• Practice Makes Permanent, Not Perfect
    Jun 4 2024

    I was recently in a math workshop for school and the instructor of the course said an amazing quote…now this was in regards to math learning, but my brain quickly heard it as something that could be useful to an episode at some point and I quickly grabbed a post it note and jotted down “Practice Makes Permanent, Not Perfect”. You see what really got my attention is that this wasn’t the classic practice makes perfect line…that’s the O.G, but is it accurate?

    The scripture verse(s) we talk about today include: Matthew 7: 24-27

    Please considering following along on my socials for further inspiration:



    @faithyourday #faithyourday

    As well if you'd like to connect with me just to say hi, or for a prayer request, reach out by email anytime! prettyiskind@gmail.com

    If you are a Spotify music listener you can download my feel good & uplifting playlist by searching "Faith Your Day" and selecting "playlist"

    If you find this episode resonated with you please go ahead and share it out with others! Many apps allow you to share directly from the podcast app you are listening on or simply tell a friend about it! Let's help women around the world Faith their Day! As well I would be more than grateful if you would leave me a review and/or rating on whatever platform you listen, it helps out so much by allowing others to find this show more easily.

    I upload a new episode each Tuesday morning at 5:00EST. Can't wait to see you right here again next Tuesday!


    Sarah Elizabeth

    Our Faith Your Day Declaration!

    Jesus, thank you so much for loving me in the way that you do! You designed me on purpose for a purpose. I want to live to my full potential today, with a mindset that honors you and a soul that seeks to know you better. Jesus I know that you are the way, the truth and the life, and I ask you to guide me and reveal to me what it is that you want to show me here, have me experience here, and learn from this season. Help mold me and shape me into the best version of me. I will live today as your vessel ready to receive your word, respond to your promptings, and pour out your overflowing love to those all around me. Please allow your thoughts to become my thoughts, your ways to become my ways and your will to become what I truly desire. Jesus if you are in it I want it and if you are not I don’t! I make myself available to you and I choose to faith this day of life! I am so grateful to be your girl! In Jesus name Amen!

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    14 mins
  • Sow This, So That...
    May 28 2024

    If there is anything that lends itself perfectly to the concept of faith it has got to be a seed! A plant in the form of a seed doesn’t have anything too remarkable about whatever it is that is going to sprout from it right…most seeds are pretty basic, usually neutral colour of some sort…small, unexciting, but yet completely mind-blowing at the same time. That nothing special and nothing exciting under the right conditions can become so much more!

    The scripture verse(s) we talk about today include: Ecclesiastes 11:6 (NIV & The Message translation)

    As well if you'd like to connect with me just to say hi, or for a prayer request, reach out by email anytime! prettyiskind@gmail.com

    If you are a Spotify music listener you can download my feel good & uplifting playlist by searching "Faith Your Day" and selecting "playlist"

    If you find this episode resonated with you please go ahead and share it out with others! Many apps allow you to share directly from the podcast app you are listening on or simply tell a friend about it! Let's help women around the world Faith their Day! As well I would be more than grateful if you would leave me a review and/or rating on whatever platform you listen, it helps out so much by allowing others to find this show more easily.

    I upload a new episode each Tuesday morning at 5:00EST. Can't wait to see you right here again next Tuesday!


    Sarah Elizabeth

    Our Faith Your Day Declaration!

    Jesus, thank you so much for loving me in the way that you do! You designed me on purpose for a purpose. I want to live to my full potential today, with a mindset that honors you and a soul that seeks to know you better. Jesus I know that you are the way, the truth and the life, and I ask you to guide me and reveal to me what it is that you want to show me here, have me experience here, and learn from this season. Help mold me and shape me into the best version of me. I will live today as your vessel ready to receive your word, respond to your promptings, and pour out your overflowing love to those all around me. Please allow your thoughts to become my thoughts, your ways to become my ways and your will to become what I truly desire. Jesus if you are in it I want it and if you are not I don’t! I make myself available to you and I choose to faith this day of life! I am so grateful to be your girl! In Jesus name Amen!

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    14 mins
  • Trim What No Longer Serves
    May 21 2024

    Have you ever wondered what it is that is truly holding you back from all that God has for you? Are you confident that there is more for you, but that it’s just impossible to reach as things now stand. Well my sister I have a powerful scripture for you today, that just might having you thinking that in order to grow into that potential you know you have…you first have to trim off what no longer serves you.

    The scripture verse(s) we talk about today include: John 15: 1-2 & Galatians 5: 22-23

    Please considering following along on my socials for further inspiration:



    @faithyourday #faithyourday

    As well if you'd like to connect with me just to say hi, or for a prayer request, reach out by email anytime! prettyiskind@gmail.com

    If you are a Spotify music listener you can download my feel good & uplifting playlist by searching "Faith Your Day" and selecting "playlist"

    If you find this episode resonated with you please go ahead and share it out with others! Many apps allow you to share directly from the podcast app you are listening on or simply tell a friend about it! Let's help women around the world Faith their Day! As well I would be more than grateful if you would leave me a review and/or rating on whatever platform you listen, it helps out so much by allowing others to find this show more easily.

    I upload a new episode each Tuesday morning at 5:00EST. Can't wait to see you right here again next Tuesday!


    Sarah Elizabeth

    Our Faith Your Day Declaration!

    Jesus, thank you so much for loving me in the way that you do! You designed me on purpose for a purpose. I want to live to my full potential today, with a mindset that honors you and a soul that seeks to know you better. Jesus I know that you are the way, the truth and the life, and I ask you to guide me and reveal to me what it is that you want to show me here, have me experience here, and learn from this season. Help mold me and shape me into the best version of me. I will live today as your vessel ready to receive your word, respond to your promptings, and pour out your overflowing love to those all around me. Please allow your thoughts to become my thoughts, your ways to become my ways and your will to become what I truly desire. Jesus if you are in it I want it and if you are not I don’t! I make myself available to you and I choose to faith this day of life! I am so grateful to be your girl! In Jesus name Amen!

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    13 mins
  • Obedience Before Understanding
    May 14 2024

    My sister God knows your heart…he knows your purpose and your potential…he knows, because he placed it there…but he also knows your hesitations, your fears and your insecurities. He knows that if he reveals all of what is to come before you are ready for it then you will run from it rather than step into it. He keeps your future shrouded in mystery to keep you moving towards it!

    The scripture verse(s) we talk about today include: Genesis 6:11-22 & Proverbs 3: 5-6

    Please considering following along on my socials for further inspiration:



    @faithyourday #faithyourday

    As well if you'd like to connect with me just to say hi, or for a prayer request, reach out by email anytime! prettyiskind@gmail.com

    If you are a Spotify music listener you can download my feel good & uplifting playlist by searching "Faith Your Day" and selecting "playlist"

    If you find this episode resonated with you please go ahead and share it out with others! Many apps allow you to share directly from the podcast app you are listening on or simply tell a friend about it! Let's help women around the world Faith their Day! As well I would be more than grateful if you would leave me a review and/or rating on whatever platform you listen, it helps out so much by allowing others to find this show more easily.

    I upload a new episode each Tuesday morning at 5:00EST. Can't wait to see you right here again next Tuesday!


    Sarah Elizabeth

    Our Faith Your Day Declaration!

    Jesus, thank you so much for loving me in the way that you do! You designed me on purpose for a purpose. I want to live to my full potential today, with a mindset that honors you and a soul that seeks to know you better. Jesus I know that you are the way, the truth and the life, and I ask you to guide me and reveal to me what it is that you want to show me here, have me experience here, and learn from this season. Help mold me and shape me into the best version of me. I will live today as your vessel ready to receive your word, respond to your promptings, and pour out your overflowing love to those all around me. Please allow your thoughts to become my thoughts, your ways to become my ways and your will to become what I truly desire. Jesus if you are in it I want it and if you are not I don’t! I make myself available to you and I choose to faith this day of life! I am so grateful to be your girl! In Jesus name Amen!

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    17 mins
  • Right Here Right Now
    May 7 2024

    Well my sister I'm doing something totally different today by going unscripted for this episode. I took another leap of faith, and went for it! Can't wait for me to join me for it!

    The scripture verse(s) we talk about today include: Proverbs 19:15 & Matthew 6: 26, 33-34.

    Please considering following along on my socials for further inspiration:



    @faithyourday #faithyourday

    As well if you'd like to connect with me just to say hi, or for a prayer request, reach out by email anytime! prettyiskind@gmail.com

    If you are a Spotify music listener you can download my feel good & uplifting playlist by searching "Faith Your Day" and selecting "playlist"

    If you find this episode resonated with you please go ahead and share it out with others! Many apps allow you to share directly from the podcast app you are listening on or simply tell a friend about it! Let's help women around the world Faith their Day! As well I would be more than grateful if you would leave me a review and/or rating on whatever platform you listen, it helps out so much by allowing others to find this show more easily.

    I upload a new episode each Tuesday morning at 5:00EST. Can't wait to see you right here again next Tuesday!


    Sarah Elizabeth

    Our Faith Your Day Declaration!

    Jesus, thank you so much for loving me in the way that you do! You designed me on purpose for a purpose. I want to live to my full potential today, with a mindset that honors you and a soul that seeks to know you better. Jesus I know that you are the way, the truth and the life, and I ask you to guide me and reveal to me what it is that you want to show me here, have me experience here, and learn from this season. Help mold me and shape me into the best version of me. I will live today as your vessel ready to receive your word, respond to your promptings, and pour out your overflowing love to those all around me. Please allow your thoughts to become my thoughts, your ways to become my ways and your will to become what I truly desire. Jesus if you are in it I want it and if you are not I don’t! I make myself available to you and I choose to faith this day of life! I am so grateful to be your girl! In Jesus name Amen!

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    20 mins
  • It's Your Call
    Apr 30 2024

    What determined your mood today? Did a bad news report first thing this morning lead you here to funky town? Did that irritating Facebook post you saw when your feed popped up get you all fired up? Did that memory of yesterday's failure bring you crashing down today? Girl what if you were to simply decide that no matter what crap has been coming your way today is a great day to have a great day! It's your call!

    The scripture verse(s) we talk about today include: Psalm 118:24

    Please considering following along on my socials for further inspiration:



    @faithyourday #faithyourday

    As well if you'd like to connect with me just to say hi, or for a prayer request, reach out by email anytime! prettyiskind@gmail.com

    If you are a Spotify music listener you can download my feel good & uplifting playlist by searching "Faith Your Day" and selecting "playlist"

    If you find this episode resonated with you please go ahead and share it out with others! Many apps allow you to share directly from the podcast app you are listening on or simply tell a friend about it! Let's help women around the world Faith their Day! As well I would be more than grateful if you would leave me a review and/or rating on whatever platform you listen, it helps out so much by allowing others to find this show more easily.

    I upload a new episode each Tuesday morning at 5:00EST. Can't wait to see you right here again next Tuesday!


    Sarah Elizabeth

    Our Faith Your Day Declaration!

    Jesus, thank you so much for loving me in the way that you do! You designed me on purpose for a purpose. I want to live to my full potential today, with a mindset that honors you and a soul that seeks to know you better. Jesus I know that you are the way, the truth and the life, and I ask you to guide me and reveal to me what it is that you want to show me here, have me experience here, and learn from this season. Help mold me and shape me into the best version of me. I will live today as your vessel ready to receive your word, respond to your promptings, and pour out your overflowing love to those all around me. Please allow your thoughts to become my thoughts, your ways to become my ways and your will to become what I truly desire. Jesus if you are in it I want it and if you are not I don’t! I make myself available to you and I choose to faith this day of life! I am so grateful to be your girl! In Jesus name Amen!

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    17 mins
  • Paid In Full
    Apr 23 2024

    How is it that you can believe that Jesus loves other people more than he loves you? How is it that you can think that he died for the sins of others, but that yours are just too numerous to be fully cleared? How could he possibly have forgiven all that you have messed up before? How? You don’t deserve it…you haven’t earned it…and you haven’t become perfect anytime yet…so how?

    Check out THE RAMSEY SHOW on YouTube
    HERE! (you can also search "The Ramsey Show" on any podcast app to listen to it on the go!

    The scripture verse(s) we talk about today include: Proverbs 22:7 & Matthew chapter 18 "The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant"

    Please considering following along on my socials for further inspiration:



    @faithyourday #faithyourday

    As well if you'd like to connect with me just to say hi, or for a prayer request, reach out by email anytime! prettyiskind@gmail.com

    If you are a Spotify music listener you can download my feel good & uplifting playlist by searching "Faith Your Day" and selecting "playlist"

    If you find this episode resonated with you please go ahead and share it out with others! Many apps allow you to share directly from the podcast app you are listening on or simply tell a friend about it! Let's help women around the world Faith their Day! As well I would be more than grateful if you would leave me a review and/or rating on whatever platform you listen, it helps out so much by allowing others to find this show more easily.

    I upload a new episode each Tuesday morning at 5:00EST. Can't wait to see you right here again next Tuesday!


    Sarah Elizabeth

    Our Faith Your Day Declaration!

    Jesus, thank you so much for loving me in the way that you do! You designed me on purpose for a purpose. I want to live to my full potential today, with a mindset that honors you and a soul that seeks to know you better. Jesus I know that you are the way, the truth and the life, and I ask you to guide me and reveal to me what it is that you want to show me here, have me experience here, and learn from this season. Help mold me and shape me into the best version of me. I will live today as your vessel ready to receive your word, respond to your promptings, and pour out your overflowing love to those all around me. Please allow your thoughts to become my thoughts, your ways to become my ways and your will to become what I truly desire. Jesus if you are in it I want it and if you are not I don’t! I make myself available to you and I choose to faith this day of life! I am so grateful to be your girl! In Jesus name Amen!

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    15 mins
  • Total Eclipse Of The Heart
    Apr 16 2024

    Last week we experienced a rare phenomenon when a total solar eclipse occurred on April 8th…I’ve decided to run with that theme today and also get a classic 1980’s song stuck in your for the day…with a devotional titled: Total Eclipse Of The Heart! Remember that song???…some good ol' 1983 Bonnie Tyler…

    The scripture verse(s) we talk about today include: Ezekiel 36:26

    Please considering following along on my socials for further inspiration:



    @faithyourday #faithyourday

    As well if you'd like to connect with me just to say hi, or for a prayer request, reach out by email anytime! prettyiskind@gmail.com

    If you are a Spotify music listener you can download my feel good & uplifting playlist by searching "Faith Your Day" and selecting "playlist"

    If you find this episode resonated with you please go ahead and share it out with others! Many apps allow you to share directly from the podcast app you are listening on or simply tell a friend about it! Let's help women around the world Faith their Day! As well I would be more than grateful if you would leave me a review and/or rating on whatever platform you listen, it helps out so much by allowing others to find this show more easily.

    I upload a new episode each Tuesday morning at 5:00EST. Can't wait to see you right here again next Tuesday!


    Sarah Elizabeth

    Our Faith Your Day Declaration!

    Jesus, thank you so much for loving me in the way that you do! You designed me on purpose for a purpose. I want to live to my full potential today, with a mindset that honors you and a soul that seeks to know you better. Jesus I know that you are the way, the truth and the life, and I ask you to guide me and reveal to me what it is that you want to show me here, have me experience here, and learn from this season. Help mold me and shape me into the best version of me. I will live today as your vessel ready to receive your word, respond to your promptings, and pour out your overflowing love to those all around me. Please allow your thoughts to become my thoughts, your ways to become my ways and your will to become what I truly desire. Jesus if you are in it I want it and if you are not I don’t! I make myself available to you and I choose to faith this day of life! I am so grateful to be your girl! In Jesus name Amen!

    Show More Show Less
    17 mins