• Monday Speaker Series - Hugh in PA
    Jun 14 2024
    The Journey to Recovery and Redemption: An Eye-Opening Story of Overcoming Sexaholism

    In this special episode of The Daily Reprieve, we dive into the life of Hugh, a recovered sexaholic who shares his touching, heart-breaking, and inspiring journey towards sobriety. Born into a strict family, Hugh experienced sexual acts from an extremely young age which subsequently led him down the path of sex addiction.

    He recollects his sexually active early life, his sexual encounters with men, and the struggles he faced in trying to suppress his sexual compulsions. His continual denial plunged his marriage into a turbulent phase, creating a period of uncertainty and mistrust. But when Hugh's wife finally confronted him and guided him towards Sexaholics Anonymous, things started to change for the better.

    Over time, Hugh took steps to face his demons, work on himself and seek help. His road to recovery is punctuated by moments of incredible courage and determination, showing his resilience and strength every step of the way. His commitment to his recovery and his stubborn refusal to accept defeat makes his discourse something worth listening to.

    The episode delves deeper into the struggles associated with sex addiction, the redemption Hugh found in the 12-step program, and how it transformed his life. Today, he is an active member and representative of SA, relentlessly devoted to service and using his experiences to help others struggling with similar issues. What's more, his relationship with his wife is stronger than ever – reflective of the power that honesty, self-work, and commitment can yield.

    Join us in this eye-opening episode as we navigate through Hugh's tumultuous journey, witnessing his triumph against the odds and his mission to help others in their struggle against sex addiction. His story is one of vulnerability, resilience, and eventually, redemption.

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    12 mins
  • Monday Speaker Series - Just Ray in Maine
    Jun 12 2024
    Defying Addiction: Embracing the Leap of Faith and the Pursuit of Recovery

    Join us in another resonant episode of The Daily Reprieve, where our guest, Jeff, from Northern Maine, candidly shares his transformative journey from addiction to recovery. Rooting from childhood traumas, he navigates us through his escalating addiction to pornography, compounded by an alcohol problem, and the way it hijacked his relationships and personal life.

    Inspiring listeners with his ultimate turning point, Jeff shares how he was driven towards a path of self-improvement and spiritual enlightenment. This eye-opening episode features his challenging transformation, revealing how he confronted his defeats, embraced faith, and committed himself to a recovery program.

    Jeff gives us an insightful perspective into the demands of the 12-step recovery process. He opens up about long nights in the car, the crucial support of his sponsor, and the sacrifices made in the pursuit of recovery. He also unveils his transition from intellectual pride to humility and faith, highlighting an improved attitude towards relationships and self-love.

    This episode is a testament to perseverance, tuning in to the innate strength of an individual's spirit resilience against the clutches of addiction. Offering hope to listeners grappling with their issues, this narrative emphasizes the immense potential of the human spirit to transcend personal shadows and leap towards faith and recovery.

    In a heartfelt conclusion, Jeff reads 'Desiderata', a poem that warmed his soul throughout his journey. This episode raises a toast to the unsung heroes waging their battles against addiction, reminding them that it is never too late to forge a path towards healing and transformation, with faith as their guide.

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    25 mins
  • Monday Speaker Series - Jim in FL
    Jun 10 2024

    Welcome to another episode of The Daily Reprieve, your ultimate guide to essay, speaker meetings, workshops, and podcasts. In our ad-free podcast, we aim to provide motivation and support to the ones fighting the battle against addiction.

    Today's episode features a deeply personal and moving account by Jim from Florida. Jim shares his story of transformation and on-going sobriety over a year-long journey within the program. His battle with addiction began at a tender age but with time, determination and the right guidance, he was able to identify his addiction and sought counselling.

    Understanding his affliction and accepting it were monumental steps in his healing process. His acceptance led him to conducting an inventory of his failings which he narrated to his sponsor. His faith in his higher power, his resolve to make sobriety his top priority, and his promise to himself to start every day by surrendering his will to God were pivotal in his recovery.

    In this episode, Jim shares invaluable lessons he learned throughout his recovery. From honesty to finding hope, the strength he gained from surrendering, and the profound transformation from living a turbulent life to finally finding still waters, Jim's journey puts forth a beacon of hope for many struggling with similar issues.

    This episode highlights the essence of dedication, willpower and faith in one's journey towards recovery. Jim's experience serves as a testament that darkness can be overcome by adopting a self-supporting stance and seeking help when needed.

    For more motivating stories and powerful lessons, subscribe to The Daily Reprieve. Your every little support helps us keep going and inspiring. To show your support, you can donate to The Daily Reprieve by visiting donate.thedailyreprieve.com. Thank you for tuning in!

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    11 mins
  • Monday Speaker Series - Dennis T
    Jun 7 2024
    Finding Freedom from Lust in Marriage: A Sexaholic's Journey Towards Recovery

    In this episode of The Daily Reprieve, our guest, Dennis, shares his story of overcoming sexaholism. After stuggling with uncontainable lustful urges that led him to live a life of affairs, frequent encounters with prostitutes, and insatiable masturbation, Dennis shares how his journey towards recovery began with a challenging resolution: 90 meetings in 90 days and 90 days of abstinence.

    His sponsor emphasized the importance of this journey, explaining how abstaining from sexual acts for 90 days can help rewire the brain and show that sex is optional. The struggle was enormous, but Dennis emerged victorious, realizing that sex truly was a choice rather than a necessity.

    Through the process, Dennis discovered intimacy outside of sexual contexts with his wife. Their relationship flourished as they spent time together, engaging in simple activities such as taking walks or getting a cup of coffee.

    As Dennis experienced freedom from his sexaholic tendencies, he was better able to appreciate his wife, which led to a deepened connection and profound love. Despite the fear of falling back into old habits, Dennis managed to maintain a healthy and fulfilling sexual relationship with his wife without succumbing to lust.

    This recovery story provides hope, strength, and inspiration to others similarly struggling, with a powerful underlying message: freedom from lust in marriage is possible through dedication, communication, and application of the right strategies. Be sure to tune in to hear more recovery stories from sexaholism and find solace knowing that you aren't alone in your battle.

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    16 mins
  • Monday Speaker Series - Debbie
    Jun 5 2024
    Overcoming Resentments and Embracing Gratitude: A Journey to Sobriety

    In this episode of The Daily Reprieve, we hear from Debbie, a grateful believer in Jesus Christ and a recovering sex addict. She shares her powerful journey of recovery and self-discovery—one that has been filled with overcoming resentments, learning to practice gratitude, and establishing a deep connection with her higher power.

    Debbie expresses the struggle she faced in dealing with resentments, a hurdle many in recovery are all too familiar with. Her key to sobriety has been learning not only to recognize these resentments but also to surrender them to God. However, she reminds us that such a process is a daily practice that requires continuous effort. She discusses the tools she's utilized on her journey, including journaling, utilizing a 10th-step app, and daily self-reflection.

    One of Debbie's main focuses in this talk is replacing resentments with an attitude of gratitude. She reflects on the importance of being grateful for all experiences, not just the good ones. The growth that comes with overcoming challenges is part of what has ultimately led to her sobriety.

    The episode reflects Debbie's commitment to continuous growth and self-improvement. Admitting her wrongs, taking ownership, and seeking to change are steps she undergoes with humility and faith. It's a powerful listen, filled with valuable insights and practices for anyone overcoming addiction or seeking personal growth.

    As she concludes her talk, Debbie encourages the listeners to keep coming back, reinforcing the message that recovery is indeed possible with determination, faith, and support. She ends with a prayer, hoping to be of use to her creator and her peers.

    This episode promises to leave you moved and inspired, a testament to the transformative power of recovery and the strength of the human spirit.

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    16 mins
  • Monday Speaker Series - Steve M
    Jun 3 2024

    Welcome to a revealing episode of The Daily Reprieve, titled 'Triumph Over Temptation: A True Testimony of a Recovering Sexaholic, Steve.' Unearth valuable lessons as you immerse yourself in Steve's mesmerizing narrative of overcoming extreme personal struggles that include childhood trauma, relationship tribulations, and, more starkly, sex addiction.

    Facing the harsh realities of his infidelity, Steve embarks on the arduous yet necessary path of recovery. Experience his exploration of various addiction support groups as he grapples with his condition. The podcast traces his poignant realization that overcoming addiction was not about 'fitting' into a group but acknowledging and fighting the adversary within.

    'Triumph Over Temptation' offers an unvarnished glance into the depths of a sexaholic's torment and the redemption found in acceptance, community support, humility, and faith. Steve's candid confessions serve as an audacious beacon of hope for others ensnared in similar battles, illuminating the path to recovery through resilience, acceptance, and faith.

    This potent episode stands as an authentic testament to the power of surrender and the transformative pledges of recovery, making it a must-listen! Regardless if you're fighting addiction, are in recovery, or have the desire to understand the realities of sexaholism better, we invite you to tune in to Steve's compelling life narrative.

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    24 mins
  • Monday Speaker Series - Dominic
    May 31 2024
    Episode: Dominic's Journey of Recovery - The Daily Reprieve

    In this inspiring episode of The Daily Reprieve, we have Dominic, who shares his personal journey of recovery from sex addicition. He's been sober for 2013 days since January 6, 2016, and he attributes this remarkable feat to faith, resilience, and the intervention of his higher power.

    Dominic shares that his story started right from his birth in 1977. His acting out began in his teenage years and spiraled out of control. By the time he was 18, he was losing interest in his relationships and succumbing to the allure of pornography. After realizing he was powerless on his own, Dominic decided to seek help from his higher power, actively involving Him in all his affairs.

    Your heart will be moved by Dominic's struggles to overcome his addiction. Talking about his attempts in trying filters on his computer, seeking help from his community, and many other things which all didn't work, until he stumbled upon a self-help group in 2016. A turning point in his life came when he received a call back from a group and has been sober ever since.

    Dominic admits that he's still not an expert and continues to grapple with his addiction every day, but his faith in his higher power helps him stay on the course of recovery. He emphasizes the significance of working hard on the recovery steps, surrendering to your higher power, and seeking help from a sponsor.

    Since Dominic's first meeting on January 9th, 2016, his life started to improve dramatically. He reveals how he cleansed his apartment of any triggers and started living anew without acting out..

    This heartening story of personal triumph over addiction is a must-listen. Dominic's honest and courageous account will serve as an encouragement to those struggling with similar problems. We hope Dominic's story inspires you to seek help and strive for change, just like he did.

    Keep tuned in to the Daily Reprieve for more stories of strength, hope, and recovery. We are an ad-free podcast and rely on the support of our listeners to continue this mission. You can make a difference by choosing to donate at donate.thedailyreprieve.com.

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    13 mins
  • Monday Speaker Series - Cal
    May 29 2024
    From Shame to Strength: A Sexaholic's Journey to Recovery

    Welcome to this episode of 'The Daily Reprieve', a podcast dedicated to inspiring recovery with engaging conversations, deep insights, and practical tips. We're an advertisement-free platform, sustained only by our listeners. If you find value in our episodes, please consider supporting us at donate.thedailyreprieve.com.

    In this episode, our guest, Cal, shares his poignant journey from being a tormented sexaholic to a resilient survivor. Cal admits to being a sex addict since his early years, leading a double life that was fuelled by secrecy, shame, and deception. This battle with addiction not only brought him personal torment but also caused immense pain to his family.

    Cal's story takes a dramatic turn after the devastating consequences of his actions result in the loss of his good name, business, and family. It was then that he turned to his higher power - guiding him to recovery and redemption. Determined to transform his life, Cal attended over 700 12-step recovery meetings and involved himself in five fellowships. His relentless pursuit of recovery also led him to seek help from therapy, sponsorships, and eventually, teaching medical psychology.

    Cal's story is not just about the adverse effects of addiction; it's also an inspirational testament to human resilience, highlighting the transformative power of recovery. Despite the enormous challenges faced, the episode celebrates Cal's undying spirit and unwavering dedication to rebuilding a healthier and happier life.

    Stay tuned till the end of the episode as Cal explores the joy of recovery, the deep friendships formed along the way, and his renewed purpose in life. His healing journey serves as a beacon of hope, shedding light on the possibilities of recovery, growth, and self-discovery. Thank you for tuning in, and we hope you find strength and motivation in Cal's story.

    Please help us continue to provide content like this by supporting The Daily Reprieve. Visit donate.thedailyreprieve.com to help. Stay tuned for more episodes filled with experience, strength, and hope for SA members.

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    16 mins