
  • Auntie Shelley Niro, Legendary Kanyen'kehà:ka Artist, Filmmaker, Photographer
    May 22 2024

    Art Gallery of Hamilton - 500 Year Itch

    Shelley Niro's Website

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    44 mins
  • Eclipse 2024! with co-host Kaluhyanu:wes Michelle Schenandoah, Rematriation
    Apr 8 2024
    A special Eclipse 2024 episode co-hosted with Rematriation and their Rekindling the Fire of Our Sisterhood gathering: a group of Onkwehónwe women who have been meeting for the past seven years in anticipation of this historic day for the Confederacy of Six Nations.
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    45 mins
  • Auntie Samantha Doxtator (Oneida) Sky Knowledge Carrier/Eclipse
    Mar 20 2024
    AUNTIE: Wa’tkwanonhweráton Sewakwékon. On April 8th, 2024 the path of totality of the solar eclipse will fall over our Haudenosaunee homelands surrounding Lake Ontario. It’s an historic event that we’ve been anticipating for years as we remember a similar eclipse that signaled the beginnings our Confederacy generations ago. Today we’re visiting with a key carrier of Haudenosaunee astronomy, Samantha Doxtator, who is Wolf Clan of Oneida Nation, to discuss the eclipse and so much more. Samantha’s sky teachings were rendered through the great loss of her sister Sasha to cancer in 2021 -- and Samantha’s own liminal journey when she fell seriously ill soon after her sister passed. When she recovered - Samantha picked up the astronomy work that Sasha began in university – and now she is sharing powerful insight - in places like Hayden Planetarium in New York City, with NASA in Niagara Falls at the time of the eclipse, and in engagements all across our confederacy. SAMANTHA: Our people we’ve always been scientists. We’ve always been astronomers. We’re 80 percent stardust and we’re just souls… made of flames. AUNTIE: In the wake of our historic eclipse – around a thousand years back – the warring nations that became our confederacy buried weapons and chose great peace with each other. Samantha says the April 8th eclipse is significant because she believes the Haudenosaunee will choose again to bury the weapons of oppression they’ve experienced through both colonization and lateral violence. SAMANTHA: So on the next solar eclipse that is over our homelands in 120 years when our great grandkids say I wonder what my great, great grandparents did in 2024 – they will have actual concrete historic documents that will say “In 2024, the Haudenosaunee buried their oppression. And they did it for all people.” AUNTIE: I’m Kahstoserakwathe and we are Yetinistéhnha ne tekaronyakánare. The Aunties Dandelion and we’re sharing visits with powerful Indigenous changemakers focused on land, language, and connections with each other. Our podcast is possible through the support of Canada’s Indigenous Screen Office teyonkhiwihstakénha – wa’tkwenonhweráton. We can continue to bring you this powerful content when you like, share, give us feedback, and take the time to listen to your Aunties.
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    47 mins
  • Auntie Taiawentón:ti' Chelsea Sunday (Kanyen'kehà:ka) Whole Community Language Revitalizer
    Feb 21 2024
    AUNTIE: WA’TKWANONHWER´ATON’ SEWAKWÉKON. YOU KNOW, IT’S EASY TO ROMANTICIZE AN INDIGENOUS LANGUAGE JOURNEY – YOU ARE GETTING BACK TO YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS, YOUR BRAIN IS REWIRED. IT IS A REMARKABLE THING. TODAY WE VISIT WITH TAIAWENTÓN:TI’ CHELSEA SUNDAY - KANYEN’KEHÀ:KA LANGUAGE CARRIER FROM AKWESASNE MOHAWK TERRITORY. AND I LOVE THIS VISIT BECAUSE TAIAWENTÓN:TI’ KEEPS IT REAL -- ABOUT THE CHALLENGES SURROUNDING BEING A MOM, BEING PRESENT IN COMMUNITY – ALL WHILE OVERCOMING THE ROADBLOCKS TO SPEAK WHAT IS TRULY ONE OF THE MOST DIFFICULT LANGUAGES ON THE PLANET. TO START, TAIAWENTÓN:TI’ SPENT TWO YEARS TRAVELING BACK AND FORTH TO LANGUAGE IMMERSION SCHOOL IN KAHNAWAKE MOHAWK TERRITORY - WHICH IS ALMOST TWO HOURS DRIVING ONE WAY - AND MANY BRIDGES AND BORDERS FROM HOME. TAIAWENTÓN:TI’: So daily it is like – what time is the bridge closing? ‘Cause, if it is closing, there is another route we can take. So knowing those back roads and knowing where the gas stations were and where the Tim Horton’s were and make our way up to Kahnawake. And even when you get to Kahnawake sometimes they block their roads out there ‘cause of the through traffic so like “K! The roads are blocked! Let’s find another route in.” so… AUNTIE: TAIAWENTÓN:TI’ AND HER FRIENDS ARE EXPERTS AT FINDING ANOTHER ROUTE IN – AND HAVE FORMED A GROUP CALLED “YONKWARONHKA’ONHATYE” WHICH TRANSLATES TO “WE ARE MAKING OURSELVES FLUENT”. THEY’RE LEARNING AND TEACHING KANYEN’KEHA BY ENGAGING MYRIAD ASPECTS OF OUR CULTURE AND DAILY LIFE – NOT JUST THE HIGHEST BAR OF PROFICIENCY – WHICH IS A COMMON THING TO DO. TAIAWENTÓN:TI’: I am reclaiming my language. I am reclaiming my land. I am reclaiming my position as a mom. I’m reclaiming my voice as a woman. I am reclaiming all of those things. AUNTIE: WE’LL ALSO DISCUSS OUR HISTORIC INSPIRATION – JIGONHSASE – WHO WAS A WOMAN RESPONSIBLE FOR CO-FOUNDING OUR CONFEDERACY AND WHOSE INFLUENCE IS HONOURED IN THE CONTEXT OF FULL SOLAR ECLIPSE ON APRIL 8TH 2024. I’m Kahstoserakwathe and we are Yéthi Nihsténha ne Tekarónyakénare. The Aunties Dandelion. We’re focused on revitalizing our communities through stories of land, language, and relationships. And we want to say Nyá:wenkò:wa – or big thanks – to Canada’s Indigenous Screen Office – teyonhkiwihstekénha – for making this podcast possible through their New Media fund. When you share this episode with your friends, follow us on your favorite podcast channel and give us a review – we are able to continue to share the. As always, we’re happy you are here to listen to your Aunties.
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    51 mins
  • AUNTIES EMERGENT: Nikaronhyá'a Dawn Martin with Jodi Lynn Maracle on the Beautiful Entanglement of Art and Language
    Jan 31 2024

    Nikaronhyá'a Dawn Martin's IG

    Silo City: Why Here, Why Now with Jodi Lynn Maracle

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    53 mins
  • Auntie Bear Fox (Kanyen'kehà:ka) Singer/Songwriter
    Jan 17 2024

    Bear Fox website

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    42 mins
  • Aunties Emergent! Laura Couchie (Anishinaabe) on Her Art and Language Journey
    Dec 13 2023

    Laura Couchie is Anishinaabe (Ojibwe), Two Spirit from Nipissing First Nation. She's a multidisciplinary artist and Indigenous language revitalizationist living in Dish With One Spoon territory. Her artistic practice has spanned several outlets over her lifetime including; performance (acting, comedy/improv, dance), music and beadwork. Laura has published op-ed pieces tackling issues such as cultural appropriation and "pretendianism". Her book "No Rainbow" was published in 2018, featuring sensual poetry and prose about love, longing and identity that spans earthly, spirit and human form. In 2022 and 2023, Laura had the honour of serving as a Final Juror for The City of Hamilton Arts Awards. Laura worked for many years in the urban Indigenous community and is a passionate advocate and public educator. Laura is in 3rd year of the Bachelor of Arts in Onkwehonwe Language at Six Nations Polytechnic.

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    24 mins
  • Auntie Dr. Kahente Horn-Miller (Kanyen'kehà:ka) Educator, Visual Storyteller
    Nov 29 2023
    AUNTIE: Wa’tkwanonhweráton. Greetings, love, and respect from me to all of you. On this edition of The Aunties Dandelion we’re visiting with Dr. Kahente Horn-Miller, a formidable Bear Clan educator from our Kanyenkehà:ka territory of Kahnawake. Kahente’s name means she walks ahead - and she’s the first Indigenous woman to receive a 3M National Teaching Fellowship – Canada’s most prestigious recognition in educational leadership and teaching at the post-secondary level. It’s actually Kahente’s criticism of existing education systems that led to her win the 2023 3M prize. In order to fully engage her students at Carleton University, she’s introduced Rotinonhsyón:ni teachings like consensus-based decision making and live performance of our traditional stories into her classrooms. KAHENTE: Beyond the skill of writing, beyond the skill of citing properly doing research, I think that one of the main skills our students need to learn coming out of institutions is how to talk to each other. Indigenous and non-Indigenous. You know why? Because of climate change. We are facing an uncertain future, right? And Indigenous folks and Indigenous communities – we have a lot of the answers. AUNTIE: Kahente’s entire family makes it their business to walk ahead. Her mom, model and activist Kahentinetha Horn and her sisters were deeply involved in the 1990 Kanasatáke Resistance – also known as the Oka Crisis - and her sisters are Olympian Waneek Horn-Miller, actress Kahnietiio Horn, and Dr. Ojistoh Horn, a medical practitioner in Akwesasne. This familial, matriarchal power - along with the family’s grounding in language and longhouse led Kahente to focus on her own community in her scholarship - which most academics shy away from. KAHENTE: Everything I did I wrote about my own people. So this was something that I learned how to do on my own in order to get through that system. AUNTIE: I’m Kahstoserakwathe and we are Yéthi Nihsténha ne Tekarónyakénare. The Aunties Dandelion. We’re focused on revitalizing our communities through stories of land, language, and relationships. And we want to say Nyá:wenkò:wa – or big thanks – to Canada’s Indigenous Screen Office – teyonhkiwihstekénha – for making this podcast possible through their New Media fund. It helps us a LOT if you share this episode with your friends, follow us on your favorite podcast channel and give us a review. As always, we’re happy you are here to listen to your Aunties.
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    52 mins