
  • Faith, Films and Physical Therapy: Moving Lives
    May 31 2024

    Ever stopped to consider how movies can shape your life? Imagine the journey of two aspiring physical therapists, Allen and Holly, who found inspiration in their favorite films. Guided by experiences at an IV rehab center and lessons learned far beyond the confines of a textbook, they take us through their unique paths, discussing the challenges they face and their dreams for the future.

    Our conversation takes an uplifting turn, exploring the miraculous healing power that faith can bestow on patients. As physical therapists, faith has been our motivation, continuously fueling our drive to assist in recovery. We delve into the impact of spirituality in our line of work, the miracles we've been part of and how physical therapy remains beneficial to all, irrespective of their beliefs. We also have an interesting chat with an ambitious PT student eager to share their dreams and aspirations. Get ready to be inspired and gain an intriguing peek into the world of physical therapy. It's not just about movement; it's about moving lives.

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    17 mins
  • Transforming Obstacles into Opportunities within the Church
    Apr 30 2024

    Overcoming obstacles may seem like a daunting task, especially when you live with a disability. But, what if it's your calling to serve God, and you don't know how or where to start? This episode is about just that – exploring the ways you can turn your challenges into your strengths and serve in your own unique way, regardless of societal stereotypes. You are not alone in this. Hear personal stories of resilience and determination, learn about the power of a supportive community, and discover how you can rise above negativity.

    In the digital era, online church communities are becoming an increasingly important resource. This episode takes you on a journey through these virtual spaces, highlighting their potential and showcasing how they can become a sanctuary for you. Get insights of an online church and learn the value of staying open-minded and receptive. And remember, it's okay not to resonate with everything, what matters most is finding a space where you can be truly yourself. Although this episode concludes our series, we promise more intriguing conversations in the future, including an exciting guest next month.

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    8 mins
  • Empowering Voices within the Disability Community
    Mar 31 2024

    Who amongst us hasn't felt the pang of exclusion at some point, the discomfort of being left out? Now, imagine that isolation amplified for individuals with disabilities. This episode of our podcast is a heartfelt exploration into a topic of profound significance - the inclusion and uplifting of individuals with disabilities in church and religious communities. We delve deep into this subject, shedding light on ways to not just make these individuals feel included, but genuinely welcome and cherished for their unique experiences and perspectives.

    Ever thought of disability as a divine gift? It's time we all did. We passionately discuss the crucial role of faith and how it's important to focus not on what they can't do, but on what they can. We argue that God has a purpose for everyone, regardless of their physical condition or limitations. Advocating for giving people with disabilities a voice, we brainstorm on creating an inclusive environment that celebrates them for who they are. Listen in, as we share our thoughts on making a significant impact and showing the world the power of inclusivity and acceptance.

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    9 mins
  • Rewarding Journey of Being a Physical Therapist and the Benefits of CP with Zoe
    Feb 29 2024

    Ever wonder how physical therapists motivate their patients through challenging recovery journeys? Join me and my friend Zoe, a passionate physical therapist, as we navigate this intriguing topic. With her unique insights, Zoe pulls back the curtain on her profession, revealing the rewarding and challenging aspects of physical therapy. Listen in as we discuss the power of setting small, achievable goals, which can culminate in larger victories for her patients.

    In our conversation, Zoe doesn't just touch on her professional life; she also opens up about her personal interests outside work. But what really stands out is her journey as a physical therapist. From her educational experiences to her rotations, Zoe shares how she discovered which setting was right for her. Don't miss out on our exploration of the dynamics of hospital and outpatient care, long-term benefits of therapy, and Zoe's strategies for dealing with unmotivated patients. This episode is a must-listen for anyone wanting an in-depth understanding of the physical therapy world. Come for the professional insights, stay for the personal stories, and leave with a fresh perspective on patient motivation and learning.

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    20 mins
  • Serving His Mission Despite Disabilities
    Jan 31 2024

    Ever wondered how God uses our individual struggles and weaknesses for His glory? Uncover this mystery as we journey through the Bible, exploring stories of people with disabilities whom God used to accomplish his mission. We examine the lives of Moses, Jeremiah, and Paul, probing passages like Exodus 4, 10-12, Lamentations 3, 17-20, and 2nd Corinthians 12, 8-9. This episode offers a refreshing perspective on how God's strength shines through human weaknesses, and how His chosen ones became instruments of change, despite their challenges.

    In this compelling discussion, we reveal the heartening truth that no matter our personal struggles, we can still make a significant impact. By sharing our own experiences interwoven with biblical narratives, we encourage you to find strength in your weaknesses and let your unique experiences serve as a beacon for others. Stay tuned for part three next month, and live strong, live free, and live a swaggy life! If this episode has resonated with you, please rate and review it, and remember to download.

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    8 mins
  • Exploring Disability through a Biblical Lens
    Dec 31 2023

    Picture this - standing on a stage, under the spotlight, a crowd waiting for your words, but you have a speech issue. I was this person, and believe it or not, it was an empowering moment for me. It was the moment when I realized that God uses our perceived disabilities as tools to magnify His glory. It's not about the big, unchangeable facts of our lives, but the small blessings that come our way. It's about how God uses our unique circumstances to reach out to others, even when we're struggling.

    The Bible, often misunderstood, speaks to disability in such a profound way. It may seem offensive to some, but when looked at closely, it is brimming with love and support for those dealing with challenges. It encourages us to remain joyful, confident, and reassured in God's unwavering presence. More so, it urges us to extend this love to others, uplifting each other in times of need. Tune in to this episode for an eye-opening exploration of disability from a biblical perspective. You'll be inspired to see beyond your limitations, share God's love, and find strength in the most unexpected places.

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    12 mins
  • Episode 9
    Nov 1 2023

    This is the final episode of marriage and dating with Ben, Remember we are not experts. I hope you all have enjoyed this series.

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    14 mins
  • Episode 8
    Oct 1 2023

    PART 2 of dating and marriage with Ben. Remember we are not experts just two men giving their opinion.

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    14 mins