May 8 2024

    Ever found something unexpected left behind by someone else? My recent discovery of an abandoned car on a property sparked an intriguing conversation with our expert guest about the surprisingly complex world of abandoned goods laws in Sydney. Strap in for a whirlwind tour through the legal labyrinth of property management, as we discuss what steps a landlord must take when tenants leave their belongings behind. From securing an abandoned goods order from NCAT to the meticulous documentation needed to reach out to former tenants, this episode offers a comprehensive guide for navigating these often murky waters. Plus, you won't want to miss the personal tale that brought this topic right to my doorstep!

    As we sift through the aftermath of tenant departures, our guest and I also lift the lid on a hidden societal issue: the snowball effect of neighborhood waste disposal. Ever noticed how one bulky item on the curb seems to invite a whole street's worth of junk? We tackle this psychological phenomenon and its impact on community dumping habits, offering a fresh take on a topic that's rarely discussed but widely experienced. Wrapping things up with a dose of gratitude for my guest's legendary insights, we leave you with something to ponder about the items we leave behind, both tangible and environmental. Plus, a cheeky nod to the day's unpredictable weather to keep things breezy – it's just how we roll here on the podcast.

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    12 mins
    May 8 2024

    Navigating the treacherous waters of property transactions, we uncover how the right solicitor can be your lifeboat or the iceberg that sinks your deal. Join us, Mark Novak with my vast Sydney real estate experience, alongside Zanthany Borula, as we navigate the legal labyrinth of buying and selling properties. We share war stories of deals nearly capsized by substandard legal counsel and dissect the critical role that astute, detail-oriented solicitors play in steering transactions to safe shores. Our anecdotes serve as a beacon, guiding you away from the siren song of cut-rate services and towards the value of exceptional representation that can make all the difference in sailing smoothly through a property purchase or sale.

    This episode also turns the spotlight on the power of clear, effective communication in the volatile seas of real estate deals. Misunderstandings and poor dialogue among professionals can provoke negotiation storms that threaten to derail your property dreams. We stress the significance of meticulous research when selecting your crew, from conveyancers to mortgage brokers, ensuring you have the most responsive, capable hands on deck. And while it might seem off the chart, we acknowledge the rare yet poignant issue of ego clashes in negotiations—akin to a modern-day cockfight that can ruffle feathers and disrupt deals. Tune in for an enlightening voyage where we chart the course to successful property transactions through the art of collaboration with top-tier professionals and clear, concise communication.

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    12 mins
    May 7 2024

    Curious why your wallet feels different lately? It might be the rollercoaster ride of interest rates we're all strapped into. Step right up and listen as we, the ringleaders of finance chatter, along with our esteemed guest Trish White, dissect the latest trends in interest rates that have everyone talking. We're peeling back the layers of the economy's current state, examining the influence of tax changes, wage growth, and the ever-persistent inflation on the future of our finances. Grab a seat and join us for a conversation that promises to elevate your economic savvy and offer insights into the whispers and wonders of what's really going on with those pesky rates.

    Let's face it, interest rates aren't just numbers—they're the heartbeat of our economic health. As we navigate the choppy waters of the financial landscape, we reveal a surprising statistic: a significant slice of Australians are riding this tide without a mortgage. How does this affect the broader picture? Engage with us as we share a multitude of perspectives on this complex matter, inviting you to contribute your own predictions. With Trish's invaluable expertise, our latest episode serves up a hefty dose of reality mixed with our trademark banter. You're in for a session that's as enlightening as it is entertaining – an economic analysis that's anything but dry.

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    11 mins
    May 6 2024

    Unlock the secrets to a flawless property purchase with our in-depth guide to the real estate offer process. We escort you from the euphoria of an accepted bid to the grand finale of settlement day, demystifying each step to arm you with the confidence of a real estate mogul. Discover the art of crafting an irresistible offer and learn why a sizable deposit might just be your golden ticket. In this episode, Bidhan joins us, bringing a wealth of insider knowledge on settlement terms and the pivotal six-week countdown with the banks—information so compelling it just might transform the way you approach property acquisition.

    The path to property settlement is paved with critical last-minute details, and we're here to illuminate every twist and turn. We reveal the importance of the pre-settlement inspection, how to navigate any surprises that arise, and celebrate the excitement of finally holding the keys to your new domain. From ensuring smooth communication with your bank and solicitor to the thrill of crossing your new threshold, our conversation is packed with actionable advice. And remember, our commitment to your real estate success extends far beyond the airwaves; we're standing by, ready to support you as you embark on this exhilarating journey. Stay tuned for next Monday's episode, where the real estate revelations continue!

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    18 mins
    May 6 2024

    Unlock the secrets of property negotiation with the unparalleled expertise of Mark Novak, who brings a staggering 32 years of real estate wisdom to the table. We're giving you the insider's guide to crafting winning offers, whether you're looking to settle down or secure an investment. Mark dishes out invaluable strategies for buyers and renters alike, emphasizing the power of making multiple offers and the critical role of data in every decision. He peels back the curtain on the not-so-talked-about regulatory frameworks agents abide by, providing you with the tools to make informed, savvy offers that stand out in a crowded market.

    As the conversation heats up, we waltz through the strategic interplay of initial pricing and the vital feedback loop that is the real estate market, all while keeping our ear to the ground for the pulse of direct human connections. I share tales from the trenches on how confidence in pricing can vary by suburb and the realities of market adjustments when ambitions meet actual buyer interest. In a nod to the season, we also sprinkle in festive joy and local cheers, rounding out a session that's as much about the heart as it is about the smart. So, tune in and turn your holiday season into a celebration of new beginnings and smart investments, with the guidance of a true industry maestro.

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    14 mins
  • Rich Harvey - Unpacking the Northern Beaches with Incredible Agents - Special Guests: Mark and Lisa Novak – Novak Properties
    May 3 2024

    Step into the sun-kissed world of Sydney's Northern Beaches with the dynamic duo Lisa and Mark Novak, whose expertise in real estate is as deep as the ocean they live by. Unveil the mysteries and opportunities within this prestigious market, as we chat about everything from sleeper suburbs brimming with investment potential to navigating the tides of buying and selling property. This episode promises a trove of insights and strategies, not just for snagging your slice of coastal paradise but also for understanding the intricate dance between market sentiment and economic influences like interest rates and construction costs.

    With the Novaks' vibrant energy guiding us through tales of personal growth and sage advice, you'll appreciate the authenticity that underpins not just their success but the entire real estate industry. We celebrate the nuances of fostering strong client relationships and reveal the kind of customer service that leaves an indelible mark. Lisa and Mark's journey, peppered with anecdotes from their trailblazing career, illustrates the impact of decisions and underscores the importance of conviction in paving your own property path.

    Join us as we navigate the lush landscape of the Northern Beaches property market, pinpointing undervalued suburbs poised for growth, and demystifying the complexities of market trends. Listen closely as we dissect the dynamics between real estate agents and buyers' agents, and the value that both bring to the table. Whether you're a seasoned investor or taking your first plunge into the property pool, this conversation with Lisa and Mark Novak is your compass to charting a course through the exciting and ever-evolving world of real estate.

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    43 mins
  • EP. 1227 Bad neighbours - when do you abandoned ship?
    May 2 2024

    Ever been woken up at 3 a.m. by a party next door, or found yourself in a cold war over parking spaces with the guy across the street? Buckle up, because we're joined by Cleo, a sage of the property management realm, to unpack the knotty world of neighbourly spats. Our chat traverses the terrain of preemptive peace-making – think door-knocking for the real skinny on your future block – and the underestimated clout of a good first impression. Noise complaints might just be the tip of the iceberg in modern living, but with Cleo's seasoned insights, we're laying out the blueprint to mend fences and silence the squabbles that can make home life less than heavenly.

    As we stir the pot on community dynamics, we discover that a dash of personality, a sprinkle of effort, and a hearty dollop of neighborly love are the secret ingredients to a blissful block. Taking a leaf out of the raucous romp "Bad Neighbours", we chuckle over the quirks of cohabitation and the winsome ways we can turn a potential nemesis into the pal next door. So, slide into your comfiest slippers and tune in; we're serving up stories and strategies that might just transform your street into the friendly avenue of your dreams. With Cleo in the conversation, it's not just talk – it's a masterclass in crafting a harmonious habitat.

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    15 mins
    Apr 30 2024

    Discover how a little blue minivan is driving big changes in the urban landscape and how you can ride the wave of these developments to economic success. Spicy Zans and I peel back the curtain on the intriguing world of public transport, specifically the game-changing Keoride service, which promises to bridge the gap in connectivity for less accessible areas. We'll take you through rain-soaked streets and into the heart of the city, exploring how these modern transit solutions might just be the ticket to the future of public travel.

    But there's more than just the convenience of getting from point A to B at play here. We'll break down the tantalizing relationship between public transport and property values, revealing a roadmap to potential riches that urban development holds. Understanding the impact of these systems can steer investors, governments, and local communities toward serious financial opportunities. So hop on board with us and Spicy Zans as we chart the course of city living, through the bustling bus routes and the steady rhythms of daily commutes, and uncover the hidden allure of public transport.

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    12 mins