• Elle Embers on Deconstructing You - Millions for the Soul
    Jun 12 2024

    Elle Embers is a Soul Therapist & Energy Healer, certified in Past Life Regression, Cosmic Channeling, Theta Healing, Reiki & more.Elle helps Soul's just like you, shed what is no longer serving them, reignite the spark within their hearts & reclaim their inner power!
    Growing up with psychic & mediumship abilities in a world that was less than accepting, she is no stranger to repression, but now works to assist others in embracing their true & authentic selves. She is also the creator & host of the podcast ‘Cosmic Curiosities’, a sanctuary for cosmic explorers to come together to learn, grow, & evolve.


    Elle shares her profound journey of self-deconstruction and authenticity and bringing her gifts online, and how she consolidated her authenticity from a diverse religious background.

    Early Life and Masking Abilities:

    Growing up with psychic abilities in the '90s wasn't easy. Elle's parents urged her to keep her gifts hidden, leading to a life of repression and hiding behind a mask. The struggle intensified after her mother's passing, pushing Elle to confront her abilities.

    The Turning Point:

    Facing heightened grief and overwhelming spiritual encounters, Elle reached a breaking point. Unable to hide any longer, she embarked on a journey of self-discovery, shedding the mask and embracing her true self.

    Trial and Error in Authenticity:

    Elle navigated the unfamiliar territory of authenticity through trial and error, gradually finding what felt right. She emphasizes the importance of giving oneself permission to explore and seeking help from mentors during this process.

    Logical Mind vs. Spiritual Abilities:

    Despite her logical nature, Elle delved into her spiritual abilities, seeking validation through psychological assessments. Finding no medical issues, she embraced the notion that not everything has to make logical sense.

    Heart Connection and Authenticity:

    Elle beautifully distinguishes intellectual understanding of the heart from its emotional, energetic, and spiritual significance. Connecting with the heart, she believes, unveils the deeper purpose of existence and leads to a vibrant, authentic self.

    Authenticity and Manifestation:

    Elle asserts that authenticity is the key to manifesting one's desires. Living authentically unlocks doors, and the heart becomes the guiding force for a purposeful and dynamic life.

    Journeying into the Heart:

    The path to heart connection is described as a breakdown, a journey through rock bottom that ultimately brings relief and light. Elle shares her messy but transformative experience, emphasising the profound impact of connecting with one's heart.

    If you love what you’re listening to, make sure to subscribe to Deconstructing YOU.

    Connect with me for more insights to trigger your own personal rebellion and revolution to free yourself from the bondage and shackling of your mind:

    Instagram: @theelinormoshe
    LinkedIn: Elinor Moshe

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    50 mins
  • When Love Takes Over
    Jun 11 2024

    How could this podcast, an optional obligatory trip to Queensland, one past life regression, collapse the timelines of best friends to realize the truth beneath the surface. They've been in love with each other all along.

    I have the most special guest join Deconstructing You, and that is my twin flame, soul mate, best friend, partner, Daniel, to share his journey of awakening and healing, and how the past life regression became the most important and pivotal day for us both.

    Listen in for proof that love always wins, and magic can really happen, no matter how despondent the situation may feel.

    If you love what you're listening to, let's connect!

    I'm theelinormoshe on Instagram and Elinor Moshe on LinkedIn.

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    56 mins
  • The Hero Tribe on Deconstructing You - Becoming Your Own Hero
    Jun 8 2024

    The Hero Tribe's mission is to take people out of their ordinary world and send them on their personal hero's journey. We believe that everyone has the slumbering potential to be the hero of their life story and live their true nature.

    Founded by Camilla, Sascha and Joana, the Hero Tribe started with training camps in different locations in Europe and Asia and then grew into a worldwide community that accompanies people on their journey to a greater life.

    The origin of the Tribe are the different backgrounds of Sascha, Camilla and Joana.
    Sascha is a lifelong martial arts researcher, trained in temples and monasteries in Asia, and is co-founder of the Missing Link Martial Arts community and the Secret Elements Qi Gong system.

    Camilla came from a career in the 5-star hotel industry before deciding to go her own way and open a fitness and yoga studio in Vietnam, uniting the two worlds of business and wellbeing.
    Joana is the unusual blend of scientist & shamanic practitioner. After years of studying she realized how impactful, transformative and healing a shift from pain driven to soul & purpose driven motivation really is.

    In this episode:

    The Hero Tribe, Camilla and Sascha, discuss the hero's journey and its 12 steps. They emphasize the importance of stepping out of the status quo and answering the call to adventure. They highlight the role of mentors and the need to overcome challenges and face inner demons. They also discuss the rewards and elixirs gained from the journey and the process of integrating those changes into everyday life. The conversation explores the themes of the hero's journey, the symbolism of the dragon, the challenges of leaving behind the old and embracing the new, the importance of finding and connecting with a tribe, and the process of liberating oneself from societal expectations and personal limitations. The guests share personal experiences and insights, emphasizing the cyclical nature of the journey and the need for curiosity and self-reflection. They highlight the rewards and freedom that come from walking the path and embracing personal growth.

    What you'll discover:

    • The hero's journey is a transformative path that involves stepping out of the status quo and answering the call to adventure.
    • Mentors play a crucial role in guiding and supporting the hero on their journey.
    • Challenges and obstacles, represented by allies and enemies, help the hero grow and develop.
    • The hero must face their inner demons and make sacrifices in order to overcome the climax of their journey.
    • The rewards and elixirs gained from the journey lead to inner change and a new perspective on life.
    • Integrating the changes and lessons learned from the journey into everyday life can be a challenge, but it is essential for personal growth and fulfillment. The hero's journey is a cyclical process of personal growth and transformation.
    • The dragon symbolizes the wounded parts of ourselves that we must confront and integrate.
    • Leaving behind the old and embracing the new involves letting go of old identities and roles that no longer serve us.
    • Finding and connecting with a tribe or community is essential for support and growth.
    • Liberating oneself from societal expectations and personal limitations requires self-reflection and the willingness to explore and unravel one's own story.
    • Curiosity is a key quality for walking the path and experiencing personal freedom and fulfillment.

    Love what you're listening to?

    Let's connect on Instagram: @theelinormoshe and LinkedIn, Elinor Moshe, and share with me where you are in the hero's journey.

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    58 mins
  • The Fear of Letting You Go
    Jun 8 2024

    In this episode, I take a deep dive into the psychological intricacies that underpin the profound fear preventing many from deconstructing their identities. I explore how these fears are rooted in our need for stability and coherence in our self-concept, and how challenging this can lead to significant personal growth. Additionally, I examine the concept of the liminal state – that ambiguous space between identities – and discuss its transformative potential.

    Subscribe and Follow:

    • Subscribe to our podcast on Apple and Spotify!
    • Connect with me on social media: Elinor Moshe on LinkedIn and theelinormoshe on Instagram.
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    16 mins
  • Dr. Dolores Fazzino on Deconstructing You - Holistic Integration for Deeper Unveiling the Layers of Self
    Jun 1 2024

    Dr. Dolores Fazzino, a trailblazing thought leader, visionary, and innovator, is revolutionizing the realm of energy healing. As a renowned Nurse Practitioner, Medical Intuitive, and Energy Whisperer, she fearlessly combines the power of intuition and trust to facilitate profound transformations. Driven by a deep belief in the body's innate wisdom, she guides individuals on a transformative journey, empowering them to tap into their own healing potential. Prepare to be captivated by Dr. Fazzino's unique blend of intuition, energy healing expertise, and unwavering trust in the body's innate ability to heal itself.

    Tune in as Dr. Dolores Fazzino unravels the layers of self, offering practical wisdom and empowering insights for a transformative journey towards spiritual wellness. Embrace the present, tap into your inner power, and embark on a healing adventure with this eye-opening episode:

    Journey to Self-Discovery:

    • Dr. Dolores shares her lifelong journey, each experience a stepping stone to self-realization.

    • The transformative power of hindsight, recognizing the purpose in every challenging situation.

    The Power of the Present Moment:

    • Breaking free from societal conditioning that discourages the expression of emotions.

    • Understanding the richness of life by being present in the moment, grounded in the physical body.

    Spiritual Wellness for Life:

    • Dr. Dolores emphasizes tapping into inner power for healing.

    • Empowering individuals to take an active role in their well-being and navigate their healing journey.

    Energetic Realms and Timelines:

    • Exploring the concept that everything exists in the energetic realm before manifesting in the physical.

    • Time as a nonlinear construct, with past, present, and future converging in the present moment and what that means for your healing and why you just can’t get over things sometimes.

    Emotional Barometer:

    • Granting permission to feel and acknowledging emotions as essential expressions.

    • The importance of emotional awareness as an inner barometer guiding individuals through life.

    Healing Through Energy Integration:

    • Dr. Dolores delves into energy healing and integrative medicine beyond conventional perceptions.

    • Addressing the energetic roots of physical ailments and the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and spirit.

    The Wisdom of the Animal Kingdom:

    • Drawing parallels between human emotional expression and the intuitive, feeling-centric nature of animals.

    • Learning from the animal kingdom's ability to navigate diverse cultures and emotions authentically.

    Emotional Suppression and Physical Ailments:

    • A poignant example of the energetic manifestation of emotions in physical health, illustrated through Dr. Dolores' mother's journey.

    • Understanding the profound connection between emotional suppression and the development of physical ailments.

    Energy Healing Unveiled:

    • Dr. Dolores dispels misconceptions around energy healing, moving beyond stereotypes.

    • Integrative medicine as a holistic approach, acknowledging the energetic aspects of healing.

    The Gift of Self-Discovery:

    • Dr. Dolores reflects on the transformative gift of self-discovery, sharing personal and professional insights.

    • Encouraging listeners to embrace emotional authenticity as a pathway to holistic well-being.

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    54 mins
  • Love Has Entered The Chat
    Jun 1 2024

    When I started the healing journey, I wish I was told that all this work is to remove layers of deeply rooted fear.

    And all that would be left at the end is love.

    And from that point, your whole reality will change, after being stagnant for decades.

    In this episode, I share the magical chain of events that brought love to me, despite surrendering to the notion that it's just not going to happen for me, anytime soon.

    For pure hope and inspiration, play now, in deep faith that your reality CAN change in less than one year.

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    31 mins
  • Deborah LeBlanc on Deconstructing You - You Don't Exist if You Only Exist Through Others
    May 22 2024

    Hailing from Lafayette, Louisiana, Deborah LeBlanc is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, a Master NLP Practitioner, a Therapeutic Imagery Master and a Certified MER Practitioner. She has helped hundreds of individuals break free from debilitating, limited beliefs, allowing them to experience success, joy and realize fuller and happier lives. Deborah is also an international, transformational speaker, and the author of 16 novels and 9 non-fiction titles.

    Deborah’s prior years were spent knee-deep in the corporate world, starting in the oil and gas industries, then on to fuel transportation. It was there that she earned the opportunity to become the first female executive vice president in transportation in the United States.

    Opportunity struck yet again a few years later, this one presenting an even bigger challenge. Starting her own fuel logistics company when nothing like it existed in the world prior to her creation. Amidst all the naysayers who seemingly did everything in their power to deter her from this new course, Deborah pushed on. And within a matter of two years, her company went from zero dollars in revenue to over two million dollars in sales. She continued to push on year after year, and the company, along with the team she built with it, grew exponentially. Twenty-four years later, Deborah sold the company to pursue a lifelong dream, one she’d had since childhood---creating an avenue that would bring hope to as many people as she could reach around the world.

    And that dream has taken root and grown. Deborah’s passion, enthusiasm and motivating style has awarded her the opportunity to speak at conferences and hold workshops around the world. She also founded Literacy Inc., a non-profit organization dedicated to fighting illiteracy in America’s teens and is the best-selling author of sixteen novels.

    Without question, wherever Deborah goes, she travels to deliver one basic message—a message of hope…then commits to turning that hope into reality.

    To find out more, visit https://mindpaththerapies.com

    This conversation provides a raw and poignant exploration of resilience, self-discovery, and the transformative power of tragedy. You are invited to reflect on your own paths, question societal expectations, and find inspiration in Deborah's journey from profound loss to a reinvented, empowered self. The interview is a testament to the human spirit's capacity for growth and healing, offering hope and encouragement to those navigating their own challenges.

    Here’s what you’ll discover:

    Reinvention and Transformation

    • The conversation delves into Deborah's remarkable journey of self-reinvention, navigating through three distinct phases of her life.

    • The triggers for these transformations include childhood abuse, a narcissistic ex, and the profound loss of family members.

    Coping with Overwhelming Loss

    • Deborah shares the heartbreaking sequence of events, from the death of her granddaughter to the loss of her daughters, brother, and father within a short span.

    • The impact of these losses on her identity, self-worth, and the profound grief that ensued.

    The Struggle for Identity

    • Early in life, Deborah found herself in a role beyond her years, taking on adult responsibilities due to her family circumstances.

    • The struggle to establish a personal identity separate from the roles she played for others.

    Breaking Free from Expectations

    • The discussion explores the societal expectations and roles that individuals often find themselves in, shaping their lives based on external pressures.

    • The importance of breaking free from these expectations to define one's own path.

    Awakening to Self-Discovery

    • A crucial theme revolves around the period when Deborah, amidst profound loss, faced the daunting question of self-identity.

    • The transformative journey of discovering oneself beyond the roles played for others.

    Enabling and Learning to Be Quiet

    • Deborah reflects on her role as an enabler in her family dynamics and the profound loneliness that ensued when faced with her own silence.

    • The significance of quiet introspection in hearing one's true self and finding inner peace.

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    57 mins
  • Fiona Robertson on Deconstructing You - Your Human is Getting in the Way
    May 22 2024

    Fiona Robertson believes everyone is talented, intuitive, and receiving signs from their soul that they can trust, which propel them forward and should never be wasted.

    The signs and messages can be nurtured, valued, and encouraged to reach the parts of you that no coach, action, or strategy has ever reached before, revealing your fullest potential.

    Fiona Robertson, as a Soul and Intuitive coach, helps spiritual women to see their soul, speak the same language, and embrace their soul-led life and business as the most powerful super strength. She enables them to play a bigger game in life and business, never settle for mediocrity, and feel confident at the leading edge, moving forward with grace and ease.

    When a loud voice asked her if she still wanted to be doing the same thing in 5 years, she answered no! It was insistent that she understood, and from that, she sold everything in the UK and followed her intuitive guidance. She traveled the world and arrived in France with no job, no language skill, a month-old baby to support, and a house. She absolutely had to follow her intuition.

    She was guided to create the Home Detox Box, which catapulted her intuitive ability. She channeled The Dragon Cards, ran soul activation and union retreats in SW France, wrote books about soul intervention, gave business readings, and so much more, all because of her relationship with her soul. She teaches others to have the same phenomenal trust in their soul guidance.

    For over 20 years, she has been consciously following this current intuitive guided path in business and life, which has put together the most important synchronicities that have brought her to see and know that we have magic and are guided by Soul as well as Dragons. She knew from very early on that her quest was bigger than herself and she was heading in a direction to do something exceedingly significant. She could feel it scratching away at her for years, decades.

    This podcast episode is a cosmic voyage—a tale of awakening, transformation, and the perpetual dance between the human experience and the soul's kaleidoscopic guidance.

    What you’ll discover:

    The Awakening Blast

    • Fiona takes us on a wild ride as a thunderous voice disrupts her night, catapulting her into a realm of self-reflection.

    • This cosmic wake-up call triggers a seismic shift, urging Fiona to rethink her life's trajectory.

    The Tapestry Unfurls

    • Fiona spills the beans on her journey post-awakening, navigating internal turbulence and juggling life changes.

    • Life coaching emerges as a magical elixir, transforming Fiona's reality and opening portals to unforeseen adventures.

    Conquering French Uncertainty

    • Fiona narrates the daring leap to France, sans job, language, or a concrete plan—her own odyssey filled with bold strokes.

    • Watch the magic unfold as Fiona manifests her ideal life, mirroring visions from a past "perfect day."

    Body Work

    • Fiona morphs into the Body Whisperer, tuning into others' struggles during detox sessions and deciphering the mind-body symphony.

    • Her journey transforms into a cosmic ballet, guiding others through their crossroads with profound body-mind insights.

    Shedding Identities

    • Join Fiona in a rollercoaster of shedding past identities, resisting change, and surrendering to life’s synchronicities and soul-led guidance.

    • Automatic writing becomes the enchanted quill scripting Fiona's life, an inner compass steering towards her highest potential.

    The Cosmic Dance: Human vs. Higher Self

    • Fiona uncovers the cosmic tango between her human and higher self, revealing moments of disconnect and whimsical reunion.

    • Dive into the intricate choreography of authenticity, intuition, and discernment in navigating the cosmic influences within and beyond.

    Embracing the Soul-Led Symphony

    • Marvel at the tapestry of self-awareness as Fiona stresses the importance of self-discovery in deciphering cosmic melodies.

    • Fiona's journey unfolds as a perpetual dance, a vibrant carnival of human experiences entwined with the kaleidoscopic hues of the soul.

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    49 mins