• LAST CHANCE: Get support and accountability ALL Summer to help you stop over drinking! Make it the best summer yet!
    Jun 1 2024

    Sign ups end Sunday night! Get help with quitting drinking in this private small group setting all summer long. Looking forward to meeting you and supporting you!!

    You have until June 2nd to sign up at setfreesisterhood.com/summersupportsisterhood I can't wait to walk alongside you all! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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    6 mins
  • 281 \ Preparing for Summer and choosing yourself over other's expectations of you. Hint: Know your Desires, and values, and make new decisions.
    May 30 2024

    I hope you're all doing well and enjoying the start of summer! I wanted to reach out with an update on the Summer Support Sisterhood program. As a reminder, our first group coaching session will take place this coming Monday, June 3rd at 8pm Eastern. If you haven't signed up yet, please visit setfreesisterhood.com/summersupportsisterhood to enroll. Spots are filling up quickly, so don't wait! Once you're enrolled, you'll receive the Stop Overdrinking Roadmap course right away to get started on your journey. I'm so excited to support you all through this season. Our time together each week will include goal setting, celebrating successes, problem-solving challenges, and building each other up in community. Remember - you have the power to choose a summer of growth and wellness. See you on Monday! And as always, feel free to reach out if you have any other questions. Wishing you peace and joy this weekend.

    You have until June 2nd to sign up at setfreesisterhood.com/summersupportsisterhood I can't wait to walk alongside you all! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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    26 mins
  • 282 \\ Vacations without alcohol? How boring! Hacks to help you fight boredom and have the best vacation.
    May 28 2024

    Hey ladies,

    In the episode, I talked about my own journey navigating vacations and summers without alcohol after choosing to stop drinking.

    I know so many women struggle with boredom, triggers, and lack of alternatives when the warm weather hits.

    That's why I'm launching the "Summer Support Sisterhood" - a 9-week program starting June 3rd to help guide you through vacation or regular weeks at home without drinking. We'll meet weekly on Zoom to check-in, share victories, get prayer and support. You'll also get full access to my Stop Overdrinking Roadmap with exercises to create new routines and understand your emotions. And I'll be there to help you customize a game plan for any social pressures or situations that come up.

    I truly believe that with community, accountability and visualization of your goals, you have the power to enjoy this summer fully present and at peace. If you've been thinking about cutting back on alcohol, I hope you'll join me.

    You have until June 2nd to sign up at setfreesisterhood.com/summersupportsisterhood I can't wait to walk alongside you all! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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    25 mins
  • 280 \\ Guest Interview on Freedom Within Podcast: Over drinking? Unpacking the relationship with alcohol and how it affects weight loss and more.
    May 16 2024

    Food and alcohol can sometimes be used as coping mechanisms. But what happens when you take them away?

    Join me for a special episode of Set Free Sisterhood where I am interviewed by Weight Loss Coach, Jennifer Wojciechowicz, for her podcast. We chat about being honest with yourself, acknowledging what you truly want, and learning how to ask for help. Let's explore healthier ways to cope and find fulfillment in life.

    Ready to finally Stop Over Drinking and join the course?

    Click here:


    Email me at michelle@setfreesisterhood.com and say I’m Ready!

    I would love to meet you! Join the sisterhood!


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    49 mins
  • Bonus: Is AA or Celebrate Recovery best for you? How the Stop Over Drinking Roadmap is different and why this matters.
    May 15 2024

    Hello my beautiful friends,

    This podcast shares some exciting news with you about the upcoming Summer Support Sisterhood program. As we discussed in our last podcast, this virtual support group is designed to help women overcome over drinking and make lasting changes in their relationship with alcohol. The signups for the program will be open from May 26th through June 2nd. Spots are limited, so be sure to mark your calendars!

    The weekly Zoom meetings start June 3rd.

    Email me at michelle@setfreesisterhood.com to get on the waitlist.

    I'm so looking forward to walking alongside you all through the summer months. This group will provide accountability, community, and tools to help you stay strong even when temptation strikes. You have the power to change, and I can't wait to celebrate your successes with you each week. If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to email me. I hope to "see" you all soon as we begin this journey together.

    Blessings, Michelle Porterfield

    I would love to meet you! Join the sisterhood!


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    22 mins
  • 279 // Healing and growth journey through divorce and how it has impacted our relationship with God. With guests Katie Mae and Ryanne Salcido.
    May 9 2024

    Hey Sisters,

    In this episode, my amazing friends and I share how we have grown and walked through healing with God through divorce. I encourage you to listen and check in to where you are in your relationships and seek God for his guidance always. You are not alone in your struggle. Reach out for support. Love you, Sister!

    Katie Mae - Mindset Coach and Relationship Mentor


    Ryanne Salcido


    Ready to finally Stop Over Drinking and join the course?

    Click here:


    Email me at michelle@setfreesisterhood.com and say I’m Ready!

    I would love to meet you! Join the sisterhood!


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    1 hr and 15 mins
  • Announcement: Summer Support Sisterhood - Get help this summer to stop over drinking for good!
    May 6 2024

    I'm excited to tell you more about the Summer Support Sisterhood program I've created to help you stop drinking this summer and make it your best one yet.

    This 9-week program starting in early June will give you a community to rely on for encouragement, accountability, and answering your specific questions. Each Monday night at 8pm we'll meet on Zoom to check in, share our experiences over the past week, and set new intentions for the coming days.

    Whether you just want to listen in the background or actively participate, showing up each week will help hold you accountable to your goals. And don't worry if you slip up - that's what we're here for, to learn from mistakes and keep moving forward together.

    I know firsthand how hard it can be to stay sober through summer temptations alone. But with each other's love and support, I truly believe we can make a difference for one another.

    If you're ready to commit to this journey, please email me at Michelle@setfreesisterhood.com to be added to the enrollment list.

    Spots are limited and will be filled on a first come, first served basis starting the week of Memorial Sunday. I can't wait to get to know you and help you through this.

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    4 mins
  • 278 \\ Is your drinking just a habit? Try this simple shift to make progress on your quit drinking goals!
    May 2 2024

    Hey Sisters,

    I hope you find this discussion about habits helpful. Recognizing the habits in our daily lives is an important first step to making positive changes. I encourage you to take some time to complete the action items I discussed: writing down your current habits, things you want to change, and new habits you'd like to try. Please don't be too hard on yourself if change doesn't happen overnight. Forming new habits takes time and patience.

    You are invited to join the full 6-week program for community support. I also offer one-on-one coaching for anyone struggling with alcohol who wants extra accountability.

    Ready to finally Stop Over Drinking and join the course?

    Click here:


    Email me at michelle@setfreesisterhood.com and say I’m Ready!

    I would love to meet you! Join the sisterhood!


    You don't have to go through this process alone. I'm here to support you, whether through our Facebook group or individual email correspondence. Connecting with others for encouragement and accountability can make a big difference. Why not also ask a friend or family member to join you in making one small change this week?

    You have the power to shift habits that no longer serve you well. I have faith that with awareness and intention, progress is possible. Please let me know if you have any other questions - I'm here to help in any way I can.

    Wishing you the very best, Michelle

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    14 mins