• #276 - Randy Gravitt (Winning Begins at Home: A Strategy to Win beyond Work—A Leadership Parable)
    May 31 2024

    Mike interviews Randy Gravitt.

    Welcome to our podcast, where we embark on a transformative journey through the pages of "Winning Begins at Home: A Strategy to Win beyond Work—A Leadership Parable" by Randy Gravitt. In this episode, we'll explore the profound insights and actionable strategies that Gravitt offers to help you cultivate leadership excellence both in the workplace and in your personal life.

    Gravitt's book is more than just a leadership manual; it's a parable that invites readers to embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Through the story of Jack, a successful executive grappling with the complexities of work-life balance, Gravitt illuminates the importance of leading from within and prioritizing what truly matters in life.

    At the heart of "Winning Begins at Home: A Strategy to Win beyond Work—A Leadership Parable" lies the recognition that true leadership begins with self-awareness and authenticity. Gravitt challenges readers to look inward, examining their values, priorities, and aspirations, and aligning them with their actions and behaviors. By cultivating a strong sense of self-leadership, readers can inspire others and create positive change both at work and at home.

    One of the book's key messages is the importance of balance and integration between work and personal life. Gravitt rejects the notion of work-life balance as a zero-sum game and instead advocates for harmony and synergy between the two spheres. Through Jack's journey, readers learn how to set boundaries, prioritize relationships, and make intentional choices that honor both professional and personal commitments.

    Moreover, "Winning Begins at Home: A Strategy to Win beyond Work—A Leadership Parable" emphasizes the role of relationships and community in leadership success. Gravitt highlights the power of connection, collaboration, and support networks in fostering personal and professional growth. By investing in meaningful relationships and surrounding oneself with a supportive tribe, readers can cultivate resilience, empathy, and accountability, propelling them towards their goals and aspirations.

    As we conclude our exploration of "Winning Begins at Home: A Strategy to Win beyond Work—A Leadership Parable," it's clear that Randy Gravitt has crafted more than just a leadership parable; he's created a roadmap for living a life of purpose, passion, and significance. Through Jack's story, readers are inspired to embrace their inner leader, prioritize what truly matters, and pursue a life of meaning and fulfillment.

    Join us in our upcoming episodes as we delve deeper into the principles laid out in "Winning Begins at Home: A Strategy to Win beyond Work—A Leadership Parable," exploring practical strategies, reflective exercises, and expert insights to help you unlock your leadership potential and create a life of abundance and impact. Together, let's embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation, as we lead from within and win beyond work.

    Follow Mike Fallat on Instagram, Facebook, Truth, Tik Tok, Twitter, and Linkedin.

    Visit https://dreamstarterspublishing.com to publish your book today!

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    50 mins
  • #275 - Aliza Licht (On Brand: Shape Your Narrative. Share Your Vision. Shift Their Perception)
    May 31 2024

    Mike interviews Aliza Licht.

    Welcome to our podcast, where we embark on a captivating journey through the pages of "On Brand: Shape Your Narrative. Share Your Vision. Shift Their Perception" by Aliza Licht. In this episode, we'll delve into the transformative insights and actionable strategies that Licht offers to help you craft a compelling brand narrative, share your vision, and shape perceptions in today's dynamic marketplace.

    Licht's book is a beacon for anyone seeking to elevate their brand and stand out in a crowded landscape. Drawing upon her extensive experience as a branding expert and former global fashion communications executive, Licht provides a roadmap for building an authentic and impactful brand narrative that resonates with audiences and drives meaningful connections.

    At the heart of "On Brand: Shape Your Narrative. Share Your Vision. Shift Their Perception" lies the recognition that a strong brand narrative is essential for capturing attention, fostering loyalty, and driving business success. Licht guides readers through the process of crafting their brand story, helping them define their values, articulate their vision, and communicate their unique proposition in a compelling and memorable way.

    One of the book's standout features is its emphasis on authenticity and vulnerability in branding. Licht encourages readers to embrace their true selves, share their personal stories, and connect with audiences on a human level. By being transparent and genuine, brands can build trust, forge emotional connections, and differentiate themselves in a crowded marketplace.

    Moreover, "On Brand: Shape Your Narrative. Share Your Vision. Shift Their Perception" explores the power of storytelling as a strategic tool for brand building. Licht shares insights into the art of narrative construction, helping readers craft compelling stories that resonate with their target audience and evoke the desired emotions and perceptions.

    As we conclude our exploration of "On Brand: Shape Your Narrative. Share Your Vision. Shift Their Perception," it's clear that Aliza Licht has crafted more than just a book; she's created a playbook for brand success in the modern era. Through her insights, anecdotes, and practical guidance, Licht empowers readers to shape their narratives, share their visions, and shift perceptions, ultimately positioning their brands for growth and impact.

    Join us in our upcoming episodes as we delve deeper into the principles laid out in "On Brand," exploring practical applications, real-world examples, and expert insights to help you elevate your brand narrative and create a lasting impression in the hearts and minds of your audience. Together, let's shape compelling narratives, share inspiring visions, and make our brands truly unforgettable.

    Follow Mike Fallat on Instagram, Facebook, Truth, Tik Tok, Twitter, and Linkedin.

    Visit https://dreamstarterspublishing.com to publish your book today!

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    39 mins
  • #274 - Dawn Santoriello, CFP (Manifest and Invest: Live Your Best Life Get Your Money Right)
    May 31 2024

    Mike interviews Dawn Santoriello, CFP.

    Welcome to our podcast, where we embark on an empowering journey through the pages of "Manifest and Invest: Live Your Best Life Get Your Money Right" by Dawn Santoriello. In this episode, we'll dive into the transformative insights and practical strategies that Santoriello offers to help you manifest your dreams and take control of your financial destiny.

    Santoriello's book is a roadmap to financial empowerment, blending the principles of manifestation with sound investment strategies to help readers achieve their goals and live their best lives. Drawing upon her own experiences and expertise as a financial advisor, Santoriello provides a comprehensive guide that transcends traditional financial advice, empowering readers to align their financial decisions with their deepest desires and aspirations.

    At the heart of "Manifest and Invest: Live Your Best Life Get Your Money Right" lies the belief that financial abundance is within reach for anyone willing to shift their mindset and take intentional action. Santoriello introduces readers to the power of manifestation, teaching them how to clarify their goals, cultivate a positive mindset, and harness the law of attraction to manifest wealth and abundance into their lives.

    But Santoriello doesn't stop there. She recognizes that manifestation alone is not enough; it must be coupled with practical financial strategies to create lasting wealth and security. Through a series of actionable steps and exercises, Santoriello guides readers through the process of creating a financial plan, setting achievable goals, and implementing investment strategies tailored to their unique circumstances and aspirations.

    One of the book's standout features is its emphasis on holistic wealth creation. Santoriello challenges readers to redefine their relationship with money, shifting from a scarcity mindset to one of abundance and possibility. By cultivating gratitude, practicing self-care, and nurturing relationships, readers can create a foundation of wealth that extends far beyond monetary gains.

    Moreover, "Manifest and Invest: Live Your Best Life Get Your Money Right" addresses the importance of financial education and empowerment, particularly for women and marginalized communities who have historically been excluded from traditional financial systems. Santoriello advocates for financial literacy as a tool for empowerment, providing readers with the knowledge and resources they need to take control of their financial futures and break free from cycles of poverty and inequality.

    As we conclude our exploration of "Manifest and Invest: Live Your Best Life Get Your Money Right," it's clear that Dawn Santoriello has crafted more than just a book; she's created a blueprint for financial freedom and empowerment. By combining the principles of manifestation with practical investment strategies, Santoriello offers readers a roadmap to unlock their true potential and live the life of their dreams.

    Join us in our upcoming episodes as we delve deeper into the principles laid out in "Manifest and Invest: Live Your Best Life Get Your Money Right," exploring practical applications, success stories, and expert insights to help you manifest abundance and create the financial future you deserve. Together, let's embark on a journey of transformation and empowerment, as we manifest our dreams and invest in our brightest futures.

    Follow Mike Fallat on Instagram, Facebook, Truth, Tik Tok, Twitter, and Linkedin.

    Visit https://dreamstarterspublishing.com to publish your book today!

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    45 mins
  • #273 - Cliff Locks (Guiding the Next Generation to Thrive and Build Continued Success for Your Family Legacy)
    May 31 2024

    Mike interviews Cliff Locks.

    Welcome to our podcast, where we embark on a transformative journey through the pages of "Guiding the Next Generation to Thrive and Build Continued Success for Your Family Legacy" by Cliff Locks. In this episode, we'll explore the profound insights and actionable strategies that Locks offers to help families navigate the complexities of wealth, succession, and legacy planning.

    Locks' book serves as a guiding light for families seeking to preserve and build upon their legacies for future generations. Drawing upon his extensive experience as a trusted advisor to high-net-worth families, Locks provides a comprehensive roadmap for navigating the unique challenges and opportunities that come with wealth stewardship.

    At the heart of "Guiding the Next Generation to Thrive and Build Continued Success for Your Family Legacy" lies the recognition that true wealth encompasses more than just financial assets; it encompasses values, relationships, and a sense of purpose. Locks guides readers through the process of defining their family's core values, articulating their vision for the future, and instilling a sense of responsibility and stewardship in the next generation.

    One of the book's key messages is the importance of open communication and collaboration within the family unit. Locks emphasizes the need for families to engage in meaningful conversations about wealth, legacy, and the responsibilities that come with privilege. By fostering a culture of transparency and trust, families can navigate sensitive issues with grace and unity, laying the foundation for continued success and harmony.

    Moreover, "Guiding the Next Generation to Thrive and Build Continued Success for Your Family Legacy" addresses the practical aspects of wealth management and succession planning. Locks provides insights into governance structures, estate planning strategies, and wealth transfer techniques designed to protect and grow family assets over time. By implementing sound financial practices and leveraging professional expertise, families can safeguard their legacies and empower future generations to thrive.

    But perhaps the most compelling aspect of Locks' narrative is its focus on personal growth and development. Recognizing that true wealth extends beyond material possessions, Locks encourages families to invest in the holistic well-being of their members, nurturing their talents, passions, and aspirations. By fostering a culture of lifelong learning and self-discovery, families can empower individuals to realize their full potential and make meaningful contributions to society.

    As we conclude our exploration of "Guiding the Next Generation to Thrive and Build Continued Success for Your Family Legacy," it's clear that Cliff Locks has crafted more than just a book; he's created a blueprint for generational success and fulfillment. Through his insights, anecdotes, and practical guidance, Locks empowers families to navigate the complexities of wealth stewardship with confidence and clarity, ensuring a legacy that endures for generations to come.

    Join us in our upcoming episodes as we delve deeper into the principles laid out in "Guiding the Next Generation to Thrive and Build Continued Success for Your Family Legacy," exploring practical applications, real-world examples, and expert insights to help families create legacies that transcend wealth and leave a lasting impact on the world. Together, let's nurture our legacies, empower future generations, and build a brighter future for all.

    Follow Mike Fallat on Instagram, Facebook, Truth, Tik Tok, Twitter, and Linkedin.

    Visit https://dreamstarterspublishing.com to publish your book today!

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    1 hr
  • #272 - Stephen M. Frost (Financial Accounting and Reporting for Non-Accounting Students: How to Interpret Financial Statements and Appraise Company Performance)
    May 31 2024

    Mike interviews Stephen M. Frost.

    Welcome to our podcast, where we embark on an enlightening journey through the intricacies of financial accounting with "Financial Accounting and Reporting for Non-Accounting Students: How to Interpret Financial Statements and Appraise Company Performance" by Stephen M. Frost. In this episode, we'll unravel the complexities of financial statements and company performance evaluation, providing invaluable insights for non-accounting professionals seeking to navigate the world of finance.

    Frost's book serves as a beacon of clarity amidst the often bewildering landscape of financial accounting. Tailored specifically for non-accounting students and professionals, Frost demystifies financial statements and equips readers with the tools needed to interpret, analyze, and evaluate company performance with confidence.

    At the heart of "Financial Accounting and Reporting for Non-Accounting Students: How to Interpret Financial Statements and Appraise Company Performance" lies the recognition that financial literacy is a fundamental skill for anyone operating in today's business environment. Whether you're a marketer, an engineer, or an entrepreneur, understanding financial statements is essential for making informed decisions and driving organizational success.

    One of the book's key strengths is its accessibility. Frost adopts a reader-friendly approach, using clear language and real-world examples to illustrate complex concepts. From balance sheets to income statements, Frost guides readers through the intricacies of financial reporting, empowering them to decipher the language of finance with ease.

    Moreover, Frost goes beyond mere explanation, providing practical guidance on how to interpret financial statements and assess company performance. By introducing key financial ratios and performance metrics, Frost equips readers with the tools needed to evaluate a company's profitability, liquidity, and solvency, enabling them to make informed investment decisions and strategic judgments.

    But perhaps the most compelling aspect of Frost's narrative is its relevance to real-world practice. Recognizing that theory alone is not enough, Frost bridges the gap between academia and industry, offering insights gleaned from years of practical experience in the field of accounting. Through case studies, exercises, and interactive learning activities, Frost encourages readers to apply their newfound knowledge in meaningful ways, reinforcing comprehension and retention.

    As we conclude our exploration of Frost's book, it's clear that "Financial Accounting and Reporting for Non-Accounting Students: How to Interpret Financial Statements and Appraise Company Performance" is more than just a textbook; it's a roadmap to financial empowerment. By demystifying financial statements, equipping readers with analytical tools, and fostering a mindset of lifelong learning, Frost empowers non-accounting professionals to navigate the complexities of finance with confidence and competence.

    Join us in our upcoming episodes as we delve deeper into the principles laid out in "Financial Accounting and Reporting for Non-Accounting Students: How to Interpret Financial Statements and Appraise Company Performance," exploring practical applications, real-world examples, and expert insights to help listeners unlock the secrets of financial literacy and master the art of financial interpretation. Together, let's embark on a journey of discovery and empowerment, decoding financial mysteries and unlocking new opportunities for success.

    Follow Mike Fallat on Instagram, Facebook, Truth, Tik Tok, Twitter, and Linkedin.

    Visit https://dreamstarterspublishing.com to publish your book today!

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    43 mins
  • #271 - Erik Solbakken (The Accountant Success Formula: Freeing Today's Accountant from an Oppressive Business Model)
    May 31 2024

    Mike interviews Erik Solbakken.

    Welcome to our podcast, where we embark on a liberating journey through the pages of "The Accountant Success Formula: Freeing Today's Accountant from an Oppressive Business Model" by Erik Solbakken. In this episode, we'll delve into the transformative insights and empowering strategies that Solbakken offers to liberate accountants from the shackles of outdated business paradigms.

    Solbakken's book is a rallying cry for accountants seeking to break free from the constraints of traditional business models and embrace a new era of professional fulfillment and success. Drawing upon his extensive experience in the accounting industry, Solbakken exposes the flaws inherent in the status quo and offers a blueprint for reinvention.

    At the heart of "The Accountant Success Formula: Freeing Today's Accountant from an Oppressive Business Model" lies the recognition that the traditional accountant's role is ripe for disruption. Solbakken challenges the notion of accountants as mere number-crunchers and instead advocates for a more expansive and strategic approach to the profession. By leveraging technology, embracing innovation, and fostering client-centricity, accountants can transcend their traditional roles and become trusted advisors and strategic partners to their clients.

    One of the book's central themes is the importance of embracing technology as a catalyst for transformation. Solbakken urges accountants to embrace cloud-based solutions, automation, and artificial intelligence to streamline workflows, enhance efficiency, and unlock new opportunities for value creation. By harnessing the power of technology, accountants can shed the burdensome tasks of manual data entry and compliance work, allowing them to focus on higher-value activities that drive growth and innovation.

    Moreover, Solbakken challenges accountants to redefine their value proposition and embrace a more proactive and consultative approach to client relationships. Instead of being reactive service providers, accountants are encouraged to become proactive advisors who anticipate their clients' needs, provide strategic guidance, and help navigate complex financial challenges.

    Throughout the book, Solbakken shares real-world case studies, practical tips, and actionable strategies to help accountants implement change and unlock their full potential. From reimagining service offerings to optimizing business processes, "The Accountant Success Formula: Freeing Today's Accountant from an Oppressive Business Model" offers a roadmap for success that is both inspiring and achievable.

    As we conclude our exploration of "The Accountant Success Formula: Freeing Today's Accountant from an Oppressive Business Model," it's clear that Erik Solbakken has penned more than just a book; he's ignited a movement for change within the accounting profession. By challenging outdated paradigms, embracing innovation, and prioritizing client value, accountants have the opportunity to redefine their roles and shape a future defined by success and fulfillment.

    Join us in our upcoming episodes as we delve deeper into the principles laid out in "The Accountant Success Formula: Freeing Today's Accountant from an Oppressive Business Model," exploring practical strategies for implementation and sharing inspiring stories of transformation from accountants who have embraced Solbakken's vision. Together, let's liberate accountants from the constraints of the past and empower them to embrace a future filled with opportunity, innovation, and success.

    Follow Mike Fallat on Instagram, Facebook, Truth, Tik Tok, Twitter, and Linkedin.

    Visit https://dreamstarterspublishing.com to publish your book today!

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    51 mins
  • #270 - Blair Cook (The Illiterate Executive: An Executive's Handbook for Mastering Financial Acumen)
    May 31 2024

    Mike interviews Blair Cook.

    Welcome to our podcast where we embark on a journey through the corridors of financial enlightenment with "The Illiterate Executive: An Executive's Handbook for Mastering Financial Acumen" by Blair Cook. In this 500-word exploration, we'll navigate through the key insights and transformative wisdom encapsulated within Cook's empowering guide.

    "The Illiterate Executive: An Executive's Handbook for Mastering Financial Acumen" serves as a beacon for those seeking to transcend financial illiteracy and unlock the doors to strategic decision-making prowess. Blair Cook, a seasoned finance executive himself, distills complex financial concepts into digestible nuggets of wisdom, making this book a must-read for both seasoned executives and budding entrepreneurs alike.

    At the heart of Cook's narrative lies the recognition that financial literacy is not a luxury but a necessity for anyone steering the ship of business. Through real-world examples and practical advice, Cook demystifies financial jargon, empowering readers to confidently navigate balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements.

    One of the book's standout features is its holistic approach to financial acumen. Cook doesn't just stop at financial statements; he delves into the intricacies of budgeting, forecasting, and performance metrics. By providing a comprehensive toolkit for financial analysis, "The Illiterate Executive: An Executive's Handbook for Mastering Financial Acumen" equips readers with the skills needed to drive business growth and profitability.

    Moreover, Cook emphasizes the symbiotic relationship between financial literacy and effective leadership. Executives who grasp the language of finance are better positioned to align strategic goals with financial realities, fostering a culture of accountability and informed decision-making within their organizations.

    But perhaps the most compelling aspect of Cook's narrative is its accessibility. Recognizing that not everyone comes from a finance background, he adopts a conversational tone that demystifies complex concepts without oversimplifying them. Whether you're a CEO, a department head, or an aspiring entrepreneur, "The Illiterate Executive: An Executive's Handbook for Mastering Financial Acumen" meets you where you are on your journey to financial fluency.

    Throughout the book, Cook underscores the importance of continuous learning and adaptability in the face of an ever-evolving financial landscape. By embracing curiosity and a willingness to expand one's financial horizons, executives can stay ahead of the curve and steer their organizations towards sustainable success.

    As we conclude our exploration of "The Illiterate Executive: An Executive's Handbook for Mastering Financial Acumen," it's clear that Blair Cook has crafted more than just a handbook; he's penned a manifesto for financial empowerment. Through his insights, anecdotes, and practical guidance, Cook invites readers to embark on a transformative journey towards financial mastery—one that promises to enrich not only their professional lives but also their personal understanding of wealth and stewardship.

    Join us in our upcoming episodes as we delve deeper into the principles laid out in "The Illiterate Executive: An Executive's Handbook for Mastering Financial Acumen," unpacking its lessons and applying them to real-world scenarios. Together, let's embark on a quest for financial enlightenment and chart a course towards a future defined by clarity, confidence, and prosperity.

    Follow Mike Fallat on Instagram, Facebook, Truth, Tik Tok, Twitter, and Linkedin.

    Visit https://dreamstarterspublishing.com to publish your book today!

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    45 mins
  • #269 - Tim Parkman (Mastering Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing: A compliance guide for practitioners)
    May 25 2024

    Mike interviews Tim Parkman

    Welcome to "Mastering Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing: A compliance guide for practitioners," the podcast dedicated to demystifying the complexities of anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorist financing (CTF) compliance. Each episode takes inspiration from the insightful and comprehensive guide, "Mastering Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing: A compliance guide for practitioners." This essential book serves as our roadmap as we delve into the critical strategies and best practices that help financial institutions, businesses, and professionals stay ahead in the fight against financial crime.

    "Mastering Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing: A compliance guide for practitioners" is a definitive resource for anyone involved in compliance and financial security. The book, authored by experts in the field, provides a thorough understanding of AML and CTF frameworks, regulations, and practical applications. Our podcast brings these concepts to life, offering practical insights and expert advice to help practitioners effectively implement and manage compliance programs.

    In "Mastering Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing: A compliance guide for practitioners," we explore the multifaceted world of AML and CTF through detailed discussions on the regulatory environment, risk assessment, and the implementation of robust compliance systems. Each episode breaks down complex topics into digestible segments, ensuring that listeners gain a clear and actionable understanding of the essential components of an effective AML and CTF strategy.

    Our episodes feature interviews with seasoned compliance professionals, legal experts, and regulatory authorities who share their experiences and insights. These conversations provide a behind-the-scenes look at the challenges and successes in the realm of financial crime prevention. Listeners will benefit from real-world examples, case studies, and expert recommendations that highlight the practical aspects of AML and CTF compliance.

    Our podcast emphasizes the importance of a proactive and dynamic approach to compliance. In a world where financial crimes are becoming increasingly sophisticated, staying ahead requires continuous learning and adaptation. "Mastering Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing: A compliance guide for practitioners" aims to equip practitioners with the knowledge and tools necessary to build resilient and effective compliance programs that can withstand the evolving threats of money laundering and terrorist financing.

    Whether you're a compliance officer, a legal advisor, or a financial professional, "Mastering Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing: A compliance guide for practitioners" provides invaluable insights to help you master the complexities of AML and CTF compliance. Subscribe now and join us on this journey to safeguard the integrity of financial systems and contribute to the global effort against financial crime.

    By aligning with the principles outlined in "Mastering Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing: A compliance guide for practitioners," you can enhance your organization's compliance framework, protect against risks, and ensure adherence to regulatory requirements. Together, let's create a safer and more secure financial environment, one episode at a time.

    Follow Mike Fallat on Instagram, Facebook, Truth, Tik Tok, Twitter, and Linkedin.

    Visit https://dreamstarterspublishing.com to publish your book today!

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    52 mins