• 16 | 3 Tips For The Woman That Feels Behind In Life…
    Jun 3 2024

    In this episode we are getting honest again, because hello, that’s what we do here…coming off an entire month dedicated to our mental health, it can be easy to believe the lie that we are a little behind in life. That my friend, is the furthest thing from the truth.

    Today I get to share with you 3 Tips to help remind you that you are exactly where you need to be. From comparison, to trusting and focusing on what we are saying yes to, I know that you will be able to identify with at least one of them and my hope is that you will be able to put one of these into action in your life and begin to see a change!

    Also included below is a link to hop on a free discovery call to see if the Joyful Fit Life Community is for you- let’s take action in becoming all that God has created us to be, together!

    Scriptures referenced:

    Proverbs 16:9

    Proverbs 19:21

    Psalm 37:23

    Esphesians 3:20 MSG

    I pray this blesses you,

    Xoxo Coach Joy

    Free Discovery Call:


    Don’t live in isolation anymore, join the community:

    Join the Joyful Fit Life Community: https://joyful-fit-life.mn.co

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    Check out the “30 Days to Becoming” email: https://www.thejoyfulfitlife.com/39581/30-day-email-landing-page/

    Join our FREE FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2486808534941816

    Connect with me here:

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/joyfulfit_life/

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    26 mins
  • 15 | Mental Health in Contribution- Doing what God called you to do without overcomplicating it as a Christian Woman Entrepreneur with Taneshia Yerby
    May 27 2024

    We are wrapping up Mental Health awareness month and ending on a high note. Today we have the woman behind the always encouraging IG account for Christian Women Entrepreneurs @ceoforwomen, Taneshia with us and she drops all the GOLD!

    When thinking of the word contribution it can be easy to shrink back into negative narratives, imposter syndrome and comparison. Taneshia shares from her own life experiences how over the years she has viewed success in other ways than data. She has had many “passion projects” as an entrepreneur and has been able to keep going because she chooses to take inventory of the things that God has placed inside of her.

    Whether or not you view yourself as an entrepreneur, this episode is going to leave you feeling like you can accomplish anything with God by your side. Let’s stay on this Journey to Becoming all that God has created us to be, together!

    Scriptures referenced:

    James 4:10

    I pray this blesses you,

    Xoxo Coach Joy

    Don’t live in isolation anymore, join the community:

    Join the Joyful Fit Life Community: https://joyful-fit-life.mn.co

    Connect with Taneshia:

    On Instagram

    On Her Website

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    Connect with me here:

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/joyfulfit_life/

    Email: joy@thejoyfulfitlife.com

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    34 mins
  • 14 | Mental Health in Wellness Part 2- Ask a Therapist- Getting Down to the Basics of Mental Health with Jen Alley
    May 23 2024

    In this episode we are continuing the conversation about Mental Health with Therapist, Jen Alley. Now that we have laid a foundation, we get to explore the purpose of slowing down in the extremely hurried world that we live in.

    One of my favorite things she shared in our time together is “neurons that fire together, wire together” speaking to the power that takes place in our brains when an experience is repeated over and over again. Jen also shares with us WHY healthy habits that contribute to our Mental Wellness are so important and necessary to maintaining our mental health.

    Staying committed to your healing is a life-long journey, it won’t be easy, it will be painful, there will be tears shed AND it will be worth it because just like God says in His word, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came so that they would have life, and have it abundantly.”

    Scripture referenced:

    John 10:10

    I pray this blesses you,

    Xoxo Coach Joy

    Connect with Jen:


    Feelings and Needs List: https://jenalley.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/FNListFebruary2022.pdf

    Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/modern-family-mental-health-coping-skills-boundaries/id1717541971

    Don’t live in isolation anymore, join the community:

    Join the Joyful Fit Life Community: https://joyful-fit-life.mn.co

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    Check out the “30 Days to Becoming” email: https://www.thejoyfulfitlife.com/39581/30-day-email-landing-page/

    Join our FREE FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2486808534941816

    Connect with me here:

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/joyfulfit_life/

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    34 mins
  • 13 | Mental Health in Wellness Part 1- Ask a Therapist- Getting Down to the Basics of Mental Health with Jen Alley
    May 20 2024

    In this episode we are discussing the answers to some questions that you may have had about the foundations of mental health, but haven’t had access to the right people. We sit down with Jen Alley who has 15 years of experience in the mental health field as a therapist and the clarity she brings to this is so refreshing to this highly stigmatized topic.

    If you have been wondering more about the basics of mental health such as: when, where and how to find the right therapist for you and so much more, this episode is for you! There are many resources shared and provided and I know that you will be left with a better understanding of how to take responsibility for your own mental health in an empowering way!

    Remember that you must advocate for yourself, you are worth the work and you are not alone!

    I pray this blesses you,

    Xoxo Coach Joy

    Connect with Jen:


    Nami: www.nami.org

    Find a therapist: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us?tr=Hdr_Brand

    Don’t live in isolation anymore, join the community:

    Join the Joyful Fit Life Community:


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    Connect with me here:

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/joyfulfit_life/

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    31 mins
  • 12 | Mental Health in Relationships- Healing from Anxiety, Self- Harm & the Mother/Daughter Relationship
    May 13 2024

    In this episode here from a beautiful mother/daughter duo that speaks from a place of healing that only Jesus can bring. Cindy and Laila are open, honest and transparent about Laila’s 3 year journey in working through her anxiety, self harm and suicidal thoughts that began for her in junior high.

    The freedom that they can both speak from is a testament to their unwavering trust in God and also reminds us that yes, we serve a God of miracles AND there is a process to the healing journey that is all in God’s perfect timing.

    Whether you can relate or not to this beautiful testimony, all of us can be encouraged and reminded that with God all things are possible and He will always turn it around for our good and His glory! I am confident that you will find hope in this episode to keep going!

    Scriptures referenced:

    2 Timothy 1:7

    I pray this blesses you,

    Xoxo Coach Joy

    Don’t live in isolation anymore, join the community:

    Join the Joyful Fit Life Community:


    Resources Mentioned:

    Freeing Your Child From Anxiety:

    Amazon Link to purchase: Freeing Your Child from Anxiety

    Moms Little Book of Powerful Prayers:

    Amazon link to purchase: Moms Little Book of Powerful Prayers

    Breath of Life Foundation:


    Get your Gifts:

    Check out the “30 Days to Becoming” email:


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    Connect with me here:

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/joyfulfit_life/

    Email: joy@thejoyfulfitlife.com

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    39 mins
  • 11 | Mental Health in Faith- Jesus Immerse My Mind with Ps. Marie Silva
    May 6 2024

    In honor of May being Mental Health Awareness month we are taking a look at different areas that mental health shows up in. Within the Journey to Becoming Roadmap which is the framework taught inside the Joyful Fit Life Community, we focus on 4 areas of life, Faith, Relationships, Wellness & Contribution. Today we are discussing how to use our Faith to combat the lies, generational strongholds and half truths we all struggle with.

    My spiritual mother, Pastor Marie Silva is joining us to share from her recent book “Immersed” and how we must invite Jesus to immerse our minds. As women inside and outside of the church this is something that we all deal with probably more than we would like to admit. Pastor Marie shares practical ways to “exchange the conversation” that will lead to life change. The choice is up to us!

    I am confident that after listening to this episode that is full of encouragement, biblical truth and beautiful imagery- you will have a few more “tools in your arsenal” to experience new levels of freedom and healing.

    Scriptures referenced:

    2 Corinthians 10:5

    Philippians 4:6-8

    I pray this blesses you,

    Xoxo Coach Joy

    Don’t live in isolation anymore, join the community:

    Join the Joyful Fit Life Community: https://joyful-fit-life.mn.co

    Resources Mentioned:

    Pastor Marie’s Book- Immersed:

    Link to Order Immersed on Amazon

    Connect with Pastor Marie:



    Get your Gifts:

    Check out the “30 Days to Becoming” email:


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    Connect with me here:

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/joyfulfit_life/

    Email: joy@thejoyfulfitlife.com

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    46 mins
  • 10 | Sharing my Testimony Part 2- The "Joy" behind the Journey, navigating loss from suicide & overcoming toxic family patterns
    Apr 29 2024

    Continuing from Part 1 of my testimony, today I am sharing about the loss of another family member to suicide, my brother. As if losing your mom wasn’t hard enough, 20 years later I relived my worst nightmare. It was three days before my wedding day when I received a call from my Dad telling me to come home. To my dismay learning that my brother took his life caused so much pain again, and this time even more vivid as I was now an adult.

    Navigating loss around yet another huge moment in your life is something that I would never wish on anyone. But, God. I was shown time and time again that God is truly in all of the details of our lives, no matter how small. The lessons that God has taught me since the passing of my brother have brought so many layers of healing and restoration, I am confident that they will bring hope to any situation you may be currently facing.

    I share this part of my story to inspire you to cling to Jesus through the highest of highs and lowest of lows, He is truly our strength through it all! Thank you for listening and I believe that we are now closer after these past two episodes!

    Scriptures referenced:

    Joel 2:25

    I pray this blesses you,

    Xoxo Coach Joy

    Don’t live in isolation anymore, join the community:

    Join the Joyful Fit Life Community: https://joyful-fit-life.mn.co

    Get your Gifts:

    Check out the “30 Days to Becoming” email: https://www.thejoyfulfitlife.com/39581/30-day-email-landing-page/

    Join our FREE FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2486808534941816

    Connect with me here:

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/joyfulfit_life/

    Email: joy@thejoyfulfitlife.com

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    25 mins
  • 09 | Sharing my Testimony Part 1- The "Joy" behind the Journey, navigating loss from suicide & overcoming toxic family patterns
    Apr 22 2024

    In this episode I am sharing with you about my personal testimony and what God has done in my life. I lost my mom when I was 6 years old, she had succumbed to a deep depression and took her own life. Growing up without a mom I had to navigate feeling “less than” which contributed to a heavy lack/poverty mentality. I share some defining moments growing up as I began to share about the loss and realized that there was healing in speaking about the pain. My empathy grew for others so deeply that I began to keep a journal to remind me to check in on my friends and to be there for them in any way that I could.

    The healing & restoration that has taken place in my life is something that can only be done through God. I have realized that the isolation that my mom dealt with is so common for us women. The enemy wants to isolate us all thinking that no one cares or knows what we are going through and that is the furthest thing from the truth. There is nothing that we can do to separate us from the love of God and I pray that through listening you are encouraged and reminded that however “stuck” you may be feeling in life, your life is worth living and showing up for.

    It is through my painful past of deep loss that has birthed my passion for helping women live out their full potential. Remember to always be kind, you may never know what someone is going through.

    Scriptures referenced:

    Genesis 50:20

    Romans 8:38-39

    Romans 5:8

    I pray this blesses you,

    Xoxo Coach Joy

    If you or someone you know needs help call 988 suicide & crisis hotline

    Don’t do life alone:

    Join the Joyful Fit Life Community: https://joyful-fit-life.mn.co

    Connect with me here: Get your Gifts Check out the “30 Days to Becoming” email:


    Join our FREE FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2486808534941816

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/joyfulfit_life/

    Email: joy@thejoyfulfitlife.com

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    25 mins