
  • Houses Have Never Been Cheaper
    Feb 9 2021

    Welcome to the first episode of the No BS With Birchy podcast, Nathan Birch discuss why house prices in some regions across Australia have never been cheaper. 

    Connect with my team on Instagram @binvested, we'd love to hear your thoughts, questions and have a chat!

    Don't forget to head over to our website at www.binvested.com.au to learn more about us and to book in a free discovery session to map out a plan to reach your goals.

    Our podcast page: https://nobswithbirchy.libsyn.com/ 

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    33 mins
  • My Ten Biggest Wins In Property
    Feb 16 2021

    In today's episode, Nathan reveals his ten biggest wins in property.

    From buying 7 motels to a Video Ezy store and 6 regional homes. Nathan had laid out his property portfolio like a monopoly board. He was determined to expand his property empire so he can use it as a wealth vehicle to escape the matrix. Now, over 230+ properties under his belt, he has dedicated his time to help others reach their goals.

    Connect with my team on Instagram @binvested, we'd love to hear your thoughts, questions and have a chat!

    Don't forget to head over to our website at www.binvested.com.au to learn more about us and to book in a free discovery session to map out a plan to reach your goals.

    We're now on Apple, Spotify & Google podcast so check us out there!

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    33 mins
  • The Evolution Of Nathan Birch
    Feb 23 2021

    3:37 PM

    What should people do to have more mobility to live life on their terms? 


    A perspective from his own personal experience as an active property investor himself, details how he did it. Also, how you can get started too.


    Nathan Birch steps up to own the monopoly board instead of being a player of the game. Why would YOU own the board if you had money? He'll explain why during the show.


    Enjoy this week's episode!


    Connect with my team on Instagram @binvested, we'd love to hear your thoughts, questions and have a chat!

    Don't forget to head over to our website at www.binvested.com.au to learn more about us and to book in a free discovery session to map out a plan to reach your goals.

    To watch more of Nathan on YouTube: https://bit.ly/3keU2tU

    To submit your questions/feedback, email us at marketing@binvested.com.au

    We're now on Apple, Spotify & Google podcast so check us out there!

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    26 mins
  • Q&A Session From The Community
    Mar 2 2021

    How does fomo affect your investing decisions? Is the value of money depleting? What will happen in the future if the cost of goods 10x? What are some hotspot locations to invest in right now? Is commercial properties worth investing in? Nathan Birch, the man with decades of experience in the real estate industry and an active investor shares his thoughts on the psychology of investors, velocity of money and whether COVID19 affected his net worth. 

    Enjoy this week's episode!

    Don't forget to register for tomorrow's webinar here! Can't make it? You still get a recording of it as long as you register. Sign up now.

    Connect with my team on Instagram @binvested, keep a look out for our 12 days of free gifts starting 8/03.

    Don't forget to head over to my website at www.binvested.com.au to learn more about us and to book in a free discovery session to map out a plan to reach your goals.

    To watch more of Nathan on YouTube, subscribe here.

    We're now on Apple, Spotify & Google podcast so give us a rating and review.

    Show More Show Less
    35 mins
  • The Fabric Of Society - How Decentralisation Will Change Everything
    Mar 9 2021

    A war on people's psychology has existed for centuries. We're told to do over 12 years of indoctrination and live our lives out by being a slave to the system. No one teaches you how to get ahead in life but they will tell you everything about how to fit into society.


    Is our current financial system dying? Could a new era of decentralisation arise? Will Bitcoin be the currency of the future? Nathan dives deep into the rabbit hole of the history of money and how it's controlled.


    How do you find personal liberty for yourself through all the noise of modern society?


    Question everything and seek the truth.


    Enjoy this week's episode!


    Connect with my team on Instagram @binvested, keep a look out for our 12 days of gifts starting 8/03 until 23/03 (excluding weekends).

    Don't forget to head over to my website at www.binvested.com.au to learn more about us and to book in a free discovery session to map out a plan to reach your goals.

    To watch more of Nathan on YouTube, subscribe here.

    We're now on Apple, Spotify & Google podcast so give us a rating and review.

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    35 mins
  • How To Retire Before Your 30's
    Mar 23 2021

    How do you build wealth as a young adult? What are you doing currently to get you to where you want to be? Are you wasting your time on cheap, quick thrills? Are you setting up a game plan on what you need to do right now to have a bright future? Whatever you decide to spend your time on, it's what you do today that will determine where you'll be heading tomorrow.


    The power of compound interest is known as the most powerful financial force. The earlier you invest, the key ingredient of time will reward your efforts and patience in an impatient world. The sooner you understand it, the sooner you can put it to work for you.


    What happens if you're in your 40s? 50s? 60s? People like to think it's too late to start and that they've missed out on their opportunity but there is no timeline to reinvent yourself and follow your dreams. 

    Nathan took the road less travelled, he didn't go to university like the rest of the crowd, instead he worked at two part time jobs and as soon as he could buy properties, he did it. Still to this day with over 220+ properties, he has been able to replicate his strategy in today's market for himself and his clients. To him, property is seen as a wealth vehicle to fund his dreams and live life on his own terms.


    Enjoy this week's episode!


    Connect with my team on Instagram, Facebook & Linkedin @binvested.

    If you want to have access to uncensored news and information that Nathan shares with his close knit group of people, check out BirchFEED here.

    To watch more content from Nathan, subscribe to this YouTube channel here.

    We're now on Apple, Spotify & Google podcast so give this show a rating and review!


    Until next time, see you all soon!


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    17 mins
  • Why Being A Property Investor Is The Best Decision To Make
    Mar 30 2021

    Should you invest in cryptocurrency? What about precious metals like gold and silver? Stocks? Real estate?


    Back then, Nathan used to be a day trader of stocks or 'stonks' as the amateur traders now call them. As someone who has experience in many of these asset classes, he decided to dedicate majority of his time onto bigger and better returns than settling for less.


    So, why does Nathan say being a property investor is the best decision he's ever made? Watch this week's episode to find out!


    Connect with my team on Instagram, Facebook & Linkedin @binvested.

    If you want to have access to uncensored news and information that Nathan shares with his close knit group of people, check out BirchFEED here.

    To watch more content from Nathan, subscribe to this YouTube channel here.

    We're now on Apple, Spotify & Google podcast so give this show a rating and review!

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    24 mins
  • The Mindset Of A Winner
    Apr 6 2021

    Why do we as human beings chase cheap thrills? How is instant gratification ruining our lives? What's the difference between a winner and a loser?


    We all have hurdles we face on a daily basis but it's how you respond to the situation is what matters most. If you react, the situation is controlling you. If you respond, you are controlling the situation.


    No one wakes up in the morning and is an instant pro, they have to dedicate their lives to training day in and day out even when they don't want to. So, what are you doing today that's taking you to the next level?


    Connect with my team on Instagram, Facebook & Linkedin @binvested.


    Want to equip your kids with the knowledge of basic finances that they will apply throughout their life? Get your copy of The A-Z Of Money For Your Tiny Entrepreneur book here.

    To watch more content from Nathan, subscribe to this YouTube channel here.

    We're now on Apple, Spotify & Google podcast so give this show a rating and review!

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    35 mins