• The Diamond Ship: What You Didn't Know About Pirates
    Mar 12 2024

    Watch and learn from Master Storyteller and Historian Adrian Beckingham, whose research has unearthed the most remarkable of stories about slaves, pirates, a distant king - currently being wrapped as a major Hollywood film. History and legend remember many pirate stories and captains, but not the true story about the richest hoard in pirate history - until now. Follow the tale of people enslaved to mine diamonds for a distant king, who then turned pirate and seized the diamonds back. This story of slave emancipation and female empowerment not only inspires, but also takes a humorous look at many common misconceptions about traditional pirate life on the high seas. Laid buried for three centuries in odd pieces of parchment and random scraps of marine diaries, now these characters, their actions and dialogue are revealed for all to enjoy, in a film that is destined to become a truly treasured film classic. Listen in to this podcast session to learn a whole host of pirate facts you never knew before.

    You can receive your free copy of The Diamond Ship audiobook as a trial Audible membership and keep the book for free even if you cancel during the trial period: For UK crewmates: https://www.audible.co.uk/pd/B08G5CLB5P/...

    For USA crewmates:


    For AUSTRALIA crewmates: https://www.audible.com.au/pd/B08G655HVF/...

    For GERMANY crewmates:


    Adrian is available for sessions in museums, schools, libraries, and community events. Just reach out in the comments below and he will be in touch with you.

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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • 31WOMEN: Kwali Kumara - Snake Rescuer & Kundalini Yoga Teacher interviewed by Adrian Beckingham
    Mar 9 2024
    March 3rd is World Wildlife Day so to honor this on '31 Women', we talk to the UK's penultimate Snake Healer and rescuer. Kwali Kumara lives in ‘FairyLand’ (Cambridgeshire UK) with her husband, two children, some adopted cats and 35 rescued SERPENTS including giant pythons. Kwali is a Mum, Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Mantra Artist, Sacred Sound Ceremonialist, Spiritual Guide and Serpent Healer. We hear about how her serpents add a rare quality of vibration to Kwali's life - including her kundalini teachings where they play an integral role. One of her greatest pleasures is witnessing how people who have come to her to face their fears, are magnetized by the enormous serpents and thereafter feel transformed and restored to face many of life's challenges. Kwali is a magnetic, uplifting and inspiring kundalini yoga and gong meditation teacher - She creates a high vibration, safe, and sacred space for healing and transformation to occur. Her nurturing nature, passionate energy and colorful heart-felt enthusiasm for the teachings is highly infectious and motivating. She is one of the events managers for Om & Bass festival in Oxfordshire and the resident presenter, host and curator of the ‘Ceremony Space’ for the Mind, Body Spirit festivals in London and Birmingham. Kwali runs an online temple of teachings. Listeners to this podcast are invited to have a free month of access to over 160 different video recordings of classes, meditations and ceremonies. Use the gift code TEMPLE1 to sign up to Kwali's ‘Ruby Cluster Membership’ to get a free month of access to see if you enjoy the kundalini yoga technology. Find more details here: https://www.kundalinitemple.com/ ABOUT THIS SERIES #31Women is a unique initiative, intuited by our podcast host author Adrian Beckingham, to celebrate International Women's Day (March 8) across the whole month of March 2023. "Why have one day in the year to celebrate women? This podcast series is my push to begin by making it a month instead!" 31 women from a wide range of cultural origins and lifestyles, living in locations across the globe, are interviewed about their lives, passions, hurdles and triumph. These interviews will be broadcast, a different woman each day, across the 31 days of March. The overall focus is to present to listeners a kaleidoscope of experiences about what it is to be a woman in 2023 - discovering through adversity, sometimes tragedy, always trials and triumph, a toolkit of true-life stories which offer a guiding light to act as a catalyst along a pathway toward self-identity, empowerment, and hope. LOVE more episodes like this? Please DONATE: paypal.me/StoryMountainMan
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    43 mins
  • Meet the Storyteller: Egyptian Storyteller Sara Imam speaks about peace and intention
    Nov 23 2023
    Sara Iman is an Egyptian storyteller, who speaks with our host Adrian Beckingham about how she first began storytelling; the power of storytelling to calm and focus to children, storytelling as dialogue; the importance of intention; and reimagining the narrative. Sara shares with us an original and explicit tale created around a historical perspective of Palestine and the Israeli occupation. We also discuss ideas for grass roots initiatives our listeners can adopt to help enhance peace and justice. You can follow Sara here: https://instagram.com/simamstoryteller
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    37 mins
  • Armistice Day 2023 Special: Peace Pigeons / Chapter 10 of WP&Me
    Nov 11 2023
    This special edition of The Man From Story Mountain podcast carries a dual purpose: firstly, to pay my respects to those who fell in World War 1 as today (November 11, Armistice Day) marks the anniversary of the day that war ended; secondly, to continue playing my part for the ending of the conflicts which are currently raging in Gaza, Ukraine, and other arenas of war worldwide. This podcast episode looks at THE Armistice Day of November 11, 1918 through the eyes of my historical-fiction novel 'War Pigeons: WP&Me'. The wonderful voice of narrator Rafe Beckley reads Chapter 10: 'Peace Pigeons' . This novel, written for young adults, was my attempt to celebrate continuing peace, and was originally published as a paperback on the centennial of the ending of the First World War. It follows a London family and how the war impacted their lives, Chapter 10 sees peace come at last and the declaration of the Armistice. For more information, or to receive a full copy of the audiobook, follow this link: War Pigeons 1: WP & Me by Adrian Beckingham - Audiobook - Audible.co.uk IN THIS MOMENT Today (November 11, 2023) it is predicted that London will see the largest peace march in British history, as ordinary people take to the streets to join other protestors gathering worldwide, to demand an end to the genocide and crimes against humanity currently taking place in Palestine at the hands of the Israeli military. This is not a war WITH Gaza but rather a war ON Gaza, because Palestine has no army, navy nor airforce to fight back. One Gazan child dies every 10 minutes under Israeli bombardments. My book for young adults is a call for peace - may my solitary attempt be clamored out by the rising tide of similar voices in every domain of human life and culture. Our very own 'Cruella' Suella - UK Home Secretary Suella Braverman - has called the pro-Palestinian marches 'Hate Marches', totally missing the point that these people are marching for peace and against acts of violence; in her similar vein of totally missing the point where this privileged politician is attempting to legislate our police to remove tiny city tents from homeless people - Cruella Suella calls homelessness "A lifestyle choice". I trust this episode's audiofile will avoid current politics, whilst upholding the mantle of a shared humanity where compassion - and peaceful activism against the ugliness of war in all its guises - holds sway. In peace and gratitude, thank you for listening. Adrian Beckingham The Man From Story Mountain.
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    1 hr and 4 mins
  • Storytelling & Grass Roots Peace Activism Israel/Palestine: An interview with Donna Jacobs Sife
    Nov 2 2023

    Adrian Beckingham interviews Master Storyteller and Peace Activist Donna Jacobs Sife. Donna is an Australian Jew who used to write a column for The Australian Jewish News where she often presented a stance critical on Israeli occupation. She discovered storytelling as a tool for community peace activism over 30 years ago. Listen to her share three enlightening stories from a range of traditions, plus about independent grass roots movements who - along with her own work - embody community groups co-run by Jews and Palestinians aimed toward mutual understanding, autonomy, tolerance, and an end to the struggles.

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    46 mins
  • 'Bridie' a story to celebrate death, life, rebirth - often told to celebrate the ancient pagan Festival of February 1 named "Imbolc'
    Oct 31 2023
    LOVE more episodes like this? Please DONATE: paypal.me/StoryMountainMan ABOUT THIS EPISODE February 1 marks the pagan festival of Imbolc, in ancient Britain signifying the first rising of winter drowsy saps toward the heralding of Spring. Here from my podcast is a story about Bridgit (Bridie) and how she came to be known as the Goddess of Spring. It includes sacred knowledge about The Old One, the first of all fires, whose flames burn cold blue, which chills the Cauldron of Souls - we are all drawn here at our time of passing. And yet, here too is the secret of everlasting life! You can hear more about this story in my published anthology 'Stories That Crafted The Earth'. https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/305444
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    38 mins
  • The First Nations Voice Referendum
    Oct 14 2023
    What is the Voice to Parliament referendum being held in Australia on 14th October 2023? The Voice to Parliament referendum was proposed by First Nations people about the best way to achieve constitutional recognition of Indigenous people in Australia. Under the constitution, the government already has the power to make laws for Indigenous people. The voice would be a way for them to be consulted on those laws. But not all Indigenous Australians will be voting YES. In this podcast episode I share some personal stories about my dealings and interactions with Aboriginal Australian communities and individuals. Included is an interview with 87 year old Yorta Yorta Aboriginal elder Francis Firebrace interviewed in his home following the official declaration that votes had been counted and the NO vote won through.
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    58 mins
  • LIVE: 'People Born Of Fire':Hopi. LOVE more episodes like this? DONATE: paypal.me/StoryMountainMan
    Jul 31 2023
    ABOUT THIS EPISODE  Recorded to the song of our community fire before a live audience at The Orchard Meadow Project, London on 12/12/21, this story of earth creation comes from the Hopi Native American people. This episode of their story tells how the very first worlds of physical nature were formed, how the first humans were created, and how modern day people can turbo charge their own dream manifestation to help their wishes come true.  Later sections of this story will be shared at other times in this podcast, or the full story can be read here:  https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/305444.  ABOUT THIS PODCAST CHANNEL Adrian Beckingham - The Man from Story Mountain - has travelled the world as a Master Storyteller, learning and sharing the ancient wisdom of ancient indigenous peoples. Their fireside tales will transform you. Some episodes are of live storytelling sessions in front of face-to-face audiences. Here podcast listeners will witness much of the craft about enchanting and engaging audiences. Adrian is a Master who has been a full-time professional Storyteller since the year 1995. An astonishing feat which in itself lays testament to this teller's longevity and magic as a great teacher of tales old and new! BONUS SESSIONS include interviews with guest storytellers, healers, coaches, teachers, artists, parents, and corporate superstars. Enjoy, learn, manifest anew! ABOUT YOUR HOST Hello friend! Thank you for visiting my podcast. I tell a wide range of stories - particularly the truly ancient creation stories of indigenous peoples, often learning these direct from shaman storytellers in many tribal lands. These stories have been fireside tales, shared by elders for up to 50,000 years of oral tradition. Within them are keys to unlock your true potential and dissolve fear and disease. They are the gatekeepers to the manifestation of your dreams. I am the father to four children, now all adults. I was midwife at their births. Before becoming a dad I worked for Greenpeace in both Australia and the USA. Most famously I helped to spearhead the campaign which one year turned back the entire Japanese whaling fleet. I was one of four trustees who founded a charity which has now built a residential school for Himalayan children, protecting them from threats such as dire poverty and trafficking. I know the Power of Story. I have used it to beat stage 3 cancer. I have used it to save myself while stuck in quicksand. And I have used it to transform the lives of countless people, who have been in my live audiences during my never-ending Master Storyteller tour. Under the name The Man From Story Mountain, since the year 1995 I have been a touring as a Master Storyteller. I have been Storyteller-In-Residence for the mental health charity Mind, and also on the famous Golden Hinde Museum (a life-size working replica of Sir Francis Drake's famous pirate galleon, commissioned by Queen Elizabeth II). My other clients are numerous, from Her Majesty's Prisons to The National Trust, English Heritage, and performing at every Glastonbury Festival between 1996 to 2019. I am the owner of the famous fully painted Medicine Tipi which featured as the profile image on Glastonbury Festival’s official Facebook page for over a decade. I am the author of circa 15 books, including paperbacks, e-books and audiobooks. They are all focused on powerful stories to transform lives for the better.
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    32 mins