• Space for Grace
    May 16 2023
    The Lord gives us “Space for Grace”. He offers us the space to grow, express, and simply be ourselves. He gives grace in all these and so much more. Grace is a free gift and He has promised us grace’s empowerment. You will find His grace authors perfection, empowers, blesses, and equips. As you listen to this podcast you find His grace is truly amazing.
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    25 mins
  • Salvation Never Ends
    Jul 25 2022
    As we look at salvation, we find that as the blessing of the Lord embraces our lives every moment of every day, “Salvation Never Ends”. Salvation is not just a one time event, it’s all the time! The word of God tells us that the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation. We find as we listen to this podcast in Luke 3:5-6, that the Lord tells us we will see His salvation and that His salvation declares ‘every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be brought low; and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough ways shall be made smooth.” The work of salvation is never ending, it is everyday, it is the power of God working on our behalf unto His promised blessing of all that salvation includes for us. We have His promise in Psalm 24:5 and 96:2, that we shall receive the blessing from the Lord, righteousness from the God of our salvation, and we shall shew forth his salvation from day to day. Be refreshed as you hear how, “Salvation Never Ends”.
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    28 mins
  • Regroup
    Jun 27 2022
    The definition for regroup means to rearrange something for the new. In Matthew 9:17, we find Jesus talking about new wine. He makes it clear that you don’t put new wine into old wine skins and reiterates the importance of new wine in new bottles so that they both are preserved. This podcast breaks down the meaning of this in a refreshing way and shares how new wine is symbolic of the Holy Spirit in association with the move of God. His move is bringing great harvest as He has transformed us into new wineskins. You will be refreshed to find how we can “Regroup” personally to experience the outpouring of His blessing as we move forward from the old to the new.
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    25 mins
  • Live Life!
    May 2 2022
    In Acts 2:28, the word tells us, “Thou hast made known to me the ways of life; thou shalt make me full of joy with thy countenance.” It is the purpose and promise of God that we can, “Live Life” to the fullest. His promise is that we have a life full of the blessing, a life full of goodness, a life full of the fullness of life, a life full of joy. He promises in John 10:10, that He has, “come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” Be refreshed as you listen to this podcast to see how life has been given, promised, and performed for us to experience His Life to the fullest. “Live Life”, it is yours to experience abundantly!
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    25 mins
  • Don’t Work At It So Hard
    Apr 18 2022
    In Ephesians 2:10, the word of God tells us that we are the workmanship of God in Christ Jesus unto good works. This podcast brings refreshing insight that it is not by your ability or your work that you achieve good works. Faith in what He has accomplished declares that we don’t have to struggle, strive, or work so hard at anything. We are in His good work, we are His workmanship, and we have the rest of God through faith by grace. As you listen to this podcast you can see that the place to live and have our being is the place where we “Don’t Work At It So Hard”.
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    18 mins
  • The New Has Come
    Apr 11 2022
    As we study Isaiah 43:18-19, we are encouraged and refreshed to know that His new is springing forth and we will know it. This podcast is meant to encourage celebration and refreshment in the resurrection of His new bringing restoration, renewal, and revival. We can experience the ability to leave things behind us and stretch forward. Philippians 4:13, tells us we can reach for the prize of His high calling. Proverbs 4:25, (ESV) declares, “Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you.” As we look forward to His promise, through His word, and embrace the resurrection of His new, we will experience in all certainty that, “The New Has Come”!
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    20 mins
  • Come & Dine
    Mar 28 2022
    In Psalm 23 we find that He prepares a table for us. In John 21 He is inviting the disciples to ”Come & Dine”. In Matthew 15 we find Jesus reaching out to a woman calling for faith to embrace Him as the Bread of Life. In this podcast you will be refreshed to find that He is inviting each and everyone of us to “Come & Dine”. It is His plan that we experience the blessing that He has set before us and that we enjoy the table that He has prepared. He has set a table that includes the very Bread of Life and it is His desire that we ‘Come & Dine’ with Him.
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    23 mins
  • Preserved & Kept
    Mar 22 2022
    The word preserved means to save and to safeguard. The Lord tells us He will preserve our going out and our coming in. This podcast will refresh your faith and encourage you to know what this means. As you listen and discover His word, you will see His promise that says, “The Lord bless thee and keep thee. The Lord make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee…”. We can rest knowing we are “Preserved & Kept”.
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    23 mins