• Day of Gratitude: Serving Those Who Proudly Serve Us! (155)
    Jun 4 2024

    Some came home in pieces. Some never came home at all. But all fought for this nation, this freedom and this place we call home. They know the cost of service and sacrifice and Peter Palivos will not forget. Raised in a family with five generations of military service, Palivos has seen the brotherhood, hardship, and weight of war, but he also knows the battle doesn’t end when our troops come home. A renowned international attorney and philanthropist, Palivos channels his gratitude into the chairmanship of Voice of the Veterans, Vets Helping Vets and many educational initiatives. For a man of great vision and a greater God, it doesn’t take much to spawn an idea. This one began at a Raiders game; Palivos decided he needed the Allegiant Stadium for something. That “something” is a "Day of Gratitude on June 8th for 15,000 veterans, armed forces, and their families, presented by Voice of the Veteran, CityServe and ChurchLV. God calls us to be courageous. So strap on those boots and let’s see how God can use you.

    For Show Notes & Episode Details: https://theinfluencerspodcast.org

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    Learn more about the work of CityServe International and how you can get involved at https://www.cityserve.us

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    31 mins
  • How to Recognize ‘Sin-Adjacent’ Emotions (154)
    May 21 2024

    Has your effectiveness ever felt compressed, buried under the weight of emotional burden? Diamonds are rare from the Middle East but Tessa Afshar is one of them. A researcher of Biblical history with a Master of Divinity from Yale and an award-winning author, Afshar speaks like one who has probed the Word of God and unearthed the precious. Raised as a nominal Muslim, Afshar thought all religions were the same until one night, in a dream, when Jesus beckoned her to follow Him. Her story is fascinating, but it is her internal struggle with discouragement and anxiety that will keep you riveted. Having experienced abandonment as a teenager and a broken marriage in her early twenties, Afshar found herself dealing with compounded discouragement, not a sinful feeling but one she describes as ‘sin-adjacent’ to self-pity and discontent. Opening the door to those, she soon found herself unable to pray, sleep or function at work, but there were answers. If you are experiencing debilitating anxiety, or know someone who is, you will be encouraged as you discover the gems Afshar found through her journey.

    For Show Notes & Episode Details: https://theinfluencerspodcast.org

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    Learn more about Tessa Afshar and get a copy of her book The Rested Soul at https://tessaafshar.com

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    34 mins
  • Barry Stagner on End Times and Estate Planning (153)
    May 7 2024

    We sing it. We say it. Some of us even believe it. Soon, and very soon, we are going to see the King. But how soon is “soon?” It is a question that has been pondered for ages and one which Barry Stagner, Bible scholar, international broadcast host and author of The Time of the Signs, is well equipped to answer. Stagner is a fount of biblically backed information regarding the specifics of the end times and how to prepare. He is quick to point out that we live in a time like none before; we have seen prophecy fulfilled and scripture is playing out before our eyes. What exactly does it say? What is supposed to happen next? Scripture says that we know not the day or the hour of Christ’s coming, but it tells us exactly what the season is like. Walk with Stagner as he shares a brief encapsulation of the end times and prepares us for “soon and very soon!”

    For Show Notes & Episode Details: https://theinfluencerspodcast.org

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    Learn more about Barry Stagner and get a copy of his book The Time of the Signs at https://barrystagner.com

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    30 mins
  • Seth Gruber on American Culture and Christian Cowardice (152)
    Apr 16 2024

    We all have access to the light. We can hide it under a bushel, in a crowd of the like-minded or let it be seen. But what if burning bright costs us? Are you truly an influencer for the Kingdom if you simply parrot the safe mantras? Seth Gruber, prolife advocate, speaker, filmmaker, author, and creator of The White Rose Resistance visits the topic of Christian cowardice. His historically educated and thoughtful approach calls Christians to take a hard look at where we stand, what we are doing and for whom? With the goal of pricking the collective conscience of the culture and awakening the church to action, Gruber removes the comfort in this podcast. We are in a battle, earth is the domain of sin and death and we have been called to be the resistance, to show, speak and live the Word even when it is considered offensive. Prepare to be challenged and to have your resolves contested, to be weighed and to discover if you are found wanting.

    For Show Notes & Episode Details: https://theinfluencerspodcast.org

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    Learn more about Seth Gruber and The White Rose Resistance at https://thewhiterose.life

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    36 mins
  • A CHALLENGE: Can You Answer This Question? (151)
    Apr 2 2024

    If we go anywhere, we see needs around us, but can we see the opportunity in the need? Matt Bronleewe is an author, Grammy-nominated singer/songwriter and a filmmaker, but it was the life of another man that altered Bronleewe’s focus. Discovering, around the kitchen table, that his in-laws were closely related to the founder of Compassion International, Bronleewe found himself intrigued by their stories of “Uncle Everett.” In 1952, Everett Swanson, without the aid of social media or the Internet, managed to rally an army of people to support children and individuals who were a world away. A traveling, revival preacher out of Chicago, Swanson was not wealthy, or a diplomat with global connections, he was just a God-fearing man who, after seeing a need, was asked this probing question by a fellow traveler, “Now that you have seen the need and the opportunity, what are you going to do about it?” It’s a question that we all should answer.

    For Show Notes & Episode Details: https://theinfluencerspodcast.org

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    Learn more about Matt Bronleewe and get a copy of his book, What Are You Going to Do?, at https://www.mattbronleewe.com/

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    42 mins
  • The Art of Understanding God (150)
    Mar 19 2024

    Why did God give us art? Academic and author of over a dozen books, Terry Glaspey refers to himself not as a doctor or teacher, but as a student. Earning his doctorate in Spiritual Formation, Glaspey studies the Word of God and individuals who truthfully and artfully present God. It was when reading C.S. Lewis that Glaspey had a vibrant awakening. Riveted by Lewis’ practical yet creative understanding of God, Glaspey noted a strong parallel. Jesus expressed truth through parables; C.S. Lewis did the same in books like The Chronicles of Narnia. Glaspey calls them “Truth Bombs”: Art, music, or narrative that presents truth in a fresh, memorable way, probing even the soul. God’s call on Glaspey’s life is to introduce people to great writers, artists, and musicians so that they may see the Master. For in His hands, art is a tool that penetrates hearts with mysteries from heaven, transforming us with the passion of the Creator. Imagine what God wants to do with you!

    For Show Notes & Episode Details: https://theinfluencerspodcast.org

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    Learn more about Terry Glaspey and get a copy of his book, Not a Tame Lion, at https://terryglaspey.com

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    28 mins
  • On Fire for Christ: Painting with Burning Brushes (149)
    Mar 5 2024

    What makes you stand out? Is it your skill, credentials, or your charisma? Known as the “fire painter,” Tim Gagnon definitely stands out when his brushes are on fire. An amazing artist, speaker, teacher, and master of his trade, Gagnon’s artistic influence is the direct result of a God-directed covert military op. It was two men, military leadership, who identified him as a young man needing the Lord and as a skilled artist requiring direction. Gagnon was introduced to the Master Creator through these godly mentors. He has since influenced people around the world with his art. Known for the Illuminated Messiah Bible, a five-year project he refers to as his Sistine Chapel, Gagnon painted 66 paintings that, when combined, form a polyptych Masterpiece. He shares that when you do the thing that God put you on this earth to do, you get your own special time with the Creator. Discover how to let your gift fully bloom as you work with Him, rather than for Him.

    For Show Notes & Episode Details: https://theinfluencerspodcast.org

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    Learn more about Tim Gagnon at https://gagnonatelier.com and get a copy of The Illuminated Messiah at https://IlluminatedMessiah.com

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    29 mins
  • Discover Jesus’ Heart for Seekers, Sinners, Doubters, and the Discouraged (148)
    Feb 20 2024

    We talk about God’s love, but do we understand He held Himself upon that cross out of compassion for us, knowing that suffering was our destination without Him? Frequent conference speaker and podcast regular, author Jessica Thompson explores the compassion of Christ and the impact it can have in our lives and beyond us, touching the hearts of others when we see them through His eyes. As Thompson reminds us, we desire God’s love for ourselves but sometimes find it difficult to love others the way He loves, especially the marginalized. She shares that the things that often turn us away from people are the very things that turn God’s heart towards people. Jesus, as the Son of God, sees our worst, and as man wrapped in flesh, He understands the pain of it. He desires that we receive His love, His compassion and then extend it. Together let’s find how far the deep, deep love of Jesus can reach.

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    Learn more about Jessica Thomspon and get a copy of her book He Loved Them wherever books are sold.

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    30 mins