
  • THE PERILS OF SPIRITUAL LAZINESS: Facts vs. Convictions.
    Jun 18 2024
    BIBLE STUDY| MIRACLES OF JESUS FOURTH MIRACLE OF JESUS pt.17| THE FEEDING OF 5,000 MEN WITH 5 LOAVES OF BREAD AND 2 FISHES| CHIMDI OHAHUNA. Mark 6:31-34. The journey of faith is often marked by a struggle between our limited human perception and the vastness of God's person and/ presence. We may feel God is passing us by, but the truth is, we are often slow to believe. This slowness stems from a lack of clarity, a blindness and deafness to the Word of God. Enlightened eyes are the key to unlocking the speed of belief. This enlightenment isn't a sudden flash of brilliance, but a gradual process of opening our hearts and minds to the Word of God. This awakening begins by recognizing the interconnectedness of our physical and spiritual selves. Our temperament, attitude, and character profoundly influence our spiritual life. Just as a lazy person might avoid physical exertion, they might also resist the work of spiritual growth. Quick understanding, however, is a gift of inner conviction. When we cultivate a spirit of open-heartedness and genuine curiosity, we become more receptive to the still voice of the Holy Spirit. This receptiveness allows us to grasp the meaning behind God's words with greater clarity. The Bible tells us that God speaks to us, but we must be sensitive to hear. Often, we dismiss God's messages, blinded by doubt and a need for external validation. Rechecking, skepticism, and analyzing God's word are natural steps in our journey, but they should not become roadblocks. Our physical senses, particularly our sight and hearing, were created to connect us with God. Unlike Andrew, the disciple who boldly followed Jesus, many believers hesitate to ask for fear of taking risks.They rely solely on external facts, which are ultimately limited and fallible. True faith, however, is an inner conviction that transcends external validation. It is a journey of the heart, led by the Holy Spirit, inviting us to step out in trust and embrace the unknown. This path of faith is not a passive one. It requires active engagement, a commitment to listening, and a willingness to open our hearts to the mysteries of the Divine. As we cultivate this openness, our eyes will begin to see, our ears will hear, and our hearts will finally believe. Do you struggle to believe what God says? Listen now and discover the following in this episode; - Slow belief hinders God's blessings, but enlightenment speeds it up. - Physical traits impact spirituality: a lazy nature hinders spiritual growth. - Quick understanding is a divine blessing fostered by inner convictions. - Seeing eyes and hearing ears were created for connection with God. - Fear of risk inhibits believers from asking for guidance. - True knowledge comes from within, not from external facts. Remember to share your feedback and questions with us, and if you find solace and strength in our podcast, please consider supporting us through our giving channels. Find all the details on our website. Now, let's cast our nets wide and begin this soul-nourishing journey together, right here on "the GRACELIFECOMI podcast." Any questions arising from this study can be submitted to chimdiohahunaministry@gmail.com, check our bio to know how to give your love offerings to the ministry. Jesus is Lord. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/gracelife-comi/message Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/gracelife-comi/support
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    55 mins
  • THE ANDREW FACTOR: Recognizing and Receiving the Grace Behind the Face.
    Jun 17 2024
    BIBLE STUDY| MIRACLES OF JESUS FOURTH MIRACLE OF JESUS pt.18| THE FEEDING OF 5,000 MEN WITH 5 LOAVES OF BREAD AND 2 FISHES| CHIMDI OHAHUNA. Mark 6:31-34. This study covers builds on the topic on Andrew's mentality the concept of revelation and its significance in our relationship with God. We explore the idea that God reveals Himself through men, a 'protocol' divinely established on earth. To fully comprehend and experience God, we must embrace the messengers He sends us. Andrew, a disciple of Jesus, exemplifies this principle when he humbly receives John the Baptist and subsequently encounters Jesus. The 'Andrew mentality' involves recognizing and accepting God's messengers, regardless of their popularity or external appearance. It is not about defining or describing messengers, but rather about receiving the grace they carry. God's grace transforms individuals, making them capable of delivering His message. Therefore, it is not the messenger's outward characteristics that determine their worthiness, but the grace at work within them. By adopting the Andrew mentality, we open ourselves to receiving God's revelation and guidance through those He chooses to send. We recognize that God's messengers are vessels of His grace, empowering them to connect us with the supernatural. Listen to this teaching to discover more on how God communicates through ordinary men, and why it's crucial to embrace the messengers He sends. Grace to you! Jesus is Lord. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/gracelife-comi/message Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/gracelife-comi/support
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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • THE POTTER'S HAND: The Unseen Beauty of Suffering in Christ.
    Jun 14 2024
    Embracing the Journey| Suffering for & with Christ| Discipleship |CHIMDI OHAHUNA This podcast series delves into the often-overlooked reality of suffering in the Christian life. Drawing from scripture, particularly Hebrews 5:8 (“Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered”.) and 1 Peter 5:10 (But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. ), we explore the significance of suffering as a path to obedience and growth in our relationship with God. We challenge the common misconception that the Church, birthed from the suffering Christ, should avoid suffering itself. Instead, we uncover how suffering, though temporary and ultimately light, plays a vital role in shaping us into mature, obedient sons and daughters of God. Through the lens of the potter and the clay, we examine the stages of transformation that come with suffering. Just as Jesus, the Son of God, learned obedience through suffering, so too do we. This journey helps us shed worldly desires, resist the temptations of the devil, and ultimately become more like Christ. Join us as we unpack the biblical understanding of suffering for and with Christ, offering encouragement and insight to navigate the trials of life and emerge stronger in our faith. In all our walk with God we are confident that the LORD would not put more on us than we can bear. Uncover the secrets of yielding to the Potter's hand, as He molds us into vessels of excellence fit for His service. Now listen to this episode and other teaching episodes of this series. Kindly share your feedback and questions with us, and if you find solace and strength in our podcast, please consider supporting us through our giving channels. Find all the details on our website. Now, let's cast our nets wide and begin this soul-nourishing journey together, right here on "the GRACELIFECOMI podcast." Any questions arising from this study can be submitted to chimdiohahunaministry@gmail.com, check our bio to know how to give your love offerings to the ministry. Grace to you! Jesus is Lord. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/gracelife-comi/message Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/gracelife-comi/support
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    1 hr
  • SEASONS OF SUFFERING: Understanding the Purpose of Suffering in the Christian Life.
    Jun 13 2024
    Embracing the Journey| Suffering for & with Christ| Discipleship |CHIMDI OHAHUNA This podcast series delves into the often-overlooked reality of suffering in the Christian life. Drawing from scripture, particularly Hebrews 5:8 (“Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered”.) and 1 Peter 5:10 (But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. ), we explore the significance of suffering as a path to obedience and growth in our relationship with God. We challenge the common misconception that the Church, birthed from the suffering Christ, should avoid suffering itself. Instead, we uncover how suffering, though temporary and ultimately light, plays a vital role in shaping us into mature, obedient sons and daughters of God. Through the lens of the potter and the clay, we examine the stages of transformation that come with suffering. Just as Jesus, the Son of God, learned obedience through suffering, so too do we. This journey helps us shed worldly desires, resist the temptations of the devil, and ultimately become more like Christ. Join us as we unpack the biblical understanding of suffering for and with Christ, offering encouragement and insight to navigate the trials of life and emerge stronger in our faith. In all our walk with God we are confident that the LORD would not put more on us than we can bear. Listen to this episode and other teaching episodes of this series. Kindly share your feedback and questions with us, and if you find solace and strength in our podcast, please consider supporting us through our giving channels. Find all the details on our website. Now, let's cast our nets wide and begin this soul-nourishing journey together, right here on "the GRACELIFECOMI podcast." Any questions arising from this study can be submitted to chimdiohahunaministry@gmail.com, check our bio to know how to give your love offerings to the ministry. Grace to you! Jesus is Lord. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/gracelife-comi/message Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/gracelife-comi/support
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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • IS CHANGE OF HEART ENOUGH? Understanding John's Baptism and Jesus' Sacrifice.
    Jun 10 2024
    DISCIPLESHIP COURSE| STUDY OF THE WORDS AND LIFE OF JESUS IN SYNOPTIC GOSPEL| UPGRADE| CHIMDI OHAHUNA. The Baptism of John the Baptist served as a symbolic act of repentance, signifying a turning away from sin. This baptism, however, was not the ultimate cleansing. It was a precursor, a 'schoolmaster' pointing towards the true source of forgiveness: the cleansing blood of Jesus. Without accepting the sacrifice of Jesus, repentance remains superficial, akin to a fleeting New Year's resolution. True salvation involves a profound transformation, not just of the heart, but of the entire life. This transformation is made possible by the power of Jesus' blood, which empowers us to change our minds and truly repent. By acknowledging and confessing Jesus as Lord, we receive the gift of salvation, allowing the power of His sacrifice to wash away our sins. This new life, this 'New Creation,' is motivated by a desire to reveal Christ in our actions. It is a repentance that seeks to reflect the holiness and love of God in the world. Only the blood of Jesus, the ultimate sacrifice, possesses the power to cleanse us from all sin, making John's baptism a symbol of an incomplete, preparatory step towards the full redemption found in Christ. Listen to this podcast to discover these and more via this study of the Words of Jesus according to the Book of Matthew Chapter 3. Jesus is Lord. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/gracelife-comi/message Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/gracelife-comi/support
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    39 mins
  • THE INTERPLAY OF BAPTISMS: Essential Washing for God's Purpose.
    Jun 6 2024
    DISCIPLESHIP COURSE| STUDY OF THE WORDS AND LIFE OF JESUS IN SYNOPTIC GOSPEL| UPGRADE| CHIMDI OHAHUNA. As one walks with God, he cannot remove "the Sea" from his transitions in destiny. Going through the Sea signifies the washing process every child of God would definitely pass through. A dipping and washing that is necessary for what God wants to do in or through us. Jesus is All-righteous but needed His obedience to be complete by fulfilling all righteousness. So, despite being All-righteous, Jesus obeyed God's will by submitting to baptism, fulfilling all righteousness. This act serves as an example for us, reminding us of the importance of humility and surrender in our relationship with God. This study reveals that the baptism of repentance performed by John the Baptist was a necessity for the baptism the Messiah, Christ Jesus, the baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire. It is vital we know this, the Father God has the perfect sight thus, He only sees and hears JESUS and not us. Even though the Father God doesn't see us as individuals, the testimony is that the New Creation have been accepted in the Beloved (Christ). This transformative truth empowers us to embrace our acceptance in Him, even when we may not fully understand our individual worth. Listen to this podcast to discover these and more via this study of the Words of Jesus according to the Book of Matthew Chapter 3. Jesus is Lord. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/gracelife-comi/message Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/gracelife-comi/support
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    41 mins
  • THE IMPACT OF HOLY SPIRIT REVIVAL: How Ordinary People Ignite Extraordinary Change.
    Jun 5 2024
    REVIVE US Series| Chimdi Ohahuna| A CALL FOR PERSONAL REVIVAL. The birth of the first revival, recorded in Acts 2, stands as a testament to God's desire to use ordinary people for extraordinary purposes. History reveals that God requires only a handful of willing individuals to ignite the flames of revival. God seeks not supermen, but those who make themselves available to His transformative power. This truth should instill within us unwavering belief that God can utilize us, regardless of our present circumstances, to advance His kingdom on earth. Whether our abilities seem meager or our lives marked by imperfections, we must embrace the conviction that God can mold and use us to transform nations for Christ. Have you ever wondered why God chooses ordinary people to do extraordinary things? In this podcast, we consider the essence of Revival as revealed in the Books of Hosea 6:1-2 and 2 Corinthians 5:21 providing insights into Revival. Revival is the “coming to life” while, Resurrection is coming out of the grave that is the appearance of coming to life. Therefore, Revival is what gives birth to Resurrection. In essence, revival serves as the catalyst for resurrection. Until we experience the quickening touch of God, we remain confined within the shadows of spiritual death and cannot come out of the grave. Traditionally, we have focused on the crucifixion on Good Friday and the resurrection on Easter Sunday, neglecting the vital significance of the second day. This day, the day of revival, represents the transformative power of the Holy Spirit, which breathes new life. Revival is a divine spark that ignites within ordinary hearts. By making ourselves available to God, we become agents of transformation, carrying the torch of the gospel and ushering in a season of unprecedented growth and renewal in our community and nation. Let us embrace the call for revival. Discover in this session, how God’s desire to use even the most imperfect individuals can spark flames of revival that transform nations. Looking deeply into the difference between revival and resurrection, and the crucial role of the Holy Spirit in breathing new life into dead hearts. Join us on this inspiring journey as we explore the power of making ourselves available to God’s transformative power. Whether you feel inadequate or burdened by your circumstances, We are called to proclaim the risen Christ by the Power of Holy Spirit. Revival empowers this proclamation, giving it weight and substance. When we are revived, we become living testimonies of the power of God. No obstacle can stand before us, for the weight of the tomb has been lifted. Hallelujah!! Listening to this podcast will reignite your belief that you too can be a vessel for God’s mighty hand in bringing revival to the world. Listen to the full session. Jesus is Lord. N.B: Translated in Fante, one of Ghana's languages spoken by the Akans in the Central Region. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/gracelife-comi/message Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/gracelife-comi/support
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    54 mins
  • Arise Beyond Church: The Need for and Impact of True Revival on Individuals and Communities.
    Jun 1 2024
    REVIVE US Series| Chimdi Ohahuna| A CALL FOR PERSONAL REVIVAL. This teaching episode reveals the urgent need for revival in our time, particularly in Ghana. Using biblical insights from Isaiah 60:1-3 and Matthew 5:16, we explore why God is calling for a spiritual awakening. As pillars in God's vineyard, we, as Christians, play a vital role in upholding His work. The absence of any pillar can weaken the structure and ultimately lead to collapse. Despite the presence of numerous churches, pastors, and Christian ministries, darkness continues to envelop the earth. The only remedy for this darkness is light. We discuss how the devil is relentlessly spreading darkness and why we, as followers of Christ, light of the world, must rise up and shine our light. We examine the reason behind God's cry for revival: to dispel the shadow of evil that threatens to consume our world. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we have the ability to turn our lives and our communities upside down for the glory of God. Join us as we explore the importance of revival, its implications for Ghana and the nations, and the transformative impact it can have on our lives and the world around us. This is a call to Arise! Listen to the full session. Jesus is Lord. N.B: Translated in Fante, one of Ghana's languages spoken by the Akans in the Central Region. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/gracelife-comi/message Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/gracelife-comi/support
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    45 mins