• Waking Up in Clown Town | Fishsticking for Compliments | I'll Beep When I'm Dead
    Nov 23 2022

    Do you like clowns? Me either. Fishsticks? "Meh," you say. Okay, how about murder? Yeah, I knew I'd get you with that one! Who doesn't like a good ol' fashion murder? And why am I asking so many questions? Should I shut up now so you can listen to this funky fresh new episode? (In the voice of Kevin from Home Alone 2 via a Talkboy) You got it!

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    11 mins
  • Self-written obituaries, hot new torture devices for spies, and time restraints to being polite
    Nov 9 2022

    What happens when you're sick and try to write and record a new episode of Skit Your Shorts? Well, you get this episode! So if it's painful to listen to, I blame it on the sickness that I am 100% not down with...you hear me, Disturbed?

    But if you do want to hear a story about obituaries, spies, and holding doors read in really awful accents, give it a go, but don't say I didn't warn ya!

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    12 mins
  • Dracula discusses interest rates with his realtor, a perfectly good monster mash is ruined by a jerk, and special guest, horror writer, Cliff Bumgardner makes a killer dessert.
    Oct 25 2022

    I hope you went to the restroom before listening to this Halloween episode of Skit Your Shorts, cause it's sure to scare the poo right out of ya!

    Dracula hits up his realtor as he looks to downgrade his home. A fan of monsters attends a monster mash, but it's not the host he was hoping for. Special guest, Amazon bestseller in horror, Cliff Bumgardner brings us a tasty and bizarre story about flan!

    And if you haven't run away in fear yet, stay tuned until the end of the episode to listen to the first chapter of Cliff's new book, Creature Feature! Now available in paperback or digital, only on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BH3C5X69

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    28 mins
  • Air Stud: A Dog Wishes for No Catfishes | 80s Action Hero Man | So Your Cat Joined a Biker Gang. Now What?
    Oct 14 2022

    In this super rad episode of Skit Your Shorts, the short stories comedy podcast, a director creates a raunchy teen comedy script for dogs as a sequel to the Air Bud films, a toy manufacturer receives a script for a proposed 80s action figure, and advice is given on how to get your cat back after it becomes the leader of the toughest biker gang in town!

    So much stuff in that run-on sentence! Point is, you don't want to miss this one! Not that I want you to miss the other ones, but definitely not this one! It's a doozy!

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    13 mins
  • The Time I Was Abducted by Pretty Chill Aliens | Debt Is Fun. Eat More Debt. | Opinions Are for Suckers Audiobook
    Oct 7 2022

    Can you believe it? It's a third episode that no one asked for! But if you're looking for some advice from a robot about improving your small-talk game, this one's for you. Dutch Foley narrates the stories this time, as Plot Bot is too busy listing off the 34,000 types of fish.

    Stories include butt-talking aliens, edible debt, and lessons on not giving a hoot. So tune in for some laughs...well, you might laugh if you have a weird sense of humor. I mean, for a comedy podcast, it's definitely a show you'd want to turn down when you pull up to a stop light in fear that others might hear the strange things coming out of your car, like when you're jamming to Sinead O'Connor's "Nothing Compares 2 U." Anyways, enjoy!

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    10 mins
  • Do You Believe in Wi-fi After Life? | Revenge Yearbook Signing | Smelter Dealter
    Sep 27 2022

    In the second episode of the smash hit (that nobody is listening to) comedy podcast, Skit Your Shorts, Plot Bot discovers the world wide web and all its dark secrets. Today's anthology of short stories includes Internet ghosts, lessons on subtly being a jerk, and farty friends. If that doesn't sell you, I don't know what will?! Perhaps the promise that you'll hear the weirdest and funniest short stories your ear holes have ever invited in. So give it a listen! If you hate it, tell your dog. If you like it, tell your friends and subscribe why don't ya!

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    13 mins
  • Born Nakie, Stay Nakie | The Day My Drone Became a Mancopter | Furry Party Doormat
    Sep 19 2022

    In the first episode of this short stories comedy podcast, Skit Your Shorts, Plot Bot 9000 threatens to destroy all humans before reading three short stories. The first story, involves a nudist colony and concerns about nipples. Next, a proud father tries his best to ensure his helicopter baby grows up to be a wise mancopter. The last story, discusses the zany world of doormats and furries. How could you say no to that?! I mean, come on, it's only ten minutes long. This description is as long as the show itself, so stop reading this, press play, and who knows, you might get a solid chuckle or two out of it! You can find the individual stories and more on Substack.

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    10 mins