• ST:TNGeez: 4.18 "Identity Crisis"
    Apr 5 2024

    Remember when Geordi re-created Leah Brahms on the holodeck -- well this time he uses the Holodeck right! It’s an exciting return …. Wait, was this the same show that just had Deana Troi on wires? Geordi and his ex commander Susanna Leitjen return to a past mission where fellow mission-eers are beginning to go missing. The only two left are Geordi and Susanna, and Susanna is strangely compelled to return to the planet where five years ago their team was infected or maybe even cursed! Susanna's compulsion turns to obsession as she turns alien! Luckily the Enterprise “Houses” the ex head of Starfleet Medical: Doctor Bevahlee Crushah! (Did you see what I did with “Houses”? 'Cause she’s like on a medical show, like "House"! Did you Dave, did you? O. R. you missing it -- Get it Dave “O.R.” Like in the Operating Room?) Bev get’s her orange head in the game and figures Susanna is host to a parasite that is turning her into a mother-flipping alien, and guess who’s next -- that’s right: the ex-host of Jeopardy: Geordi La Forge! Geordie is in a race against time to figure out how they got infected and for some reason he won’t ask for anyone’s help, including his best pal Data! Geordi re-creates their original encounter on the holodeck as he starts going alien himself! Will Geordi be able to figure out how not to evolve into an invisible alien? Will they lock the shuttle bay doors, so people can’t escape back down to the planet? Will the power of love conquer all, even alien parasites? Or maybe just the power of old friends, dear, dear old friends! All this and whatever in this exciting episode of ST:TNGEEZ! Not Another Star Trek Podcast!!!~!!!

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    50 mins
  • ST:TNGeez: 4.17 "Night Terrors"
    Mar 22 2024

    When the Enterprise comes across a fellow Starfleet ship, the Brittian, and everyone onboard is murdered, it’s Picard and company’s job to figure out why they all went bananas before the bananas happen to them! Well to figure this death-conudrum out (DEATH-UNDRUM), Picard actually doesn’t do much, and Ri-dog neither. Luckily this high-falutin Galaxy-Class death trap comes with a robot because the Captain’s got to hand over the wheel. Seems the crew on the Brittain killed each other save one mumbling Betazed who’s the only one left alive (so this dude probably killed the last person -- right? They never talk about it!) It’s not only Data but Deanna Troi doing the heavy lifting on this one -- I mean look at the cleavage when she’s flying. Support your back counselor! --as she is the only one on the ship who can dream. But they ain’t dreams, honey -- they’re nightmares! The crew continues on a downward spiral as Bev and Diana take leadership roles while Picard gets his mind blown by a nightmare elevator accident and Riker gets snakes on his feet. Things ramp up when O'Brien becomes crankier than ever, and Whoopie pulls an automatic! Whoopie! Whoopie? At least this sister act get’s to fire an actual laser! Can Diana communicate with the dream ship on the other side of the space rip thing in time? Can Picard put his trust in his android pal, Data -- yes, yes he can. Can Data show us that he can run this Galaxy Class bitch all by himself?

    Even more available at: https://tngeez.com

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    50 mins
  • ST:TNGeez 4.16 "Galaxy's Child"
    Mar 7 2024

    The Enterprise D is playing host to a special guest. Why, it’s Leah Brahms, the engineer who created the engines that drive our favorite Galaxy Class vessel! Remember when Geordi created a hologram of her to help the ship escape a booby trap in the episode “Booby Trap”? Remember how cringey that got? Yeah, this is a whole lot worse as Geordi never bothered to delete his browser history. And while Geordi is in the midst of the Cringiest Moment of His Life, Jean-Luc is busy playing surrogate mom to a space pasta after he ignores Worf’s advice and ends up killing its mom. Smooth move, ExLax! Now a giant space kid is using the Enterprise as a Galaxy Class nipple! (Picard: That’s Captain ExLax, if you please!) Will Geordi be able to salvage his relationship with Leah and his reputation? Will Jean-Luc be able to wean the child off of his ship? Will Leah Brahms waste her whole visit in HR doing paperwork? Find out . . .

    Even more available at: https://tngeez.com

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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • ST:TNGeez 4.15: "First Contact"
    Feb 23 2024

    The Malcorian medical staff of Silka Medical Facility seem to have a problem. There’s an alien in disguise recuperating in one of their rooms! Rivas Jakara, the suspected alien, is suffering injuries inflicted in a riot, and while the hospital staff works diligently to cure him, the halls are rife with suspicion about his origin. Meanwhile, Chancellor Durken courageously attempts to weigh the challenges of attempting warp travel as advocated by Mirasta Yale with the extreme caution urged by Minister Krola. Tensions build when mysterious visitors from another world magically appear and offer to initiate what they call “first contact” between themselves and the Malcorians. The situation grows dire when the Chancellor learns about the alien hiding in their midst! Will Krola be able to protect the traditional values of his people? Will the Chancellor be able to resolve this crisis without angering the aliens from above? Will Mirasta Yale be held accountable for her treachery? Find out in this exciting episode of ST:TNGeez, Not Another Malcorian Podcast!

    Even more available at: https://tngeez.com

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    1 hr and 13 mins
  • ST:TNGeez 4.14: "Clues"
    Feb 9 2024

    Ya know what? I don’t trust Data. A talking robot who wants feelings? Creepy. Anyway, it’s time for an exciting new episode of ST:TNGeez . . .

    So the Enterprise is killing time having gotten whatever they do done early. These folks seem to have a serious amount of time on their hands, so they decide, “Hey, maybe this episode we should explore something.” Isn’t that in the opening and all? The Enterprise encounters an M Class planet with a handy dandy wormhole nearby that throws the crew and the ship for a loop, except Data. He seems fine and tells them they only lost 30 seconds. No big, right? Well it would be if it weren’t for Bev’s pesky moss. It seems to have grown much more than it should, and she feels compelled to tell Jean-Luc all about it. More discrepancies begin to make themselves known, and soon, the crew begin to give Data the eye as his explanations aren’t really adding up. Is it possible Data is . . . lying? Nah, Data can’t lie, right? Right? Let’s find out together in this mysterious new episode of ST:TNGeez . . .

    Even more available at: https://tngeez.com

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    1 hr and 12 mins
  • ST:TNGeez! Bonus! Space Seed with special guests Andrea and Shereese!
    Jan 26 2024

    It's the 100th episode of TNGeez! To celebrate, special guests Shereese and Andrea from "The TNG Podcast" and "Sci-Fi Sampler" join Dave and Andrew as they look back at "Space Seed, " an episode from the original series. The Enterprise stumbles across a ship floating in space sending out a signal in Morse Code and discovers that it’s filled with “sleepers,” people placed in suspended animation from the 20th century. One of the sleepers wakes up, a man with a commanding presence and really good hair. They take him aboard and try to question him while he recuperates, but he resists answering questions until the crew determine that he is Khan, a genetically enhanced warlord who fled earth with his followers at the end of the so-called Eugenics War. Kirk orders Khan be placed under guard. However, with help from the smitten historian Lt. Marla McGivers, Khan beams over to the sleeper ship and revives a handful of allies. Back on the Enterprise, he and his followers seize control. Khan then tortures Kirk in an attempt to persuade the command crew to join him in his conquest of the universe.

    Even more available at: https://tngeez.com

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    1 hr and 46 mins
  • ST:TNGeez 4.13:"Devil's Due"
    Jan 11 2024

    Red-flippin-alert as the Enterprise D receives yet another distress call. This time, it’s from a science station on Ventax II where the locals believe the world is coming to an end and are losing their shit. It seems the deal they made with the devil has come to term and she’s come to collect! Wait, did I say “she”? That’s right, baby! Ardra is her name, and she claims Ventax II and everything on or around it, including the Enterprise! Picard calls bullshit on that! In fact, he calls bullshit on the whole deal, especially on Ardra herself. Convinced she’s nothing more than a con artist, Picard is dedicated to sending this devil straight to Heck! He demands arbitration, and Ardra agrees, but she chooses Data as the arbitrator and Picard as her prize! Will Ardra best Picard with Data’s help? Will Geordi be able to figure out the secret to Ardra’s magic? Will Picard ever just say fuck it and sleep in the raw? Find out in this exciting episode of ST:TNGeez, Not Another Star Trek Podcast!

    Even more available at: https://tngeez.com

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    55 mins
  • ST:TNGeez! Bonus! Mirror, Mirror
    Dec 29 2023
    Dave and Andrew descend into the vaults to bring you one of their patented bonus episodes! This time, they go deeper than ever before to unearth their very first attempt at podcasting with a look at a classic episode of Star Trek, the original series, “Mirror, Mirror.” It all starts when Kirk, McCoy, Uhuru and Scott beam up in the middle of a storm and end up on an unfamiliar Enterprise where the Federation has been replaced by the Empire, a brutal regime dedicated to universal domination. Crew members carry sidearms and daggers on their sashes and are subject to ruthless discipline courtesy of the Agony Booth while jockeying for position and power. Supremely savage Spock sports a sassy goatee and exercises harsh punishment with violence and the fearsome Agonizer (the Empire is big on agony). Will Kirk and company be able to get back to their universe? Will the Federation’s Enterprise survive under the command of a savage Kirk? Will Dave and Andrew ever run out of these old recordings? Find out in this exciting episode of ST:TNGeez, Not Another Star Trek Podcast!

    Even more available at: https://tngeez.com

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    44 mins