about a week ago and has done very well at the box office. Insidious. The red door. Jordan: Number Five. Chris: Number five, yeah. I'm not a big Insidious fan, though. I'm not saying it's bad. Jordan: Yeah, it's not bad. It's not a bad movie. The first two, I think, were better, and then they've kind of just, I feel like, drove that story into the ground a little bit. But, hey, you never know, it might be great. Chris: I did see that if you are a fan of the first two, then this is kind of a movie for you because this movie returns kind of to the original story of the first two because we kind of got away from ...
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    1 hr and 9 mins
  • Sleepaway Camp (1983)
    Sep 4 2023

    Its Thats time of year. Summer is in full effect and in this episode we dive into 1983 cult classic "Sleepaway Camp"

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    1 hr and 51 mins
  • Vacancy (2007)
    Sep 10 2023

    Chris and Jordan talk about 2007s Horror/Thriller "Vacancy" Staring Luke Willson and Kate Beckinsale.

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    2 hrs and 3 mins
  • The Visit (2015)
    Sep 10 2023
    Today we got another naked old lady horror film to talk about!!! We are covering M.Night Shyamalan's Found-Footage movie The Visit from 2015 Jordan: Dye supposed to go, like, right out of the music into that, but it. Chris: Will sound like that later on. I spelled a welcome with two L's on accident. Jordan: Well, welcome. Chris: All right. Welcome to the Grindhouse Syndicate. I'm your host, a pile of shitty adult diapers. And that's my co host, a wooden shed. And today we're doing another crazy naked old lady movie. M. Night Shyamalan's. The visit from 2015. We got our second naked old crazy lady movie. Jordan: Yes, we do two or three weeks. Chris: Yeah, when we do X, like, two weeks ago. Jordan: Those naked old ladies are fucking creepy, man. I've noticed. Those are big hits. And horror movies actually have that down to talk about. You think about it. What horror movie has had a naked old lady? That wasn't creepy? Chris: Do a good job with that. Jordan: The Shining. Chris: Oh, yeah. The Shining does have a naked creepy old lady in it. Jordan: Yeah, it's always a big hit. Chris: It is a big hit. What is? Jordan: Fuck. Chris: They don't ever have naked old men, thank God. How do you feel about being the co host of Wooden Shed? Jordan: I guess I'll take it I'm full of shit. Better be full of shit. Diapers. Chris: Shitty adult diapers. Yeah, the intro will make sense in, I don't know, 1520 minutes into the plot here. Well, first we'll get on to some news. Jordan: We don't have a lot of news. Chris: But we got some news. We'd like to include something to keep you in the know. So the Texas Chainsaw Massacre video game just dropped a couple of days ago, actually. And it is for the PC, the PS four, the PS five, all the PS's and the Xbox. It has an average score of a six out of ten. And get this, Kane Hotter did the motion capture for Leatherface and Grandpa in the game. Jordan: Nice. Chris: Did you know that? Jordan: I did not know that. Chris: I just found that out today. Jordan: I'll check that out. Chris: Yeah, I've been kind of keeping track of it because I want to play it. It's real similar to the Friday the 13th game. The difference being, instead of in the Friday 13th, it was just one killer being Jason, and, like, five, everyone else just played as the people trying to escape. In this, you play one person plays Leatherface, and then there's two of his family members. So you got, like, three killers and, like, four or five victims. I believe there's, like, three maps, which is, like, the House, the Butcher, the Butcher Factory, whatever that's called. And then there's like a third map. I can't think of what it is, but I've been kind of keeping track of it because I want to play it. It's got its bugs. It's got its issues. It just came out. Overall, it's pretty good. People are enjoying it. People like it. Jordan: Everything has its bugs when they first come out now. Chris: Yeah, especially anything on the Internet that relies on the internet. Jordan: Yeah. It's weird thinking back when we were kids, the game came out and that was the game. Chris: That was it. Jordan: Now it's just there's so many bugs when something first comes out that being able to update the game is huge. I'm sure for developers. Chris: Yeah, I'm sure that they're going to go in in the coming weeks or coming months to kind of work all this stuff out. All the bugs that I heard about it is pretty much internet related. It's all internet stuff. It's like games suddenly crashing or your character will freeze in a game and then you get kind of booted out from the game, like in the middle of it. Just stuff like that. Just standard internet shit. Jordan: Never get as bad as warzone. It will not. Chris: Yeah, that game's always got problems. But yeah, I like the whole Kane otter thing. I think that's super cool. So the Grandpa in the know, he's the Grandpa from the doesn't he doesn't do anything. They said he did the motion capture for the Grandpa, and as far as I know, all the scenes of the Grandpa. So one of the objective for the killers is every time they kill one of the other gamers, the victims, they take a little bit of their blood and they run it over to Grandpa, who's just stationary in a chair. He's not played by anybody. And you give him some of the blood. And as you give Grandpa the blood, you as a killer because each killer has a special and that special gets stronger. So that's like an incentive to give him the blood. How that is connected, I don't know, but it's a game. Jordan: Well, I'm glad to hear that somebody has not happened to play Grandpa, because that was my first thought. Like, damn, that sucks for the guy who gets picked to play Grandpa. Chris: Well, what did Kane Hodder do for the motion capture? Just sit in a chair, probably. Jordan: He's already here, but I'll take it anything Kane Hodder does is normally pretty good. Chris: I did see, though, that so Kane Hodder actually did play Leatherface in the third movie, ...
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    2 hrs and 3 mins
  • Pet Sematary (1989)
    Sep 18 2023
    This week we talk about evil pets and killer toddlers as we discuss Steven Kings Pet Sematary from 1989!!! Chris: Funny, though. Jordan: It it is that how we're going to start that? No. Chris: I have all this stuff typed out already, and I'm just like, sitting there looking at the recording thing just bouncing around. Jordan: Are you sure you didn't get high? Chris: Maybe I should have. Jordan: No. Chris: Hey, welcome to the podcast. Today we're doing Pet Cemetery because I can't get my shit together. I don't have a good intro. I'm all over the place. But yeah, today we're going to do Pet Cemetery from 1989. I was a whole one years old when this came out. Jordan: It's an old movie. Chris: Yeah, 1989. I thought that the remastered version looked really good, though. Jordan: That's what I was going to say. I was going to make a joke. Does it make you feel old when you see how old the movie is? But actually that was my first thought was, wow, they did an amazing job remastering this movie. Chris: Yeah, I thought it was going to look because every time I've seen Pet Sematary, I think it's been on either VHS or cable. I feel like I remember seeing it on the USA Network a lot. But this is the first time I've seen like, a remastered DVD version of it. And it looked really good. Jordan: Blu ray. Blu ray, blu ray. I'm sorry. Chris: I don't mean to send the Blu ray fans out there. Jordan: They're like, don't call it a DVD. That's like a $5 difference. Chris: They probably quit remastering things into DVD a long time ago. Jordan: You remember when we did Sleep Away Camp, how fucking old it looked on my big ass TV? And this actually looked really good. And they're only seven years. Yeah, yeah. Chris: They're not super far apart. But first was I got a little bit of news. I like to throw a little bit of news in here. So Chucky season three trailer just dropped, and everyone's favorite killer doll is are you ready for this? Is heading to the White House. Jordan: Oh, shit. Yeah, you heard that, right? Chris: He is going to be in the. Jordan: White House just to stop before he heads to space. Chris: It seems that the president's son has come into the possession of Chucky. Jordan: This is so fucking ridiculous. Chris: This sounds unbelievable. That's why I had to put this in. Guess I watched the trailer because the trailer just came out and he starts murdering people around the White House. Jordan: I can't even get through this. Maybe this isn't such a bad idea, though. Chris: I'm like, but the White House has cameras. If people started popping up mysteriously dead at the White House, they would just watch the footage. Jordan: I don't know. Chris: There's some security. Jordan: There cocaine that ends up in the White House. Apparently people can't find out who that. Chris: Maybe it was Chucky. Jordan: Chucky's cocaine for sure. Chris: This is not a show. That's a so. This is so. Devon Sawa will be returning to the show as a new character. He was in season one. Jordan: Who's the podcast. Kid's name Devon Sawa is the guy. Chris: From Final Destination idle Hands. He plays the in the first season of chucky plays the dad and he plays the uncle. Remember, the dad dies in the first episode. I'm sorry if I'm spoiling Chucky season one for you. Jordan: You're not spoiling much. Chris: Yeah. He goes to live with his identical twin uncle, who is also played by same actor, and he is coming back to play a third character in this show. Interesting. Yeah. So in Jennifer Tilly will also be returning. That's always good. No complaints about that. I feel like nowadays you almost can't have Chuckie without Jennifer Tilly. Jordan: What, is she playing her third character? Or is she playing her famous self, don't? She plays Tiffany and she plays. Chris: I haven't kept up with the Chucky series. Jordan: I watched the first season. I'm going to be honest, it was tough. Chris: It's just too man, it's too goofy to me now. Jordan: It seems like it's too much dedicated towards teenagers nowadays and not as much at its fan base. Chris: I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it either, and I just kind of forgot about it. And it's had a whole entire season that went by that I haven't seen. It streams on Peacock, though. And I don't have peacock anymore, so I can't watch it. Jordan: But it used to be on something else because when I watched it, I want to say it was Hulu when I watched the first season. Chris: Yeah, probably was. So it premieres October 4. Season three comes out October 4. It's on USA Network, Sci-fi. I don't know if they're the same channel now. Jordan: It was on Sci-fi, I think it was when I had Hulu live. That's probably how I watched it. Chris: But yeah, it can now be streamed on, so so there you go. If you're looking forward to seeing Chucky murder the president or something. Jordan: If you want to pay for Peacock. Chris: Now, yeah, it's like $3 now. I don't know. So this is ...
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    1 hr and 43 mins
  • The Lodge (2019)
    Sep 25 2023

    Who doesn’t love a good emotionally exhausting mind fuck of a movie? On todays episode we cover 2019 Horror/Thriller The Lodge!

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    1 hr and 25 mins
  • The Exorcist (1973) 50th Anniversary Episode
    Oct 2 2023

    Its finally October and we are starting our Halloween special episodes off with an absolute BANG! The Exorcist is turning 50 years old and we have put together a special episode just for one of our most favorite Horror films!!!

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    2 hrs and 18 mins