• Redefining The Narrative Around Menopause
    Apr 30 2024

    We're joined by Hannah Charman, who is a natural menopause specialist for menopause after cancer and more. As a consultant medical herbalist and hypnotherapist, Hannah helps women to navigate the menopause without HRT with herbal remedies for the menopause.

    She shares her wealth of experience and knowledge with us and offers a different perspective on how we can view the menopause, almost as a ritual which should recognise the challenge of it, and then the reward afterwards when you emerge wiser and stronger. Hannah points out that in the past we needed women elders in the tribe to look after children, to teach and to pass on natural wisdom. There should be more positive messages about menopause, so that we understand, it's a transition and one that might not be comfortable but that absolutely serves a purpose so that we feel empowered not fearful.

    We touch on the individual roles of our hormones which is absolutely fascinating and we discuss in more detail how she supports her clients with her work. She shares that she also works with many women who are going through the menopause early due to cancer treatments and how the herbal remedies offer a safe alternative to HRT.

    If you would like to connect with Hannah or take advantage of her free Menopause Toolkit, you can visit her website: https://physichealth.uk or find her on Instagram: @physichealthconsulting.

    You can follow us on Instagram: instagram.com/whispers_of_the_soul_podcast and/or Fb: facebook.com/whispersofthesoul.

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    55 mins
  • Spiritual Awakening and the Ascension Process
    Apr 23 2024

    Emma Sullivan from Empowered Holistics joins us to share her spiritual awakening experiences and her passion to help people take control of their own health and understanding how to take care of their own energy without relying on pharmaceuticals.

    Emma has a wealth of experience in various holistic modalities including Hypnotherapy, NLP Coaching, Timeline Therapy, Reiki and she's been reading Tarot for the last 20 years too. She talks about how brutal spiritual awakenings can be - they are not all rainbows and unicorns, but the uncomfortableness can lead to break throughs! Trust and surrender are key as we are letting go of things that no longer serve us, in order to make room for the new.

    We talk about the blurred lines between mental illnesses and spiritual awakenings; perhaps in some cases we may not be depressed or chemically imbalanced, but in fact our energy and frequency are changing. It is so important to have the right people around you at these moments of crisis, who may be able to point you in a direction of healing which traditionally may not have been available. As Emma points out, not everything is spiritual but also not everything is mental. Often if we can look inside, we have the power to heal ourselves or find the answers.

    You can find out more about Emma here: www.emma-sullivan.com, on Facebook as Empowered Holistics, or by attending one of her local workshops or her regular Circle, which she runs in her home county of Dorset.

    You can connect with us on Instagram: instagram.com/whispers_of_the_soul_podcast and Fb: facebook.com/whispersofthesoul.

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    52 mins
  • Angels and the universal flow
    Mar 12 2024

    We are joined by the lovely Anne Huckerby, who shares her story of how she discovered holistic therapies and subsequently trained in them after going through two spinal operations which left her with chronic pain. Anne now trains others in many healing modalities as well as offering 1:1 sessions and more recently trained as a Qi Gong session leader.

    During our conversation we chat about how the Universe puts people in our path and Anne describes how divine timing led her to pursue training in the Five Awakenings which uses colour and vibrational energy to rapidly shift trauma.

    We also talk about how more and more people are coming forward to share their own experiences with Angels or rather Angelic energy, be it peace, grace or love. Anne tells us, it’s not about being able to see Angels, rather the feeling of knowing that they are there. Anne shares a moment where she believes Angels intervened and prevented her from being involved in a car crash! She believes Angels are there constantly to help us in our everyday lives, and in particular we must talk to our Guardian Angels and ask them for proof that they are there as well as guidance. Asking for a specific sign can turn a non-believer into a believer!

    Lastly we touch on Qi Gong and how it's all about the flow of energy around the body and how Anne is bringing this into her community.

    You can find out more about Anne’s training courses or healing treatments on LinkedIn or on Facebook at Freedom Therapies and Workshops.

    You can follow us on Instagram: instagram.com/whispers_of_the_soul_podcast or Fb: facebook.com/whispersofthesoul.

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    35 mins
  • Stewarding the Land and Preserving its Beauty
    Mar 5 2024

    In this episode we chat to Tamsin Loxley, who co-runs a design consultancy in London and a land-based project called Trill on the Hill in Devon. She talks about Trill on the Hill being a rugged and natural landscape used for learning, sharing and connecting - running her family camps, where young and old get together for wild camping as well as a base for her all-natural skincare products.

    Tamsin shares the importance of stewarding a wild place, which is something human beings can be so good at – and have been in the past. Just sitting in nature reminds us that humanity is not, as we sometimes think, separate from Mother Earth but a part of it with an important role to play. if we have our own patch that we can make decisions on and impact its growth and preservation we can help to facilitate what is best for Nature. We talk about preserving land for the future as well as preserving its history.

    To find out more about the wonderful Trill on the Hill Family Camps, use Instagram @trillonthehill, or visit www.trillonthehill.co.uk. If you would like to view some of Tamsin’s work inspired by the land at Trill, you can find her on Instagram: @tamsinloxley.

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    38 mins
  • Creating Confidence with Style!
    Feb 27 2024

    Our lovely guest Suzanne Suthers, a stylist and professional colour analyst joins us for this episode where we explore the role of style in how we dress and present ourselves to the world. Suzanne spent several years in fashion retail but realised that she wanted to help clients further, so she trained to be a stylist with a leading image consultancy. For the last 16 years, she has been enjoying helping clients to discover and fine tune their own style to enable them to look and feel fabulous and confident whilst remaining comfortable and authentic.

    She explains her passion is helping women over 50 who are facing changes in their bodies to look and feel good about themselves again. So we were super lucky to receive some expert advice on how to brighten up our wardrobes to lift our mood, become more visible and feel confident.

    We learn how we all have at least 30 colours that suit us best individually, our skin tone, eyes and even our hair. In our colour palettes, we can put together a capsule wardrobe and it even spreads to make up and glasses! Suzanne tells us at least 10 colours will give you the wow factor and these can really make you feel special.

    Suzanne loves watching her clients leave a session feeling more confident and with greater clothing options and knowledge on how to work with what suits you best for that extra sparkle. She shares such an interesting insight, that in near death experiences, people often see themselves as beings made of light – so she says we are definitely not here to dampen ourselves down with dull colours - but to shine!

    Suzanne loves to remind people that they can express their true selves whatever age they are. Her energy as a stylist is nurturing and comforting for clients who are having a bit of an identity crisis with regards to their image, so is able to work really well with clients that feel vulnerable about their bodies. And on that note - we talk about body shape and how we can learn to accept ourselves even in the face of our insecurities - which lets face it, we all have to differing degrees. And find out that Sibby has a heart-shaped face whilst Sally is oval. Well, there you go - we won’t get into the pears and apples!

    If you would like some expert advice on how to express your authentic self through your image, you can connect with Suzanne at www.suzannesuthers.com, or find her on Instagram: @suzannesuthersstyling or on LinkedIn.

    You can follow us for more content and updates on Instagram: instagram.com/whispers_of_the_soul_podcast and/or Facebook: facebook.com/whispersofthesoul.

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    40 mins
  • Master The Basics Of Manifesting
    Feb 13 2024

    We chat with the wonderful Jackie Frith, who is passionate about guiding women through the fundamentals of manifesting. With straightforward, step by step strategies, Jackie empowers people to move from feeling lost at the beginning of their manifesting journey to becoming super confident and clear about their direction. Jackie shares with us during this episode, how she first had a taste of a spiritual awakening back in 2004, following a car accident where despite writing the car off, Jackie was left completely unharmed. This was the start of her journey into the Law of Attraction, Angels and working with Spirit.

    From non-believer to teacher Jackie now uses her skills and experiences to help others with her soul-based work and believes what we think is what we bring into our lives. Jackie identifies the importance of focusing on how you want to feel and not the material things – it's about manifesting the life you want to lead, rather than the material elements.

    We discuss divine timing, and how things arrive when they are meant to. Jackie believes that one of her own life lessons is to learn patience and to let go of lack – because lack is a low vibration and prevents manifesting. She reminds us that we are always manifesting and that we will always experience challenges: it's how we deal with those challenges that matters. Sometimes there is a reason behind the challenge that we cannot see. Jackie speaks of the sub-conscious mind and how it is in charge 95% of the time. It’s about working with the sub-conscious to change our limiting beliefs.

    Jackie reminds us that it can be challenging to change our thoughts, and it may not happen overnight. We are looking at changing long-term beliefs, which could be from childhood, or generational or even ancestral. She shares her views about Source energy and our higher self – that we are all God and co-creators of our lives, and God is within us. The more we connect to that part of us, the more chance we can heal.

    To find out more about Jackie, visit her website www.jackiefrith.com where you can join her new Divine Manifesters Circle and get hold of her free ‘8 Step Process for Manifesting’.

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    46 mins
  • From Burnout To Balance
    Feb 6 2024

    Erin Kirby joins us to talk about the whispers of her soul that took her from working as a paralegal to studying Reiki and other energy modalities to help herself and eventually others feel empowered and transmute energy to avoid burnout.

    Erin also shares a dramatic spiritual experience she had one evening on her way to a Reiki treatment. She noticed that, the streetlights began to turn off as she passed them, as did lights in the buildings and the Christmas lights! She later discovered it was she herself making that happen: the energy from her emotions was causing a ‘brown out’ as she describes it, not quite a black out! She noticed other instances where crystals would spin when she got near to them and payment systems wouldn’t work. Most of the time in the spiritual world, we put this phenomena down to spirits and don’t appreciate our own energetic signature - especially when we are dealing with or carrying unprocessed powerful emotions.

    Erin also shares her favourite crystals to work with as an Empath and energy sensitive and how EFT changed her life for the better!

    To find out more and connect with Erin you can visit her LinkedIn profile.

    For more podcast info, updates and videos, you can follow us on Instagram: instagram.com/whispers_of_the_soul_podcast and/or Facebook: facebook.com/whispersofthesoul.

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    34 mins
  • Light Language, Starseeds and the Galactics
    Jan 30 2024

    The wonderful Riya Loveguard nicknamed ‘a galactic linguist’ joins us for this episode to talk about light language, what it is and how she started to explore this modality of galactic sound technology and help to activate this ability in others.

    Riya regularly gives transmissions on her social medial platforms to encompass powerful and expansive galactic frequencies that holistically unleash your full divine potential and empower you to navigate this 3D reality and the ascension process as we head towards 5D consciousness.

    Riya shares the beginnings of her own journey out of the spiritual closet. After doing some self-healing and awareness work, including meditation and mindfulness, she found herself being contacted by the Arcturians and was open to this communication. She has been channeling light language ever since for over 15 years now, including Andromedan, Arcturian, Lyran, Avian and Feline, Sirian and Pleiadian as well as languages of ancient civilisations such as Lemuria and Atlantis.

    Riya shares with us more about the galactics who are acting as guides – they don’t come uninvited, and they don’t intervene with free will. She says we must open our minds to this vast Universe – there is so much more to be discovered. The galactics are helping us to find our way home as more of us are making connections with our past/parallel lives perhaps as galactics ourselves which is why some of us identify as Starseeds.

    We talk about this and so much more including energy work, frequencies, consciousness and sound with a live demonstration from Riya channeling several light languages for you to experience.

    To find out more about Riya you can visit her website: www.riyaloveguard.com or find her on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn amongst other platforms.

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    1 hr