• #16 Creating Ritual to Support Your Business
    Jun 7 2024

    *Summer Camp for Solopreneurs starts July 1st and registration is OPEN! Learn More & Register Here

    Entrepreneurship is truly a journey of self-discovery.

    There is no way to avoid confronting all of your stuff. Your vulnerability, your money beliefs, your relationships, your self-care practices or lack there of, your resilience… its all going to be put to the test when you step into the role of entrepreneur.

    And if you’re planning to stick with it for any amount of time, then you’re going to change. You are going to level up and grow. It's going to be messy and difficult at many points in the journey and you’re going to go through many transformative processes.

    It's critical to embrace that ever-evolving self and learn to dive into those transformations - and possibly even start to plan for them.

    And THAT is where ritual can be so helpful.

    In this week's Girl Makes Fire pod, we're taking a look at the role of ritual to help strengthen and support your business growth and personal transformation.

    You'll learn:

    • What a ritual is and why they have value
    • Examples of entrepreneurial rituals
    • Three ways that ritual can help your business grow
    • Practical applications and how you can start using ritual right away

    I am a firm believer in creating meaning or infusing my work with intention and I hope to share that with you.


    Summer Camp for Solopreneurs
    If you want to ditch the tech overwhelm this Summer and have a little fun while creating a list-building, profit-generating funnel, then Summer Camp can help you!

    In this 8-week, private online group coaching program, you'll align your operations, and connect your heart-centered business offer to your dream clients through strategic but soulful messaging and simple technical solutions.

    There are 6 modules of soul-aligned, marketing strategy, mindset and tech training to help you clarify the best operation for YOUR business, including:

    • Money, Mindset & Morning Routines - cultivate your rock-solid solopreneur system
    • Clarifying Your Unique Offer - whether its a paid product or a list-building freebie
    • Your Dream Client List -
    • FUN-nel Building 101 - put on your nerdy tech-hat and put the pieces in place for your sustainable operation
    • Magnetic Messaging - speak di

    Join Deborah and group of heart-centered solopreneurs to create your list-building, profit-generating online business funnel, one step at a time!

    We'll meet weekly in our private online group coaching container and have some fun while building a direct connection our dream clients!

    No more tech clutter and confusion. Have your hand held by an experienced camp counselor!

    Girl Makes Fire is a Luminous Creative Production.

    Learn more about our signature coaching programs and get FREE resources at DeborahCSmith.com

    Thank you to our advertising partners:

    Sakara: Plant-Based Nutrition Programs
    Use the code DEBSAKARA at checkout for 20% OFF your first order with Sakara Life.

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    30 mins
  • Becoming Resilient
    May 31 2024

    Tell me if you can relate…

    Have high-stress or extremely challenging situations in your life left you feeling completely off track?

    Ever feel like there is no way you could get out of bed and do the things on your business to-do list?

    If you can think of a time when you were down and out, and it seemed Impossible to show up and shine your light, and be the person your clients or need you to be, then give this episode a listen.

    In this episode I’m sharing some thoughts on how to cultivate strength and resilience in the face of adversity, as well as the tools I’m using right now to stay focused through some rough waters.

    Running a business can be hard, but your days will be much smoother if you're equipped with tools to help you regulate your nervous system, stay grounded and keep moving forward (or at least not fall off track) despite setbacks.

    Let's look at what it means to be resilient.

    You'll learn:

    • why resilience is a business asset
    • how to find it in your own life and build it into a practice
    • three practices that can act as coping mechanisms by creating calm
    • my all-time favorite positive affirmation to help build resilience!

    I hope you find inspiration to strengthen your resolve and help you build a practice that alleviates stress and brings you greater abundance!

    Remember, when things feel overwhelming and it seems like you can't possibly go on, you are not alone and you are allowed to adjust your life and your business structure to accommodate your wellness.

    You got this! 💕


    Daily Abundance Planner

    Balanced Bowl Formula

    🏕 Summer Camp for Solopreneurs is OPEN for enrollment! Create your list-building, profit-generating funnel in 6 weeks in a fun, supportive group coaching container.
    Learn more and register here.

    Advertising Partners

    Sakara Life Signature Nutrition, 20% OFF first order w/code DEBSAKARA

    ConvertKit ESP - 14 Day Free Trial

    Join Deborah and group of heart-centered solopreneurs to create your list-building, profit-generating online business funnel, one step at a time!

    We'll meet weekly in our private online group coaching container and have some fun while building a direct connection our dream clients!

    No more tech clutter and confusion. Have your hand held by an experienced camp counselor!

    Girl Makes Fire is a Luminous Creative Production.

    Learn more about our signature coaching programs and get FREE resources at DeborahCSmith.com

    Thank you to our advertising partners:

    Sakara: Plant-Based Nutrition Programs
    Use the code DEBSAKARA at checkout for 20% OFF your first order with Sakara Life.

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    29 mins
  • DIY vs. DFY - Which is the better path for you?
    May 24 2024

    Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, understanding your options for how to get things done inside your business can make a world of difference in your journey.

    Today, we're discussing a hot topic for us solopreneurs…. which is better... DIY (Do It Yourself) or DFY (Done For You) strategies in business creation.

    DIY is all about rolling up your sleeves and doing the work yourself, from website design to marketing.

    DFY involves outsourcing tasks to professional service providers who handle everything for you, from design to execution.

    In this episode, I'll break down the pros and cons of each method and offer some tips on how to find the right combination for your business.

    You'll learn:

    • why each of these approaches has strengths and weaknesses
    • how to choose when you should DIY and when to hire out a task
    • a quick exercise to clarify your own skill levels, strengths and weaknesses so you can easily navigate when it's time to ask for help

    Whether you prefer to roll up your sleeves or you’re used to delegating tasks, keep in mind that success ultimately comes from making informed choices. This episode was designed to help you think through the cost in terms of not just money, but also time and quality.


    Summer Camp For Solopreneurs is OPEN for enrollment!
    Click here to learn more and register.


    Clifton StrengthsFinder test Clifton StrengthsFinder
    Meyers-Briggs Personality Test Meyers Briggs Personality test
    Enneagram Test Enneagram test


    Nutrition: Sakara Life Plant-Based Nutrition - 20% OFF first order w/code DEBSAKARA

    Email Service Provider: Convertkit 14-Day FREE Trial

    All-in-one Business Platform: Kajabi 30-Day FREE Trial

    Girl Makes Fire is created by Deborah C. Smith and designed to inspire young creatives to find their own unique path to financial, spiritual and mental wellness and abundance.

    💕 Visit Deborah online. http://www.deborahcsmith.com
    💕 Follow Girl Makes Fire on Insta. www.instagram.com/girlmakesfires

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    43 mins
  • How to Create Your Email Marketing Funnel
    May 16 2024

    *Summer Camp for Solopreneurs starts July 1st and registration is OPEN!
    Learn more and register here.

    Today we’re going to be looking at the anatomy of an email marketing funnel and why it’s one of the most powerful business assets for a solopreneur.

    If you haven’t started building your email list yet, then my hope is that by the end of today’s episode you have a better understanding of how and why to do that.

    I walk you step-by-step through the different stages of your customers journey, and why that matters when you're writing emails to them.

    At the end, I'll give you 7 steps to get started with your messaging that will help you strategize exactly how you can connect to your future clients with one of the easiest (and least expensive) methods: email.

    Having a healthy email list of people who are interested in what you do or sell can offer you so much freedom. You have the ability to take your business in any direction you want to. You can create spontaneous offers, you can work less and earn more and you can connect directly with the people you want to serve which is a huge reward.

    In this episode, you'll learn:

    • The 5 main stages of an Email marketing funnel or Customer Journey
    • How mainstream brands craft their messages based on these stages
    • 3 Examples of companies getting it right
    • 7 Steps for you to strategizing your own email funnel

    I encourage you to listen to this episode, get out a pen and notebook and start brainstorming how you’re going to generate a healthy email list, so your business can thrive even when life is handing you serious challenges.

    Examples covered:

    ConvertKit has a fantastic Awareness or Welcome email.

    Calendly really nailed their Interest stage email.

    Kajabi has a well-thought-out Conversion stage email.

    What's your next step? Visit our resources to find out how you can start creating your very own online marketing operations!


    Free Webinar: Embrace the Tech: Email Marketing 101 - Register

    ConvertKit's 14-day Free Trial

    Luminous x Kajabi 30-Day Trial

    Sakara Life Signature Nutrition Programs (use code DEBSAKARA for 20% Off)

    Girl Makes Fire is created by Deborah C. Smith and designed to inspire young creatives to find their own unique path to financial, spiritual and mental wellness and abundance.

    💕 Visit Deborah online. http://www.deborahcsmith.com
    💕 Follow Girl Makes Fire on Insta. www.instagram.com/girlmakesfires

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    45 mins
  • 4 Quick Cash Injection Strategies for Solopreneurs
    May 3 2024

    You’re running a business, or planning to, OR

    You’re trying to figure out how you’re going to finance your new idea while building it out… OR

    You’ve been in business for a while but things are slow and you need ideas for how to bump up your monthly revenue...

    If any of the above resonated with you and you're in a situation where you need a quick increase in cash flow for your business, then I've got some ideas for you!

    In this episode I'm going to share four simple but effective strategies that can help you generate immediate revenue while delivering exceptional value to your clients.

    You'll discover powerful tactics like:

    • VIP Days or Focus Sessions
    • Full pay offer swaps
    • Intimate group trainings
    • Strategic announcements to generate immediate revenue

    You'll also learn how you can use a few of these strategies even if you don't already have a shiny offer on the table or if you're just getting started with online business.

    Don't get stuck in the weeds, waiting around for the perfect moment to take your ideas to market!

    When you have a way to get your clients a quick win, you have a way to get yourself some quick cash! And really, who doesn't love quick cash?

    At the start of this episode I mention a limited-time EarlyBird Bonus for the next cohort of my Holistic Business coaching program called Build Your Home Base.

    Our Summer group is open now for registration. You can learn more and apply here.

    If you're ready to learn the step-by-step process to create an online offer that brings in digital sales for your business, I've got the program for you.


    VIP Day - Full Day Session (7 Hours Support)

    Sakara Life BURN or BALANCE programs - Use code DEBSAKARA for 20% Off

    Free 20-minute Breakthrough Session

    Convertikit ESP

    Girl Makes Fire is created by Deborah C. Smith and designed to inspire young creatives to find their own unique path to financial, spiritual and mental wellness and abundance.

    💕 Visit Deborah online. http://www.deborahcsmith.com
    💕 Follow Girl Makes Fire on Insta. www.instagram.com/girlmakesfires

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    23 mins
  • Nutrition & Business: How to Balance Primary & Secondary Foods
    Apr 25 2024

    Have you ever been so intensely focused on a work project or trying to meet a deadline for your business that you completely forgot to eat?

    Maybe the first sign that you've been face deep in your screen for hours is a loud rumbling in your belly!

    Or, remember when you were a kid and you played outside for hours and hours on end and when your mom called you in for dinner you protested? Hunger and food were the very last thing on your mind, because capture the flag wasn't gonna finish playing itself!

    We go through so many processes in our lives not really thinking about food or nutrition, and then when we do eat, we often think of it within the frame of various different stories: food is entertainment, a reward, a link to a beloved family member.

    Rarely do we think of food as just plain old fuel for our system and I'd bet almost nobody thinks of it as a business tool.

    In holistic business, nutrition is indeed considered a business asset, just like Joy is a nutrient!

    This week, I took the time to break down the difference between primary and secondary foods and how they play a role in your every day success.

    In this episode, you'll learn about:

    • the concept of food as fuel
    • how nutrition is actually self care
    • the difference between primary and secondary foods and why they matter

    I also offered a classic holistic wellness exercise, The Wheel of Life exercise, that you can print out and use repeatedly to figure out which of your primary foods may need your attention at this time!

    Give it a listen and make sure to grab your copy of the Wheel of Life exercise so you can bring this practice into your business tool kit.


    The Wheel of Life- downloadable and fillable PDF

    Deborah's Holistic Nutrition Resources- free guides, tools and recipes related to balanced plant-based nutrition

    Sakara Life Plant-Based Nutrition Programs - home delivery of metabolism supportive plant-based meals. Use the code DEBSAKARA for 20% OFF your first order of any products.

    ConvertKit Email Marketing services

    Girl Makes Fire is created by Deborah C. Smith and designed to inspire young creatives to find their own unique path to financial, spiritual and mental wellness and abundance.

    💕 Visit Deborah online. http://www.deborahcsmith.com
    💕 Follow Girl Makes Fire on Insta. www.instagram.com/girlmakesfires

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    28 mins
  • 🔥 Strategy: Create Consistent Weekly Content
    Apr 18 2024

    You want to build a small but powerful community of humans who know and love the work you do in this world?

    You want a business that won't fall to pieces when the whole world stops?

    You want to create an audience of raving fans who would love to work with or buy something from you!

    Then getting into action and creating weekly relevant content is a strategy that can truly support your business goals!

    In this episode, you will learn:

    • the basic strategy of creating weekly content to attract your clients
    • why list building and community building are fail-proof methods for consistent business growth (either online or IRL)
    • the high level overview of how the strategy works
    • how to brainstorm 2 months worth of relevant content to share with people

    See below for your free copy of my Content Creation Template!

    At the end, I even touch base on how you can use this strategy with out having to be active every single minute on social media.

    This is the perfect episode to listen to right before a day of batching content or when you're brainstorming ways to connect with new people.

    As I mentioned, I'd love to hear what you're working on and what you're thinking of for a great topic and platform to share! Email me at hello@deborahcsmith.com!


    Free tool: Two-month Content Creation Template

    Free 15-minute Consultation (Creative Jam Session?)

    ConvertKit Free 14-Day Trial

    20% OFF Sakara Life Signature Nutrition Programs - Use code DEBSAKARA at checkout!

    Girl Makes Fire is created by Deborah C. Smith and designed to inspire young creatives to find their own unique path to financial, spiritual and mental wellness and abundance.

    💕 Visit Deborah online. http://www.deborahcsmith.com
    💕 Follow Girl Makes Fire on Insta. www.instagram.com/girlmakesfires

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    34 mins
  • 4 Lessons The Solar Eclipse Can Teach Us About Business
    Apr 10 2024

    On today's episode of Girl Makes Fire, we take a take a trip to the center of the Sun as the moon uses it's small but mighty and perfectly aligned energy to make a big impact on us mere mortals.

    There is so much we can learn from nature, in general, but when we have these brief but highly visible experiences, such as a total solar eclipse, it seems even more important to pause, and take in whatever we can learn from the experience.

    In this episode I'm sharing my 4 big takeaways from the path of totality including:

    1. The power of a shining life moment (hint: your story!)
    2. Clarifying how far you're willing to go to get what you want.
    3. Becoming a market-maker by staying present with your audience.
    4. How small things can still make a BIG impact.... that means you!

    I loved taking a break from the business of my work day to step into the magical portal of the eclipse and take it all in from beginning to end.

    Did you do something special to witness or celebrate this moment?

    I'd love to hear your story and where you were, or anything you learned.


    Let's build your dream business!
    Free 15 Business Audit or Consultation with Deborah

    Sakara Life's Signature nutrition program allows you to focus on doing what you love without compromising your wellness: GET 20% OFF with code DEBSAKARA

    Experience the Creator Network - 14-Day Free Trial of Convertkit

    Girl Makes Fire is created by Deborah C. Smith and designed to inspire young creatives to find their own unique path to financial, spiritual and mental wellness and abundance.

    💕 Visit Deborah online. http://www.deborahcsmith.com
    💕 Follow Girl Makes Fire on Insta. www.instagram.com/girlmakesfires

    Show More Show Less
    28 mins