• INNOCENT MAN FRAMED for IRA M*RDER | How Kevin Barry Artt was falsely convicted & Escaped LONG KESH
    Jun 3 2024

    Dan Lawton’s thrilling new book “The Hunted” explores the story of Kevin Barry Artt and how he was false-convicted of the IRA murder of deputy Maze prison governor, Albert Miles.

    We speak about the so-called “confession factory” Castlereagh, Long Kesh’s Maze prison, the horrors of the “blanket”/“no-wash” protests and how Kevin Barry Artt took part in one of N.I’s biggest jailbreaks.

    00:00 CASTLEREAGH “The Confession Factory”
    08:15 LONG KESH & The lead up to Albert Miles’ murder
    18:45 The murder of Albert Miles
    24:30 Maurice Gilvarry (IRA member & RUC Agent)
    39:05 Escape almost goes wrong
    48:00 Film or TV series ??

    PLEASE SEND ANY & ALL SUGGESTIONS FOR GUESTS & EPISODE TOPICS to thegoodlistenerpodcast@gmail.com

    If you would like to help out the show please like, subscribe and share. I plan on doing bigger things with this show including walk through of areas, documentary-type videos and more.. if you would like to help fund these efforts please consider donating on Buy Me a Coffee. (link below)
    Thanks a million!!


    BUY THE BOOK: www.abovethegroundbook.com


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    51 mins
  • UK's INTEL WAR against the IRA | Derry IRA, Rural Units & Peace Talks | Thomas Leahy
    Jun 3 2024

    For this episode I’m joined by author and lecturer, Thomas Leahy, whose book “The Intelligence War against the IRA” gives a through and detailed account of Britain’s attempts to disrupt and defeat the IRA by way of intel gathering.

    We discuss the various methods of intel collection, what “intel” is and can be used for in this context, the various times of ceasefire during the conflict and the reasons for them.

    Thomas details why the rural IRA brigades were tougher infiltrate, how technological change effected the British army and the reasons for the peace talks at various points in the conflict.

    00:00 What is INTEL ??
    5:50 Structure of Thomas’ book
    13:50 Derry IRA
    18:55 Rural areas more difficult to affect in the Intel War
    35:05 Technological changes thru-out the troubles
    39:50 Tasking & co group
    45:40 Misconceptions surrounding the subject

    If you would like to help out the show please like, subscribe and share. I plan on doing bigger things with this show including walk through of areas, documentary-type videos and more.. if you would like to help fund these efforts please consider donating on Buy Me a Coffee. (link below)
    Thanks a million!!


    BUY THE BOOK: https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/intelligence-war-against-the-ira/A34D7CEFB3118C4C2F9553F4D30D91ED

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    1 hr
  • TROUBLES-ERA PARA & SAS man tells his story | Belfast RIOTS, South Armagh & more | Harry McCallion
    May 29 2024

    Harry McCallion is an ex-paratrooper and SAS solider who served in the north during some of the troubles’ most violent years. Harry tells us about the brutal training regime they underwent before deployment, his thoughts on the mistakes that the British army made, his views on the “Ballymurphy Massacre”, his emotional state while policing violent riots and the effects that the job had on his mental health at the time.
    Harry shares his insights on the uniques challenges of taking on a “guerrilla” army, rural vs urban warfare, his own personal relationship with violence/killing and much more..

    PLEASE SEND ANY & ALL SUGGESTIONS FOR GUESTS & EPISODE TOPICS to thegoodlistenerpodcast@gmail.com

    If you would like to help out the show please like, subscribe and share. I plan on doing bigger things with this show including walk through of areas, documentary-type videos and more.. if you would like to help fund these efforts please consider donating on Buy Me a Coffee. (link below)
    Thanks a million!!


    00:00 Joining the British Army (Paras) & becoming brutalized
    12:45 Pre-deployment, does Harry consider N.I people to be British & do Irish people “live in the past” too much?
    25:50 DEPLOYMENT TO NORTHERN IRELAND - Internment roundup
    28:55 Thoughts on BALLYMURPHY MASSACRE & 2021 Inquiry
    39:35 RIOTS - “absolutely terrifying”
    51:15 Harry’s relationship with KILLING & violence
    57:35 Does Harry know how many people he has killed?
    58:40 Fist-fight w/ an INLA member
    59:55 Joining the SAS
    1:05:00 Loyalist dual membership of UDR & UVF/UDA
    1:07:30 Were UVF/UDA as competent as the PIRA ?
    1:19:00 Gerry Adams story
    1:23:00 Fighting against guerrilla soldiers
    1:29:00 Protecting intel sources within the IRA
    1:49:20 Rural or urban soldiering.. which was more difficult ?
    1:52:00 The MRF
    1:58:35 Harry’s latest book

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    2 hrs and 10 mins
  • 1974 DUBLIN/MONAGHAN B*MBING | Robin Jackson, British Army Involvement & more| David Burke, Author
    May 20 2024

    Author, lawyer and past guest of the show, David Burke reveals a previously unreleased statement from ex-Tara member and close-friend of Robin 'the jackal" Jackson, Charlie Simpson uncovering Jackson and the British Army's involvement in one of the trouble's most heinous attacks. We talk through the events of the tragic day, the logistics of the UVF operation and the political goings-on at the time of attack.

    DAVID'S FREE E-BOOK (much more detail on the topic)

    PLEASE SEND ANY & ALL SUGGESTIONS FOR GUESTS & EPISODE TOPICS to thegoodlistenerpodcast@gmail.com

    If you would like to help out the show please like, subscribe and share. I plan on doing bigger things with this show including walk through of areas, documentary-type videos and more.. if you would like to help fund these efforts please consider donating on Buy Me a Coffee. (link below)
    Thanks a million!!


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    1 hr and 10 mins
  • IRA HELICOPTER ESCAPE Mastermind & Portlaoise Jail Break| Brendan Hughes (Tyrone) IRA COMMANDER
    May 12 2024

    Brendan Hughes (not to be confused with the deceased Brendan ‘The Dark” Hughes) shares his truly extraordinary life story, a life shaped by his membership of the East-Tyrone PIRA in the early days of the conflict in the North.

    Brendan tells us about his time ambushing British soldiers in the countryside and robbing banks to fund raise for the IRA and his thoughts on having to take human life for his cause. Brendan shares the incredible story of how masterminded the second ever prison escape involving a helicopter on Halloween 1973 and how he himself ended up leading a 19 man jailbreak from Ireland’s most secure lock-up.

    His tale later involves a split form the movement and a team of assassins being spent to NYC to take out Brendan, one of whom Brendan would later meet.

    PLEASE SEND ANY & ALL SUGGESTIONS FOR GUESTS & EPISODE TOPICS to thegoodlistenerpodcast@gmail.com

    BUY THE BOOK: https://uplikeabird.com

    If you would like to help out the show please like, subscribe and share. I plan on doing bigger things with this show including walk through of areas, documentary-type videos and more.. if you would like to help fund these efforts please consider donating on Buy Me a Coffee. (link below)
    Thanks a million!!


    00:00 Growing up in Tyrone, first contact with sectarianism
    07:20 Joining the IRA
    13:10 Robbing banks
    31:00 Becoming an intel officer
    56:50 Getting caught & jailed
    1:05:27 Planning the Portlaoise prison escape
    1:22:25 Immediately after escaping
    1:36:25 Split from IRA (hit-team sent to NYC to get him)
    1:42:40 Back to prison
    1:44:25 Thoughts on united-Ireland

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    1 hr and 51 mins
  • TROUBLES-ERA B*MB DISPOSAL EXPERT | Taking on Belfast's IRA B*MB-MAKERS | Steve Smith, British Army
    May 5 2024

    My guest this week is ex-b*mb disposal man, Steve Smith. Steve worked as a EOD officer in Belfast during the early 80s and worked to rid the city of IRA & Loyalist b*mbs.

    Steve gives us his insight into the various types of explosives used throughout the conflict, the differences between IRA & Loyalist b*mb-makers, how it feels to put on the b*mb-suit & approach an explosive device and the effects that such a job can have on one’s mental health.

    Steve tells us about the unique challenges of b*mb-disposal in rural settings vs urban, the physical sensation of being caught in a b*mb blast and much more.

    If you would like to help out the show please like, subscribe and share. I plan on doing bigger things with this show including walk through of areas, documentary-type videos and more.. if you would like to help fund these efforts please consider donating on Buy Me a Coffee.
    Thanks a million!!


    PLEASE SEND ANY & ALL SUGGESTIONS FOR GUESTS & EPISODE TOPICS to thegoodlistenerpodcast@gmail.com

    00:00 Putting on the “B*MB SUIT”
    03:35 Training
    10:00 Psychological aspect
    14:20 The Hurt Locker (film) & mental toll of the job
    24:45 B*mb Disposal in RURAL AREAS
    27:20 Robots
    30:40 TOUGH JOB
    35:10 Dealing with trauma from the job
    37:25 IRA calling in car-b*mb
    44:10 Loyalist b*mbs (better or worse b*mb-makers?)
    46:13 TYPES of b*mbs throughout the conflict
    55:10 Remote b*mbs & Mercury tilt
    59:30 Light-activated explosives
    1:00:30 Closest Steve has been to b*mb exploding
    1:07:30 Cutting wires

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    1 hr and 9 mins
  • Ex-TEEN UDA FOOTSOLDIER tells his story | RUC Collusion, Sectarian Violence & Escaping the Conflict | Graham Cousins
    Apr 28 2024

    Graham Cousins grew up protestant in East Belfast and spent his late-teen years and early 20s in the Ulster Defense Association better known as the UDA, a loyalist paramilitary group formed in the early 70s. He has since become close friends with ex-paramilitaries from the other side including my last guest, ex-b*mb-maker Packy McMahon (https://youtu.be/R5XJQrUCeMk?si=zCipaXh0uMIK6P0j)

    Graham speaks to us about his mindset during the early 70s, his reasons for joining up, his thoughts on the UDA’s policy of targeting innocent Catholics and how he left the group.

    Graham shared some interesting thoughts/insights into his mentality during the UDA days, the time that RUC officers let him “steal” their weapons, his memories of Ian Paisley, thoughts on a united Ireland and much more

    If you would like to help out the show please like, subscribe and share. I plan on doing bigger things with this show including walk through of areas, documentary-type videos and more.. if you would like to help fund these efforts please consider donating on Patreon or Buy My a Coffee.
    Thanks a million!!


    00:00 Intro
    10:10 Why join UDA not UVF
    15:05 How were catholic families intimidated out ?
    16:55 How did graham feel about his UDA activities at the time?
    18:00 Does Graham identify as British ?
    21:45 Ian Paisley
    27:15 How did he view the UVF ?
    29:10 Any respect for the IRA ?
    31:25 Would Graham have known the main hitmen in the UDA ?
    35:45 Women in the UDA
    37:50 Dual membership UDA/UDR
    39:35 Living in England

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    48 mins
  • EX-IRA B*MB-MAKER tells his story | B*mb-making, Long Kesh & Informers | Packy McMahon
    Apr 21 2024

    Patrick “Packy” McMahon is a former provisional IRA bomb maker who was jailed after being caught in the act of manufacturing a 1,500 LB bomb.

    Packy tells us about growing up as the conflict raged and how his life-long battle with British soldiers began.

    We spoke about the in and outs of how the IRA manufactured its bombs/explosive devices from beginning to end, the materials used, how Packy avoided being blown up by his own work and the logistics of an IRA bombing operation.

    Packy shared stories about his time in Long Kesh, how he got caught, Mi5 attempting to recruit him and much more

    If you would like to help out the show please like, subscribe and share. I plan on doing bigger things with this show including walk through of areas, documentary-type videos and more.. if you would like to help fund these efforts please consider donating on Buy My a Coffee. (link below)
    Thanks a million!!


    00:00 Intro
    4:20 Joining junior-wing of the IRA
    16:05 What type of b*mbs did Packy make?
    26:15 Ever get “bitten by his own work” ?
    27:10 What separates good b*mb-maker from a bad one ?
    28:45 Mi5 attempt to recruit Packy
    31:15 MAKING A B*MB
    37:10 Shooting at British solider w/ a sniper rifle
    38:35 Would you have known the loyalists?
    41:05 B*mb-making II
    1:01:55 Getting out of Long Kesh & life after the IRA

    ANY & ALL SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE GUESTS, TOPICS, DIFFERENT FORMS OF CONTENT ETC ARE ALWAYS WELCOME.. any theme or force within the conflict you'd like me to explore, any important people from the time, authors I haven't spoke to etc
    PLEASE DROP A COMMENT ON SPOTIFY (I can't reply to comments left on Spotify but leave your email address and I can get back to you) OR SEND ME AN EMAIL
    Thanks very much to everyone who has helped out so far!!!

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    1 hr and 14 mins